String comparison is case sensitive in Expression language? - el

So just as simple as that. Comparing two strings that differs only for case
${"a" == "A"}
returns true or false?

When two strings are compared in EL, the comparison is always case-sensitive. If you want to do a string comparison that's not case-sensitive, you can just use the equalsIgnoreCase method.
That comparison would return false.

It's case sensitive, so it will return false. Another possibility to do a case insensitive comparison of strings is using JSTL functions:
${fn:toLowerCase(stringA) == fn:toLowerCase(stringB)}
This is useful for older versions of EL. See and scroll to "Invoking non-getter methods".


Why And operator in

I always use AndAlso while checking multiple conditions as it doesn't evaluate right side unless left one is true. I don't see any situation where someone would like to evaluate right side even if left one fails. If it was needed then why they didn't include same in C#.
As accepted answer pointed out that it exists because it is used for bitwise operation, that fine enough but I still think they would have overloaded And operator to serve both purposes and just not created AndAlso. If anyone can pour some light on it, this question is still open :)
They included the same in C#. In C# you can use & (And) or && (AndAlso).
There's no real use case i can imagine for the not short-circuit operator when comparing booleans, but And can be used with numeric values, and it then does a bitwise comparison. That's why it exists. But when comparing boolean types, you'll always be using the short-circuit version.
And is also a bit operator. Here is an example showing a mix of And an AndAlso.
Dim foo? As Integer = 5
If foo.HasValue AndAlso (foo And 1) = 1 AndAlso (foo And 4) = 4 Then
End If

How is the expression True And -1 evaluated?

How come the expression True And -1 evaluates to -1?
I would expect that the second operand (i.e. -1) would be automatically converted to True and the result would be True.
I realize that And is interpreted here as the bit-wise AND-operator. But why would that be the case, when the first operand is boolean and the logic interpretation is possible?
That's how the And Operator is supposed to work. To quote from the documentation:
If the operands consist of one Boolean expression and one numeric expression, Visual Basic converts the Boolean expression to a numeric value (–1 for True and 0 for False) and performs a bitwise operation.
Why does it do that? We can only speculate, but I suspect two reasons:
Backwards compatibility. VB6 and VBA also behave like this.
For logic operations, the new short-circuiting operators AndAlso and OrElse should be used instead. Thus, it makes sense that the legacy operators And and Or are used mainly for the bitwise operations.

SQL to return results for the following regex

I have the following regular expression:
WHERE A.srvc_call_id = '40750564' AND REGEXP_LIKE (A.SRVC_CALL_DN, '[^TEST]')
The row that contains 40750564 has "TEST CALL" in the column SRVC_CALL_DN and REGEXP_LIKE doesn't seem to be filtering it out. Whenever I run the query it returns the row when it shouldn't.
Is my regex pattern wrong? Or does SQL not accept [^whatever]?
The carat anchors the expression to the start of a string. By enclosing the letters T, E, S & T in square brackets you're searching, as barsju suggests for any of these characters, not for the string TEST.
You say that SRVC_CALL_DN contains the string 'TEST CALL', but you don't say where in the string. You also say that you're looking for where this string doesn't match. This implies that you want to use not regexp_like(...
Putting all this together I think you need:
This excludes every match from your query where the string starts with 'TEST CALL'. However, if this string may be in any position in the column you need to remove the carat - ^.
This also assumes that the string is always in upper case. If it's in mixed case or lower, then you need to change it again. Something like the following:
By upper-casing SRV_CALL_DN you ensure that you're always going to match but ensure that your query may not use an index on this column. I wouldn't worry about this particular point as regular expressions queries can be fairly poor at using indexes anyway and it appears as though SRVC_CALL_ID is indexed.
Also if it may not include 'CALL' you will have to remove this. It is best when using regular expressions to make your match pattern as explicit as possible; so include 'CALL' if you can.
Try with '^TEST' or '^TEST.*'
Your regexp means any string not starting with any of the characters: T,E,S,T.
But your case is so simple, starts with TEST. Why not use a simple like:

What advantages are there to using either AND or &&?

Currently, I'm using && and || instead of AND and OR because that's how I was taught. In most languages, however, both are valid syntax. Are there any advantages to one or the other in any language?
I did try to search for this question, but it's a bit hard. It doesn't interpret my input correctly.
You ask “Are there any advantages to one or the other in any language?” This is, of course, dependent on the programming language.
Languages that implement both and and && (and correspondingly or and ||) will do it one of two ways:
Both behave exactly the same way. In which case, there is no advantage provided by the language in using one over the other.
Each behaves differently. In which case, the advantage is that you can get different behaviour by using one or the other.
That all sounds a bit facetious, but it's really as specific as one can get without talking about a specific language. Your question explicitly wants to know about all languages, but it's a question that needs to be answered per language.
Perl has all four of {&& || and or} but they differ in their precedence. "and" and "or" have really low precedence so you can do things like "complex-function-call-here or die $!" and you won't accidentally have "or" slurp up something on its left side that you didn't want it to.
it depends on the language, but on PHP, I'd be careful about using && versus "and". The ones i often use are "&&" and "||"
$g = true && false; // $g will be assigned to (true && false) which is false
$h = true and false; // $h will be assigned to true
In some languages && will have a higher operator precedence than AND.
If both works fine, then I would say it's really personal preference, in most cases, they are compiled into same binary code like this : 11100010001000101001001010 [not real code, just an example].
&& = two keystrokes of the same key.
AND = three keystrokes of different keys.
I'm not sure what language you are using, but some languages differentiate between a normal boolean operator and a short-circuit operator. For example, the following are normal boolean operators in MATLAB:
C = or(A,B);
C = A | B; % Exactly the same as above
However, this is a short-circuit operator:
C = A || B;
The short-circuit syntax will evaluate the first argument and then, depending on the value, will potentially skip over evaluating the second argument. For example, if A is already true, B doesn't have to be evaluated for an OR operation, since the result is guaranteed to be true. This is helpful when B is replaced with a logical operation that involves some kind of expensive computation.
Here's a wikipedia link discussing short-circuit operators and their syntax for a few languages.
Unless there aren't any precedence issues, I'd say there are differences in readability. Consider the following:
if (&x == &y && &y == &z) {
// ..
#define AND &&
if (&x == &y AND &y == &z) {
// ..

In how many languages is Null not equal to anything not even Null?

In how many languages is Null not equal to anything not even Null?
It's this way in SQL (as a logic language) because null means unknown/undefined.
However, in programming languages (like say, C++ or C#), a null pointer/reference is a specific value with a specific meaning -- nothing.
Two nothings are equivilent, but two unknowns are not. The confusion comes from the fact that the same name (null) is used for both concepts.
In VB6 the expression Null = Null will produce Null instead of True as you would expect.
This will cause a runtime error if you try to assign it to a Boolean, however if you use it
as the condition of "If ... Then" it will act like False. Moreover Null <> Null will also
produce Null, so:
In VB6 you could say that Null is neither equal to itself (or anything else), nor unequal!
You're supposed to test for it using the IsNull() function.
VB6 also has other special values:
Nothing for object references. Nothing = Nothing is a compile error. (you're supposed to compare it using "is")
Missing for optional parameters which haven't been given. It has no literal representation so you can't even write Missing = Missing. (the test is IsMissing(foo))
Empty for uninitialized variables. This one does test equal to itself although there's also a function IsEmpty().
... let me know if I've forgotten one
I remember being a bit disgusted with VB.
Oracle is this way.
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE NULL=null; --no rows returned
MySQL has a null-safe equality operator, <=>, which returns true if both sides are equal or both sides are null. See MySQL Docs.
In C#, Nullable<bool> has interesting properties with respect to logical operators, but the equality operator is the same as other types in that language (i.e., ((bool?)null == (bool?)null) == true).
To preserve the short-circuited behavior of the short-circuited logical operators, and to preserve consistency with the non-short-circuited logical operators, the nullable boolean has some interesting properties. For example: true || null == true. false && null == false, etc. This stands in direct contradiction with other three-valued logic languages such as ANSI SQL.
You can make ruby work that way:
class Null
def self.==(other);false;end
print "Null equals nothing" if n!=Null
In SQL you would have to do something like:
WHERE column is NULL
rather than
WHERE column = NULL