Strip first 2 characters and replace with another -

This seems like quite a silly basic question but it seems something I have completely passed over in my knowledge.
Basically I have a string representing a phone number (0 being the area code): 0828889988
And would like to replace the first zero with a 27 (South African dialing code) as I am pretty sure it will always be so, my SMS api requires it in international format but I want the user to enter it in local format, so should be: 27828889988
Is there a line or two of code I can call to replace that first character with the two others?
As is - I can think around a workaround solution but as I am not sure of the direct syntax will be quite a few lines long.

Dim number as String = "0828889988"
number = "27" + number.SubString(1)
return number //returns "27828889988"


Is format ####0.000000 different to 0.000000?

I am working on some legacy code at the moment and have come across the following:
FooString = String.Format("{0:####0.000000}", FooDouble)
My question is, is the format string here, ####0.000000 any different from simply 0.000000?
I'm trying to generalize the return type of the function that sets FooDouble and so checking to make sure I don't break existing functionality hence trying to work out what the # add to it here.
I've run a couple tests in a toy program and couldn't see how the result was any different but maybe there's something I'm missing?
The "#" custom format specifier serves as a digit-placeholder symbol.
If the value that is being formatted has a digit in the position where
the "#" symbol appears in the format string, that digit is copied to
the result string. Otherwise, nothing is stored in that position in
the result string.
Note that this specifier never displays a zero that
is not a significant digit, even if zero is the only digit in the
string. It will display zero only if it is a significant digit in the
number that is being displayed.
Because you use one 0 before decimal separator 0.0 - both formats should return same result.

Using SQL - how do I match an exact number of characters?

My task is to validate existing data in an MSSQL database. I've got some SQL experience, but not enough, apparently. We have a zip code field that must be either 5 or 9 digits (US zip). What we are finding in the zip field are embedded spaces and other oddities that will be prevented in the future. I've searched enough to find the references for LIKE that leave me with this "novice approach":
ZIP NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
AND ZIP NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
Is this really what I must code? Is there nothing similar to...?
ZIP NOT LIKE '[\d]{5}' AND ZIP NOT LIKE '[\d]{9}'
I will loath validating longer fields! I suppose, ultimately, both code sequences will be equally efficient (or should be).
Thanks for your help
Unfortunately, LIKE is not regex-compatible so nothing of the sort \d. Although, combining a length function with a numeric function may provide an acceptable result:
I would however not recommend it because it ISNUMERIC will return 1 for a +, - or valid currency symbol. Especially the minus sign may be prevalent in the data set, so I'd still favor your "novice" approach.
Another approach is to use:
ZIP NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' OR LEN(ZIP) NOT IN(5,9)
which will find any row where zip does not contain any character that is not 0-9 (i.e only 0-9 allowed) where the length is not 5 or 9.
There are few ways you could achieve that.
You can replace [0-9] with _ like
USE LEN() so it's like
You are looking for LENGTH()
select * from table WHERE length(ZIP)=5;
select * from table WHERE length(ZIP)=9;
To test for non-numeric values you can use ISNUMERIC():

Why does casting to double using "String * 1" fail? Will CDbl(String) work on all systems?

I have an application which contains the line below to assign a parsed XML value to a variant array.
V(2) = latNode.Text * 1
This works fine on my system (Windows 7, Excel 2010) but doesn't work on some other system or systems - and I've not been able to get a response from the user who reported the problem.
I've switched out the offending line for:
V(2) = CDbl(latNode.Text)
This still works on my system, but then I had no problem in the first place. The question is on what systems does the first approach fail and why, and will the second method always work? I'm sure I've used the "String * 1" trick elsewhere before and would like to know how concerned I should be about tracking down other occurrences.
Maybe it's related to thousands separator and decimal mark. Office VBA uses cultural settings even in CDbl, in my German Excel version, it's reversed compared to English, CDbl("123.4") is parsed to 1234, CDbl("123,4") to 123.4.
Val(x) will always parse the dot as decimal mark.

Localized phone number formatting

I've looked into NSFormatter, NSNumberFormatter, and the other formatting classes, but can't find a build into solution. I need to format phone numbers depending on the country code.
For instance, for US, I get a string such as +16313938888 which I need to format to look like +1(631)393-8888. The problem is I need to do this for all formats. Netherlands, I receive a string +31641234567 which will be +31(6)41 23 45 67 (something like that).
Hardcoding for 200+ countries is too tedious and I really don't know all the format rules. Is there something in the docs I'm overlooking or does anyone know of an open source class that manages this?
See for an iOS specific solution.
Try this Google solution -
They have ports for C++, Java, Objective-C and others.
Unfortunately iOS does not have any public APIs for this. You can try to integrate libphonenumber that is a complete implementation for parsing and formatting international phone numbers. It has a C++ version so theoretically you can cross-link with it.
You definitely don't want to hard-code all of the various country formats. There are typically 3-5 formats per country. Instead, use a format database (such as a plist) and write code to format the number based on the given country code.
A good international format property list 'UIPhoneFormats.plist' can be found here:
In that list, '$' allows any character, '#' must be a number, and the '(space) ', '(', ')' and '-' are inserted between numbers. Non-numeric characters typed by the user hint to the desired format.
I've shared my phone number formatter class, inspired by Ahmed Abdelkader's work, at . It is a very small, single-class international phone number formatter that uses the plist just mentioned.
You can try this:
let phoneNumber : CNPhoneNumber
let digits = phoneNumber.performSelector("digits").takeRetainedValue() as! String
It gives you directly the string, without formatting, with the phone number. However if the number is saved with international prefix, you will have it also in the resulted string.

substring and the indexOf method

My assignment in Visual Basic 2010 is to build a order form that has two text boxes, one for the name and the other for the address.
And we're suppose to use the IndexOf method on the address.
I understand that IndexOf returns the position of a character and the number of characters.
What would be the purpose of using the IndexOf method on the address in this instance?
I don't understand what I would be searching for when the user types in it's address that's going to be numbers and string characters.
I think I understand what the IndexOf method does, somewhat, but why and what would I use it to achieve?
You'd typically use IndexOf to -
See if a string contained something
If someString.IndexOf("Avenue") > - 1 Then
'do something
End If
Get the start position of a value in a string , this could then be used to extract part of the string. e.g. someString.Substring(someString.IndexOf("#"),10) would get then next ten characters starting from where the "#" character was found in your string.
Bear in mind you'll always need to handle scenarios where IndexOf will return -1 if it does not find the string your searching for, so your code will have to handle that eventuality.
Since this is a homework question, I will answer with a question or several:
How would you normally enter a full address into a text box?
How would each part of the address be distinguishable from another?
Once you figure out how this can be done, think about IndexOf again.