Creating a simple CRUD wth VB 2010 and SQL Server 2008 -

I need your help in connecting VB.NET 2010 to SQL Server 2008. I also want to know how to make a very simple CRUD application in VB.NET 2010 and display its records in a DataGrid or ListView.

I don't think that there is any quicker way to start than with ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Take a look at this walkthrough. You can have a database oriented crud screen in a few lines of code.


SQL Server compact

I'm trying to get data from api and insert them into a SQL Server .sdf database file, but I'm not sure how to do it especially that I'm using Windows forms on Visual Studio 2010
Can someone help me ?
This is a very broad question, however, at a very high level, you will need to open up a connection to the SQL Server Database and use a data access technology such as ADO.NET or EntityFramework to work with the objects in the database.
See the answer in this thread for an example of working with ADO.NET.

How to create a visual database application using ms access 2007

I trying to create an application using vb 2010.This application handles booking of airline customers. i am using ms access 2007 where i have created a table that stores customer information and another that stores and updates seats available in different flying classes. Am trying to develop an interactive application in visual basic 2010 where customers can book. i want to add this data to the database in real time and communicate to customers the seats available,prices and so forth. In otherwards the application communicates with database and updates accordingly. Firstly how do i connect to my database? I tried but seems better equiped to work with sql server which i have no idea how to use. Is there a tool that can make my interaction with the access seamless? or are there any useful resources which can guide me with working access 2007 and
There's this step-by-step by Microsoft on how to use to connect to a access database.
I agree with David and Ken, why not use SQL Server Express or MySQL, they are free and easy to use, and much better to work with multi-users.

Save Data from WinForms Controls to a SQL Server Database

So I am just getting started with this. New to .NET, SQL Server, C#, VB.NET, etc and the closest thing I have to related to this is some experience with MS Access and the VBA that relates to that and MS Office automation.
So I do have Visual VB.NET 2008 Express installed, SQL Server 2005 express installed, and I do know how to start a brand new project in VB.NET, and then add the database to the solution explorer, modify the tables/fields, etc. I know how to create a WinForm, add some controls (and name them and whatnot).....
So in MS Access I know how to use VB in the Code-Behind-Form to use the form in an unbound manner, and insert data into the tables via Visual Basic with SQL statements. I am looking to be able to begin the same sort of thing here, because I guess I have to start somewhere?
This may be a bit overwhelming, but I'd start with the videos here:
and in particular, look for the data videos at the bottom of this page.

References/walkthroughs for maintaining database schemas with Visual Studio 2010?

I have Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and SQL Server 2008 installed. I'm working with a populated database and want to modify various column types. SQL Server Management Studio requires me to drop tables to do this, and get pretty finicky given my moderate level of knowledge of SQL Server.
However, I heard the new database project type supports changing the database schema to the desired format and it will handle creating and running all the scripts to implement the changes.
I've created a VS2010 database project using the existing database as the source, but so far haven't had much luck figuring out the appropriate method to make the changes without getting an error.
As a result, I'm looking for any reference info I can find on using VS2010's capabilities in this area. Any suggestions?
write scripts instead of using the gui. You can use alter table for instance to change a column. Never use a GUI of any kind to create a change to a database table.
Here's a walk through of the new VS2010 "Deploy-SQL" tab in the properties page of web application projects.

Working with WPF & SQL database

I'm into creating a simple contact management application to test how WPF works with SQL database. is there any WPF-code for that shows how to connect with SQL database ? save and update data?
I'm using KaXML/Sharp-develop for WPF and using SQLite/MS-SQL server 2005.
I can't use Visual studio express(not allowed to install,anyway that's another issue)
Do i need to work with cs files (c# code) for this ?
(Sorry, very limited links regarding this using google)
any help with how to add data grid and relative code will help a lot.
other than that you can point me to question/blog posts/forum entry that covers my problem.
There are a few good starter videos in
For this task I recommend you How Do I: Create a Simple WPF DataGrid to Edit Tabular Data