Query for dropping value from field - sql

I have a query that looks at duty and vat information and does calculation based on the returned value.
The column that tells me the duty rates is in the table formatted as either, for example 3.7% or 8% in both bases I need remove the % from my return value. Otherwise my SUM clasue fails.
I have sorted the problem for the 3.7% example with the follwoing:
CASE WHEN CustomsTariff.CommodityCode.StandardDuty = 'Free' THEN '0.0' ELSE SUBSTRING(CustomsTariff.CommodityCode.StandardDuty, 1, 3) END AS DutyRate,
This drops the % for any returns where there is decimal palce but I need to add to the CASE to say if the StandardDuty value has no decimal places drop the % character as well without messing up the first statement that looks to the 1st 3 digits.

Did you try a replace() on the % character? Replace
CASE WHEN CustomsTariff.CommodityCode.StandardDuty = 'Free'
THEN '0.0' ELSE REPLACE(CustomsTariff.CommodityCode.StandardDuty, N'%', N'')
END AS DutyRate,


Hive casting function

In a hive table how can I add the '-' sign in a field, but for random records? If I use the syntax below it changes all the records in the field to negative, but I want to change random records to negative.
This is the syntax I used which changed all the records to negative:
*CAST(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(TRIM(column name),'\\-',''),'-','') as decimal(19,2)),
If you want to change random values to negative, why not use a case expression?
select (case when rand() < 0.5 then - column_name else column_name end)
Despite your query, this assumes that the column is a number of some sort, because negating strings doesn't make much sense.

STUFF function sql returns null?

I have a specific column in a table, it shall contains only numbers in Nvarchar that have a length of 3. Unfortunately, some users wrote '12' but they should have written '012'. There were not enough validation at the time.
I need to fix that. Here is the logic I used :
UPDATE [Mandats_Approvisionnement].[dbo].[ARTICLE_ECOLE]
The error goes like :
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UNIT_ADM', table
'Mandats_Approvisionnement.dbo.ARTICLE_ECOLE'; column does not allow
nulls. UPDATE fails.
I can't see where the problem is, I verified and all the records contain at least 2 characters, so the STUFF function cannot returns null as there are no NULL records in that table column [unit_adm]... How do I make it work ?
It should be stuff(UNIT_ADM,1,0,'0') as stuff returns null if the start position is 0.
Citing the documentation:
If the start position or the length is negative, or if the starting
position is larger than length of the first string, a null string is
returned. If the start position is 0, a null value is returned.
You could make this simpler by using
right('0' + UNIT_ADM, 3)
instead of stuff.

Return Character from Numeric Field using Cast & Coalesce

Using SQL Server 2008 R2
Relatively basic SQL user, apologies if this is a simple question but need a little help to tidy up the output of a fairly complex script I have been given.
I have a number of columns being returned for which where there is a NULL, I want to replace all NULL's with a standard set of characters, currently "---". Using ISNULL works for most columns. However, for some columns we are looking at 2 tables to find a value so have after doing some research on here, I have modified a line I am having trouble with as follows:
isnull (ff.ff_sales,aa.ff_sales) as 'Total Revenue'
cast(coalesce(ff.ff_sales,aa.ff_sales,'') as FLOAT) as 'Total Revenue'
The initial line returned 'NULL' if both ff.ff_sales & aa.ff_sales were empty, now with the latest line using cast & coalesce I get '0'. However, I am trying to achieve a situation where I get '---' as per all other fields where a NULL exists. I don't want it to return '0' for a Sales field as this is misleading. I have tried using VARCHAR instead of FLOAT but am unsure if this is the right thing to do at this stage?
1st column is using ISNULL, 2nd column current output with cast & coalesce, 3rd column is what I want to get to:
Total Revenue Total Revenue Total Revenue
67755 67755 67755
6.123 6.123 6.123
494.75 494.75 494.75
0 0 0
1139909 1139909 1139909
12346.45 12346.45 12346.45
129.866 129.866 129.866
NULL 0 ---
NULL 0 ---
554 554 554
Thanks for your help!
You can use case to decide what should be output in this scenario, like so:
when isnull (ff.ff_sales,aa.ff_sales) is null then '---'
else cast(isnull (ff.ff_sales,aa.ff_sales) as varchar)
end as 'Total Revenue'
This will force the output to be returned as varchar though, because you cannot cast '---' as a numeric type.
Alternatively, you could just let the value be NULL in DB, and in your presentation layer, replace a DBNull or equivalent value with '---'. This will let you keep total revenue as a numeric field at the DB level.

Automatically change while query "Case When" in Jasper

I have the data whose type is float. I would like to show them as numeric/integer but for just one case, it will show as a float. For the first i thought with Case When in the query, it will be solved but it didn't happen.
i put this code
CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (c.kode_hs,1,2) = '71' THEN CAST(c.brutto AS float) ELSE c.brutto END AS brutto,
CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (c.kode_hs,1,2) = '71' THEN CAST(c.netto AS float) ELSE c.netto END AS netto,
But it didn't turn out to be a float type.
i try to modify the setting of jasper, but it just work for one data type.
There's another alternative i took, i changed the type into number, so that case CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (c.kode_hs,1,2) = '71' worked out. But, unfortunately,when its value was highest (or have much character) was shown as scientific number e.x.: 2E9. That look is definitely ignored in report view. Is it any other solution for me? Thanks anyway
You could select the data from the database as it is, as a float, and do the trick in Jasper.
Set the type of c.kode_hs field in JasperReport as Float, ant the ExpresionClass of the TextBox in which you want to show the value as String. Then set the Text Field Expression as
$F{kode_hs}.toString().substring(0,2).equals("71")?new java.text.DecimalFormat("#0.00").format($F{brutto}):new java.text.DecimalFormat("##").format($F{brutto})
assuming $F{kode_hs} and $F{brutto} are the fields which hold the respective values.

Switch is causing #error, why and how can I fix it

I have 3 fields in my table: start, end (dates) and length (number, might be blank).
My Aim is to calculate an end date using start and length where end doesn't exist...
I have:
SELECT Switch((g.length<>0) And IsDate(g.end),DateAdd("m",g.length,g.start)) AS field FROM table g
If there is no start, end or length, Access displays blank - this is fine.
If there is no end, but start and length are ok, the calculated date is shown - again fine.
If there is no end, or length, but a start exists, access displays #Error
I don't understand why, and can't fix it, please help!
If there is no end, but start and length are ok, the calculated date is shown
Are you certain about that point? When I try your query with values for start and length, but no value for end, I get a Null for "field".
Also, you're calling the DateAdd function when this condition is True:
g.length<>0) And IsDate(g.end)
In order for that condition to be True, g.end would have to already contain a valid date ... but I thought you didn't want to perform the calculation when you already have a value for g.end. I'm confused.
Let's try a different approach. If this query returns what you want, good. If not help us understand why it is incorrect.
IIf(IsDate(d.end), d.end,
IIf(Nz(d.length)>0, DateAdd("m", d.length, d.start), Null)) AS field
FROM table AS d;