Reusing LESS nested styles - less

Let's say that I have a style defined using Less:
ol.unstyled {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
Later on, I want to re-use the unstyled class:
.my-list {
This doesn't work, however, and I can't figure out the magic to make it work. Any thoughts?

You can't re-use arbitrary class definitions, only mixins (those starting with a dot). In this case you'll need to duplicate it.

Try this:
.unstyled {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
.my-list {
You won't be able to nest .unstyled if it's defined as ul.unstled and ol.unstyled.

Since you can't reuse .unstyled when it's a nested style and you probably don't want to edit the Bootstrap source code, I'd suggest you just assign both classnames to your list:
<ul class="unstyled my-list" />


Is there any (good) way to extend a class within a mixin, and then use that mixin within a media query, using Less?

I've been working on building out some Less files to help speed up my CSS workflow, and also to help produce more efficient, cleaner CSS.
The way I see it:
Mixins are a great way to help speed up the workflow, but they have the drawback of potentially making the outputted CSS longer than necessary.
Extending classes is the ideal solution for ensuring the amount of duplicate style declarations is minimized, helping clean that up...
So, to help balance things out I wrote out a set of standard, commonly used styles, using dummy classes (they are stored in a file which is imported by reference, so the styles are only output if they get extended).
I set all of my Mixins to extend these classes wherever possible, which worked great for the most part.
However, I realized my pitfall once I got to my media queries... I can't extend those classes within the media query, which would be fine normally, I would just remember not to do so.. But since the Mixins also now use my extends, I can now no longer use them inside media queries either.
I'm not willing to avoid using the Mixins inside of the media queries because of this, but I'd really love to be able to find a way to keep extending classes within them to keep my output as clean as possible.
The only idea I've thought of so far is to add an extra parameter to every Mixin to specify wether it should extend or not, but that's less than ideal.
My hope is that someone can come up with a much more clever solution, that would allow me to maintain the benefit of Mixins which extend base style classes, but also maintain easy usability, without over complicating things. Might be a tall order, but here's hoping.
In case my explanation was hard to follow, this is what I would have hoped to be able to do, but is not currently possible:
Ideal Input
// extensions.less
.block {
display: block;
// mixins.less
#import (reference) "extensions";
.mixin {
margin: auto;
// styles.less
#import "mixins";
.element1 {
.element2 {
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.element3 {
.element4 {
Ideal Output
// styles.css
.element1, .element2 {
display: block;
.element1 {
margin: auto;
.element2 {
margin: auto;
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.element3, .element4 {
display: block;
.element3 {
margin: auto;
.element4 {
margin: auto;
In short, yes, currently it is somewhat possible but requires some additional wrapping for a top level classes:
// extensions.less
.block {
display: block;
// mixins.less
#import (reference) "extensions";
.mixin() {
margin: auto;
// styles.less
#media all { // !
#import "mixins";
.element1 {
.element2 {
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
#import (multiple) "mixins";
.element3 {
.element4 {
.element1 and .element2 (and any other class to extend .block) have to be put into #media all because currently:
Top level extend matches everything including selectors inside nested media
So if .element1 and .element2 stay in the global scope they leak into every other #media .block declaration.
(Hmm, actually for me this "top level extend matches everything" thing looks questionable and contradicts another "extend inside a media declaration should match only selectors inside the same media declaration" rule (obviously because global scope = #media all thus they should work identically)).

LESS condition based on CSS class to set a LESS variable

I need to set a Less variable to match the website's active theme, ie, each theme has a different color.
I'd like to set #themeColor to the right color, based on the HTML's body CSS class that defines the theme.
For example:
body.themeBlue { #themeColor: blue; }
body.themeRed { #themeColor: red; }
This way I'd only need to use the #themeColor variable inside the other Less files.
Can anyone help?
According to this ( it is possible to do something like that, but I can't make it work. what is going on here?
The LESS file cannot read the actual class applied to the html body element at run time (you would probably need to implement a javascript solution to do something like that).
If you just want to have all themed css ready for use based on the body class, the best way to implement this to have all the necessary theme based css in a mixin, then apply it under the theme classes. This reduces code duplication. For example:
//mixin with all css that depends on your color
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
#contrast: lighten(#themeColor, 20%);
h1 {color: #themeColor;}
p {background-color: #contrast;}
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
CSS Output
body.themeBlue h1 {
color: #0000ff;
body.themeBlue p {
background-color: #6666ff;
body.themeRed h1 {
color: #ff0000;
body.themeRed p {
background-color: #ff6666;
For some other answers that deal with aspects or ways of theming, see:
LESS CSS - Change variable value for theme colors depending on body class
LESS.css variable depending on class
LESS CSS: abusing the & Operator when nesting?
Variables in Less are actually constants and will only be defined once.
Scope works within its code braces, so you would need to nest your CSS within each theme you want (which means duplication).
This is not ideal as you would need to do this:
body.themeBlue {
#color: blue;
/* your css here */
body.themeRed {
#color: red;
/* your css here AGAIN :( */
You could, however, try to use variables like this:
#color: black;
#colorRed: red;
#colorBlue: blue;
h1 {
color: #color; // black
body.themeRed & {
color: #colorRed; // red
body.themeBlue & {
color: #colorBlue; // blue
You would only need to declare the colours once, but you would need to constantly do the "body.themeRed" etc. prefixes where the colour varies depending on the theme.
You could actually use #import to load your theme! So common.less would contain all your default styles and #themeColor will be applied to it.
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
//file with all themed styles
#import 'common.less';
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
BTW you should avoid using body selector in your common.less, because it wouldn't work.

Referencing parent with multiple levels of nesting in LESS

I have the following LESS:
.container {
.column, .columns {
.one& {
width: 40px;
When I compile I'm getting the following for my CSS:
.one.container .column,
.one.container .columns {
width: 40px;
But I expected to get:
.container .one.column,
.container .one.columns {
width: 40px;
It appears the parent operator (&) in LESS is actually referencing what I'd expect to be the grandparent. Am I nesting things properly? The docs don't show any examples of nesting more than one level deep. Can I achieve my desired output with nesting?
I'm using lessc 1.3.3 installed via npm.
It's important to think of & as more of a "parentage" combinator, rather than a "parent" combinator. That is, it takes the whole nested string of selectors up to that point (no matter how many levels deep) and acts as the equivalent of a string replacement holder. So with a reduced version of your example...
.container {
.column {
.one& {
width: 40px;
...the selector string at that level is .container .column. This is what is "replaced" in the position of the &, so when you concatenate to the beginning as you do above, it gets attached at the beginning of the whole selector string and you end up with your:
.one.container .column {width 40px;}
But if you concatenate from the end (no space between & and .) then...
.container {
.column {
&.one {
width: 40px;
.container {width 40px;}
This last one is really the class combination you want, though just not quite in the same order you were hoping for. But order does not matter to the browser, .one.column or are the same, it just means an element that has both individual classes applied to it like so:
<div class="column one"></div>
<div class="one column"></div>
Both of those are equivalent, and either .one.column or as a selector is going to select both elements, because both elements have both classes.
If order is absolutely vital to you (you just must have your generated CSS be as you are seeking), then you would need to do a bit of repetition like this:
.container {
.column {
...generic column code here...
.one {
&.column {
width: 40px;
...any other code dependent on combination of .one.column here...

LESS CSS Variable based on variable

I'm using LESS to build a site, and want the layout to switch based on direction, either 'ltr' or 'rtl' (direction:rtl)
I set #direction at the top. Then there are certain elements that I want floated left for ltr, and right for rtl. I also want to position absolute, and apply padding-left/right based on the #direction.
Instead of writing out separate mixins for float, pos and padding, I was trying to do something like this:
.mixin (#direction) when (#direction = ltr) {
.mixin (#direction) when (#direction = rtl) {
Then call it like this:
ol li {
ol li {
That's the idea, but any help would be appreciated. I've looked at guards, and parametric mixins but just can't seem to nail it.
I have an idea for your case which solve RTL problem. In each class, we define 2 mixin within it for direction stylesheet properties. The prototype like that:
// #direction variable should be put by somehow
#direction: rlt;
.foo {
// common properties;
.dir(rtl) {
// RTL properties;
.dir(ltr) {
// LTR properties;
For example:
// #direction variable should be put by somehow
#direction: rlt;
.foo {
color: #000000;
.dir(rtl) {
float: left;
padding-left: 5px;
background: "rtl.png";
.dir(ltr) {
float: right;
padding-right: 5px;
background: "ltr.png";
OK. After some playing and a bit of thinking this is what I've come up with. If I can't use variables as properties then I'll use #direction, and #directionOpp (opposite of rtl, ltr) to use as a layout helper.
I have 2 variables.
#direction: ltr; // Change to 'rtl' for arabic, hebrew, etc.
#directionOpp: rtl; // Make this opposite of #direction, for easier mixins
Here's my mixin for horizontal positioning.
#dir {
.dir(ltr,#dist:0) {left: #dist;}
.dir(rtl,#dist:0) {right: #dist;}
.float(ltr){float:left; }
.margin(ltr, #dist:#a){margin-left:#dist;}
.margin(rtl, #dist:#a){margin-right:#dist;}
.padding(ltr, #dist:#a){padding-left:#dist;}
.padding(rtl, #dist:#a){padding-right:#dist;}
and here's how I call it.
ol li {
If I ever need to reverse anything, then I can replace #direction with #directionOpp.
I can also specifiy how much #dist I need as it's parametric mixin, and since they're all separate I can have any combination of margin, float, padding etc I need without multiple mixins with hard coded properties.
Good solution?
Your first issue is that variables are actually constants in LESS. So once you set it, it can not be overwritten. When you set #lr to "left", then it will always have "left" as its value, even if you try to reset the variable. Which is the issue with your first idea.
As far as your second idea, LESS does not support using variables as properties, only values. However you can hack around it like so:
.mixin(#prop, #value) {
Ignore: ~"a;#{prop}:#{value}";
This isn't very clean, but it does the trick if you absolutely need the functionality. Word is it is in the works for 1.4.
Also, you are calling the mixin incorrectly. Try something like this:
.mixin (#direction) when (#direction = ltr) {
float: left;
.mixin (#direction) when (#direction = rtl) {
float: right;
Then call it like this:
ol li {
Which should spit this out:
ol li {
float: left;
Try this Mixins in your LESS files
#rtl: rtl;
#ltr: ltr;
#direction: #rtl;
then Use them like this
html {
direction: #direction;
direction: #direction;
for Left and Right commands you should use these mixins
.DockItem(#location, #value) when (#location = "left") and (#direction = #ltr){
left: #value;
.DockItem(#location, #value) when (#location = "right") and (#direction = #ltr){
right: #value;
.DockItem(#location, #value) when (#location = "left") and (#direction = #rtl){
right: #value;
.DockItem(#location, #value) when (#location = "right") and (#direction = #rtl){
left: #value;
then in your less file you should call this mixins like this
.DockItem('left', '100%');
Note that I set #direction to RTL so above style would result like this
right: 100%;
If you set chnage the directionality of the page to LTR it would result like this
left: 100%;
Let me know if it helps you or not
I implemented a rtl extension in dotless. Find it on github. That extension reverwses float:left to float:right and margin-left:5px to margin-right:5px.
It also supports prefixing properties to control how they are reversed.
A lot more info is available on the dotless wiki for the plugin.
You can find generic information on how to use dotless and plugins also on the wiki.

LESS CSS: selector substitution?

This is an existing general css rule (original file):
.caption-top {
color: red;
This is schematic, because in real life case, I need the .caption-top selector to become something else, depending on the context. But I would like to use a variable instead of changing the all occurrences of the selector. For example, in one context, it should become .field-name-field-caption-top. So I did this (wrapper file):
#caption-top: .field-name-field-caption-top;
#caption-top {
color: red;
This generates a LESS parse error. Is there another method to establish a rule to substitute a selector? So that, for the above example, the rule will finally look like this:
.field-name-field-caption-top {
color: red;
Additional info
The whole point is to not touch the original css file, because it comes from outside and will be overwritten, but instead, to wrap it and tell Less how to replace existing classes with classes used in a particular theme. If it is not possible to achieve, then acceptable solution will be to change the original file in an automatic way, like e.g. replace all occurrences of ".caption" with "#caption" (which I suggested in the above code sample) or make an import at the beginning etc. Then use a wrapper Less file (aware of the theme implementation) to specify what classes whould be replaced with what.
You can use escaping to achieve this:
#selector: '.myclass';
(~'#{selector}') {
color: red;
However you cannot do this:
(~'#{selector}') .another {
color: red;
To achieve the above you will need to alter the variable
#selector: '.myclass .another';
You need to produce a function of two arguments that generates the desired CSS:
.generator(#fieldName, #fieldCaption) {
.#{fieldName}-#{fieldCaption}-top {
color: red;
.generator(foo, bar);
(Feel free to try this in the online less compiler)
This piece of code produces the desired CSS for elements with name "foo" and caption "bar". You just need to make more calls to the .generator function with different arguments to obtain what you need.
If this does not correspond to what you need, please provide one additional example of your desired CSS output.
It looks like mixins are what you need:
.caption-top {
color: red;
.field-name-field-caption-top {
You can define a class that, used or not, you can then reference again and again inside other selectors. You can even combine them with new styles, thereby extending what the original block of CSS would have done:
.field-name-field-caption-bottom {
font-size: 3em;
Give it a go in the compiler!