Heroku SSL Endpoint with purchased certificate does not seem to work - ssl

I have purchased an SSL certificate and installed it to my Heroku app.
However when I try to access my site via https, Chrome reports that:
The identity of this website has not been verified. • Server's
certificate does not match the URL.
Other browsers report a similar message.
Inspecting the certificate information in Chrome shows that my site is still using Heroku's certificate, issued by Digicert (instead of my own CA).
Any ideas as to what I could be missing?

The problem had to do with an incorrectly set DNS record.
As per the documentation (...), once the certificates are uploaded to Heroku, do:
heroku certs
This provides you the correct end point for the SSL enabled domain. This is a domain that looks like "tokyo-2121.herokussl.com".
Next, go to your DNS service provider and update/add the CNAMe record for the SSL enabled domain to point to "tokyo-2121.herokussl.com".


Provide SSL certificate for internal Website

I have a website in my local network and the website is not ssl secured.
Many clients can not reach the website because of
Is there any way to secure websites in a local network with ssl? I am using an Active Directory Server in my network.
There are also a lot of local Websites on a vmware that are not secured. I would like to secure them easily.
• I would suggest you to please install ADCS (Active Directory Certificate Services) role in your Active Directory and create a self-signed SSL certificate through it for your internal use. Since, Active Directory is a trusted public key authentication infrastructure provider, the concerned role installed on it for the said purpose does not need certificates from globally trusted CA (certification authority) and can be thus, used locally. For the time being, if you want to create a self-signed SSL certificate on the concerned server, you will have to install ‘Web Server (IIS)’ role and then open the ‘IIS manager’ console from where you can generate the SSL self-signed certificate and bind the same to the website on that server itself. For this process, kindly refer to the link below which explains in detail the steps to be followed for generating a self-signed certificate and binding it to a website: -
Please note that the above stated process is for that server on which the website is hosted locally. Thus, the self-signed certificate generated will not be useful on other servers in your environment.
• To generate an SSL certificate for a web service/website that is hosted on a cluster of servers configured for the same purpose/website, then you will have to configure an SSL certificate template from a root CA, in your case, an AD server installed with ADCS role will serve as a root CA in your domain environment. Then assign that template to the CA (AD server in your case) for it to authorize the issuing of the configured SSL template to the concerned server where the website for which this SSL certificate is to be installed is hosted. For more detailed information regarding this, please refer to the documentation link below: -
Please note that the above link states the issuing of the SSL certificate for an ADFS Server. You will need to change the Subject Name of the issued certificate to that website for which you are issuing this certificate.

SSL certificate issue GoDaddy domain , Heroku Server hosting , Cloudflare SSL

I have bought my domain name www.thoughtgrub.com from goDaddy.
However I am hosting it on Heroku.
I needed an SSL certificate so I set that up using cloudflare.
When I check whether SSL is installed using https://www.digicert.com/help/
It says certificate installed correctly.
However web browser shows www.thoughtgrub.com as unsecure.
also https://thoughtgrub.com --> throws Site cannot be reached error or
What's going wrong?
IS there any other method to achieve https certification?
you need to go to heroku settings and click on add SSl certificate.

Bluemix not serving correct ssl certificate

I have just installed a wildcard ssl certificate on a custom domain, this is working fine for any subdomain of *.example.com. I can verify that the correct ssl certificate is being issued.
However the problem is with www. which is issuing the Bluemix certificate not my own certificate.
In the browser i am getting "Your connection is not private"
This server could not prove that it is www.example.com; its security certificate is from *.eu-gb.mybluemix.net. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
I am guessing that the problem is with Bluemix, how can i get Bluemix to serve up my certificate for www, baring in mind that it is serving up my certificate for other subdomains.
All help will be greatly recieved
I have fixed this issue, the problem was with the DNS setup.
The key piece of information for me, was that my dns was point to 2 IP's of Bluemix, and, therefore only serving up my certificate on one, and the Bluemix default certificate on the other
From googling how to add a custom domain, i added a CNAME record to point to *****.eu-gb.mybluemix.net and an A record to
This is wrong, i need to change my CNAME record to be my actual domain now.

IIS cant validate my client certificate

I've tried setting up SSL for localhost running my azure web role.
What I've done is that I've created my own CA, created a client and server certificate and then installed them all in my certificate store. The server certificate is located in the local computer personal certificates, the client certificate is installed in the current user store under personal and the CA certificate is installed in trusted root certificates in both stores.
I've also configured my IIS website to use SSL and used netsh to bind the server certificate to the ip the site is running on.
However when I try to access my website through the IIS, I get an error:
HTTP Error 403.16 - Forbidden
Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.
I know for a fact that the certificates I use are issued by the same CA, so I cant really see any other reason than that the IIS probably cant access my trusted root store. When I deploy my solution to azure, it works without giving me this error, so I'm positive that its a configuration issue with the local IIS that I cant work out.
Any suggestions on what could be the problem here?

Purchased and installed ssl certs but still indentified as *.herokuapp.com

I followed the instructions to the letter here -- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-certificate --, and they were helpful, especially since DNSimple is my registrar of choice. I got everything up and running as far as I know, purchased the certs (via DNSimple and RapidSSL), combined the crt and the CA bundle, and sent them up via the heroku client:
$ heroku ssl
www.website.com has a SSL certificate registered to /serialNumber=…
website.com has a SSL certificate registered to /serialNumber=…
But when I go to my apps (I even restarted them) they are still using the certs for *.herokuapp.com. Is there anything I've missed? Why would things be coming up as *.herokuapp.com?
From the top, here are the pieces provided to me from the related parties.
From DNSimple (on the cert details page) : Private Key
From DNSimple (on the cert details page) : Certificate
From RapidSSL's CA Download page (linked from DNSimple) : CA bundle "pem"
From email sent by RapidSSL / Geotrust : Web Server CERTIFICATE
From email sent by RapidSSL / Geotrust : INTERMEDIATE CA
I imagine that the "private key" is what I need in the second part of the heroku ssl:add dance: heroku ssl:add site.pem private.key
But it seems that I'm doing something wrong when I'm putting together the "pem" file for the first file I'm sending with heroku ssl:add. Of the pieces above - what needs to be combined in order for this to work?
I know this question is old, but I just hit the same problem and found the answer, at least in my case.
I had my DNS pointing to my-app.herokapp.com but the SSL endpoint is different. You can find the SSL endpoint like this:
$ heroku certs
Endpoint Common Name(s) Expires Trusted
------------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------- -------
osaka-5565.herokussl.com www.example.com, example.com 2014-05-18 09:32 UTC True
Your endpoint will be different from that. Once you change your CNAME and/or ALIAS records to point to the SSL endpoint, you'll get your own certificate instead of the herokuapp wildcard.
Make sure you're not viewing the naked domain name, https://yourwebsite.com is not supported with SSL on Heroku, whereas https://www.yourwebsite.com is.
If this ends up being the issue you'll have to make sure the naked domain name redirects to a subdomain like www.