'wix execute batch before uninstall with administrator - wix

My WiX XML file installs app that contains windows-service named OLOLO_SERVICE (for example). I want to stop this service when installing/reinstalling my app.
I use CustomAction with ExeCommand='sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE'.
<CustomAction Id='EnsureThatServiceIsStopped' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION'
Impersonate="no" Execute="immediate" ExeCommand="sc
stop OLOLO_SERVICE" Return="ignore" />
Inside <InstallExecuteSequence> tag is action
<Custom Action='EnsureThatServiceIsStopped' Before='InstallValidate' />
But this doesn't works, uninstaller shows this window "For uninstallation continue you should stop following executables" (maybe not 100% correct, because in my russian Windows 7 it is written in russian).
I think that possible reasons for this are
script runs before admin rights taken (and stopping service fails because it needs admin privilegies)
script runs after validation (and validation fails when checking installed executables)
Plesae help me, I want to stop service using batch 'sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE'
PS. I decided to simplify a question: I want my WiX to execute 'sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE' with administrator privilegies and before checking for running applications

You don't need to do this in a batch file, you can use the ServiceControl element:
<ServiceControl Id="ServiceControl_OloService"
Wait="yes" />


Custom action of Wix failed to call vb script

I have one VB script in the package itself. I need to call it using CMD, the default way of calling the script taking too much time, so I am trying to call it with CMD and CSCRIPT but the installer raises the error while installation.
I am using the following code which is not working as expected. I searched a lot but didn't find the solution.
<Binary Id="ServiceInstall" SourceFile="..\..\..\AddVirDir.vbs" />
<CustomAction Id="InstallService" BinaryKey ="ServiceInstall"
ExeCommand="CMD /C "[#ServiceInstall]""
Execute="immediate" Return="check" HideTarget="no" Impersonate="no"/>
WiX IIS Elements: If this is all IIS, I would avoid scripting and custom actions whenever possible and use WiX's built-in IIS elements. Here is a Web-installer sample from Rainer Stropek available on github.com.
Look for <iis:WebVirtualDir ... /> et al. Find the WiX Documentation here. I believe you should be able to accomplish what you need without too many custom actions.
DISM.exe: Stropek himself uses custom actions in another sample source to set up IIS using DISM.exe. Not sure I would do it like this (no other suggestions though), but it is a sample of custom actions and IIS.
Need-For-Speed: As to your installation performance issues. Maybe you need to suppress the creation of a restore point and limit file costing? The Windows Installer engine allows this - see link below. I doubt it will be very effective though. I think there must be something else wrong in your installer. Some timeout issue? It could relate to other custom actions, slow network, or some other issue. Can you elaborate on your deployment scenario?
In any case, here is some documentation on speeding up MSI installations in general. Essentially the MSIFASTINSTALL property is the only one I would recommend. DISABLEROLLBACK can cause genuine problems.
Logging: I normally recommend that setup developers enable default verbose MSI logging - as described in the "Globally for all setups on a machine" section, to always have a log file ready when you need one. It is created with a random name for every MSI operation in the TEMP folder and you sort by modify to get the latest one. The log file might give clues as to why the installation is slow - just determine what is really going on. Apologies if this is just obvious trifles and you have this set up already.
Manual log file creation:
msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\Your.msi /L*v C:\Your.log
Interpreting an MSI log: interpreting a log file can be challenging sometimes. Here is an answer with some links to help with this.
Service Installation & Control: You should not install services with scripts. There are built-in mechanisms in MSI that are vastly superior. You simply use the ServiceInstall and ServiceControl WiX XML Elements and "declare" how the service should be registered and when and how the service should be started and stopped:
<File Source="$(var.SourceDir)\WindowsService.exe" />
<ServiceInstall Name="MyService" ErrorControl="normal" Start="auto" Type="ownProcess" />
<ServiceControl Id="MyService" Name="MyService" Start="install" Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Wait="yes" />
Look! No custom actions! :-) - Just MSI auto-magic. There is no need to use any custom actions for this. MSI is full-featured and reliable provided your service executable behaves as it is supposed to.
Let me link to a similar sample on github in case the above is not clear. It is more complete and elaborate.
VBScript: I wrote this before I saw you dealt with services. I'll just throw it in: to call a script that doesn't have a function you can try something like this:
<!-- The VBScript file -->
<Binary Id='Sample.vbs' SourceFile='Sample.vbs' />
<!-- The Custom Action -->
<CustomAction Id='Sample.vbs' VBScriptCall='' BinaryKey='Sample.vbs'
Execute='immediate' Return='ignore'/>
<!-- And Insert Into Installation Sequence -->
<Custom Action='Sample.vbs' After='AppSearch'/>
That should work for a script like this (Sample.vbs - no funtions, just an implicit main function):
There is an answer on the topic of VBScript custom actions here: WIX installer execute vbscript from CustomAction.

Invoking Data Protection API from within a CustomAction

I am trying to run some unmanaged code from a C# ca within WIX. I have a wrapper around the CryptProtectData function, this code works fine if run from an admin prompt. I have scheduled the ca as deferred hoping it would run during the elevated session however it fails in this context.
The scheduling is as follows:
<CustomAction Id="SetCustomActionDataValue" Property="EncryptValues" Value="foo=bar;...;" />
<CustomAction Id="EncryptValues" BinaryKey="InstallerCustomAction.CA.dll" DllEntry="EncryptValues" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" HideTarget="no" Return="check" />
<Custom Action="SetCustomActionDataValue" After="InstallFiles" />
<Custom Action="EncryptValues" After="SetCustomActionDataValue" />
What needs to be done to allow something like this to run during the installer, preferably after the files and registry entries are committed to the system?
Do you have any logging in your CA? Can you confirm that your CustomActionData made it over?
One thing you might try is to wire this up as a simple console app and use PSExec to invoke a cmd.exe prompt as SYSTEM.
I've never used this API but the comment "Typically, only a user with the same logon credential as the user who encrypted the data can decrypt the data." makes me think that this might not run well as SYSTEM. This article seems to confirm that. http://www.obviex.com/samples/dpapi.aspx
FWIW, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve but I'd consider moving it from the installer to the application if possible. Installers are generally best kept simple and reliable.

Run ExeCommand in customAction as Administrator mode in Wix Installer

I am new to wix installer. I have developed a set-up using wix installer for my application and I need to execute a Custom Action to run a command in cmd.exe. In XP it works fine. But in Windows 8 & 7 the cmd prompt needs to be run as administrator.
I have googled and found the keywords Elevated Privileges and impersonate might help me.
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" InstallPrivileges="elevated"></Package>
As you can see above, I used the InstallScope attribute set to perMachine, and I have used Impersonate="No" in the CustomAction element:
<CustomAction Id='comReg' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION' Impersonate='no'
ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40CLIENTINSTALLROOTDIR]regasm.exe" "[INSTALLLOCATION]myProduct.dll" /codebase' Return='check' />
But I didn't get any changes while installating. I need the command prompt to open and run the above command in Administrator Mode.
And can anyone please tell me about these keywords "Elevated Privileges & impersonate"
<Custom Action='comReg' After='InstallFinalize'>NOT REMOVE</Custom>
<Custom Action='comUnreg' Before='RemoveFiles'>REMOVE</Custom>
How to do it?
The wix documentation here explains the Impersonate attribute:
This attribute specifies whether the Windows Installer, which executes as LocalSystem, should impersonate the user context of the installing user when executing this custom action. Typically the value should be 'yes', except when the custom action needs elevated privileges to apply changes to the machine.
You also need to understand the difference between deferred and immediate custom actions. See the Execute attribute on the same help page:
This attribute indicates the scheduling of the custom action. This attribute's value must be one of the following:
Indicates that the custom action runs in-script (possibly with elevated privileges).
Indicates that the custom action will run during normal processing time with user privileges. This is the default.
At present your custom action is immediate, which means it is running with user privileges. See this blog post for lots of details, but particularly:
Any immediate custom actions impersonate the invoking user. Before Windows Vista this wasn't a problem since at this point the installing administrative user had a privileged token. With the introduction of UAC in Windows Vista the default administrative token with UAC enabled is a filtered token and does not hold all privileges. Since immediate custom actions are not supposed to modify machine state - only to gather state data and schedule custom actions to run deferred - this still shouldn't be a problem. After all, at this point the generation of the installation and rollback scripts is all that should be going on.
You should never modify machine state with an immediate custom action. Use a deferred one, and keep impersonate to no, and it should work:
<CustomAction Id='comReg' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION' Execute='deferred' Impersonate='no' ExeCommand='"[NETFRAMEWORK40CLIENTINSTALLROOTDIR]regasm.exe" "[INSTALLLOCATION]EAWordImporter.dll" /codebase' Return='check' />
EDIT: Schedule the custom action using the InstallExecuteSequence element:
<Custom Action='comReg' Before='InstallFinalize'/>

Set environment variable before running a custom action in WiX

I have to build an MSI-based installer using WiX and I need to set environment MY_HOME before running a command action.
I have a component:
<Component Id="SEMYHOME"
Guid="*my guid*">
<CreateFolder />
<Environment Id="MY_HOME"
Then I have a custom action:
<CustomAction Id="InstallMyService"
ExeCommand='"[INSTALLDIR]myapp\install_service.bat" install'
<Custom Action="InstallMyService"
NOTE: This action need the MY_HOME variable to be set before running.
When install this MSI, I got a log showing that the MY_HOME variable is set before running the custom action "InstallMyService", but the command to install my service still fails. I found that the cause is when command called, MY_HOME still not set.
After an install is finished, MY_HOME was set as expected, but the custom action fails :(
How can I fix this problem?
Windows Installer and Custom Actions are hosted via the Service Control Manager which has a long history of not respecting broadcast messages that are sent announcing Environment changes. So even if you fix the immeadiate / deferred problem that Yan mentions you'll find that your custom action still doesn't have the environment variable.
Why don't just just pass "[APPLICATIONPATH]myapp" to your .bat file and fetch it in as %2?
BTW I also don't reccomend calling batch files from an installer. It's fragile and embarrassing to see installs that run popping up little black windows.
You CA is immediate. This means that it runs immediately when Windows Installer is processing your MSI package. And this obviously happens before the component containing <Environment/> is installed. Modify it to be deferred (Execute="deferred") and schedule before InstallFinalize.

WiX uninstall - close application before Restart Manager

I have an installer done with WiX. When it's done installing, it starts an application that injects some code in the Explorer process.
Currently when I uninstall, the Restart Manager kicks in and offers to shut down my application and Explorer. Instead of that I want to close my application manually (this is done by running it again with -exit on the command line). I have a custom action that does it.
Here's what I tried so far:
<CustomAction ExeCommand="-exit" FileKey="MyApp.exe" Id="CloseMyApp" Impersonate="yes" Return="ignore" />
<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
<Custom Action="CloseMyApp" Before="RemoveFiles" />
This doesn't work. The action is done way after the Restart Manager session. So the Restart Manager pops up and asks to close my app and Explorer. The action runs later, but by then the app is already gone.
So then I tried this:
<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
<Custom Action="CloseMyApp" Before="RemoveExistingProducts" />
This also doesn't work. The action is done too late still. I also get "warning LGHT1076 : ICE63: Some action falls between InstallInitialize and RemoveExistingProducts.".
So basically - how do I execute my custom action during uninstall and before the Restart Manager session?
I'm guessing if I use Impersonate="no" it might run at the right time, however that's not an option. That's because the new process must run for the same user as the process that has to close because it looks up its window and sends messages. That's much trickier to do if the processes belong to different users.
Any ideas?
You would need the CloseMyApp custom action to run before InstallValidate since that is when the restart manager is processed (doc). Alternatively, you could disable restart manager with MSIDISABLERMRESTART or MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL Properties.