Search for multiple phrase; copy to single sheet across multiple sheets - vba

I am using Microsoft Excel to keep track of tasks. I use a different "sheet" for each job. The structure is with regards to columns and data. I have been trying to create a VBA script that would accomplish the following:
Search sheets 1 - X for a value of "Open" or "Past Due" in a row
Copy all rows with those values into a single sheet (such as a ledger) starting at row 3 (so I can add the headers of the template)
Add a column A with the sheet name so that I know what job it came from.
Run this to my hearts obsessive compulsive behavior pleasure to update with new items
I have been using the following posts to help guide me:
Search a specific word and copy line to another Sheet <- which was helpful but not quite right...
Copying rows to another worksheet based on a search on a grid of tags <-- also helpful, but limited to the activesheet and not looping correctly with my modifications...
The last two evenings have been fun, but I feel like I may be making this harder than necessary.
I was able to create a VBA script (edited from another post here) to sweep through all the worksheets, but it was designed to copy all data in a set of columns. I tested that and it worked. I then merged the code base I was using to identify "Open" or "Past Due" in column C (that worked for only the activesheet) into the code. I marked up my edits to share here. At this point it is not functioning, and I have walked myself dizzy. Any tips on where I fubar-ed the code would be appreciated. My code base I working from is:
Sub SweepSheetsCopyAll()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'following variables for worksheet loop
Dim W As Worksheet, r As Single, i As Single
'added code below for finding the fixed values on the sheet
Dim lastLine As Long
Dim findWhat As String
Dim findWhat1 As String
Dim findWhat2 As String
Dim toCopy As Boolean
Dim cell As Range
Dim h As Long 'h replaced i variable from other code
Dim j As Long
'replace original findWhat value with new fixed value
findWhat = "Open"
'findWhat2 = "Past Due"
i = 4
For Each W In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If W.Name <> "Summary" Then
lastLine = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'Need to figure out way to loop all rows in a sheet to find last line
For r = 4 To lastLine 'formerly was "To W.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row"
'insert below row match search copy function
For Each cell In Range("B1:L1").Offset(r - 1, 0)
If InStr(cell.Text, findWhat) <> 0 Then
toCopy = True
End If
If toCopy = True Then
' original code Rows(r).Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Rows(j)
Range(W.Cells(r, 1), W.Cells(r, 12)).Copy _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Cells(i, 1)
j = j + 1
End If
toCopy = False
'end above row match search function
'below original code that copied everything from whole worksheet
' If W.Cells(r, 1) > 0 Then
' Range(W.Cells(r, 1), W.Cells(r, 12)).Copy _
' ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Cells(i, 1)
' i = i + 1
' End If
Next r
End If
Next W
End Sub
The working code base to sweep through all the sheets was:
Sub GetParts()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim W As Worksheet, r As Single, i As Single
i = 4
For Each W In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If W.Name <> "Summary" Then
For r = 4 To W.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If W.Cells(r, 1) > 0 Then
Range(W.Cells(r, 1), W.Cells(r, 3)).Copy _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Cells(i, 1)
i = i + 1
End If
Next r
End If
Next W
End Sub
And the copy the matched data from the Activesheet is as follows:
Sub customcopy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim lastLine As Long
Dim findWhat As String
Dim findWhat1 As String
Dim findWhat2 As String
Dim toCopy As Boolean
Dim cell As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
'replace original findWhat value with new fixed value
findWhat = "Open"
'findWhat2 = "Past Due"
lastLine = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'Need to figure out way to loop through all sheets here
'below code does nice job finding all findWhat and copying over to spreadsheet2
j = 1
For i = 1 To lastLine
For Each cell In Range("B1:L1").Offset(i - 1, 0)
If InStr(cell.Text, findWhat) <> 0 Then
toCopy = True
End If
If toCopy = True Then
Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
toCopy = False
i = MsgBox(((j - 1) & " row(s) were copied!"), vbOKOnly, "Result")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

You should look into this Vba macro to copy row from table if value in table meets condition
In your case, you would need to create a loop, using this advanced filter to copy the data to your target range or array.
If you need further advice, please post your code, and where you are stuck with it.


Excel Macro Copy Range Paste offset based on cell value

I have two sheets "Data" - which has raw data and "Report" - as Report form .
Report sheet first 5 rows has info.
Data Sheet there 6 columns of Data available (SlNo Name Desig Place gender Category)
Report sheet has first 5 columns only (SlNo Name Desig Place gender)
Report sheet range C5 is dropdown box (List from Category column of Data sheet).
So based on this C5 value get details from Data sheet and paste in Report sheet.
I tried the following code but it pastes the whole row when I want to paste only Name,Desig,Place,gender details in offset and loop...
Sub ViewBtn()
Dim SCHL As String
Dim x As Long
x = 2
Do While Cells(x, 1) <> ""
Sheets("Report").Range(Cells(x, 1).Address, Cells(x, 5).Address).ClearContents
x = x + 1
Dim id As String
id = ActiveSheet.Range("C5").Value
x = 2
Category = id
Do While Cells(x, 1) <> ""
If Cells(x, 4) = Category Then
erow = Sheets("Report").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Report").Rows(erow)
End If
x = x + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Here is some sample code to do what I think you are asking for. It is not necessarily the shortest or cleverest way to do it, but everything is done step by step so I hope it is clear enough to follow easily.
Option Explicit
Private Sub viewBtn_Click()
'// Set references to worksheets
Dim wsReport As Worksheet: Set wsReport = Sheets("Report")
Dim wsData As Worksheet: Set wsData = Sheets("Data")
'// Get the category to be reported
Dim sCategory As String
sCategory = wsReport.Range("C5")
'// Reference first line of the report, in row 8
Dim rFirstReportLine As Range
Set rFirstReportLine = wsReport.Range("A8:E8")
'// Reference the line of the report to be written
Dim rReportLine As Range
Set rReportLine = rFirstReportLine
'// Clear the old report area
Do While rReportLine.Cells(1, 1) <> ""
Set rReportLine = rReportLine.Offset(1, 0)
'// Reset to first line of the report
Set rReportLine = rFirstReportLine
'// Find the first cell, if any, that matches the category
Dim rMatch As Range
Set rMatch = wsData.Range("F:F").Find(sCategory, , , xlWhole)
'// Get reference to top data row of data sheet, just the cols to be copied
Dim rDataRow As Range: Set rDataRow = wsData.Range("A1:E1")
'// check for at least one match
If Not rMatch Is Nothing Then
'// Save the address of the first match for checking end of loop with FindNext
Dim sFirstMatchAddress As String: sFirstMatchAddress = rMatch.Address
'// 1) .. copy data row to the report line
rDataRow.Offset(rMatch.Row - 1).Copy rReportLine
'// 2) .. move the report line down
Set rReportLine = rReportLine.Offset(1, 0)
'// 3) .. find the next match on category
Set rMatch = wsData.Range("F:F").FindNext(rMatch)
'// 4) .. exit when we have looped around
Loop Until rMatch.Address = sFirstMatchAddress
End If
'// Display the number of entries found at the end of the report
With rReportLine
Dim nEntryCount As Integer: nEntryCount = .Row - rFirstReportLine.Row
.Cells(1, 1) = nEntryCount & IIf(nEntryCount = 1, " Entry", " Entries")
.Font.Italic = True
.Font.Color = vbBlue
End With
'// Make sure the report sheet is displayed
End Sub
With this data
Get this result

Making an Associative Table of Unique Identifiers

I'm trying to create an associative table on a sheet that is pulling in data from a different sheet. By associative I mean, if the data is changed in the source data sheet, it would be reflected on the new sheet. I also want to only have the new sheet's table to be contingent on having a certain unique value. In my case, I want to pull up information related to a part number. The original source data will have many rows that contain the same part number, but I only care to display one of them.
This is what I have so far:
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
Dim ref() As Variant
Dim row As Integer
row = 92
Worksheets("Part Tracking Scorecard").Activate
While Cells(row, 6).Value:
If IsInArray(Cells(row, 6).Value, ref) Then
row = row + 1
ElseIf Not IsInArray(Cells(row, 6).Value, ref) Then
ReDim Preserve ref(1 To UBound(ref) + 1) As Variant
ref(UBound(ref)) = Cells(row, 6).Value
Worksheets("Unique Parts").Activate
row = row + 1
To satisfy my condition to only showcase the unique part numbers, I initialized an empty array called "ref". Then, as I iterate through the source sheet, I would check if the part number was in ref with the function "IsInArray". If it was in it, it would move onto the next row, if it wasn't add the part number into the empty array and move to the next row.
The portion with the "????" is where I'm having most of my issue trying to figure out. That part is supposed to be where I make the new table with the date from the unique part number. The very simple and tedious thing I could do is make some loop to run through the columns of the rows and put in a vlookup function. I was wondering if there may be a more robust or more elegant way in doing this.
You've had the right reflex tyring to define an array to stock your values. Here are a few tips of how I would get around to doing it (not perfect, but it should help you out):
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
Dim Source as Worksheets
Set Source = Worksheets("Part Tracking Scoreboard")
Dim ref1(), ref2() As Variant
Dim row, index, index2 As Integer
row = 92
ref1 = Source.Range(Worksheets(Source.Cells(row,1), Source.Cells(lastrow, last column))
'Start by placing your ENTIRE source sheet in ref1, if your source sheet is big, this will help you win A LOT of time during the looping phase. Notice how I start from row 92 seeing as this is where you started your loop
'lastrow and lastcolumn represent the position of the last cell in your source file
For index = row to lastrow
If Not IsInArray(ref1(row, 6).Value, ref2) Then
ref2(index) = ref1(index) 'copy the entire row from source to ref2
Next index
Dim NewFile as Worksheet
Set Newfile = Sheets("NewSheetName")
Dim ref2dimension_x, ref2dimension_y as Integer 'find dimensions of ref2 array
ref2dimension_x= UBound(ref2, 1) - LBound(ref2, 1) + 1
ref2dimension_y = UBound(ref2, 2) - LBound(ref2, 2) + 1
For index = 2 to ref2dimension_x 'go through entire new sheet and set values
For index2 = 1 to ref2dimension_y
NewFile.Cells(index, index2).Value = ref2(index - 1, index2)
Next index2
Next index
ref1() = nothing
ref2() = nothing 'free up the space occupied by these arrays
I was not sure about what you were trying to do exactly during the else loop. If you intention is to copy the entire row, this should work. If you want to copy only specific data from the source sheet, you will need to find the indexes of the corresponding columns (hardcode them if they are not going to budge, or use a loop to find them through string comparison otherwise).
This solution combines some macros that I use frequently (so even if you don't use them now, they might be helpful in the future). It won't work if the data in the unique table needs to be "live", but if it'd be sufficient for it to be updated whenever the workbook is opened/closed (or on demand), this is a lot less complicated than the array version.
Basically you just:
Copy the main/unduplicated table to a new sheet
Remove duplicates by part number
Remove unnecessary columns from unduplicated table (if applicable)
I'm assuming that your source data is in a formal Excel Table (ListObject). Just swap out "PartTable" for whatever your actual table is called.
Sub makeUniqueTable()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim MainWS As Worksheet
Set MainWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Part Tracking Scorecard")
Dim UniqueWS As Worksheet
Set UniqueWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Unique Parts")
Call cloneTable(MainWS.ListObjects("PartTable"), "UniquePartTable", UniqueWS)
Dim UniquePartTable As ListObject
Set UniquePartTable = UniqueWS.ListObjects("UniquePartTable")
Call removeDuplicates(UniquePartTable, "Part Number")
'Optional: remove unnecessary columns by listing columns to be deleted...
'Call deleteColumns(UniquePartTable, Array("Unnecessary Column 1", "Unnecessary Column 2"))
'...or kept:
'Call deleteColumns(UniquePartTable, Array("Part Number", "Manufacturer", "Product Description"), True)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub cloneTable(tbl As ListObject, newName As String, Optional newWS As Worksheet = Nothing)
'Copies a table (tbl) to a new worksheet (newWS) and gives it a name (newName)
'If there is any data in newWS, the new table will be added to the right of the used range
'If newWS is omitted, new table will be added to same worksheet as original table
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastColumn As Long
Dim newRng As Range
Dim newTbl As ListObject
If newWS Is Nothing Then
Set ws = tbl.Parent
lastColumn = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set newRng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, lastColumn + 2), ws.Cells(1 + tbl.ListRows.Count, lastColumn + tbl.ListColumns.Count + 1))
Set ws = newWS
If ws.ListObjects.Count > 0 Then
lastColumn = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set newRng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, lastColumn + 2), ws.Cells(1 + tbl.ListRows.Count, lastColumn + tbl.ListColumns.Count + 1))
Set newRng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(1 + tbl.ListRows.Count, tbl.ListColumns.Count))
End If
End If
newRng.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set newTbl = ws.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, newRng, , xlYes)
newTbl.Name = newName
End Sub
Sub removeDuplicates(tbl As ListObject, Optional colName As Variant = "")
'Removes duplicates from a table (tbl) based on column header names (colName()) provided by user
'If no column names are provided, duplicates will be removed based on all columns in table
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
If Not IsArray(colName) Then
If colName = "" Then
ReDim colNumArr(0 To tbl.ListColumns.Count - 1) As Variant
For i = 0 To tbl.ListColumns.Count - 1
colNumArr(i) = tbl.ListColumns(i + 1).Range.Column
ReDim colNumArr(0 To 0) As Variant
colNumArr(0) = tbl.ListColumns(colName).Range.Column
End If
ReDim colNumArr(0 To UBound(colName) - LBound(colName)) As Variant
j = 0
For i = LBound(colName) To UBound(colName)
colNumArr(j) = tbl.ListColumns(colName(i)).Range.Column
j = j + 1
End If
tbl.Range.removeDuplicates Columns:=(colNumArr), Header:=xlYes
End Sub
Sub deleteColumns(tbl As ListObject, ByVal colName As Variant, Optional invert As Boolean = False, Optional sheetCol As Boolean = True)
'Deletes column(s) from sheet based on header names (colName) from a table (tbl)
'Will result in error if provided column contains multiple tables
'colName can be a String or an array of Strings
'Inverted mode deletes all columns *except* those in colName
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim x As Boolean
If Not IsArray(colName) Then
tempStr = colName
ReDim colName(1 To 1) As String
colName(1) = tempStr
End If
If invert = False Then
For i = LBound(colName) To UBound(colName)
If sheetCol = True Then
End If
For i = tbl.ListColumns.Count To 1 Step -1
x = False
For j = LBound(colName) To UBound(colName)
If tbl.HeaderRowRange(i).Value = colName(j) Then
x = True
Exit For
End If
If x = False Then
If sheetCol = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Collect unique identifiers from one column and paste the results in a different worksheet.

What I'm looking to do is comb through a column and pull all the unique identifiers out of that column and then paste the results in a table in a different worksheet. I found the code below and it is very close to what I need. However, I have two major problems with it that I cannot figure out. First the area that this macro searches is constant ie "A1:B50". I need this to be one column and be dynamic since more data and new unique identifiers will be added to this worksheet. Second I cannot figure out how to paste my results to a specific range on a different worksheet. For example if I wanted to take the results and paste them in "sheet2" starting in at "B5" and going to however long the list of unique identifiers is.
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
Const ProductSheetName = "Sheet1" ' change as appropriate
Const ProductRange = "B2:B"
Const ResultsCol = "E"
Dim productWS As Worksheet
Dim uniqueList() As String
Dim productsList As Range
Dim anyProduct
Dim LC As Integer
ReDim uniqueList(1 To 1)
Set productWS = Worksheets(ProductSheetName)
Set productsList = productWS.Range(ProductRange)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each anyProduct In productsList
If Not IsEmpty(anyProduct) Then
If Trim(anyProduct) <> "" Then
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
If Trim(anyProduct) = uniqueList(LC) Then
Exit For ' found match, exit
End If
If LC > UBound(uniqueList) Then
'new item, add it
uniqueList(UBound(uniqueList)) = Trim(anyProduct)
'make room for another
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) + 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next ' end anyProduct loop
If UBound(uniqueList) > 1 Then
'remove empty element
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) - 1)
End If
'clear out any previous entries in results column
If productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row > 1 Then
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & 2 & ":" & _
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).Address).ClearContents
End If
'list the unique items found
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
'housekeeping cleanup
Set productsList = Nothing
Set productWS = Nothing
End Sub
I think your solution is a bit more tricky than it needs to be. Collecting unique ids becomes almost trivial is you use a Dictionary instead of a list. The added benefit is that a dictionary will scale much better than a list as your data set becomes larger.
The code below should provide you with a good starting point to get you going. For convenience's sake I used the reference from your post. So output will be on sheet2 to starting in cell B5 going down and the input is assumed to be on sheet1 cell B2 going down.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Option Explicit
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
'enable microsoft scripting runtime --> tools - references
Dim unique_ids As New Dictionary
Dim cursor As Range: Set cursor = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2") 'change as Required
'collect the unique ids
'This assumes that:
'1. ids do not contain blank rows.
'2. ids are properly formatted. Should this not be the could you'll need to do some validating.
While Not IsEmpty(cursor)
unique_ids(cursor.Value) = ""
Set cursor = cursor.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
'output the ids to some target.
'assumes the output area is blank.
Dim target As Range: Set target = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B5")
Dim id_ As Variant
For Each id_ In unique_ids
target = id_
Set target = target.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
Next id_
End Sub
A small modification will do it; the key is to define the ProductRange.
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
Const ProductSheetName = "Sheet1" ' change as appropriate
Dim ProductRange
ProductRange = "B2:B" & Range("B" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Const ResultsCol = "E"
Dim productWS As Worksheet
Dim uniqueList() As String
Dim productsList As Range
Dim anyProduct
Dim LC As Integer
ReDim uniqueList(1 To 1)
Set productWS = Worksheets(ProductSheetName)
Set productsList = productWS.Range(ProductRange)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each anyProduct In productsList
If Not IsEmpty(anyProduct) Then
If Trim(anyProduct) <> "" Then
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
If Trim(anyProduct) = uniqueList(LC) Then
Exit For ' found match, exit
End If
If LC > UBound(uniqueList) Then
'new item, add it
uniqueList(UBound(uniqueList)) = Trim(anyProduct)
'make room for another
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) + 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next ' end anyProduct loop
If UBound(uniqueList) > 1 Then
'remove empty element
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) - 1)
End If
'clear out any previous entries in results column
If productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row > 1 Then
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & 2 & ":" & _
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).Address).ClearContents
End If
'list the unique items found
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
'housekeeping cleanup
Set productsList = Nothing
Set productWS = Nothing
End Sub

Compare and copy matching data from adjacent cells

I was having some trouble with a macro I have been writing. I am trying to find a match in column A and column D. When I detect a match I want to copy the adjacent cells of each I.E copy the contents of B of the line of the first match to E where the match occurs in D. Whenever I do this I never get the right copy. It will copy the values that match but put them in the completely wrong space. I only encounter a problem when the order is mixed up or there is a white space. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Note: In this version of my code I was using input boxes to pick what two columns of data the user wants to compare and the one he wants to copy from and paste too. It should not make a big difference.
Sub Copy()
Dim column1 As String
Dim column2 As String
Dim from As String
Dim too As String
numrows = Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
'MsgBox numrows
column1 = InputBox("which column do you want to select from")
column2 = InputBox("which column do you want to compare to ")
from = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data from")
too = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data to")
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngLoopCtr As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim value As String
lngLastRow = Range(column1 & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lngLastRow2 = Range(column2 & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'lngLastRow = Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
Dim temp As String
For i = 1 To lngLastRow Step 1
temp = Cells(i, column1).value
value = Cells(i, from).value
'MsgBox "temp"
'MsgBox (temp)
If Cells(i, column1).value <> "" Then
For j = 1 To lngLastRow2 Step 1
' MsgBox "cell"
' MsgBox (Cells(j, column2).value)
If Cells(j, column2).value = "" Then
Cells(j, column2).Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
If Cells(j, column2).value <> "" Then
If temp = Cells(j, column2).value Then
'MsgBox "equal"
'MsgBox "i"
'MsgBox i
'MsgBox "j"
'MsgBox j
'value = Cells(j, from).value
'MsgBox Cells(i, too).value
'Cells(i, too).value = Cells(j, from).value
'Dim num As Integer
'On Error Resume Next
'num = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(temp, Sheet1.Range("A0:M13"), 3, False)
Cells(i, too).value = Cells(j, from).value
'MsgBox j
' MsgBox (Cells(i, column1).value)
' MsgBox "="
' MsgBox (Cells(j, column2).value)
End If
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
End Sub
I have studied your text and your macro and think the macro below does what you want.
If this macro does what you want, your problem was caused by your use of meaningless variable names such as: column1, column2, i and j. This meant you did not notice you were using the wrong variables in the statement that copied values.
I have renamed all your variables. I am not asking you to like my naming convention but I am recommending you have a naming convention. I can look at macros I wrote years ago and know what all the variables are because I developed my convention in my early days of VBA programming and have used it every since. This makes my life much easier when I need to update old macros.
I have added Option Explicit at the top of the module. Without this statement, a misspelt variable name becomes a declaration:
Dim Count As Long
Lots of statements
Count = Conut + 1
This causes Conut to be declared with a value of zero. Such errors can be a nightmare to find.
I have used a With Statement to make explicit which worksheet I am using.
You checked both cells to not be empty. I only check the first because it is not necessary to check the second since, if the second is empty, it will not match the first.
Your code did not stop working down the Compare column if it found a match so my code does the same. This is correct if values can repeat in the Compare column. If they cannot repeat, you may wish to add Exit For to exit the inner loop after a match has been processed.
I believe the above explains all the changes I hve made.
Option Explicit
Sub Copy()
Dim ColCompare As String
Dim ColCopyFrom As String
Dim ColCopyTo As String
Dim ColSelect As String
Dim RowCrntCompare As Long
Dim RowCrntSelect As Long
Dim RowLastColCompare As Long
Dim RowLastColSelect As Long
Dim SelectValue As String
With Sheet1
ColSelect = InputBox("which column do you want to select ColCopyFrom")
ColCompare = InputBox("which column do you want to compare to ")
ColCopyFrom = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data ColCopyFrom")
ColCopyTo = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data to")
RowLastColSelect = .Range(ColSelect & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
RowLastColCompare = .Range(ColCompare & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCrntSelect = 1 To RowLastColSelect Step 1
SelectValue = .Cells(RowCrntSelect, ColSelect).value
If SelectValue <> "" Then
For RowCrntCompare = 1 To RowLastColCompare Step 1
If SelectValue = Cells(RowCrntCompare, ColCompare).value Then
.Cells(RowCrntCompare, ColCopyTo).value = _
.Cells(RowCrntSelect, ColCopyFrom).value
End If
Next RowCrntCompare
End If
Next RowCrntSelect
End With
End Sub

How to compare two columns in different sheets

I have one excel file with multiple sheets.
I need to compare two sheets (1) TotalList and (2) cList with more than 25 columns, in these two sheets columns are same.
On cList the starting row is 3
On TotalList the starting row is 5
Now, I have to compare the E & F columns from cList, with TotalList E & F columns, if it is not found then add the entire row at the end of TotalList sheet and highlight with Yellow.
Public Function compare()
Dim LoopRang As Range
Dim FoundRang As Range
Dim ColNam
Dim TotRows As Long
LeaData = "Shhet2"
ConsolData = "Sheet1"
TotRows = Worksheets(LeaData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
TotRows1 = Worksheets(ConsolData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
'TotRows = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(LeaData).UsedRange.Rows.Count
ColNam = "$F$3:$F" & TotRows
ColNam1 = "$F$5:$F" & TotRows1
For Each LoopRang In Sheets(LeaData).Range(ColNam)
Set FoundRang = Sheets(ConsolData).Range(ColNam1).Find(LoopRang, lookat:=xlWhole)
For Each FoundRang In Sheets(ConsolData).Range(ColNam1)
If FoundRang & FoundRang.Offset(0, -1) <> LoopRang & LoopRang.Offset(0, -1) Then
TotRows = Worksheets(ConsolData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(LeaData).Rows(LoopRang.Row).Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ConsolData).Rows(TotRows + 1)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ConsolData).Rows(TotRows + 1).Interior.Color = vbYellow
GoTo NextLine
End If
Next FoundRang
Next LoopRang
End Function
Please help with the VBA code.
Thanks in advance...
First I am going to give some general coding hints:
set Option Explicit ON. This is done through Tools > Options >
Editor (tab) > Require Variable Declaration . Now you HAVE to
declare all variables before you use them.
always declare a variables type when you declare it. If you are unsure about what to sue or if it can take different types (not advisable!!) use Variable.
Use a standard naming convention for all your variables. Mine is a string starts with str and a double with dbl a range with r, etc.. So strTest, dblProfit and rOriginal. Also give your variables MEANINGFUL names!
Give your Excel spreadsheets meanigful names or captions (caption is what you see in excel, name is the name you can directly refer to in VBA). Avoid using the caption, but refer to the name instead, as users can change the caption easily but the name only if they open the VBA window.
Ok so here is how a comparison between two tables can be done with your code as starting point:
Option Explicit
Public Function Compare()
Dim rOriginal As Range 'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2)
Dim rFind As Range 'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1)
Dim rTableOriginal As Range 'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2)
Dim rTableFind As Range 'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1)
Dim shOriginal As Worksheet
Dim shFind As Worksheet
Dim booFound As Boolean
'Initiate all used objects and variables
Set shOriginal = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Set shFind = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rTableOriginal = shOriginal.Range(shOriginal.Rows(3), shOriginal.Rows(shOriginal.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set rTableFind = shFind.Range(shFind.Rows(5), shFind.Rows(shFind.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
booFound = False
For Each rOriginal In rTableOriginal.Rows
booFound = False
For Each rFind In rTableFind.Rows
'Check if the E and F column contain the same information
If rOriginal.Cells(1, 5) = rFind.Cells(1, 5) And rOriginal.Cells(1, 6) = rFind.Cells(1, 6) Then
'The record is found so we can search for the next one
booFound = True
GoTo FindNextOriginal 'Alternatively use Exit For
End If
Next rFind
'In case the code is extended I always use a boolean and an If statement to make sure we cannot
'by accident end up in this copy-paste-apply_yellow part!!
If Not booFound Then
'If not found then copy form the Original sheet ...
'... paste on the Find sheet and apply the Yellow interior color
With rTableFind.Rows(rTableFind.Rows.Count + 1)
.Interior.Color = vbYellow
End With
'Extend the range so we add another record at the bottom again
Set rTableFind = shFind.Range(rTableFind, rTableFind.Rows(rTableFind.Rows.Count + 1))
End If
Next rOriginal
End Function