SPU Instruction Pointer - ps3

I've been searching through the entire manuals and I can't find a single mention of the Instruction Pointer. I need this for a SPU program that I'm writing. Maybe it has a different name? Can anyone tell me how I can access the address of the instruction that is to be executed? Thanks in advance for your help.
UPDATE: Apperantly it's called the Program Counter, but how can I access it from within my SPU Program?

If you just want to get the instruction pointer, you can do it in assembly:
brsl r<n>, .+4
This loads the address of the next instruction into register r<n>.

Seems like you can get the next instruction by executing a spe_context_run operation:
int spe_context_run(spe_context_ptr_t spe, unsigned int *entry, unsigned int runflags, void *argp, void *envp, spe_stop_info_t *stopinfo)
Input: The entry point, that is, the initial value of the SPU
instruction pointer, at which the SPE program should start executing.
If the value of entry is SPE_DEFAULT_ENTRY, the entry point for the
SPU main program is obtained from the loaded SPE image. This is
usually the local store address of the initialization function crt0
(see Cell Broadband Engine Programming Handbook, Objects, Executables,
and SPE Loading).
Output: The SPU instruction pointer at the moment the SPU stopped
execution, that is, the local store address of the next instruction
that would be have been executed.
This parameter can be used, for example, to allow the SPE program to
"pause" and request some action from the PPE thread, for example,
performing an I/O operation. After this PPE-side action has been
completed, you can continue the SPE program calling spe_context_run
again without changing entry.


Processes in Operating Systems

When I read a source about the processes and threads in the operating system, I faced this sentence and it sounded weird to me:
When a program is executed and handled by the processor, it converts into a process. A process needs to use the data and code segment in the memory.
I think the first sentence is true naturally. However, I cannot understand why the process needs to use solely data and code segment?
#include <stdio.h>
x = 10;
int main(void){
int *array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
printf("x and y are %d %d", x, y);
return 0;
I think that when this code is executed, the generated process use bss, data, heap and code segment. In my opinion, a process can benefit from any segment of the memory.
If my thoughts are wrong, can anyone explain the reason ?
A process has to store in memory:
Except for really trivial ones, a program will use all these segments. Take a look at wikipedia's explanation of what the segments contain.
I think in the sentence the author didn't want to go into details and refers to Stack/Heap/Data/BSS as the data of your program, not the actual data segment.
This statement is not correct.
When a program is executed and handled by the processor, it converts into a process. A process needs to use the data and code segment in the memory.
A process has to exist before a program can be executed. On many non-eunuch's systems a single process runs multiple program.s
I think that when this code is executed, the generated process use bss, data, heap and code segment. In my opinion, a process can benefit from any segment of the memory.
The LINKER deine program segments. The loader follows the instructions of the linker to create the address space.
"bss, data, heap, and code" is a bad way to envision the address space.
There is:
Executable data
Read only data
Read/write data that can be
Heap and stack are just read/write data. The operating system cannot even tell what data is stack and what is heap. It's all just memory.

How does an interpreter resolve function calls or branch(jump) statement?

I know the question seems a bit broad. I tried searching for answers, couldn't find much.If anyone could describe or point me to the right source.
Assuming a bytecode-based interpreter, the usual way to do this would be as follows:
You have a variable, the program counter, which tells you the index of the instruction to execute. Usually you increase that counter by 1, but when executing a branch, you instead set it to the target location of the jump.
For function calls you do the same thing, but you also push the old value of the counter plus one onto the call stack. Then when you execute the return instruction, you pop the value of the stack and set the counter to that.

Input setting using Registers

I have a simple c program for printing n Fibonacci numbers and I would like to compile it to ELF object file. Instead of setting the number of fibonacci numbers (n) directly in my c code, I would like to set them in the registers since I am simulating it for an ARM processor.How can I do that?
Here is the code snippet
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ITERATIONS 3
static float fib(float i) {
return (i>1) ? fib(i-1) + fib(i-2) : i;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
float i;
for(i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) {
printf("fib(%f) = %f\n", i, fib(i));
return 0;
I would like to set the ITERATIONS counter in my Registers rather than in the code.
Thanks in advance
The register keyword can be used to suggest to the compiler that it uses a registers for the iterator and the number of iterations:
register float i;
register int numIterations = ITERATIONS;
but that will not help much. First of all, the compiler may or may not use your suggestion. Next, values will still need to be placed on the stack for the call to fib(), and, finally, depending on what functions you call within your loop, code in the procedure are calling could save your register contents in the stack frame at procedure entry, and restore them as part of the code implementing the procedure return.
If you really need to make every instruction count, then you will need to write machine code (using an assembly language). That way, you have direct control over your register usage. Assembly language programming is not for the faint of heart. Assembly language development is several times slower than using higher level languages, your risk of inserting bugs is greater, and they are much more difficult to track down. High level languages were developed for a reason, and the C language was developed to help write Unix. The minicomputers that ran the first Unix systems were extremely slow, but the reason C was used instead of assembly was that even then, it was more important to have code that took less time to code, had fewer bugs, and was easier to debug than assembler.
If you want to try this, here are the answers to a previous question on stackoverflow about resources for ARM programming that might be helpful.
One tactic you might take is to isolate your performance-critical code into a procedure, write the procedure in C, the capture the generated assembly language representation. Then rewrite the assembler to be more efficient. Test thoroughly, and get at least one other set of eyeballs to look the resulting code over.
Good Luck!
Make ITERATIONS a variable rather than a literal constant, then you can set its value directly in your debugger/simulator's watch or locals window just before the loop executes.
Alternatively as it appears you have stdio support, why not just accept the value via console input?

set a breakpoint, when called: return and continue

I know how to do this in gdb. I'd attach, and follow with:
break myfunction
I'm wondering if there's a way of doing this in c? I already have my code working for reading memory addresses and writing to memory addresses. And it automatically finds the pid and does related stuff. I'm stuck with implementing that use of breakpoints.
If you are talking about some sort of hand-written debugger, you can use IP value to set a breakpoint; Literally, when IP hits some certain value, you stop the program being debugged and perform some routine (for example, heading away to debugger process). To use function names, you should use symbol tables like it is done in GDB.
It's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve.
The GDB sequence you've show will simply make myfunction immediately return.
Assuming you want your mini-debugger to have the same effect, simply write the opcode for ret (0xC3 on x86) to the address of myfunction; no need to do the breakpoint at all.

How do I get the Keil RealView MDK-ARM toolchain to link a region for execution in one area in memory but have it store it in another?

I'm writing a program that updates flash memory. While I'm erasing/writing flash I would like to be executing from RAM. Ideally I'd link my code to an execution region that's stored in flash that on startup I would copy to the RAM location to which it is linked.
I don't include any of the normal generated C/C++ initialization code so I can't just tag my function as __ram.
If I could do the above then the debuggers symbols would be relevant for the copied to RAM code and I'd be able to debug business as usual.
I'm thinking that something along the lines of OVERLAY/RELOC might help but I'm not sure.
Maybe your application code can do it manually. Something like
pSourceAddr = &FunctionInFlash;
pDestAddr = &RamReservedForFunction;
while(pSourceAddr <= (&FunctionInFlash+FunctionSize))
{ *pDestAddr++ = *pSourceAddr++;
typedef int (*RamFuncPtr)(int arg1); //or whatever the signature is..
result = ((RamFuncPtr)&RamReservedForFunction)(argument1);
You should be able to get the linker definition file to export symbols for the FunctionInFlash and RamReservedForFunction addresses.