Avoiding db hits in ActiveRecord - ruby-on-rails-3

When I assign a database find to an instance variable in Rails, why do future requests to that variable also hit the database? Can this be avoided?
For example, I have 3 models: User, Resource, Opinion, with has_many :through on Opinion
#opinions = current_user.opinions # pulls in all of the user's opinions, which include respective resource ids
1. Calling for resource_id directly does not hit the database:
#opinions.each do |opinion|
opinion.resource_id # does not hit the database (as expected)
2. Performing a query does hit the database (even though variable has been assigned):
#opinions.find_by_resource_id(1) # DOES hit the database
Why does #2 hit the database? Is there a way to perform the same find without hitting the database?
The information is already contained in the #opinions variable, so a db call does not seem necessary.

If you don't need anything else in the #opinions array, I would scope your original query to only include opinions with that resource_id
#opinions = current_user.opinions.where("resource_id = ?", resource_id)
If you already have #opinions and just want to create a new array of objects that match for a specific key/value:
#opinions_with_resource_id = #opinions.select { |opinion| opinion.resource_id == 1234 }
Check out this other answer for another explanation or if you want to split the answer into multiple arrays.
Comment on your last piece of code
Methods like you called find_by_* are dynamic finders that use method_missing to hit the database and look inside of the column specified by the *.
Remaining comments from previous answer
If this object will ever need to access data on the Resource model, don't forget about the #includes() method, which will keep you from having to run additional queries down the road.
#opinions = current_user.opinions.includes(:resources)
See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#eager-loading-associations


Complex SQL Query in Rails 4

I have a complicated query I need for a scope in my Rails app and have tried a lot of things with no luck. I've resorted to raw SQL via find_by_sql but wondering if any gurus wanted to take a shot. I will simplify the verbiage a bit for clarity, but the problem should be stated accurately.
I have Users. Users own many Records. One of them is marked current (#is_current = true) and the rest are not. Each CoiRecord has many Relationships. Relationships have a value for when they were active (active_when) which takes four values, [1..4].
Values 1 and 2 are considered recent. Values 3 and 4 are not.
The problem was ultimately to have a scopes (has_recent_relationships and has_no_recent_relationships) on User that filters on whether or not they have recent Relationships on current Record. (Old Records are irrelevant for this.) I tried create a recent and not_recent scope on Relationship, and then building the scopes on Record, combining with checking for is_current == 1. Here is where I failed. I have to move on with the app but have no choice but to use raw SQL and continue the app, hoping to revisit this later. I put that on User, the only context I really need it, and set aside the code for the scopes on the other objects.
The SQL that works, that correctly finds the Users who have recent relationships is below. The other just uses "= 0" instead "> 0" in the HAVING clause.
SELECT * FROM users WHERE `users`.`id` IN (
FROM `coi_records`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `relationships` ON `relationships`.`record_id` = `records`.`id`
WHERE `records`.`is_current` = 1
SELECT count(*)
FROM relationships
WHERE ((record_id = records.id) AND ((active_when = 1) OR (active_when = 2)))
) > 0
My instincts tell me this is complicated enough that my modeling probably could be redesigned and simplified, but the individual objects are pretty simple, just getting at this specific data from two objects away has become complicated.
Anyway, I'd appreciate any thoughts. I'm not expecting a full solution because, ick. Just thought the masochists among you might find this amusing.
Have you tried using Arel directly and this website?
Just copy-and-pasting your query you get this:
CoiRecord.arel_table.join(Relationship.arel_table, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).on(
I managed to find a way to create what I needed which returns ActiveRelationship objects, which simplifies a lot of other code. Here's what I came up with. This might not scale well, but this app will probably not end up with so much data that it will be a problem.
I created two scope methods. The second depends on the first to simplify things:
def self.has_recent_relationships
joins(records_owned: :relationships)
.where("(active_when = 1) OR (active_when = 2)")
def self.has_no_recent_relationships
users_with_recent_relationships = User.has_recent_relationships.pluck(:id)
if users_with_recent_relationships.length == 0
User.where("id not in (?)", users_with_recent_relationships.to_a)
The first finds Users with recent relationships by just joining Record, merging with a scope that selects current records (should be only one), and looks for the correct active_when values. Easy enough.
The second method finds Users who DO have recent relationships (using the first method.) If there are none, then all Users are in the set of those with no recent relationships, and I return User.all (this will really never happen in the wild, but in theory it could.) Otherwise I return the inverse of those who do have recent relationships, using the SQL keywords NOT IN and an array. It's this part that could be non-performant if the array gets large, but I'm going with it for the moment.

How do I query by an attribute when that attribute is an array and I'm looking for a certain value within that array

I have a User model, and a user has many seniors. I want to return all user records who's senior_ids column contains id= x. The best I could come up with was User.where("? IN senior_ids", x), but that did not work. Any suggestions?
It seems that your design is slightly wrong here. You should use has_and_belongs_to_many association (or has_many :through) to connect users and seniors. You can read about those under a link in nzifnab's comment. Then you could simply write:
With current design you can go with:
User.all.select {|user| user.senior_ids.include? x}
however it is gona be really slow and horribly ugly. Keeping serialized array of ids is in general a very bad idea.

ndb ComputedProperty filtering

I have a User ndb.Model which has a username StringProperty that allows upper en lower case letters, at some point I wanted to fetch users by username but have the case forced to lowercase for the filtering. Therefor I added a ComputedProperty to User: username_lower which returns the lowercase version of the username as follows:
def username_lower(self):
return self.username.lower()
then I filter the query like so:
query = query.filter(User.username_lower==username_input.lower())
This works, however it only does for users created (put) after I added this to the model. Users created before don't get filtered by this query. I first thought the ComputedProperty wasn't working for the older users. However, tried this and calling .username_lower on an old user does work.
Finally, I found a solution to this is to fetch all users and just run a .put_multi(all_users)
So seems like a ComputedProperty added later to the model works when you invoke it straight but doesn't filter at first. Does it not get indexed automatically ? or could it be a caching thing.. ?
any insight to why it was behaving like this would be welcome
this is the expected behaviour. The value of a ComputedProperty (or any property for that matter I guess) is indexed when the object is "put". The datastore does not do automatic schema updates or anything like that. When you update your schema you need to either allow for different schema versions in your code or update your entities individually. In the case of changes to indexing you have no choice but to update your entities. The MapReduce API can be used for updating entities to avoid request limitations and the like.

Rails 3 get sql from scope

Is there a way to get the sql for JUST a scope? So I want to do something like:
class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :calls
has_many :recordings, :through => :calls
scope :with_recordings, joins(:calls).joins(:recordings)
And then be able to get the sql for that scope.
Presentations.with_recordings.sql returns the entire sql statement, including the SELECT statement. All I want is the sql added by the scope. Figure there ought to be a way to do this.
I agree with ctcherry about this not being very useful, but having said that, I needed to do this for a project I was working on. We needed to duplicate the sql in the scopes to allow us to reuse the sql across different types of searches. Rather that have to maintain the same sql in two different places, I choose to extract the sql from the scope.
The code below is what I came up with. It's ugly, but works under Rails 3.0
def extract_named_scope_clause(scope, args)
# where_clauses will return an array of clauses for an entire relationship.
# As this is only run a single scope, we only ever care about the first.....
clause, *bind_vars = self.send(scope, args).where_clauses.first
# prefix 'and ' to the string, add some spaces and append any bind variables
if clause
[" and #{clause} ", bind_vars]
This wouldn't really make sense, as there is no standard way to represent SQL "fragments".
The different kinds of SQL "fragments" that can be added and manipulated by a scope don't really have a clean way to be represented by themselves without being part of a complete SQL statement. A fragment could be "JOIN users ON users.id = orders.user_id" or it could be "WHERE active = 1". How would you return these without them being part of a complete SQL statement? This is most likely why there is no mechanism to retrieve them other than the one you have already discovered that just returns the complete SQL statement.

not on a query in RoR

In Ruby on rails 3 I want to query on a has_many field of a model as follows:
#project.items.where(:status => 1)
The problem is I'm trying to get the exact opposite result than this. What i want is all items of #project where the status is not 1. Been looking for the answer to this for a while, anyone?
There are many ways to accomplish what you are trying to do, however, some are better than others. If you will always be searching for a hardcoded number (i.e. 1 in this case), then the following solution will work:
#project.items.where('status != 1')
However, if this value is not hard-coded, you are openly vulnerable to SQL injection as Rails will not (cannot) escape this kind of query. As a result, it is preferred among Rails developers to user the following syntax for most custom conditions (those that can't be constructed via Hash):
#project.items.where(['status != ?', 1])
This syntax is slightly confusing, so let me go over it. Basically you are providing the where clause an Array of values. The first value in the array is a String representing the query you want executed. Anywhere you want a value in that string, you place a ?. This serves as a placeholder. Next, you add an element for every question mark in you query. For example, if I had the following:
where(['first_name = ? AND last_name = ?', params[:first_name], params[:last_name]]
Rails will automatically match these up forming the query for you. In that process, it also escapes potentially unsafe characters, preventing injection.
In general, it is preferred to use the Array syntax, even for a hardcoded value. I've been told that pure string conditions in Rails 3.5 will raise a warning (unverified), so it doesn't hurt to get in the process of using the Array syntax now.