AutoHotKey Global Variable that can be accessed and modified by different macros? - variables

I've seen a similar topic on sof but its solution did not help me. This is ticking my mind and basically all i want is to have some method of accessing and modifying a value that will maintain its last changed state through out my macros in my single .ahk file.
See example below ,
var := "1"
var *= -1
If (var = "1") {
Loop, 1 {
Send {k}
Sleep 65
Send {WheelDown}
Sleep 100
Send {WheelUP}
Sleep 10
} Else {
Send {k}
I am aware that the above is incorrect, and i tried to use"global" in my functions but i just couldn't get my desired effect.

Using the "global" should work. Something like:
global var
If (var = "1") {
That points the 'var' variable in the shot() function to the existing 'var' variable defined outside the function.

I had the same issue and after some trial and error I found my mistake which is the same as in the provided code:
The correct way to declare a global is before other functions
var := "1"
; code...
The code in the OPs script will hit the return first and never declare the variable
; code...
return ; Returns Here
var := "1" ; Incorrect Will Not Be Declared
I just wanted to provide this as an answer because while I did see this information in one of the comments, I didn't see it until after I'd already spent an additional hour figuring it out myself. As this is the answer I needed, having it as an actual prominent answer may help someone else save time.

What I did, especially since I sometimes have multiple scripts running that need to access the same variable, is to place the var in a .ini file. I also use this to preserve the variable value after a restart. The solution is somewhat slower since the data is saved to the hard disk / SSD, but it works beautifully.
Example of writing the value "S" to variable "State" in group "Finish"
IniWrite, S, C:\2Podcasts\FinishOptions.ini, Finish, State
In an other script (other AutoHotKey instance), I read the value and assign it to the variable "FinishOption".
IniRead, FinishOption, C:\2Podcasts\FinishOptions.ini, Finish, State
If you want to toggle values (True/False), you could use this. This will do an IF on the current value of the variable AND set the variable to the opposite value.
If (MyLoop := !MyLoop) ; Toggle the variable "MyLoop" True/False
Do something
Do something else


Why do I get “Lexical with name '$x' does not exist in this frame” when using “will leave”?

I have the following Raku code:
class Thing {
method close {
say "closed";
for 1..1000 {
my $x will leave { .close } =;
Running it, I get the error:
Lexical with name '$x' does not exist in this frame
in block <unit> at c.raku line 7
Interestingly, this only happens if the number of iterations is high enough (with 500 or 100, I do not get any error messages).
If I change the body of the cycle to
my $x =;
LEAVE $x.close;
then everything works without errors as well.
What is happening here? Did I misunderstand the will leave construct? (It seems to me the two versions should be equivalent.)
EDIT: Further observation – when running the code multiple times, the error appears nondeterministically. This suggests that the problem is somehow connected to garbage collection, but I am still confused as to what actually happens here.
I am using Rakudo v2021.03.
This is a bug. Have made an issue for it:
I suggest using the workaround in the meantime.

Turbo C++ : while(fin) vs while(!fin.eof())

I was told that I should be using while(fin) instead of while(!fin.eof()) when reading a file.
What exactly is the difference?
Edit: I do know that while(fin) actually checks the stream object and that when it becomes NULL, the loop breaks and it covers eof and fail flags.
But my course teacher says that fin.eof() is better so I need to understand the fundamental operation that's going on here.
Which one is the right practice?
Note: This is not a duplicate, I need assistance in Turbo C++ and with binary files.
I'm basically trying to read a file using a class object.
First of all I am assuming fin is your fstream object. In which case your teacher would not have told you to use while(fin.eof()) for reading from file. She would have told to use while(!fin.eof()).
Let me explain. eof() is a member of the fstream class which returns a true or false value depending on whether the End Of File (eof) of the file you are reading has been reached. Thus while eof() function returns 0 it means the end of file has not been reached and loop continues to execute, but when eof() returns 1 the end of the file has been reached and the loop exits.
while(fin) loop is entered because fin actually returns the value of an error flag variable inside the class object fin whose value is set to 0 when any function like read or write or open fails. Thus the loop works as long as the read function inside the loop works.
Personally I would not suggest either of them.
I would suggest
//assume a class abc.
abc ob;
While(*)&ob, sizeof(ob)))
This loop reads the file record inside the loop condition and if nothing was read due to the end of file being reached, the loop is exited.
The problem with while(!fin.eof()) is that it returns 1 if the end of file has been reached. End of file is actually a character that is put at the end of the file. So when the read function inside the loop reads this character and sets a variable eof to 1. All the function actually does is return this value.
Thus works fine when you are reading lines in words but when you are reading successive records of a class from a file, this method will fail.
clas abc
Fstream fin("file");
a.display(); // display is a member function which displays the info }
Thus displays the last record twice. This is because the end of file character is the character after the last byte of the last record. When the last is read the file pointer is at the eof byte but hasn't read it yet. So it will enter the loop again but this time the eof char is read but the read function fails. The values already in the variable a, that is the previous records will be displayed again.
One good method is to do something like this:
while ( && !instream.eof() ) { //Reading a binary file
or in case of a text file:
while ( (ch = instream.get()) && !instream.eof() ) { //To read a single character
Here, the object is being read within the while loop's condition statement and then the value of eof flag is being tested.
This wouldn't result in undesired outputs.
Here we are checking the status of the actual I/O operation and the eof together. You may also check for the fail flag.
I would like to point out that according to #RetiredNinja, we may only check for the I/O operation.
That is:
while ( ) { //Reading a binary file
A quick and easy workaround that worked for me to avoid any problems when using eof is to check for it after the first reading and not as a condition of the while loop itself. Something like this:
while (true) // no conditions
filein >> string; // an example reading, could be any kind of file reading instruction
if (filein.eof()) break; // break the while loop if eof was reached
// the rest of the code

ngui dynamic text advice (from a noob)

Sorry in advance, this is an extremely noobie question (but i'm just getting into NGUI with unityscript and can't find many answers/tutorials/docs).. Also my untiyscript skills are sub-par.
I have a TCG/Playing card game object with some basic RPG stats (strength, dexterity) that currently display on the card in GUIlabel and trying to convert this to NGUI. I'm adding a UILabel as a child to the card (which contains the stats script)
Looking for some advice on going about this, the only way I've even remotely gotten something to display correctly is, unfortunately I have to attach the stats script to the label too:
var strLbl : UILabel;
function Start() {
var strLbl = GetComponent(UILabel);
function OnGUI() {
strLbl.text = strength.ToString();
This is throwing numberous 'nullreferenceexception: object reference not set to an instance of an object (for the stats script)
Do I need to make a separate label for each stat or is there a way
to aggregate it into one label? (seems when I try to add strength
,then dexterity it overrides it)
is OnGUI the correct course for NGUI or is there a more efficient
Is this script attached to the object that the UILabel is on? You should do a check for
if(strLbl != null)
strLbl.text = strength.ToString();
You could aggregate them into one label (though if individual stats update I would advise against it), assuming you want each stat on a newline then your next would be: strLbl.text += "\n" + dexterity.ToString()
No need to use OnGUI with NGUI. Especially not for setting things. You probably want to do this whole stage in Start() and have another method called for updating the label.

Javascript loop with event action listeners and buttons

I am trying to write an app that has a multiple choice quiz in it. I am writing it in a simple and somewhat hardcoded way. I have created an array of questions and a 2-d array of answers as my "database". My problem is that when i am iterating over the loop, my app immediately goes to the last question, even though if statements that in an ideal world should let the user interact with every questions.
my while loop is
var i = 0;
while i<10 then
make the question view
make the answer view
make the answers clickable
calculate scoring
if the next button is pushed and i < 8 then i+=1
/*this prevents the app from building but when i put the i+=1 outside this control statement it goes directly to the last question in my database*/
end While
any ideas? my code is really long and do not know if i should post it
Rather than doing it all in a while loop, you should take a slightly different approach.
Create a function that does the while-loop-block above, and use a variable to keep track of the currently displayed question and answer. Then when the user clicks next, advance to the next pair, until the user is done.
var current = 0, until = 10;
function showCurrent() {
// make the question view
// make the answer view
// make the answers clickable
// calculate scoring
function goToNext() {
current += 1;
if (current === until) {
// carry on with whatever is next
else {

need to create macro in Slick-C to re-enumerate

I have a bunch of test cases in an XML file named : blah_blah_blah_blah_number
The test cases have the numbers all messed up like:
I need to re-number them. So that the first one gets renumbered 1, the second 2.. and so on. I want to build a macro for this but I don't know how to start. I need some sort of search function that can go to the pattern I give it, and then it substitutes the number with a count that I keep in some variable. I'm not proficient at all with Slick-C, and would like to get this done quickly :\
Any help appreciated,
For a more timely answer, you might consider the SlickEdit forums on, but I'll try here.
I would load the file in a buffer, and create a macro along the following lines:
Create a while loop incrementing a counter
In the while loop, use search with regular expressions to find the next occurrence
When the next occurrence is found, use search_replace to replace the string found with a new string composed using the counter variable, and to repeat the previous search
When nothing is to be found any more, terminate the loop
Without testing it on an XML file, this should give you a start for your function (assuming you know how to create a macro file and load it into SE), a quick test showed it to work on a plain text file, no guarantees, however:
/* Demo for StackOverflow question 14205293 */
_command my_renumber() name_info(','VSARG2_MARK|VSARG2_REQUIRES_EDITORCTL)
int not_found = 0; /* boolean to terminate loop */
int iLoop = 0; /* Counter to renumber items */
/* Use search initially; if that call doen't find an item, we're done. */
if (search('blah_:i', 'R') != 0)
not_found = 1;
while (!not_found)
if (search_replace('blah_' :+ iLoop, 'R') == STRING_NOT_FOUND_RC)
not_found = 1;