Sencha Cmd V3 Beta - sencha-touch

I would like to have an ext app and a touch app within a single workspace. I generated the workspace with:
$ sencha -sdk path/to/ext4.1.1a generate workspace path/toworkspace
This generated:
I can then generate an ext app, but not a touch app.
I have tried to generate the touch app like so:
$ sencha -sdk path/to/touch2.0.1.1 generate app path/totouchapp
I get an error:
"Failed to determine framework name. Please ensure this command was issued from either a framework or application directory"
So, I also tried to generate the touch app by cd'ing to my touch2.0.1.1 sdk, but that did not work either.
What am I doing wrong?

The latest Cmd tool isn't compatible with older versions of Sencha Touch. You need to install the latest SDK for it to work, apparently.
Per this thread in sencha forums:
Wrong Touch SDK!
I was using the wrong Touch SDK. Found the correct one here:

I guess I just learn the proper way
you have to download the sencha touch SDK ( and install it, and of course you have to download the sencha touch framework (
you have to CD (change directory) on the sencha touch framework in my case it is under: d:\webdav\htdocs\touch and apply command: sencha generate app gs d:\webdav\htdocs\gs
I also try this command: sencha -sdk D:\webdav\htdocs\touch generate workspace D:\webdav\htdocs\gs and it works. No more error as the earlier posts.
thanks all!

the name has to be the same thing as it is after the generate such like this
Senchacmd → sencha -sdk c:\wamp\www\touch2.0.1.1 generate app MyApp c:\wamp\www\MyApp


Create Sencha Touch Application on Mac

I am trying to create an application on Senhcha Touch on Mac and Use it on XCode.
I am using Sencha CMD :
Sencha Touch Framework: 2.4.1
Cordova On Mac : 5.2.0
When I am generating new app using terminal it is not generating app correctly.
It throws "touch" and "build" folder out of application directory.
I have created a small video for what actually is happening with me, please check this :!a9ZzFADT!SFKa3KAfGqlloOM7L-9OrSHIeWKGTCqCiXKbJnRrG8A
Please suggest on this..
Use Sencha CMD 5 version, It will work.
You probably have the hidden .sencha folder one directory level up from the folder you intend to be the app. try to open the folder containing your app folder in a code editor and view the contents you will probably see it.
sencha -sdk path/to/touch-0.0.0 generate app AppName path/to/appname

How do I create a production build/minified scripts for Sencha Touch app?

There doesn't seem to be documentation on how to build a production mode app for ST2 using Sencha Cmd utility on their web site anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
There is no difference in command to build your app between SDK Tools and Sencha Cmd:
To build your app for testing:
sencha app build testing
To build your app for production deployment:
sencha app build production
To package your application for distribution on App Stores:
sencha app build native
Here's the building documentation but which seems to be outdated:!/guide/building
#Eli is it still necessary to create the JSB file first which checks which classes are needed? In the Sencha Doc it says thats needed and should be done like this:
sencha create jsb -a index.html -p app.jsb3
and then the the app will be built from it:
sencha build -p app.jsb3 -d ./
Does anyone know whether the JSB-step is necessary? I'm on Sencha Touch 2.2.0

Sencha command - not a valid sdk directory, please cd into a valid directory

I'm having a problem with sencha command. I've cd'd into the path containing the SDK and then pointed to the path of my app but I get the above error. Is this a beta bug or am I missing something? Not sure what else to try....
My command prompt:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3>sencha app create MyApp C:\Development\MyNewApp
You need to go to the SDK folder not the SDK Tools folder to execute sencha command
If you're using the newest version of Sencha Touch, then you shouldn't use the Sencha SDK Tools. Instead, download and use Sencha Cmd (it's a different program with the same name; confusing, yes).
Otherwise, here's a thread which discusses this problem. There are a number of solutions presented, one of which is downloading Sencha Touch and creating a .senchasdk file within it.

having some issues installing sencha touch 2 on mac book

I downloaded Sencha touch from this link Download for 2.1 GPL. Then I extracted to XAMPP/htdocs folder. Then I downloaded Senchatouch sdk tools from this link. I installed it in /Applications folder. Then in Terminal I cd to Applications/SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3. Here I run sencha command. But it displays following output in screenshot
I also checked PATH which shows following output
I searched all over internet to find its solution but none of them worked for me.
I also followed following links
link 1
link 2
Please help me how can I solve it?
After following #TDeBailleul I am getting the same error which is follow.
I first installed JRE then compass and then senchaCmd. I installed senchaCmd in /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/sencha/ folder. Then I download Sencha Touch SDK form this link. Then I cd to Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/senchatouch/Sencha/Cmd/ and issued sencha command but got above output again.
You need to use Sencha Command and not Sencha SDK Tools with Sencha Touch 2.1
Take a look at my answer here :
Generate a sencha touch app
Hop this helps

sencha generate app doesn't work

I downloaded sencha touch
and extracted into a folder.
And then I downloaded the sdk tool
and installed it.
Used windows 7 cmd, cd to the sencha touch folder, and then run sencha generate app myapp ../myapp,
then it shows a red error message "The current working directory is not a valid SDK directory. Please 'cd' into a SDK directory before executing this command."
If you are using Sencha SDK 2.1.0, you have to use the Sencha CMD instead of Sencha SDK Tools.
Here is the system setup documentation for Sencha CMD:!/guide/command