Running ScalaTest in IntelliJ removes everything but idea_rt.jar from classpath - intellij-idea

I am trying to run a ScalaTest test case from IntelliJ
I specify the class path to use in the run/debug configuration dialogue and this appears to work ok.
However, if I try to interrogate this classpath using System.getProperty("java.class.path")
I only get the idea_rt.jar
This wouldn't be a problem except I am trying to do this inside an Integration test:
val execArgs = Array("java",
val process = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(execArgs)
And, of course, my mainClass is not found.
My config.
IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.3
scala plugin version 0.5.977

Try to edit bin/ or Info.plist if you are on Mac, set this to true:
# Configure if a special launcher should be used when running processes from within IDE.
# Using Launcher enables "soft exit" and "thread dump" features


Spring Profiles in combination with ConfigServer

I have a very basic Spring Boot Config Server (just added the dependency and annotated mainclass with #EnableConfigServer).
In general I would like to support multiple environments with different propertysources for each of my applications, here is the example of the ConfigServer itself:
Profile: default (application.yml on classpath):
Profile: docker (application-docker.yml on classpath):
Profile: default (application.yml in repository of ConfigServer):
So in my case all of the properties from all of the three screenshots should be active, I'd expect the order/priority as follows:
application.yml from classpath
application-ANY_PROFILE.yml from classpath
application.yml from config repo
APP-NAME.yml from config repo (does not exists in this case)
So far this works flawlessly, except the issue that I'm having is that my application-docker.yml on classpath is beeing ignored when I start the application with the command (of course inside the container):
java -jar *.jar
as you can see here:
My question is, even when I provide the profile as command line argument its not beeing picked up.
Why is that?
UPDATE, here is the Dockerfile and
To activate one or more profiles do one of the following:
Activate using the VM parameters<profiles>
Activate using program arguments<profiles>
Following your example, the following should work:
java -jar *.jar

How configure Azure function project in Intellij/Pycharm run/debug configurations on mac

How to configure Azure function project in Intellij/Pycharm run/debug configurations on Mac because I've tried to set it by my own but it doesnt work.
I would like to replace shell command: func start with run config
The image below from Pycharm
I've added path to Azure-CLI and imported my app-settings
I'm trying to configure the run configs but it asks to select the module but there is no any module in dropdown (see pic)
Here is what azure-tools-for-intellij team me answered:
They dont support pure python functions run yet
I think you shouldn't use row shell scrip with IntelliJ/PyCharm instead of this you should use Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ and run/debug your functions like in this guide.
Also when you install Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ you will have the opportunity to create run/debug configuration with predefined Azure Function ready template.
Just example:
I found the way to debug in Intellij Idea/PyCharm.
add these lines at the top of your file/module:
import pydevd_pycharm
pydevd_pycharm.settrace('', port=9091, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)
set Python Debug Server with host and port in Run/Debug Configs
run your azure functions as used to (func host start) and press debugging button.
The way I do it in PyCharm is to define a shell script configuration (Edit Configurations > Shell Script) and set:
Execute: Script set
Script text: func start
Working directory: should be to project directory where host.json etc. is located
Environment variables: leave empty
Execute in the terminal: checked
Run this configuration, which will start the test server in terminal. Then go to Run > Attach to Process... and select the process (usually it's the one without any path after the number).

Get null use System.getenv() in gradle

def CATALINA_HOME = System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME")
task t << {
CATALINA_HOME is null when I run with idea (double click t from Gradle Project panel), but when gradle t is executed in terminal I get a correct path.
It seem this is only happen in OSX (my version is 10.11.14 El Capitan).
IntelliJ IDEA has problems with recognizing environment variables on OS X (not sure if on other systems as well). Please have a look at this post - it should solve the problem (some time ago I had similar issue and found it very useful).
Since the linked page no longer exists you can find it in the archive here. Thanks #AlexeyStepanov!
Want to add, that sometimes it insufficient for Intellij Idea to configure Run/Debug Configuration option of Environment variable.
Instead you need to set them in File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Runner -> Environment variables

Debugging SBT project with Play in IntelliJ IDEA

I have a SBT project
in this project i have a sub play project and other projects
example from my build file :
lazy val subProj1 = Project(id = "sub-proj-1", base = file("sub1"))
lazy val subProjPlay = play.Project("play-proj", 1.0 , path = file("web"))
need to debug the play server from IntelliJ IDEA.
To run the project I use sbt run on the command line.
How can I debug the project in IDEA?
I found this to be the easiest solution : (using IntelliJ IDEA )
in IntelliJ :
Go to "edit run configurations"
Create a new remote configuration (port 9999, all other details leave with default values)
Go back to IntelliJ and run the new debug configuration (don't forget to put a break point)
From command line run :
sbt -jvm-debug 9999 run
The easiest solution.
Edit Configurations... -> add SBT Task (not Remote task).
Specify SBT Task: ~run.
Run created SBT Task using - Debug button
Provided you've Play distribution installed locally, use play debug run on the command line and connect to localhost on the port 9999 in IDEA.
From Debugging section in Using the Play console in the official Play 2.2.x documentation:
You can ask Play to start a JPDA debug port when starting the console.
You can then connect using Java debugger. Use the play debug command
to do that
If however you don't have it (and for a reason don't want to install it), add Remote Run configuration in IDEA that will give you a hint for the command line arguments you should be using when launching SBT, e.g.
When you launch SBT that may or may not be as simple as launching SBT jar, just use the above to configure JVM to run in debug mode.
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.1 && Play Framework 2.5.3
For me, no matter how I set(create new Run/Debug Configuration for Play 2 App or SBT Task, specify the debug port, execute in Run or Debug mode) in the IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.1 Enterprise Edtion, the IDEA can not open the debug port(default 9999), so the debug is impossible.
After disable the sbt-fork-run-plugin(comment it in /project/paly-fork-run.sbt), it works!!!
I am newer to Play framework,and have found many bugs...Compare to RoR, it's so hard to learn, to run, to use, to debug...
Below is my steps:
disable the sbt-fork-run-plugin(comment it in /project/paly-fork-run.sbt)
execute activator -jvm-debug 9999 "run 11111" (I use port 9999 to debug, port 11111 to run my Play project)
In IDEA, add an new Run/Debug configuration, Choose, set debug port to 9999
debug the new created configutation

How to debug a maven goal with intellij idea?

Can you debug a maven goal with Intellij IDEA? I know that I can right-click and run Debug. However, the maven plugin does not appear in my External Libraries list, so I can not go into the code and set a breakpoint. Thus, Debug runs through the goals without stopping, like Run does.
I am using OS X 10.8 and IDEA 12.0.2.
EDIT: Goal
I've written custom specRunner for - However, $specs$ stays empty. So I try to see which files are actually loaded.
Figured it out:
from the command line, run maven goal with mvnDebug instead of mvn. E.g. mvnDebug clean
Open the source of the maven plugin you want to debug in intelliJ and set a breakPoint
In IDEA, add a Remote JVM Debug Configuration.
Under Settings, set Transport: Socket, Debugger Mode: Attach, Host: localhost, Port: 8000 (default port of mvnDebug).
Run the Configuration in Debug mode. It should connect to the waiting mvnDebug jvm.
Very easy. I am using Intellj Idea 15.0.4
Set the breakpoint in your maven plugin
In the tag "Maven Projects" go to the project witch is using your maven plugin.
In "Plugins" find your plugin and over the goal right click and Debug
Here is a screenshot:
Old question, but I was having the same need and it took me a while to get it to work. Hopefully can help someone.
For test debugging use:
mvn <goal> -Dmaven.surefire.debug
mvn <goal> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug
When execution stops and listens to socket at address 5005 (default) you run your configured remote debugger.
How to configure it:
Run -> Edit configurations -> Remote
Transport: socket
Debugger mode: Attach
Port: 5005 (default)
-> Save.
I think the easiest solution is to temporarily add the maven plugin as a dependency. Once this is done, IntelliJ will treat this just like any other dependency and you can set breakpoints the usual way.
The easiest way to debug maven goal ONLY within IntelliJ is to create a regular maven goal and in the runner tab pass those VM options:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000
Where 8000 is a port number for remote debugging.
Then create new Remote configuration with port 8000. Run this configuration after running maven goal.
No need to setup up Java Remote Debugger or anything like that. It is literally just a right click -> debug on the Maven goal now, as explained in the official docs.
Either You can refer to above answer Or just add this plugin to pom.xml
-Xdebug -
And run maven goal with mvn instead of mvnDebug. E.g. mvn spring-boot:run
In IDEA, add a Remote Configuration.
Under Settings, set Transport: Socket, Debugger Mode: Attach, Host: localhost, Port: 8000 (default port of mvnDebug).
Run as Debug in IDEA , whenever you want to debug the code.
Since you are working with Intellij, there is already a built-in debugger there and you do not need to necessarily use mvnDebug which is a command line tool. Check out this tutorial: How to Debug Maven Applications in Intellij IDEA.
The tutorial uses the Maven Exec Plugin and lets you debug the application without a need to use the command line or MvnDebug. Thought sharing it might be of value here.
#Peter Szanto 's answer work for me, but I don't like mess my source code.
And I can't make those MvnDebug way work.
So I try another way, add plugin source as IDEA module.
Here is the detail step:
Clone the plugin source as an independent project.
In your project, go to File -> New -> Module from Exist Sources and add the plugin project you clone in step 1.
Now you can open the plugin source code and set some break point.
Run your maven goal as debug mode, it should stop at the break point.