How to debug QWebView's failure to load a web page? - qtwebkit

I use QWebView to load a page, then I only keep reloading it with reload()slot. loadFinished(bool) signal often undicates false. I also use QwebView's network access manager's finished signal to get http response code - it's set to 0.
The same page loads fine with all browsers, no matter how fast I try to relaod it in browser. How to debug this problem, what could be wrong?

Have you tried to get the reply's error code and error message, like this:
class Browser(object):
def __init__(self):
self.network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager()
self.web_page = QWebPage()
self.web_view = QWebView()
def _request_finished(self, reply):
print reply.error()
print reply.errorString()


Selenium unable to locate element

I have tried all the suggestions on stackoverflow but none seems to work. My code works for all other tested log in site but "", which is the site I'm trying to write a script to log in and check my bank balance upon request.
My code is as follow:
def page_is_loaded(driver):
return driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body") != None
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
wait = ui.WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
email_field = driver.find_element_by_id("UID")
password_field = driver.find_element_by_id("PIN")
When I run this, I am returned selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element:...
Also, if I check driver.page_source, the result is that of the page.
I'm assuming the line that returns the body tag is the one that is failing. It's because the page hasn't loaded yet so it throws an exception. You should use Expected Conditions, specifically visibility_of_element_located and wait for the UID instead of body.

The selenium got the different html source from my local pc

I fetched by driver.current_url
However I got timeout error by this code
wait = => 10) # seconds
wait.until { #driver.find_element(:css => "div.WrapperFlightDate") }
But I can see the css attributes div.WrapperFlightDate was truly exsiting in the page_source,
How could it happen ?
When I opened given link and trying to see given class in source code(ctrl + u),I didn't find given class.May be page was not loaded properly.
I refreshed page and right click on page -> View Page Source option then got this class in source code.Even I also ran this successfully in FF.
I also surprised why I didn't see correct source code first time.
You also try same,hope so you also get correct code now :).

Rails 400 and 500 error page in development mode

I am trying to display the 500 error page whenever exception occurs. below is my setting
in development.rb file
config.consider_all_requests_local = false
and also override the method local_request in application_controller.rb file
def local_request?
But still not able to display 500 page on local machine in case of exception. I also tried to run app on production mode, but still getting same result.However i can successfully display 500 web page using IP address.plz help
Are you routing them properly? You can do custom error pages by putting in your application.rb:
# For error handling
config.exceptions_app = self.routes
Then in your routes.rb file:
## Routes for Exceptions
match '/404', to: "static#not_found", as: "not_found"
match '/422', to: "static#rejected", as: "rejected"
match '/500', to: "static#something_wrong", as: "something_wrong"
Assuming you have a "static" controller (use whatever you want). Then render out the templates as you normally would.

Loading feeds / entries getting undefined method 'entries' for 0:fixnum error

I trying to load feeds from my blog but this is resulting in the error in the title mentioned.
The error message:
NoMethodError (undefined method `entries' for 0:Fixnum):
app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:6:in `home'
This is how I'm doing:
I created a file in the libfolder called blog_feeds.rb, that contains only the following:
module BlogFeeds
require 'feedzirra'
def load_feeds
feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse('')
And the line #6 for the error is:
#feeds = load_feeds.entries
Note that this error only occurs sometimes, not always.
So, any idea about what's going wrong here?
Thank you!
When fetching a feed, Feedzirra will return the HTTP status code instead of an object containing the feed entries, if the HTTP fetch results in an error (i.e. not a 200 or 3XX).
In order to handle this condition gracefully, check the type of the object you get back from fetch_and_parse by wrapping it in something like:
unless feeds.is_a?(Fixnum)
# work with the feeds object
# handle the error condition, retry, etc.
You should also be able to see these failures by fetching the feed in a browser repeatedly, if it's frequent enough.
Well, seems that was something wrong with my code before.
I was trying to randomize some posts and using something like this on the view:
In order to get the first 5 random posts.
And to fix it, I just replaced the shuffle! method for the shufflemethod.
Now, everything is working fine!

Paperclip processor can't find it's file

Formerly: Running a model method on a paperclip attachment after create or update (paperclip callbacks don't seem to work)
Edit (later that day)
I figured out my problem. The processor apparently works with the file that is updated, but doesn't save any files until after processing. I changed my Zip::ZipFile to open 'file' rather than 'attachment.path' since the attachment path doesn't actually hold anything yet. This fixed the first problem. Now I'm having other problems that I'll need to track down. But the answer below is mostly correct.
Edit (1/31/2011):
So I have taken the advice to create a processor for my attachment which will perform all the necessary actions. So far, it looks like it should work; the processor starts and does all the initialization stuff, apparently. However, when I get the point where I want to access the zip file that gets uploaded, I get an error saying that the file cannot be found. The code for my processor is below:
class Extractor < Processor
attr_accessor :resolution, :whiny
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
#file = file
#whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
#basename = File.basename(#file.path, File.extname(#file.path))
#attachment = attachment
#instance = attachment.instance
def make
# do your conversions here, you've got #file, #attachment and #basename to work with
export_path = attachment.path.gsub('.zip', '_content') { |zip_file|
zip_file.each { |image|
image_path = File.join(export_path,
unless File.exist?(image_path)
zip_file.extract(image, image_path)
# ..stuff that it does..
# clean up source files, but leave the zip
# you return a file handle which is the processed result
dst = result_file_path
And here is the contents of the error that I get:
Zip::ZipError in GalleriesController#create
File /home/joshua/railscamp/moments_on_three/public/assets/archives/ not found
Rails.root: /home/joshua/railscamp/moments_on_three
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
config/initializers/extractor.rb:16:in `make'
app/controllers/galleries_controller.rb:32:in `new'
app/controllers/galleries_controller.rb:32:in `create'
"archive"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000004148d78 #original_filename="",
#headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"gallery[archive]\"; filename=\"\"\r\nContent-Type: application/zip\r\n",
"commit"=>"Create Gallery"}
From what I can tell it's looking for the file in the right place, but the file doesn't seem to be uploaded yet to access it. As far as I'm aware, Paperclip is smart enough to know and wait for the attachment to upload before it tries to process it. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks a lot.
Old stuff:
I'm developing a photo gallery app using Rails 3 and Paperclip. The Admin is able to create a gallery and upload a zip file containing a bunch of images.
What I want to happen:
Enter gallery info and zip file to upload into the form.
Hit 'Create Gallery' button.
Form posts, gallery saves, and zip file gets uploaded.
After zip file is uploaded, run the method :extract_photos (btw, this code
4.a. At the end of this method, zip file is destroyed.
Admin is redirected to gallery page with all the photos in it (where
gallery has_many photos).
I've tried to make this work several different ways.
Before, I created a controller method which would allow the Admin to click a link which ran the :extract_photos method. This worked on my computer, but for some reason the server had trouble routing this on the client's computer. So it's a no go. Plus I thought it was an ugly way of doing it.
Recently, I tried using callback methods. after_save didn't work because it apparently interrupts the form POST and the file doesn't get uploaded and the :extract_photos method can't find the file.
I checked out callback methods on the Paperclip github page, and it talks about the callbacks:
Before and after the Post Processing
step, Paperclip calls back to the
model with a few callbacks, allowing
the model to change or cancel the
processing step. The callbacks are
"before_post_process" and
"after_post_process" (which are called
before and after the processing of
each attachment), and the
"beforepost_process" and
"afterpost_process". The callbacks are
intended to be as close to normal
ActiveRecord callbacks as possible, so
if you return false (specifically -
returning nil is not the same) in a
before filter, the post processing
step will halt. Returning false in an
after filter will not halt anything,
but you can access the model and the
attachment if necessary.
I've tried using before_post_process and after_post_process, but it can't find the file to run the process, so the file obviously isn't getting uploaded by the time those methods are getting called (which I think is strange). Additionally, when I try beforepost_process and afterpost_process, I get a NoMethodError.
So how do I call a method on an attachment when it is created or updated, but after the file is uploaded and in the right place?
I tried the code below, moving my extraction method code into the make method of the processor. I've gotten farther than I have did before with trying to write a processor, but it's still a no-go. The process throws an exception as soon as I try and open the uploaded file for processing, saying the file doesn't exist. The naming scheme is correct and everything, but still nothing is getting uploaded before the process is getting triggered. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
You can write your own processor to accomplish this.
in your model when declaring the paperclip stuff add a custom processor
has_attached_file :my_attachment, {
:styles => {:original => {:processors => [:my_processor]}}
then write your own processor and put it config/initializers:
module Paperclip
class MyProcessor < Processor
attr_accessor :resolution, :whiny
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
#file = file
#whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
#basename = File.basename(#file.path, File.extname(#file.path))
#attachment = attachment
def make
# do your conversions here, you've got #file, #attachment and #basename to work with
# you return a file handle which is the processed result
dst = result_file_path
I am using a custom processor to things similar to what you are doing with lots of processing and converting of the file in the middle and it seems to work well.