how to draw UIButton with tint color and rounder from single side only - objective-c

I wanna draw a UIButton filled with a red tint color or some color else presented by rgb and only the upper edges are rounded.
some people answer me to get an image to do that but every time i want to change it i have to bring new image and replace it, I wanna ask can i do it from code without get an image.

There is no direct way. Only way to achieve this to create a segment control and keep only a single segment in that.
See this post for detailed implementation,
If you want to round only two corners check Round two corners in UIView or Just two rounded corners? as mentioned in rdurand's comment. Since segment control is a subview of UIView, this should work.

You can draw the rounded corners using NSBezierPath s bezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius: method. And then draw over it with another bezier path. Or you could just define a custom bezier path using moveToPoint: lineToPoint: and curveToPoint:controlPoint1:controlPoint2:
Take a look at this:


Cocoa - NSTextField with only top-left and bottom-left rounded corners

I'm trying to make an NSTextField with only two rounded corners on the top-left and bottom-left. I tried to do the following, but in this case I get all corners rounded:
self.myTextField.layer.cornerRadius = 5;
What should I do to have only two (or for example one) rounded corners?
I'm a little out of my lane in OS X, but what you want to do is embed whatever corner art you like into an image and present those on an image view behind the NSTextField.
Resize the image view exactly as you do the text field, but first set the image's capInsets property. Size the insets to exclude the corners from scaling as the extent of the image changes. (Make sure your corner art is placed at the extreme edges of the image).

How to create a small button with a large tappable area

I want to create a close button which will look like a circle with an x in the middle. In x code I set the button's size and width to be large so that the touchable area is larger (50 x 50 with a font of just 22).
I create a button, change the title to X and then set the following:
[self.closeButton.layer setBorderWidth:2.0f];
[self.closeButton.layer setBorderColor:[[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]];
[self.closeButton.layer setCornerRadius:self.closeButton.bounds.size.width/2];
The circle border is too far from the X. How would I bring the borders in tighter to the X but not decrease the size of the clickable area?
assign image to a button. and make tappable area as you want. then set image location in button by setting inset value of that button as top, bottom, left, right. change the value of this according to your requirements. You can set inset value from interface builder as shown in image here. change the value and see the difference to place your image in button at exact location you want.
exactly like this image
I'd suggest exactly what Max has done. He has shown how to do this via IB, this is how you do it through code:
myButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 25, 25);// UIButton
myBarButtonItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 25, 25);// UIBarButtonItem
Sorry for not reading your question properly the first time. I think you will run into the same issue with this approach : the border/cornerRadius of the button will not respect any insets. It will be drawn according to the frame of the button. Only (easy) workaround at the top of my head, is to create an image with the border and corners in it, and then set it as the image. The image will respect the insets, and you will have your desired tappable area, with the borders exactly where you want them.
There might be a more elegant workaround through subclassing, but unless you change the border width/color, or corner radius of your button at any stage, I'd suggest sticking with custom image.
Instead of using an image you might want to use this unicode character.

Drawing two shadows on text (Core Graphics)

I'm tying to draw two different shadows on some text to create an embossed effect. Here's the portion of my drawInRect where I draw the text with the first shadow (all the variables used are already defined):
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, textInnerShadowOffset, textInnerShadowBlurRadius, textInnerShadowColor.CGColor);
[textColor setFill];
[self.text drawInRect:rect withFont:self.font lineBreakMode:self.lineBreakMode alignment:self.textAlignment];
But now I'm faced with the problem of drawing the second shadow. I assume I'll need to change the shadow and draw the text again, but I need to do so without adding another copy of the text.
How can I draw text without really drawing the text itself? Changing the fill color to clearColor doesn't work. I've seen people use clipping masks for this, but AFAICT that will only work for simple shapes, not text.
Alternatively, is there an easier way to draw two shadows on the same text?
Two options, depending on the exact effect you want:
If you want the first, "upper" shadow to also contribute to the second, "lower" shadow underneath it, use a transparency layer.
Set your CGContext's shadow for the "lower" shadow
Create a transparency layer using CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer
Set the context's shadow for the "upper" shadow
Draw your text
End the transparency layer using CGContextEndTransparencyLayer
(Note that transparency layers can be quite expensive. It's best to call CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect and pass in as small a rect as you can.)
If you want the shadows to be independent -- the only thing that contributes to each shadow is the text -- you'll need to use a trick.
Set up the shadow with an additional large offset, big enough so that you can draw the text outside of the bounds of your context and have the shadow land in the correct place. That way you'll see only the shadow, but not the text.
Figure out what offset is "big enough". It will probably depend on the size of the context you're drawing into (based on your view), and maybe the bounds of the text.
Or, just fudge it: pick an absurdly large value like 5000 pt.
Set up your shadow. Add the big offset to its normal y offset.
Draw the text, offset vertically by the big offset.
Repeat 1-3 for each "lower" shadow, from back to front. Afterwards, draw the text and the "uppermost" shadow last, without the offset.

How to specify image offset for drawAsPatternInRect of UIImage

Is it possible to specify an initial offset of the image when using drawAsPatternInRect of the UIImage class?
To clarify what I actually need:
Let's say I'm drawing an image in the center of a view, using the drawAsPatternInRect. Now if I move this rectangular area around, the drawn background still fills the whole area, but it's coordinates are fixed, i.e. they do not move with the rect, which makes it look like the drawing area is just a transparent 'window' to some static background. What I would like to achieve is to make it look like the background is moving together with the area itself.
I've tried using the functions described here, but I didn't have much success.
Any help would be very welcome.
CGFloat hOffset = ...
CGFloat vOffset = ...
CGContextSetPatternPhase(context, CGSizeMake(hOffset, vOffset));
Invoke it just before invoking drawAsPatternInRect

Rounded corners on NSTableView

I have a custom view subclass similar to NSBox that draws a rounded box background. The problem is that if I place a view like an NSTableView in the box view, it does not clip to the rounded corners. Is there any way to round the corners of NSTableView and its parent scroll view?
I haven't tried this with a table view but have with other controls.
In a subclass of NSTableView (or whatever view/control you want to clip)
Override drawRect:
Create an NSBezierPath with the shape you want (probably appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius: just remember to use the view's bounds as the size)
Send the path the addClip message to add that shape to the view's clipping path
Call super's drawRect:
If the table view has a header you may need to clip the top corners by subclassing NSTableHeaderView. And if you have scrollbars you may have to do the same thing to them except only clip certain corners. Hopefully you don't have scrollbars because I doubt that would look right. Basically you want to clip the view/control that draws that part, clipping the parent will not cause subviews to be clipped.
If you look at Apple's Welcome to Xcode window they get away with it by drawing a custom header at the top and a text block at the bottom so they don't have to round the table view itself. If you can do something like that I would.