Combining DataSource and Local Data in SmartGWT ListGrid - datasource

I have extended a ListGrid to create a list of saved searches grouped by type of search, whether public or private. This list is populated through a standard SmartGWT datasource.
In addition, I would like to add to this list a grouping of historical searches, that would be available to a user as they create searches on a session-by-session basis (IE. a user creates a new search - until they close the browser, that search will display in the search list, under the grouping 'Historical Searches').
Long story short, I would like to be able to populate the ListGrid from two separate sources - from the already existing datasource and ideally from a RecordList saved in memory. I tried something similar to this:
public void fetchData() {
for(Record r : histSearches.toArray()) {
While this code does get executed, it does not in any way perform the functionality that I'm hoping for it to do. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to perform this functionality? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you call DataSource.fetchData(), in the callback you can get the selected data as a RecordList. You can then add your per-session searches via recordList.add(), and provide the modified RecordList to a ListGrid via setData().
By the way, there is also an article on the public wiki showing a sample implementation of saved search (though different from what you want):


Graphql and access to Types Properties depending on some logic

I am new to Graphql and some things still confuse me.
I am working on a project, similar to Todo List.
User may have multiple todo items, some of item's properties must be visible to owner only, some should be public.
So far I came up with two ideas:
1) First is to create two separate types, something like:
ToDoType {
ToDoPrivateType {
...other private properties
And access
- ToDoType from root query user {...} and everywhere else, except
- viewer {...} where I will use ToDoPrivateType
It will work but looks a little like double-work,
plus if I retrieve todo lists from standard user root query I will not be able to pull private properties for user's own user.
2) I can also provide access to all properties and set to null properties to which a random user should not have access (like createdAt of other's users) but it also does not look right.
Hope what I am asking is not too confusing.
Do these approaches make sense?
Is there a better way to control access to some properties?

How can we make an Item in socialengine?

I know how to get an item of the particular table. Like for user we can have
$userItem = Engine_Api::_()->getItem("user", $userId);
or for a custom table
$customItem = Engine_Api::_()->getItem("custom", $customeId);
I want to know the code or method how can I make my $customItem to work the same way as $userItem works for users table. So that I can get data or manipulate the data of custom table
Thanks for your help. :-)
You can achieve that by creating a model. Check how it's done in /application/modules/User/Model. There is User.php file that declares User_Model_User and methods available for User such as getTitle, get Href etc.
You may use similar approach for your custom item. You will also need to create a file similar to /application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/User.php to declare table for your custom items.

silverstripe 3 - How to add access control to generated data objects?

Good afternoon,
Please let me know if this question is not clear enough, I'll try my best to make as straight-forward as possible.
How can I add access control to objects that are generated by an end-user using my data object?
Example: I have a class that extends a DataObject. Someone logs in the back-end; fills out the form that's generated by the CMS for the data object. A record is then created in the database by the CMS.
I would like to add an access control to that newly created record in the database.
For a code scenario you can take a look at one of my posts: Silverstripe 3 - Unable to implement controller access security from CMS
The only other way I can think of asking this question is: How to Dynamically (or programmatically) create permissions for records that are created by a DataObject extension via the CMS?
Thanks for your assistance.
Update - Sample Code
///>snippet, note it also has a Manager class that extends ModelAdmin which manages this!
class component extends DataObject implements PermissionProvider{
public static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar',
'Description' => 'Text',
'Status' => "Enum('Hidden, Published', 'Hidden')",
'Weight' => 'Int'
///All the regular permission checks (overrides), for the interface goes here, etc...
///That is: canView, canDelete, canEdit, canCreate, providePermissions
Now, from the back-end an end-user can add components using the Manager Interface that's generated by extending ModelAdmin. How can I add individual permissions to those added components by the end-user?
Update 2
Example: Add Process Data Object that extends ModelAdmin will give you this in the back end
Then, when you click on the generated 'Add Process' button, you'll get this:
Finally, someone fills out the form and clicks on the 'Create' button, which saves the data in the database. That looks like this:
Now, on that record thats created in MySQL I'd like to add granular permissions to that record. Meaning, for every record created I want to be able to Deny/Allow access to it via a Group/Individual, etc.
Is that even possible with the SilverStripe framework? Thanks.
Implement the functions canView, canEdit, canDelete, and/or canCreate on your DataObject.
Each function will return true or false depending on the conditions you set - any conditions, not just what is defined in the CMS.
See the example code on the tutorial site.

How to display custom fields in rally?

I have a ruby script that is trying to pull up some custom fields from Rally, the filter works just fine ( the filter contains one of the custom fields i want to pull up) but when I try to display it, it doesn't show up in the list (the value returned for all custom fields is blank, while appropriate values are returned for FormattedID, Name, Description).
Here's the link [link]
Please see this post.
Do you fetch the fields?
What version of WS API are you using? If it is v2.0 is c_ prepended to the name of the field in the code?
How is the field spelled in your code and how that spelling compares to Name and Display Name of the field in UI?
There is another reason why custom fields might not appear (other than the versioning and 'c_' issues nickm mentioned). I just found this out after a ton of head banging. The Rally SDK's ui stuff will filter out all fields that are hidden (such as _ref, or other 'hidden' custom fields) so you cannot view them in your apps in grids, charts, etc. For example, when constructing a Rally.ui.grid.Grid, a class called Rally.ui.grid.ColumnBuilder is constructed and it executes a command on the columns of the chart that look like this:
_removeHiddenColumns: function (columns) {
return _.filter(columns, function (column) {
return !column.modelField || !column.modelField.hidden;
As you can see, if you try to display any fields that are hidden (like _ref for example) in a grid, the column gets removed. So, although you may be fetching the custom fields, they will not show up unless those fields are not 'hidden'.

Kentico Ecommerce: getting top selling categories

I am using Kentico 7.0, ecommerce version.
I would like to create a sidebar menu that shows the eshop's top selling product categories. I am a kentico newbie so I am looking around for the correct terminology/guidance so that I can dig deeper.
The ideal approach in my opinion would be to be able to add a field on categories, which is used to filter categories for the menu. This way I can either have some kind of job that updates the fields automatically based on sales, OR provide a manual override for an admin to specify whether a category will show up on the menu. Of course some kind of weight would also be needed to specify menu item ordering.
Which way should I look?
HAve you tried using the "Top N products by sales" web part that is available? you can configure from which part of the content tree (products) it should pull the data - in the Path property you can use also a path expression or macro that is resolved dynamically so the web part can display different products in different sections.
There are many ways to code for Kentico. I personally find the API is a bit clunky and on quite a few occasions I was surprised that a method didn't exist requiring extra calls to get the required results. I do use the Kentico API more when putting data in to Kentico. Pulling it out I use the following.
Write a SQL stored procedure to get the top X categories - GetTop5Categories.
Look at the COM_* tables, specifically COM_OrderItem, linking OrderItemSKUID back to COM_SKU (or View_COM_SKU_Joined if you need to get to the IA).
This will get you the top selling products with a group by, a count, a top X and an order by.
Then you can link to other tables such as CMS_Category or CMS_Document (depending on how you setup your categories). The bonus of this is that procs are compiled, you do all your data manipulation there (it's what MSSQL specialises in!) and you only send back what you need to in the result set.
DOMAIN (leveraging EF)
I usually create a separate class library project myproject.domain and put an Entity Framework edmx in there mapped back to the Kentico DB. Add the proc to the EDMX, then create a Function Import MyProject_GetTop5Categories from your newly imported proc.
add a reference to the domain project from your web project, and a 'using at the top of the codebehind of the control.
using myproject.domain;
then in Page_Load for the control:
var entities = new MyProjectModelContainer();
var list = entities.MyProject_GetTop5Categories().ToList();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<ul>");
foreach(var category in list)
sb.Append("<li><a href='"+category.Link+"'>" + category.Name + "</a></li>");
listPlaceHolder = sb.ToString();
handwritten so probably a typo or two in there :)