CONCATENATE formulas - excel-2007

I have used the following formula to combine text strings into a new cell and am getting FALSE in my result cell.
I am trying to create a unique reference number combining the first three characters of a client name to an entry number.
The formula box shows me the correct answer but is displays as FALSE in my result cell and I don't know how to correct it.

try the following formula instead:
=MID(D2,1,3) & A2


Use the same formula multiple times for multiple cells containing dropdown lists

My file looks something like this
An IF statement would be too long considering I have 20 different long formulas.
Update: I later tried to use an IF statement but failed because it depended on substitute function to replace cell references in the equation but substitute returned a string which coudn't be used as a function by IF.
User should be able to increase available rows by simply copy and insert the previous row.
I can use index match to copy a cell's value which contain the right formula according to the dropdown list but when the user select the same item again I can't update the formula with the new values without affecting the previous cell which used the same formula.I couldn't find a way to copy the same formula several times and replace cell references in it (without human interaction like search and replace) i.e. by using Substitute function which couldn't replace cell references as it looks through the cell's value not it's formula (the cell which contain the main formula).Here is one of the 20 formulas I have
=(Tables!O167*144/(Tables!O158*Tables!O159)/4005)^2*INDEX(Tables!A159:L200;MATCH(INDEX(Tables!A159:A200;MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(Tables!A159:A200>=Tables!O158*Tables!O159/(Tables!O160*Tables!O161);0);));Tables!A159:A200;0)+MATCH(INDEX(Tables!B159:B200;MATCH(INDEX(Tables!A159:A200;MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(Tables!A159:A200>=Tables!O158*Tables!O159/(Tables!O160*Tables!O161);0);));Tables!A159:A200;0)+MATCH(INDEX(Tables!B159:B200;MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(Tables!B159:B200>=Tables!O164/(2*Tables!O158*Tables!O159/(Tables!O158+Tables!O159));0);));Tables!B159:B200;0)-1;);Tables!B159:B200;0)-1;MATCH((INDEX(Tables!C158:L158;MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(Tables!C158:L158>=Tables!O163;0);)));Tables!A158:L158;0))I tried to use FORMULATEXT to convert the formula into a string then use substitute to replace the cell references then use the depreciated Evaluation function but hit the 255 char limit. I searched a lot on google but to no avail, I don't mind a VBA code but a macro free method would be better, Thanks.
TL;DR: Is there a way to copy a formula stored in a cell and replace some of the cell references then enter it in another cell multiple times with different cell references each time ??
Try this in E2 and fill down.
=CHOOSE(MATCH(LOWER(LEFT(A2)), {"r","s","t"}, 0), B2*C2, B2^2, B2*C2/2)

VBA Excel - Update Cell value based on other cell value

I am trying to write a formula in a Range of cells based on other range cells values from another worksheet. The formula is shown below:
ActiveSheet.Range("G14:G43").Formula = "=Worksheets("1ºperíodo").Range("V14:V43").Value"
But the code doesn't work and I get a syntax error. That must be related with the strings but I don't know how to fix it.
The value at V14 must be equal to the value at G14 until the last cell, i.e., the value at G14 equals the value at V43. Besides the syntax error is the formula correct based on what I expect to have?
is not a formula. It is a value.
If you only want the static values then just assign the values:
ActiveSheet.Range("G14:G43").Value = Worksheets("1ºperíodo").Range("V14:V43").Value
If you want a live formula you need to pull vba from the string and use the .Address function:
ActiveSheet.Range("G14:G43").Formula = "=" & Worksheets("1ºperíodo").Range("V14").Address(0,0,,1)
But the above can be simplified to:
ActiveSheet.Range("G14:G43").Formula = "='1ºperíodo'!V14"
With the formula, we only need to refer to the first cell with a relative reference and vba will make the changes to each row.


I have 2 validation lists, both have numbers & texts amongst them (but none of the lists have alpha-numeric symbols). They are on another sheet called "Source".
I'm using the statement of:
But I keep getting #N/A. Can anyone help?
You will not be able to lookup a range within another range using MATCH formula. In your formula you are using match to lookup A3:A32 within B3:B42. Ideally the match formula can lookup only 1 value in B3:B42 and not the complete range of values.
Your formula should be,
If you want to drag formula varying the A3 to A32 , use the below,
This type of lookup with range within a range works only on array formulas. Your formula seems much of array formula. After pasting the formula in formula bar, press ctrl + shift + enter . This will make your formula as an array formula. If you do not want to use that as an array formula, try my formulas with just enter

VBA script in excel to find and highlight text

I am looking for a VBA script that will help me find certain keywords in a cell and if found highlight the entire row. Below are my requirements:
I have a database of words eg hell, get out, shut up, don't you dare etc. I need a macro to search the data in column "E" of excel and in case any of the cell in column "E" contains any word listed in the database (irrespective of the case of the word upper or lower)the entire row is highlighted. The word can be in the beginning, middle or end of the cell and the macro should be able to find that word and highlight the column.
Seeking help from all VBA masters for this.
You can do this with conditional formatting, instead of VBA.
Conditional formatting works by applying a 'second formula' to a given cell. If the 'second formula' results in TRUE, then special formatting conditions can be applied.
For example, if you have a single column of Data, A:A, and you want to check if that column has the exact string "hello world", you could add a conditional format [Home ribbon, Styles section, Conditional Formatting] that turns a cell yellow with this formula:
=$A1="hello world"
This will only result in TRUE if the cell in column A at that row equals exactly "hello world" [note that Column A has an absolute-reference $, and row 1 does not, so row 1 is relative to the position of the cell in the condiitonal format rule].
To check to see if any row in column A includes hellow world, we need to add a SEARCH function, which checks to see if a small search string is inside of a larger string:
=SEARCH("hello world",$A1)>0
Because SEARCH by default returns the first character in a larger string that matches the search term (and if it finds nothing, it returns #N/A), we check to see if our search for "hello world" in column A returns a number.
Now, to see if ANY column, say from A-D, includes "hello world", we concatenate each value of each column so that it gives us a single string, which we can search through for "hello world", like so:
=SEARCH("hello world",$A1&$B1&$C1&$D1)>0
This will first create a single string, equal to A1 & B1 & C1 & D1 all in a row. Then it will search that newly created string to see if "hello world" is inside it, and return a number value if it is.
Finally, we need to do the tricky part - searching for multiple terms instead of just "hello world". This is called an Array Formula. An array formula works by performing a single operation on multiple cells, and then returning multiple results in an Array. In an Excel sheet, an array formula must be confirmed with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER (instead of just ENTER), but in conditional formatting, you actually don't need to do anything special - it will recognize an array formula without a special command.
As an example of conditional formatting, see this example, which checks whether any value from A1:A5 = 10, and if it does, it gives us the value in B1:B5:
Remember in Excel on a worksheet, this would be confirmed by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER. If you do test this, it will give you the following result, assuming A2 = 10 and A5 = 10:
This result would actually be hidden, because Excel can't "collapse" an array function on its own. So assume column B had values, and we actually want to sum them together. We would then wrap the Array formula in a SUM function:
As you can see if you test this, we have actually created our own SUMIF function, using Array formulas instead of the built-in SUMIF.
So now we apply these principles to the conditional formatting, to create an array formula which will check our concatenated 'NEW STRING' for any number of provided terms, as follow [Assumes the search terms are typed into cells E1:E10]:
This formula can be placed as a conditional formatting rule which reaches all of A:D. Set the rule to highlight / change format in whatever way you like.

Check if cell if empty

I am trying to check if the cell (A5) in sheet tstDash is empty. Currently the cell contains a formula but sometimes it the result is blank and sometimes is a number.
If it is blank, I want a message box. Otherwise perform other function.
I have this code but it is completely ignoring the line and giving me fits.
If chk25thPercentile.Checked = True And Globals.tsdDash.Range("A5").Value Is DBNull.Value
Try this ..
If chk25thPercentile.Checked And IsDBNull(Globals.tsdDash.Range("A5").Value)
What language are you writing in ? VBA or VB.Net ? VBA won't accept IsDBNull. If you are in VBA you want to be testing for the blank result of the formula, which is probably just an empty string ""
I expect you need something like
If chk25thPercentile.Checked And Globals.tsdDash.Range("A5").Value = ""
That is assuming that the result of your formula is an empty string, if the cell is actually blank, ie, without a formula you might want to look at ISBLANK