How do i create a Job in SSRS? - sql

I have created a report and subscriptions but when I go to SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio and connect to Report Server I do not see anything under Jobs folder. When I right-click I do not see an option to create a Job. How do I make a job so that it shows under this folder?

There are a couple of things you can check
Is SQLAgent currently turned on?
Is SQL Agent set to auto-start?
Under what permissions (i.e. user account or proxy account) is SQLAgent set to run?
What type of subscription did you create? scheduled? data-driven? (the latter is an enterprise-edition only feature)
What delivery method for the subscriptions? to a folder? via email? If to a folder, does the SQLAgent account have the appropriate permissions to read/write on that shared folder? If via email, have you configured the SMTP settings in SSRS configuration tool?
I am assuming that SSRS is installed in native (not SharePoint integrated mode) - is this correct? There are different set of troubleshooting steps if the latter
For completeness, here's an MSDN reference (step-by-step) on how to create a subscription. Also I assume that your user account has the appropriate permissions to create other types (that is, non-SSRS subscription jobs) of new jobs on your SQL Server instance via SSMS.


SSIS flat file folder permission error when NOT running from SQL Server Agent

Setup: A pretty standard data export SSIS package (SQL Server 2016 compatible), created in VS2019/Data Tools and deployed using the SSIS Project Deployment model to the Integration Services Catalog of a SQL Server 2016 instance. The package creates files in a network folder before sending the file out via FTP and putting a copy of the file in a Sent folder.
The project requirements include having the package running on a schedule using "default" parameter values, as well as allowing users to manually run the package using "non-default" parameter values from within a stand-alone application.
Current behavior: the package behaves correctly when run from a SQL Server Agent Job that is configured with a SQL proxy and credentials mapped to a domain login with the proper permissions for the network folder.
Problem: the Data Flow task fails to create the file with a "Cannot open the datafile" error when running the package directly using any of the following methods (even when the "current" session is using the same credentials as the SQL Server Credentials/Proxy used by the SQL Server Agent Job):
Using SSMS to right-click on the package and selecting Execute
Using the DTEXEC SQL utility
Using the SSISDB.catalog.start_execution SQL Server stored procedure
As far as I'm aware, these are the only methods capable of starting a SSIS package and changing the package's parameter values. I either need to get one of the latter 2 methods to work, find another option that allows for changing the parameter values while launching the package, or use one of 2 techniques I'm aware of (detailed below) that would add yet another failure point to the process as well as other potential issues.
Note: If the process is changed to initially create the file on the SQL Server's local harddrive, then the Data Flow task succeeds, but the later copy to Sent folder task fails with a very similar permissions error.
Alternative #1: this technique requires creating a new table, loading the parameter values to the table, changing the package to check the table and potentially set it's parameters/variables based on what it finds. The package can then be launched using a SQL Server Agent Job (for which there are multiple methods to manually launch them) and if the calling object has correctly populated the table, the package will behave as if it's parameters were changed at runtime otherwise it will run with the default values.
Alternative #2: Change all folders used by the package to point to folders local to the SQL Server instance and then create a separate scheduled task/application/whatever, with the valid credentials, that would synchronize or move the files to their proper network folders.
even when the "current" session is using the same credentials as the SQL Server Credentials/Proxy used by the SQL Server Agent Job
This is probably because the account is not logged on locally at the SQL Server, and so it's a Double-Hop Impersonation scenario, and would require Kerberos Constrained Delegation to be configured.
And you are correct in assessing the options. The general solution is to invoke catalog.start_execution from a session running on the SQL Server, and an Agent Job is the simplest built-in way to do this (the others being xp_cmdshell, Service Broker Activation, or SQL CLR).

How do I add additional active directory logins to an Azure database?

I have been able to set up an active directory login for my Azure database.
Now I want to add additional active directory logins and set their permissions
I understand that I need to use Management Studio to do this and have installed SSMS v17.8.1
I have been studying docs but I can't find the instructions
After reading Conor's answer I was able to create the user
However if I try to login using MSSMS with Active Directory - Password authentication I get
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' (MIcrosoft SQL Server, Error 18456)
In the Connection Properties Tab
I had to overtype with the database name
That particular page only shows an example using a SQL login/user, so I can understand why you are confused.
Please read through this page:
Specifically, you want to create a user using the AS EXTERNAL PROVIDER example. This tells SQL Azure (and SQL DW) to use Azure Active Directory instead of creating a SQL user. Please note that this does not (as of today) work in SQL Server. (SQL Server supports integrated authentication against a local Active Directory, but it just does not currently support the Azure Active Directory service).
Also, there is no specific requirement that you use SSMS to do this step. You can do it within SSMS, SQL Operation Studio, through one of the SQL client drivers in a program you write (or some third party program that can invoke SQL over them), sqlcmd, etc. You don't even need to have the latest SSMS to make things work (though it is recommend to get the best experience against SQL Azure including syntax highlighting).
Please give that a try and see if it gets you unblocked.
Best of Luck!

SQL 2012 - SSIS Package not populating Text file when scheduled

I'm working on SQL 2012 Enterprise and I have a set of SSIS package exports which push data out to text files on a shared network folder. The packages aren't complex and under most circumstances they work perfectly. The problem I'm facing is that they do not work when scheduled - despite reporting that they have succeded.
Let me explain the scenarios;
1) When run manually from within BIDS, they work correctly, txt files are created and populated with data.
2) When deployed to the SSISDB and run from the Agent job they also work as expected - files are created and populate with data.
3) When the Agent job is scheduled to run in the evening, the job runs and reports success. The files are created but the data is not populated.
I've checked the reports on the Integration Services Catalogs and compared the messages line by line from the OnInformation. Both runs reports that the Flat File Destination wrote xxxx rows.
The data is there, the Agent account has the correct access. I cannot fathom why the job works when started manually, but behaves differently when scheduled.
Has anyone seen anything similar? It feels like a very strange bug....
Kind Regards,
Make sure that the account you have set up as the proxy for the SSIS task has read/write access to the file.
IMX, when you run an SQL Agent job manually, it appears to use the context of the user who initiates it in some way. I always assumed it was a side effect of impersonation. It's only when it actually runs with the schedule that everything uses the assigned security rights.
Additionally, I think when the user starts the job, the user is impersonating the proxy, but when the job is run via the schedule, the agent's account is impersonating the proxy. Make sure the service account has the right to impersonate the proxy. Take a look at sp_grant_login_to_proxy and sp_enum_login_for_proxy.
Here's a link that roughly goes through the process:
I also recall this video being useful:
I had the same problem with Excel files. It was permission rights.
What worked for me was adding the SERVICE account to the folder's security tab. Then the SQL Agent can access the files.

Cant access SSIS packages in MSDB folder via SSMS

The SQL Server instance specified in SSIS service configuration is not
present or is not available. This might occur when there is no default
instance of SQL Server on the computer. For more information, see the
topic "Configuring the Integration Services Service" in Server 2008
Books Online.
Login failed for user 'XXXXX'. (MsDtsSrvr)
After connecting to Intergation Services on the server, I get the above error error message when i try open the MSDB folder under Stored Packages. This is a default instance of SQl server. I've checked the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml file and all looks fine. The user has access to MSDB system tables. Can anyone recommend any thing else to check?
add the user as a login to the SQL server with sys_admin rights to msdb (taken from last comment in reply to the original question, by davey, #june 19th at 21:54which worked for me - this is the answer)

Whose logon is being used in a SQL Server 2008 Agent Job

I have an SSIS package that transfers some tables to CSV files on a network drive; it runs fine from my computer manually. I store it on the server in the MSDB database and execute it from there and it runs fine, but when I create a job that has one step that runs the SSIS package from MSDB it fails saying it can't find the CSV file name.
I spent all day yesterday figuring out this means a permissions issue with whatever logon credentials are being used through the job. The job owner shows to be domain/myuserid and step properties show they are using windows authentication with my username. The problem is, I know I have access to this folder.
The first line of the error log says: "Executed as user: servername\SYSTEM". So I made sure user "SYSTEM" has access to the network folder I want to load the files on, but I still get the same error.
The command line looks like #command=N'/SQL "\SSIS package name" /SERVER servername /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E'
edit: I found SQL Server agent job account issue where someone asks who the job is run under and marc_s says "I can't seem to find any definitive answers on that one, really. Since my Jobs typically select and update stuff in the database, I am lead to assume that the "Owner" account will be used by default, unless you specify some other account on a given step"
Which also leads me to believe it is using my logon information that has access
The best practice that we've been able to come up with here is to make a domain account for SSIS and then set up a Proxy in SQL Server that is used to run the SSIS Package in a SQL Job.
I would say that the servername\SYSTEM account is a local account, and therefore won't have access to network folders on other servers.
You probably want to run this as a domain account of some sort, which does have access.
Typically this will be the SQL Server Agent, so check in the Services list, in the control panel, and see what account is running the agent, and if necessary change it to the appropriate account.
This may have knock on consequences though, so be careful what other jobs are running.