Crash log from Apple approval team - objective-c

Apple has rejected my app because it crashes and I can't find a way to know where the problem is. They say that the crash was on an iPhone 4 with iOS6.
I have built the archive with Xcode 4.4 and iOS 5.1. I have already upgrade to Xcode 4.5 and iOS 6. As you will see, Xcode doesn't identify the symbols on every line of the stack trace; in particular, the system function names are missing, maybe due to the update and not the same version on my computer; I don't know.
I'm just unable to reproduce this crash, I don't have an iPhone 4, just a 3GS and have no bugs.
Here is the log:
Incident Identifier: 23FCC6BC-FB56-4681-8254-E72A01891A80
CrashReporter Key: 1378004e4baa9919d5598a6dec7f08d687552155
Hardware Model: xxx
Process: Myapp [598]
Path: /var/mobile/Applications/31F1CD56-357C-4969-8DBA-F19E7D2AF638/
Identifier: Myapp
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2012-09-26 14:40:48.221 -0700
OS Version: iOS 6.0 (10A403)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x3403129e __exceptionPreprocess + 158
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3380397a objc_exception_throw + 26
2 CoreFoundation 0x34031158 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 96
3 Foundation 0x38ff62aa 0x38f86000 + 459434
4 UIKit 0x36c55776 0x36b66000 + 980854
5 UIKit 0x36c54fca -[UIViewController presentViewController:withTransition:completion:] + 3390
6 CoreFoundation 0x340349c0 0x33f6f000 + 809408
7 CoreFoundation 0x33f8bfe6 0x33f6f000 + 118758
8 UIKit 0x36d7372e -[_UIDelayedPresentationContext finishDelayedPresentation:] + 182
9 GameKit 0x32c1dd28 __41-[GKRemoteViewController setupRemoteView]_block_invoke_0327 + 20
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840a11a _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 6
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x384094b2 _dispatch_client_callout + 18
12 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840adc6 0x38408000 + 11718
13 CoreFoundation 0x34004f36 __CFRunLoopRun + 1286
14 CoreFoundation 0x33f77eb8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
15 CoreFoundation 0x33f77d44 0x33f6f000 + 36164
16 GraphicsServices 0x34ce02e6 0x34cdb000 + 21222
17 UIKit 0x36bbd2fc UIApplicationMain + 1116
18 Crossibus 0x0003cc96 main (main.m:16)
19 Crossibus 0x0003cc4c start + 36
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32d00350 __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380db11e pthread_kill + 54
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x3811796e abort + 90
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x38c0dd4a abort_message + 70
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x38c0aff4 default_terminate() + 20
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x33803a74 _objc_terminate() + 144
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x38c0b078 safe_handler_caller(void (*)()) + 76
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x38c0b110 std::terminate() + 16
8 libc++abi.dylib 0x38c0c50e __cxa_throw + 118
9 libobjc.A.dylib 0x338039ba objc_exception_throw + 90
10 CoreFoundation 0x34031158 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 96
11 Foundation 0x38ff62aa -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 86
12 UIKit 0x36c55776 -[UIWindowController transition:fromViewController:toViewController:target:didEndSelector:] + 166
13 UIKit 0x36c54fca -[UIViewController presentViewController:withTransition:completion:] + 3390
14 CoreFoundation 0x340349c0 __invoking___ + 64
15 CoreFoundation 0x33f8bfe6 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 282
16 UIKit 0x36d7372e -[_UIDelayedPresentationContext finishDelayedPresentation:] + 182
17 GameKit 0x32c1dd28 __41-[GKRemoteViewController setupRemoteView]_block_invoke_0327 + 20
18 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840a11c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 8
19 libdispatch.dylib 0x384094b4 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
20 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840adc6 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$up + 222
21 CoreFoundation 0x34004f36 __CFRunLoopRun + 1286
22 CoreFoundation 0x33f77eb8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
23 CoreFoundation 0x33f77d44 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
24 GraphicsServices 0x34ce02e6 GSEventRunModal + 70
25 UIKit 0x36bbd2fc UIApplicationMain + 1116
26 Crossibus 0x0003cc96 main (main.m:16)
27 Crossibus 0x0003cc4c start + 36
Thread 1 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32d00d98 __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b25e8 pthread_workqueue_addthreads_np + 44
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x38417eb0 _dispatch_queue_wakeup_global_slow + 72
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x384097da _dispatch_wakeup$VARIANT$up + 106
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x38417a24 _dispatch_queue_push_list_slow2 + 16
5 libxpc.dylib 0x3742a820 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 828
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x38419df4 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke$VARIANT$up + 120
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840995a _dispatch_queue_drain$VARIANT$up + 82
8 libdispatch.dylib 0x3841a06a _dispatch_mach_invoke$VARIANT$up + 150
9 libdispatch.dylib 0x38418212 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 190
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x384183b4 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 80
11 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b2a0e _pthread_wqthread + 358
12 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b28a0 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 2 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32cf0648 kevent64 + 24
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x384194ec _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 792
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x3840bdf4 _dispatch_mgr_thread$VARIANT$up + 32
Thread 3 name: Dispatch queue: 0x1ededbb0 target:<_UIQueueRedirectingProxy: 0x1ed77750; target: <_UIViewServiceFencingControlProxy: 0x1ed82fc0; target: <_UIViewServiceImplicitAnimationDecodingProxy: 0x1ed678e0; target: <_UIObjectArgumentReplacingProxy: 0x1ed6ef60; target: <_UIStrongToWeakAdapter: 0x1edae420; target: <GKRemoteAuthenticateViewController: 0x1ed6c490>>>>; suspension count: 0>; queue: 0x3bebd580 (>
Thread 3:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x33800f2a objc_release + 10
1 XPCObjects 0x37d9fc66 __destroy_helper_block_133 + 18
2 libsystem_blocks.dylib 0x3427bab0 _Block_release + 220
3 libxpc.dylib 0x374256c4 _xpc_connection_call_reply + 28
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x38409996 _dispatch_queue_drain$VARIANT$up + 142
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x38409890 _dispatch_queue_invoke$VARIANT$up + 32
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x38418212 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 190
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x384183b4 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 80
8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b2a0e _pthread_wqthread + 358
9 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b28a0 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 4 name: WebThread
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32cefeb4 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32cf0048 mach_msg + 36
2 CoreFoundation 0x34006040 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 124
3 CoreFoundation 0x34004d9e __CFRunLoopRun + 878
4 CoreFoundation 0x33f77eb8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
5 CoreFoundation 0x33f77d44 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
6 WebCore 0x34d5ba70 RunWebThread(void*) + 440
7 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380bd30e _pthread_start + 306
8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380bd1d4 thread_start + 4
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x32d00d98 __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b2cf6 _pthread_workq_return + 14
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b2a12 _pthread_wqthread + 362
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x380b28a0 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit):
r0: 0x00000000 r1: 0x00000000 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0x3be7e534
r4: 0x00000006 r5: 0x3be7eb88 r6: 0x1ed61194 r7: 0x2fdc4a14
r8: 0x1ed61170 r9: 0x00000300 r10: 0x1ed65e20 r11: 0x36ffaa2f
ip: 0x00000148 sp: 0x2fdc4a08 lr: 0x380db123 pc: 0x32d00350
cpsr: 0x00070010
Can you provide any insight into what's wrong or how to determine what's wrong?
I think i have found, it was a problem with Game Center and IOS 6. The method "authenticateWithCompletionHandler" is deprecated and make it crash.

1) Your 3GS works fine and its running iOS 6, right?
2) You don't need to switch completely to Xcode4.5 if you don't want to for some reason, just install it side by side with Xcode4.4.1 and just use it to test and run your app in a Retina iPhone simulator.
3) If you still cannot get the crash, then I am going to make a wild guess that this is your problem:
5 UIKit 0x36c54fca -[UIViewController presentViewController:withTransition:completion:] + 3390
Is the presentedViewController retained in a strong variable (if using ARC), or in a retained property in the presenting ViewController? If not make it so, but then, no way to know for sure if it fixes the problem.
A good reason to build up points here is to be able to add a bounty for an answer - I believe 50 points is the min. Assuming you know Android well (given last name, isn't going to make you friends here in iOS land), answer a few question now and get some points.
With a bounty, you maybe can get someone to test your app on their phone by building an Ad Hoc version of the app (but Provisioning H*ll awaits :-( )


Objective-C Mapview crash on IPA (appstore version) Xcode 9 work well [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iOS11 WKWebview crash due to NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
All is in the title, everything is ok in Xcode 9.
Application is ok for Apple, but all my mapwiew make application crash after download it from the Appstore.
Xcode 9 - Objective-C - When running it with my iPhone SE or iPad 2 from Xcode, everything work well.
Appstore version crash on both.
Thanks to help me understand something.
Here my device Logs from Xcode (first part) :
Incident Identifier: C2CCC5F8-01ED-4295-AE93-578642B19E99
CrashReporter Key: 4b962ec4fbb937bae60eb5d2ed98278c01a3d76b
Hardware Model: iPhone8,4
Process: Espace Sexualité Jeunes [1630]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/39B1D2C1-DC8E-4FB9-AAB9-51F04D287209/Espace Sexualité Sexualité Jeunes
Identifier: com.espacesexualitejeunes.paco
Version: 1.0.1 (1.0.1)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.espacesexualitejeunes.paco [742]
Date/Time: 2018-02-08 12:49:31.0908 -0400
Launch Time: 2018-02-08 12:49:18.8182 -0400
OS Version: iPhone OS 11.2.1 (15C153)
Baseband Version: 6.30.04
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread: 0
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
Filtered syslog:
None found
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x185fba364 __exceptionPreprocess + 124
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x185200528 objc_exception_throw + 55
2 CoreFoundation 0x185fba2ac +[NSException raise:format:] + 115
3 UIKit 0x18fbdc270 UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue + 371
4 UIKit 0x18fbdc0e4 -[UINibDecoder decodeObjectForKey:] + 103
5 UIKit 0x18fa2e6c0 -[UIRuntimeConnection initWithCoder:] + 135
6 UIKit 0x18fbdc3ac UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue + 687
7 UIKit 0x18fbdc524 UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue + 1063
8 UIKit 0x18fbdc0e4 -[UINibDecoder decodeObjectForKey:] + 103
9 UIKit 0x18fa2da34 -[UINib instantiateWithOwner:options:] + 1167
10 UIKit 0x18f80ac74 -[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] + 371
11 UIKit 0x18f5b897c -[UIViewController loadView] + 175
12 UIKit 0x18f49b790 -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 183
13 UIKit 0x18f49b6c0 -[UIViewController view] + 27
14 UIKit 0x18f61eb1c -[UINavigationController _startCustomTransition:] + 1147
15 UIKit 0x18f541c4c -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 711
16 UIKit 0x18f541890 -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 163
17 UIKit 0x18f541790 -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] + 187
18 UIKit 0x18f498f00 -[UIView+ 52992 (CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1275
19 QuartzCore 0x189ffd998 -[CALayer layoutSublayers] + 183
20 QuartzCore 0x18a001b20 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed+ 1207072 (CA::Transaction*) + 331
21 QuartzCore 0x189f6e36c CA::Context::commit_transaction+ 602988 (CA::Transaction*) + 335
22 QuartzCore 0x189f95b90 CA::Transaction::commit+ 764816 () + 539
23 UIKit 0x18f6fcb10 _UIApplicationFlushRunLoopCATransactionIfTooLate + 171
24 UIKit 0x18fdf3bb8 __handleEventQueueInternal + 5543
25 UIKit 0x18fdec7c0 __handleHIDEventFetcherDrain + 151
27 CoreFoundation 0x185f628fc __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 87
28 CoreFoundation 0x185f62184 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 203
29 CoreFoundation 0x185f5fd5c __CFRunLoopRun + 1047
30 CoreFoundation 0x185e7fe58 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 435
31 GraphicsServices 0x187d2cf84 GSEventRunModal + 99
32 UIKit 0x18f4ff67c UIApplicationMain + 235
33 Espace Sexualité Jeunes 0x10456d0c8 0x104564000 + 37064
34 libdyld.dylib 0x18599c56c start + 3
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185acc2e8 __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185be12f8 pthread_kill$VARIANT$mp + 396
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000185a3afbc abort + 140
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001851d8068 __cxa_bad_cast + 0
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001851d8210 default_unexpected_handler+ 8720 () + 0
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000185200810 _objc_terminate+ 34832 () + 124
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001851f054c std::__terminate(void (*)+ 107852 ()) + 16
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001851f0158 __cxa_rethrow + 144
8 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001852006e8 objc_exception_rethrow + 44
9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185e7fec4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 544
10 GraphicsServices 0x0000000187d2cf84 GSEventRunModal + 100
11 UIKit 0x000000018f4ff67c UIApplicationMain + 236
12 Espace Sexualité Jeunes 0x000000010456d0c8 0x104564000 + 37064
13 libdyld.dylib 0x000000018599c56c start + 4
Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185accd80 __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185bdeeec _pthread_wqthread + 884
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185bdeb6c start_wqthread + 4
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185bdeb68 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185bdeb68 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 4 name:
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185aab568 mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185aab3e0 mach_msg + 72
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f62308 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 196
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f5fed4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1424
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185e7fe58 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 436
5 Foundation 0x00000001868b5594 -[NSRunLoop+ 50580 (NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 304
6 Foundation 0x00000001868d49ac -[NSRunLoop+ 178604 (NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 96
7 UIKit 0x00000001900697b8 -[UIEventFetcher threadMain] + 136
8 Foundation 0x00000001869b70f4 __NSThread__start__ + 996
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185be02b4 _pthread_body + 308
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185be0180 _pthread_body + 0
11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185bdeb74 thread_start + 4
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000000 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x00000001c42e0e37
x4: 0x00000001851f5afd x5: 0x000000016b89b490 x6: 0x000000000000006e x7: 0xffffffffffffffec
x8: 0x0000000008000000 x9: 0x0000000004000000 x10: 0x0000000185be55e0 x11: 0x0000000000000003
x12: 0xffffffffffffffff x13: 0x0000000000000001 x14: 0x0000000185a5153f x15: 0x0000000000000010
x16: 0x0000000000000148 x17: 0x00000000ffffffff x18: 0xfffffff01249925c x19: 0x0000000000000006
x20: 0x00000001b7093b80 x21: 0x000000016b89b490 x22: 0x0000000000000303 x23: 0x00000001b7093c60
x24: 0x00000001c4017880 x25: 0x0000000000000000 x26: 0x0000000000000001 x27: 0x0000000000000000
x28: 0x000000016b89baf0 fp: 0x000000016b89b3f0 lr: 0x0000000185be12f8
sp: 0x000000016b89b3c0 pc: 0x0000000185acc2e8 cpsr: 0x00000000
I finally solved my problem: I'm stupid!
I forgot to include the MapKit.framework in my App. I re-upload it to the Appstore and everything work perfectly now.

NSUserDefaults integerForKey EXC_BAD_ACCESS?

I'm using NSUserDefaults in my application. I received quite a lot crash reports with code that crashes on
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:MY_KEY];
Constants are defined in separate .h header files.
static NSString *const MY_KEY = #"myKey";
static NSInteger const SOME_VALUE = 0;
Part of controller method that crashes
- (void)displayData:(NSInteger)param {
NSString *string1;
NSString *string2;
NSInteger value = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey: MY_KEY];
This is the crash report in Xcode Organizer
This is the crash log
Incident Identifier: 1DD7D3CD-DE9B-4623-AB02-06D2365728DA
CrashReporter Key: 020e241bb4242d3e055b3eef0f3ab86f54af59df
Hardware Model: iPhone6,2
Process: My App [194]
Path: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/31286A32-F4D3-48E1-8B05-ECE119EA96A8/ App
Identifier: com.mycompany.myapp
Version: 1.0.0 (1.0.0)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2016-01-16 12:55:34.34 +0200
Launch Time: 2016-01-16 12:24:31.31 +0200
OS Version: iOS 9.2 (13C75)
Report Version: 105
Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000158b6560
Triggered by Thread: 0
Filtered syslog:
None found
Global Trace Buffer (reverse chronological seconds):
1.629540 CFNetwork 0x00000001851af104 TCP Conn 0x15a473640 complete. fd: 8, err: 0
1.629540 CFNetwork 0x00000001851b0630 TCP Conn 0x15a473640 event 1. err: 0
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001841b5bd0 objc_msgSend + 16
1 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184b69118 __CFBasicHashAddValue + 328
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a179d8 CFBasicHashAddValue + 288
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a18c90 CFDictionaryAddValue + 248
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a305a8 __CFDictionaryApplyFunction_block_invoke + 24
5 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a189bc CFBasicHashApply + 128
6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a21d3c CFDictionaryApplyFunction + 200
7 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184abd8a8 -[CFPrefsPlistSource mergeIntoDictionary:] + 304
8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184ae45e0 -[CFPrefsSearchListSource alreadylocked_copyDictionary] + 828
9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184ae33fc -[CFPrefsSearchListSource alreadylocked_copyValueForKey:] + 72
10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184b74ee4 ___CFPreferencesCopyAppValueWithContainer_block_invoke + 68
11 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184ae25b8 +[CFPrefsSearchListSource withSearchListForIdentifier:container:perform:] + 572
12 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184b74e5c _CFPreferencesCopyAppValueWithContainer + 188
13 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184b75130 _CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValueWithContainer + 28
14 My App 0x000000010006f520 -[MyController displayData:] (MyController.m:998)
15 Foundation 0x0000000185425844 -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] + 988
16 Foundation 0x00000001854296a0 -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] + 144
17 My App 0x000000010006cd68 -[MyController StateDidChange:] (MyController.m:307)
18 Foundation 0x00000001854f7e20 __NSThreadPerformPerform + 340
19 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aecefc __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 24
20 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aec990 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 540
21 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aea690 __CFRunLoopRun + 724
22 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a19680 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 384
23 GraphicsServices 0x0000000185f28088 GSEventRunModal + 180
24 UIKit 0x0000000189890d90 UIApplicationMain + 204
25 My App 0x000000010006b6b4 main (main.m:16)
26 libdyld.dylib 0x00000001845ba8b8 start + 4
Thread 1 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d94fc kevent_qos + 8
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000018459c94c _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 232
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000018458b7bc _dispatch_source_invoke + 0
Thread 2 name:
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846bd4bc mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846bd338 mach_msg + 72
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aecac0 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 196
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aea7c4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1032
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a19680 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 384
5 CFNetwork 0x0000000185189434 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412
6 Foundation 0x00000001854f7c40 __NSThread__start__ + 1000
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fb28 _pthread_body + 156
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fa8c _pthread_body + 0
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d028 thread_start + 4
Thread 3 name:
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d8368 __select + 8
1 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184af3028 __CFSocketManager + 648
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fb28 _pthread_body + 156
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fa8c _pthread_body + 0
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d028 thread_start + 4
Thread 4 name: NetworkLoad
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846bd4bc mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846bd338 mach_msg + 72
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aecac0 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 196
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184aea7c4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1032
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000184a19680 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 384
5 GeoServices 0x000000018b1e9b5c _runNetworkThread + 428
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fb28 _pthread_body + 156
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fa8c _pthread_body + 0
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d028 thread_start + 4
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d8b6c __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d530 _pthread_wqthread + 1284
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d020 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d8b6c __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d530 _pthread_wqthread + 1284
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d020 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 7:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d8b6c __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d530 _pthread_wqthread + 1284
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d020 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d8b6c __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d530 _pthread_wqthread + 1284
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d020 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001846d7f48 __psynch_cvwait + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479ece8 _pthread_cond_wait + 648
2 Foundation 0x0000000185462bac -[NSCondition wait] + 240
3 Foundation 0x0000000185425780 -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] + 792
4 Foundation 0x00000001854296a0 -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] + 144
5 My App 0x0000000100085714 -[AppStateManager HandleAsynchRequest:] (AppStateManager.m:328)
6 Foundation 0x00000001854f7c40 __NSThread__start__ + 1000
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fb28 _pthread_body + 156
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479fa8c _pthread_body + 0
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018479d028 thread_start + 4
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000155616b10 x1: 0x000000018a206102 x2: 0x00000001556169c0 x3: 0x0000000155616b10
x4: 0x000000015680c2c0 x5: 0x0000000000000010 x6: 0x0000000000000067 x7: 0x0000000000000fd0
x8: 0x00000001a1223000 x9: 0x00000000158b6550 x10: 0x00000001a216a000 x11: 0x00000001a216a000
x12: 0x00000001556169d0 x13: 0x10000000158b6554 x14: 0x000000000000008c x15: 0x00000001556169dd
x16: 0x5000f8d3b4fb11e2 x17: 0x00000001556169dd x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x000000015680c240
x20: 0x00000001556169c0 x21: 0x0000000155616b10 x22: 0x0000000000000001 x23: 0x00000001a2165360
x24: 0x0000000184aee6c8 x25: 0x00000001a2165360 x26: 0x0000000000000003 x27: 0x0000000158ffa300
x28: 0x00000000a7baadb1 fp: 0x000000016fd99f50 lr: 0x0000000184b69118
sp: 0x000000016fd99f00 pc: 0x00000001841b5bd0 cpsr: 0x20000000
I'm getting this message with zombies enabled
[CFString retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x12f78f7e0
I replicated this bug once on my development iPhone. Also note that the application uses real-time TCP communication. When I receive some data a block is created to show the data in the UI.
Can NSUserDefaults produce a EXC_BAD_ACCESS?
It's an issue related to memory leaks. To solve the problem use Xcode static analysis to find potential memory leaks in the code. Also run Xcode instruments with Leaks configuration.

iOS app crash only if run from instrument (Automation)

My app do not crash on device. No leaks no memory warning. I was living happily. But recently I was doing some UI testing with Instrument(Automation). Boom Boom. App crashes after using it like 8 min. Looping around like 30 times. And it keep crashing but after different durations but all at same step. Again no leaks no memory warning. Again it do not crash on device(without instrument) doesn't matter how long use my app.
+ Every times it crashes after I pop a specific ViewController. And that view controller is loaded with stuffs (image view, playing and recording audio, take photo from album and camera)
Here is the device log. Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
Incident Identifier:
CrashReporter Key:
Hardware Model: iPhone5,2
Process: My App [15196]
Identifier: My App
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2013-08-16 12:48:10.814 +0200
OS Version: iOS 6.1.3 (10B329)
Report Version: 104
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x1208b319
Crashed Thread: 6
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3e30 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3fd0 mach_msg + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x319da2b6 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 126
3 CoreFoundation 0x319d8fd6 __CFRunLoopRun + 814
4 CoreFoundation 0x3194c238 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
5 CoreFoundation 0x3194c0c4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
6 GraphicsServices 0x3552b336 GSEventRunModal + 70
7 UIKit 0x338682b4 UIApplicationMain + 1116
8 MyApp 0x0000531e 0x3000 + 8990
9 MyApp 0x000052d4 0x3000 + 8916
Thread 1 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be45d0 kevent64 + 24
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x39b1fd22 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 806
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x39b1b374 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 32
Thread 2 name: WebThread
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3e30 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3fd0 mach_msg + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x319da2b6 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 126
3 CoreFoundation 0x319d902c __CFRunLoopRun + 900
4 CoreFoundation 0x3194c238 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
5 CoreFoundation 0x3194c0c4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
6 WebCore 0x37954390 RunWebThread(void*) + 440
7 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4d0de _pthread_start + 306
8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4cfa4 thread_start + 4
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3e30 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3fd0 mach_msg + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x319da2b6 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 126
3 CoreFoundation 0x319d902c __CFRunLoopRun + 900
4 CoreFoundation 0x3194c238 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
5 CoreFoundation 0x3194c0c4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
6 Foundation 0x322705be -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 250
7 MyApp 0x00020b0a 0x3000 + 121610
8 Foundation 0x3231d22c __NSThread__main__ + 968
9 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4d0de _pthread_start + 306
10 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4cfa4 thread_start + 4
Thread 4 name:
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3e30 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3fd0 mach_msg + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x319da2b6 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 126
3 CoreFoundation 0x319d902c __CFRunLoopRun + 900
4 CoreFoundation 0x3194c238 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
5 CoreFoundation 0x3194c0c4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
6 Foundation 0x32299888 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 304
7 Foundation 0x3231d22c __NSThread__main__ + 968
8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4d0de _pthread_start + 306
9 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4cfa4 thread_start + 4
Thread 5 name:
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39bf4594 __select + 20
1 CoreFoundation 0x319de474 __CFSocketManager + 676
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4d0de _pthread_start + 306
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4cfa4 thread_start + 4
Thread 6 Crashed:
0 Foundation 0x3231d692 __NSFinalizeThreadData + 122
1 CoreFoundation 0x319d6212 __CFTSDFinalize + 62
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b3feb8 _pthread_tsd_cleanup + 172
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b3fb8e _pthread_exit + 114
4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42ade _pthread_workq_return + 22
5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b427f2 _pthread_wqthread + 362
6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42680 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 7:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39bf4d98 __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42ad6 _pthread_workq_return + 14
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b427f2 _pthread_wqthread + 362
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42680 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39bf4d98 __workq_kernreturn + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42ad6 _pthread_workq_return + 14
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b427f2 _pthread_wqthread + 362
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b42680 start_wqthread + 4
Thread 9 name: AURemoteIO::IOThread
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3e30 mach_msg_trap + 20
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x39be3fd0 mach_msg + 48
2 AudioToolbox 0x314cdc80 AURemoteIO::IOThread::Run() + 104
3 AudioToolbox 0x314d000c AURemoteIO::IOThread::Entry(void*) + 4
4 AudioToolbox 0x3140d9f2 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 294
5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4d0de _pthread_start + 306
6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x39b4cfa4 thread_start + 4
Thread 6 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit):
r0: 0x0010f522 r1: 0x39700941 r2: 0x39e57e88 r3: 0x1f8dc028
r4: 0x1208b2fd r5: 0x0000001c r6: 0x00000000 r7: 0x04af9f18
r8: 0x1f8dc028 r9: 0x007f8014 r10: 0x00000004 r11: 0x00000037
ip: 0x39d4db30 sp: 0x04af9d50 lr: 0x31946eb7 pc: 0x3231d692
cpsr: 0x20000030
EXC_BAD_ACCESS generally means that you are sending a objective c message to an invalid memory address. This happens because an object that you are using has been deallocated.
Use NSZombieEnabled to get more information.
Start commenting out stuff. It's a memory issue, find the offending line of code.

App works on iPhone Simulator, but crashes on real iPhone Device

Today i tried running my app on my iPhone device, and it crashed! It worked perfectly fine on the simulator, I don't know what the problem is.
These are the crash logs:
Identifier: Evader
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2012-09-13 16:41:54.656 -0700
OS Version: iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x377d888f __exceptionPreprocess + 163
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x354dd259 objc_exception_throw + 33
2 CoreFoundation 0x377d8789 +[NSException raise:format:] + 1
3 Foundation 0x380173a3 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 91
4 Evader 0x0012ca41 -[CCSprite initWithTexture:] (CCSprite.m:192)
5 Evader 0x0012c1b1 +[CCSprite spriteWithTexture:] (CCSprite.m:83)
6 Evader 0x0011eb3d -[CCProgressTimer initWithTexture:] (CCProgressTimer.m:69)
7 Evader 0x0011ea55 -[CCProgressTimer initWithFile:] (CCProgressTimer.m:59)
8 Evader 0x0011e9e1 +[CCProgressTimer progressWithFile:] (CCProgressTimer.m:55)
9 Evader 0x00173579 -[HelloWorldLayer lives] (HelloWorldLayer.m:256)
10 Evader 0x001723ed -[HelloWorldLayer init] (HelloWorldLayer.m:101)
11 Evader 0x0010f073 +[CCNode node] (CCNode.m:258)
12 Evader 0x0017bd11 -[StartMenu doThis:] (StartMenu.m:75)
13 CoreFoundation 0x377db7e4 __invoking___ + 68
14 CoreFoundation 0x377367b1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 161
15 Evader 0x0010aa03 -[CCMenuItem activate] (CCMenuItem.m:129)
16 Evader 0x001085ff -[CCMenu ccTouchEnded:withEvent:] (CCMenu.m:198)
17 CoreFoundation 0x377323fd -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:] + 53
18 Evader 0x0014f4ff -[CCTouchDispatcher touches:withEvent:withTouchType:] (CCTouchDispatcher.m:268)
19 Evader 0x0014fc43 -[CCTouchDispatcher touchesEnded:withEvent:] (CCTouchDispatcher.m:338)
20 Evader 0x001515c3 -[EAGLView touchesEnded:withEvent:] (EAGLView.m:332)
21 UIKit 0x314c692b -[UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:] + 319
22 UIKit 0x314c6319 -[UIWindow sendEvent:] + 381
23 UIKit 0x314ac695 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 357
24 UIKit 0x314abf3b _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 5827
25 GraphicsServices 0x33eee22b PurpleEventCallback + 883
27 CoreFoundation 0x377ac4c5 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 141
28 CoreFoundation 0x377ab313 __CFRunLoopRun + 1371
29 CoreFoundation 0x3772e4a5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 301
30 CoreFoundation 0x3772e36d CFRunLoopRunInMode + 105
31 GraphicsServices 0x33eed439 GSEventRunModal + 137
32 UIKit 0x314dacd5 UIApplicationMain + 1081
33 Evader 0x00171029 main (main.m:14)
34 Evader 0x000dec68 start + 40
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x3198f32c __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x3408c208 pthread_kill + 48
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x34085298 abort + 88
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x36f12f64 abort_message + 40
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x36f10346 _ZL17default_terminatev + 18
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x354dd350 _objc_terminate + 140
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x36f103be _ZL19safe_handler_callerPFvvE + 70
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x36f1044a std::terminate() + 14
8 libc++abi.dylib 0x36f1181e __cxa_rethrow + 82
9 libobjc.A.dylib 0x354dd2a2 objc_exception_rethrow + 6
10 CoreFoundation 0x3772e506 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 398
11 CoreFoundation 0x3772e366 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 98
12 GraphicsServices 0x33eed432 GSEventRunModal + 130
13 UIKit 0x314dacce UIApplicationMain + 1074
14 Evader 0x00171022 main (main.m:14)
15 Evader 0x000dec60 start + 32
I have tried to look for the error, but I do not know what to look for. Can someone help solve this problem?
CCSprite initWithTexture: raises the exception that causes your app to exit. I'm not entirely up on Cocos2d but a quick check in the documentation suggests it raises exceptions on failure to find named files.
That being the case, I'd guess the problem is simply one of filename case. Macs are by default case insensitive. So if you have FunnyImage.png then the simulator will succeed if you attempt to load funnyimage.png.
iOS devices are case sensitive. So it will fail if you attempt to load funnyimage.png.
So probably what you want to do is check that all the filenames you've used in code exactly match the case of the actual files.

What's going wrong in this crash log

So i have this crash log from my application. I don't have much experience in reading such logs :( Could someone please help me?
Process: SoundCloud Downloader [15495]
Path: /Applications/SoundCloud Downloader
Identifier: com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader
Version: 2.1.1 (b7)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [227]
Date/Time: 2012-01-08 15:16:21.614 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version: 9
Crashed Thread: 7
Exception Codes: 0x000000000000000d, 0x0000000000000000
VM Regions Near 0:
__TEXT 0000000100000000-0000000100053000 [ 332K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/SoundCloud Downloader
Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: _cfTypeID
objc[15495]: garbage collection is OFF
Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
0 libunwind.dylib 0x00007fff8bf97239 libunwind::CompactUnwinder_x86_64<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace>::stepWithCompactEncodingRBPFrame(unsigned int, unsigned long long, libunwind::LocalAddressSpace&, libunwind::Registers_x86_64&) + 1
1 libunwind.dylib 0x00007fff8bf971fd libunwind::CompactUnwinder_x86_64<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace>::stepWithCompactEncoding(unsigned int, unsigned long long, libunwind::LocalAddressSpace&, libunwind::Registers_x86_64&) + 37
2 libunwind.dylib 0x00007fff8bf97171 libunwind::UnwindCursor<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace, libunwind::Registers_x86_64>::step() + 69
3 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff91442294 objc_addExceptionHandler + 82
4 0x00007fff94d27d44 _CFDoExceptionOperation + 308
5 0x00007fff8ffd3309 _NSAppKitLock + 73
6 0x00007fff9009acb2 -[NSCGSContext _invalidate] + 57
7 0x00007fff9009ac53 -[NSCGSContext dealloc] + 27
8 0x00007fff9009ac31 -[NSWindowGraphicsContext dealloc] + 67
9 0x00007fff9009abe5 -[NSBitmapGraphicsContext dealloc] + 92
10 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9144003c (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 434
11 0x00007fff94cc5f75 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 37
12 0x00007fff8a83c2a6 __NSFireDelayedPerform + 468
14 0x00007fff94cecad6 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 534
15 0x00007fff94ccd471 __CFRunLoopRun + 1617
16 0x00007fff94cccae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
17 0x00007fff8c02a3d3 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 277
18 0x00007fff8c03163d ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
19 0x00007fff8c0314ca BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
20 0x00007fff8ffd83f1 _DPSNextEvent + 659
21 0x00007fff8ffd7cf5 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 135
22 0x00007fff8ffd462d -[NSApplication run] + 470
23 0x00007fff9025380c NSApplicationMain + 867
24 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100001e50 start + 52
Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c97e6 kevent + 10
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff8f5cb5be _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 923
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff8f5ca14e _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54
Thread 2::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c767a mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c6d71 mach_msg + 73
2 0x00007fff94cc4b6c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
3 0x00007fff94ccd2d4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
4 0x00007fff94cccae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
5 0x00007fff8a8960ab +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 335
6 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
7 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
9 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 3::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c8df2 __select + 10
1 0x00007fff94d15f9b __CFSocketManager + 1355
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c9192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a610594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b85 start_wqthread + 13
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c9192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a610594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b85 start_wqthread + 13
Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c9192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a610594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b85 start_wqthread + 13
Thread 7 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9143ae90 objc_msgSend + 16
1 0x00007fff94ca6ae0 CFGetTypeID + 240
2 0x00007fff8b1a31f0 CGSReleaseRegion + 23
3 0x00007fff9001ac0d -[NSRegion dealloc] + 33
4 0x00007fff900a23fc +[_NSAutomaticFocusRing showForView:] + 2655
5 0x00007fff9001acbe -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 136
6 0x00007fff9001493e -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1676
7 0x00007fff9016ca18 -[NSWindow setFrame:display:animate:] + 1320
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100015682 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate expandTheWindowForDownload] + 654
9 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100016374 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate addToDownloadsQue:title:artist:buy:] + 2900
10 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x00000001000126f9 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate prepareForDownloadThread:] + 727
11 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x00000001000129c6 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate prepareThread1] + 70
12 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
13 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
14 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
15 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c9192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a610594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b85 start_wqthread + 13
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c767a mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c6d71 mach_msg + 73
2 0x00007fff94cc4b6c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
3 0x00007fff94ccd2d4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
4 0x00007fff94cccae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
5 0x00007fff8a83c04f -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 267
6 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100029601 -[ASIHTTPRequest startSynchronous] + 229
7 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100013849 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadThisFromThread:] + 952
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100014db2 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadT1] + 70
9 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
10 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
11 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
12 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 10:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c767a mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c6d71 mach_msg + 73
2 0x00007fff94cc4b6c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
3 0x00007fff94ccd2d4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
4 0x00007fff94cccae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
5 0x00007fff8a83c04f -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 267
6 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100029601 -[ASIHTTPRequest startSynchronous] + 229
7 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x00000001000139c3 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadThisFromThread:] + 1330
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100014ccb -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadT2] + 70
9 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
10 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
11 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
12 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 11:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c767a mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8c7c6d71 mach_msg + 73
2 0x00007fff94cc4b6c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
3 0x00007fff94ccd2d4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
4 0x00007fff94cccae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
5 0x00007fff8a83c04f -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 267
6 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100029601 -[ASIHTTPRequest startSynchronous] + 229
7 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100013b3d -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadThisFromThread:] + 1708
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100014be4 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate downloadT3] + 70
9 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
10 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
11 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
12 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Thread 7 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x00007fff7a7a5b00 rbx: 0x0000000101aad400 rcx: 0xf000000000000000 rdx: 0x00007fff7a7d56c0
rdi: 0x0000000101aad400 rsi: 0x00007fff9089fb17 rbp: 0x000000010a1da1d0 rsp: 0x000000010a1da1b0
r8: 0x0000000000000080 r9: 0x0000000000000180 r10: 0x000000010035ec80 r11: 0xf000000000000000
r12: 0x000000010a5263b0 r13: 0x00000000000000e0 r14: 0x000000010a527250 r15: 0x000000010a526500
rip: 0x00007fff9143ae90 rfl: 0x0000000000010246 cr2: 0x000000010a527000
Logical CPU: 0
External Modification Summary:
Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
task_for_pid: 7
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by this process:
task_for_pid: 0
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by all processes on this machine:
task_for_pid: 167922
thread_create: 2
thread_set_state: 0
VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=162.9M resident=115.1M(71%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=47.8M(29%)
Writable regions: Total=122.9M written=12.7M(10%) resident=21.4M(17%) swapped_out=860K(1%) unallocated=101.4M(83%)
=========== =======
CG backing stores 1496K
CG image 1872K
CG raster data 1988K
CG shared images 3512K
CoreGraphics 16K
CoreImage 4K
CoreServices 2888K
MALLOC guard page 32K
Memory tag=240 4K
Memory tag=242 12K
Memory tag=243 12K
Memory tag=251 8K
OpenCL 8K
Stack 13.1M
__DATA 15.3M
__IMAGE 1256K
__TEXT 114.7M
mapped file 45.3M
shared memory 17.7M
=========== =======
TOTAL 426.9M
Also, ist there a book or some website where i could learn how to read crash logs?
Here is the code for expandWindowForDownload
- (void)expandTheWindowForDownload
// Get the window size
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.origin.y += frame.size.height - 201;
frame.size.height = 201;
// Apply it
[window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
Here are the things I normally look for:
Exception type
This normally helps you to understand what the basic problem is. In your case, the exception type is EXC_BAD_ACCESS:
As Google, Stack Overflow or Apple will tell you, these kind of errors occur when you try to access an object after you've released it. (One common root cause of this is if you "over-release" an object - i.e. you call the release method on an object more often than it had been retained.)
Xcode can often find the source of these kind of errors when you run "Analyze" from the Product menu. (In Xcode 3 it's "Build and Analyze" from the Build menu if I recall correctly.) So give that a try, it might save you some time. Otherwise...
Crashed Thread
You'll find this at the top of the crash log, right above the exception type. In your case you've got:
Crashed Thread: 7
This allows you to discard most of the content of the crash log and concentrate on just the thread that caused the crash. So the bit you're interested in is this:
Thread 7 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9143ae90 objc_msgSend + 16
1 0x00007fff94ca6ae0 CFGetTypeID + 240
2 0x00007fff8b1a31f0 CGSReleaseRegion + 23
3 0x00007fff9001ac0d -[NSRegion dealloc] + 33
4 0x00007fff900a23fc +[_NSAutomaticFocusRing showForView:] + 2655
5 0x00007fff9001acbe -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 136
6 0x00007fff9001493e -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1676
7 0x00007fff9016ca18 -[NSWindow setFrame:display:animate:] + 1320
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100015682 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate expandTheWindowForDownload] + 654
9 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100016374 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate addToDownloadsQue:title:artist:buy:] + 2900
10 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x00000001000126f9 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate prepareForDownloadThread:] + 727
11 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x00000001000129c6 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate prepareThread1] + 70
12 0x00007fff8a88a7fe -[NSThread main] + 68
13 0x00007fff8a88a776 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
14 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a60e8bf _pthread_start + 335
15 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8a611b75 thread_start + 13
Now you can work down this stack trace from top to bottom until you reach the first call from your own code. (In theory it's possible that the crash is being caused by an error in Apple's code, but in practice it's almost always our code, not theirs.)
So for you the line of code where things have started to go wrong is:
8 com.BirdiCode.SoundCloud_Downloader 0x0000000100015682 -[SoundCloud_DownloaderAppDelegate expandTheWindowForDownload] + 654
Have a look through the expandTheWindowForDownload method and see if you can spot where you're accessing a released object. If you can't spot it, post the code for that method here and we should be able to find the answer and help you understand what's gone wrong.
Ok, so for anyone viewing this I found the solution to the problem.
It seems to be if you resize the window and the user has "Focused" on a NSTextField while the window is resizing it may cause the crash. This happens on all text input except the NSForm.
This problem occurs on 10.7.2 & 10.7.3. I haven't tried it on any other versions of mac os x.
To solve this problem I just called [textField setEditable:NO]; before and [textField setEditable:YES]; after the window resizing call.
Anyway, thanks for helping!