Loading bar is displayed when I use WinJS.UI.ListView with WinJS.UI.ListLayout - windows-8

I have created very simple nav project with ListView. When I use ListLayout it doesn't display my data. Instead it displays loading bar. When I use GridLayout everything is ok. What's the problem?


How can I force overlay to show when use v-dialog?

I have a v-dialog that opens when page is loaded. Somehow overlay is lost. The behavior is very similar to this bug report: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/7798
But in my case overlay works when v-dialog loads after several seconds of page loading, and overlay is lost only when v-dialog is loaded from the very beginning. So I have to find the way to fix it or to force overlay to be shown together with dialog.
I tried to work with v-overlay (to wrap dialog content there), but it's content is not shown as well, if we try to do this while page is loading.
So how can I fix this or force overlay to work?

React-native custom component renders list items under views of other components

I have created an autocomplete textbox component which basically renders a list of suggestions as the user types. When it is the only component on the screen it works fine but when I try putting it inside a view with another component its view seems to render over the component it is placed alongside. When I put them in separate views the list seems to render under the view below it. I was just wondering if there was a way to render the list above the other views on the screen? Thanks for your help
I suggest you to render a modal on pressing the search view and the modal should contain your textbox for typing and the flatlist below it. The modal will render above all views on your screen. for more help read the documentation.

How to change view by clicking a listitem in Sencha Touch?

The following is the structure of my Sencha Touch Application. I have a view and I have given xtype "homepage" to it. In the homepage view I have the following items.
A toolbar docked at the top.
A list in the left side of the application
On the Right Side, I have a view with some display whose id is "display"
Problem: Now I want that when I click different options in the list, different views should be displayed on the right side of the homepage.
I am able to call list-item-tap function in controller and I am able to identify different items of the list. Only problem is that I am not able to replace the given display with another view
Okay, after searching a bit on the net, I found the following solution. I should use layout:'card' to the container in which I need to be changing views. In my case it is a container with id display.
Then in Controller.js I should write the following code:
var item = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#display")[0];

Preventing list items from appearing until YUI3 Tabview loaded

I'm using YUI 3 tabview, and my page appears without tabs very briefly, and then the tabs appear. I found this page:
Hiding Progressively Enhanced Markup
which seems relevant, but I'm not sure how it applies to tabview.
Is there a way to prevent the display of the untabbed list until the tabs are ready?
Thanks very much!
The default style of the tab container could be set to display:none; and on your tab view creation you could then remove the display:none property
You could bind to your tabview render event and set the display on that.

Why does the iOS toolbar view get added on top of my loading view when I hide and show it again?

I have a normal navigation based iOS app
I've got "loading view" which I initiate from my app delegate and use across the app, simply by showing and hiding it.
This works fine, but as soon as I hide the bottom toolbar in one of the views in the app and display it again, the toolbar seems now be shown on top of the my generic "loading view"
Any help is much appreciated
How do you add your bottomBar? Obviously not on the view itself, right? Than it would probably be beneath the overlay.
Also you should use an extra window for the loading overlay. That would solve your issues.
I basically ended up deleting the loading view and recreating it each time.
It now appears at the top of the view hierarchy each time. This fixed the problem.