Converting SQL to LINQ to Entity - sql

I am trying to convert the following SQL, not written by myself, into a Linq to Entity query.
count(ut.test_Id) as testcount,
sum(cast(isnull(ut.completed,0) as int)) as Testcompleted,
users u inner join user_Relationship ur
on u.user_Id= ur.child_Id
left join user_tests ut
on ut.user_id=u.user_id
inner join lookup lu on u.first_languageId = lu.lookupid
where ur.parent_Id = #Parent_Id
group by
u.user_Id, u.forename,u.surname,u.client_code,u.user_name, u.password,, u.gender, u.first_languageId, u.Report_Date,u.EmailDate,
u.job_function, lu.lookupvalue
So far, I have been able to do this:
from u in db.Users
join ur in db.User_Relationship on u.User_ID equals ur.Child_ID
join ut in db.User_Tests on u.User_ID equals ut.User_ID into ps
from ut in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join lu in db.Lookups on u.First_LanguageID equals lu.LookupID
where ur.Parent_ID == 45875
select new UserViewModel
User_ID = u.User_ID,
Forename = u.Forename,
Surname = u.Surname,
Client_Code = u.Client_Code,
User_Name = u.User_Name,
Password = u.Password,
Email = u.Email,
Gender = u.Gender,
Report_Date = u.Report_date,
Email_Date = u.EmailDate,
//Insert Test_Count and Test_Completed
Job_Function = u.Job_Function,
Lookup_Value = lu.LookupValue
How do I replicate the Group and Count() function of SQL?

Well tweak around this solution coz currently i dont have .Net environment for testing this solution, but you'll sure get how grouping is done in linq.
from u in db.Users
join ur in db.User_Relationship on u.User_ID equals ur.Child_ID
join ut in db.User_Tests on u.User_ID equals ut.User_ID into ps
from ut in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join lu in db.Lookups on u.First_LanguageID equals lu.LookupID
where ur.Parent_ID == 45875 group new{u,lu} by new {u.User_ID,u.Forename,
lu.LookupValue} into g
let Test_Count = ps.Count(x=>x.test_Id)
let Test_Completed = ps.Sum(x=>x.completed)
select new UserViewModel
User_ID = g.Key.User_ID,
Forename = g.Key.Forename,
Surname = g.Key.Surname,
Client_Code = g.Key.Client_Code,
User_Name = g.Key.User_Name,
Password = g.Key.Password,
Email = g.Key.Email,
Gender = g.Key.Gender,
Report_Date = g.Key.Report_date,
Email_Date = g.Key.EmailDate,
Test_Count = Test_Count,
Test_Completed = Test_Completed,
Job_Function = u.Job_Function,
Lookup_Value = lu.LookupValue


where clause subquery in LINQ

I am trying to convert my SQL syntax to the LINQ query , And I have a problem with a subquery.
I want to select max date-time with an Id in a table as a subquery for another select command but I don't know what's right or wrong with this below code.
what I have in Sql
select ap.* ,aph.Lat as 'personLat',aph.Lng as 'personLng',l.cityId,l.Lat as 'LifecenterLat',l.lng as 'LifecenterLng',l.Id as 'LifeCenterId'
from Applicant ap
inner join ApplicantAddressHistory aph on ap.Id = aph.ApplicantId
inner join LifePlusCenter l on aph.CityId = l.CityId
Where ap.FamilyRoleTypeId = '82e26080-fda6-4396-946c-40d0e267f1f3' and aph.CreatedDate in (select max(CreatedDate) from ApplicantAddressHistory
where ApplicantAddressHistory.ApplicantId = ap.Id)
order by ap.NationalityCode
And what I have tried in linq
var innerJoinMultipleTables = from app in db.Applicant.Where(x => x.FamilyRoleTypeId == Guid.Parse("82e26080-fda6-4396-946c-40d0e267f1f3"))
join aph in db.ApplicantAddressHistory on app.Id equals aph.ApplicantId
where aph.CreatedDate == db.ApplicantAddressHistory.Max(x => x.CreatedDate && x.Id=aph.Id)
join l in db.LifePlusCenter on aph.CityId equals l.CityId
let centerLat = l.Lat
let centerLng = l.Lng
orderby app.NationalityCode
select new { app, aph.Lat, aph.Lng, l.CityId, l.Branch, centerLat, centerLng };
without this below line of code ,my linq works correctly.
where aph.CreatedDate == db.ApplicantAddressHistory.Max(x => x.CreatedDate && x.Id=aph.Id)
I need something like this below code in Linq as a subquery
select max(CreatedDate) from ApplicantAddressHistory where ApplicantAddressHistory.ApplicantId = '9836CEC4-EDCB-492C-9899-DF4279210CD2'
I finally tried this and it workd but dont know its correct way or not?!
var innerJoinMultipleTables = from app in db.Applicant.Where(x => x.FamilyRoleTypeId == Guid.Parse("82e26080-fda6-4396-946c-40d0e267f1f3"))
join aph in db.ApplicantAddressHistory on app.Id equals aph.ApplicantId
let rept_max = (from c in db.ApplicantAddressHistory
where c.Id == app.Id
select c.CreatedDate).Max()
where aph.CreatedDate == rept_max
join l in db.LifePlusCenter on aph.CityId equals l.CityId
let centerLat = l.Lat
let centerLng = l.Lng
orderby app.NationalityCode
select new { app, aph.Lat, aph.Lng, l.CityId, l.Branch, centerLat, centerLng };
Am not sure how it works in Linq, but you can modify your query like below to get latest details as per CreatedDate for each ApplicantId.
select ap.* ,aph.Lat as 'personLat',aph.Lng as 'personLng',l.cityId,l.Lat as 'LifecenterLat',l.lng as 'LifecenterLng',l.Id as 'LifeCenterId'
from Applicant ap
inner join
(select *
(select *,row_number() over(partition by ApplicantId order by CreatedDate desc) rw
from ApplicantAddressHistory
) p
) aph
on ap.Id = aph.ApplicantId
inner join LifePlusCenter l
on aph.CityId = l.CityId
Where ap.FamilyRoleTypeId = '82e26080-fda6-4396-946c-40d0e267f1f3'
and aph.CreatedDate in (
select max(CreatedDate) from ApplicantAddressHistory
where ApplicantAddressHistory.ApplicantId = ap.Id
order by ap.NationalityCode
Finally I came up to :
var z = from app in db.Applicant
join aph in db.ApplicantAddressHistory on app.Id equals aph.ApplicantId
join l in db.LifePlusCenter on aph.CityId equals l.CityId
let createDate = app.ApplicantAddressHistory.Max(c => c.CreatedDate)
where createDate.HasValue && aph.CreatedDate == createDate
&& app.FamilyRoleTypeId == Guid.Parse("82e26080-fda6-4396-946c-40d0e267f1f3")
let personLat = aph.Lat
let personLng = aph.Lng
let centerId = l.Id
let LifecenterLat = l.Lat
let LifecenterLng = l.Lng
orderby app.NationalityCode
select new { app, aph, l, app.Id, l.CityId, centerId, personLat, personLng, LifecenterLat, LifecenterLng };

Entity Framework many to many retrieval data with LINQ

I have two tables AspNetUsers and AspNetRoles with many to many dependence in table AspNetUserRoles. I want to display any user with his role ( if role is null i want to display that ).
In SQL query is:
SELECT u.Email, u.FirstName, u.LastName, r.Name as 'Role'
FROM AspNetUserRoles as ur
RIGHT JOIN AspNetUsers as u
ON ur.UserId = u.Id
LEFT JOIN AspNetRoles as r
ON ur.RoleId = r.Id
I want to transform it into LINQ query. I write query for my AspNetUserRoles table and retriev data, but result display only if have user with role.
IQueryable<RoleViewModel> result = from user in context.AspNetUsers
from r in user.AspNetRoles
select new RoleViewModel{
Email = user.Email,
FirstName = user.FirstName,
LastName = user.LastName,
Role = r.Name
Can you help me?
That is work:
IQueryable<RoleViewModel> result = from user in context.AspNetUsers
from r in user.AspNetRoles.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new RoleViewModel{
Email = user.Email,
FirstName = user.FirstName,
LastName = user.LastName,
Role = r != null ? r.Name : null
Use DefaultIfEmtpy method to join with linq:
var result = from user in context.UserEntities
from r in user.RoleEntities.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Email = user.Email,
FirstName = user.FirstName,
LastName = user.LastName,
Role = r != null ? r.RoleName : null

Convert SQL query with inner, left, and nested select to LINQ

how can convert this query to linq?
SELECT p.PostID, p.PostText, p.PublishDate, u.Name
FROM AspNetUsers u INNER JOIN Posts p ON u.Id = p.PostUserID LEFT JOIN Reposts r ON p.PostID = r.PostID
WHERE p.PostUserID = 'id'
OR p.PostUserID IN ( SELECT FollowingUserID FROM Friends WHERE FollowerUserID = 'id' AND isUnfollow = 0)
OR p.PostID in (SELECT PostID FROM Reposts WHERE RepostUserID = 'id' OR RepostUserID IN ( SELECT FollowingUserID FROM Friends WHERE FollowerUserID = 'id' AND isUnfollow = 0))
Does this work?
var results = from u in AspNetUsers
join p in Posts on u.Id equals p.PostUserID
join r in Reposts on p.PostId equals r.PostId into records
from record in records.DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.PostUserID == "id"
|| (from friend in Friends
where friend.FollowerUserID == "id"
&& friend.isUnfollow == 0
select friend.FollowingUserID
|| (from r2 in Reposts
where r2.RepostUserID == "id"
|| (from friend2 in Friends
where friend2.FollowerUserID == "id"
&& friend2.isUnfollow == 0
select friend2.FollowingUserID
select r2.PostID
orderby p.PostUserID ascending
select p.PostID, p.PostText, p.PublishDate, u.Name;

DRUPAL db_or adding AND between multiple variables

I have inherited an application that is using the drupal filtering system to find results. The user can select to search the 'campus_location' column but when they enter multiple variables, it adds an AND between the condition.
Here is the printed version of the query generated by drupal:
SELECT * FROM champs c INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = c.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_rsvp r
ON r.uid = c.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_checklists cl
ON = c.checklist_id LEFT OUTER JOIN node en
ON en.uid = u.uid AND en.type = 'getting_started_event'
LEFT OUTER JOIN node sn ON sn.uid = u.uid
AND sn.type = 'success_story'
LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_action_steps cas
ON cas.uid = u.uid
WHERE ( (c.campus_location LIKE 'Flint' ESCAPE '\\') )
**AND**( (c.campus_location LIKE 'Ann Arbor' ESCAPE '\\') )
I need the last AND to be an OR so it looks like this:
SELECT * FROM champs c INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = c.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_rsvp r
ON r.uid = c.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_checklists cl
ON = c.checklist_id LEFT OUTER JOIN node en
ON en.uid = u.uid AND en.type = 'getting_started_event'
LEFT OUTER JOIN node sn ON sn.uid = u.uid
AND sn.type = 'success_story'
LEFT OUTER JOIN champs_action_steps cas
ON cas.uid = u.uid
WHERE ( (c.campus_location LIKE 'Flint' ESCAPE '\\') )
OR( (c.campus_location LIKE 'Ann Arbor' ESCAPE '\\') )
Which produces the correct results.
Here is the code that I inherited where it looks over the words in the search box. I just can't seem to figure out where it is adding the variables where it is putting the AND.
$words = explode(",", $_SESSION['form_state']['values']['filter']);
foreach($words as $word)
$or = db_or();
foreach($cols as $col)
$table = 'c';
if(in_array($col, array('completed_date', 'score')))
$table = 'cl';
elseif(in_array($col, array('name', 'mail')))
$table = 'u';
elseif($col == 'date')
$table = 'r';
elseif(in_array($col, array('announce', 'num_success_stories', 'num_action_steps'))) //can't put these in WHERE clause. Need to go in HAVING.
echo $word;
$or = $or->condition($table . '.' . $col, champs_make_like_sql($word), 'LIKE');
$result = $query->condition($or);

Zend select object - building a query

How can I write the query below in Zend Select object notation so using ->join()->where() etc?
SELECT, t.user_id, t.added_date,,, bk.call_status
FROM `transaction` t
SELECT id, MAX(added_date) AS addedDate
FROM `transaction`
) gt
ON = AND t.added_date = gt.addedDate
LEFT JOIN `user` u ON t.user_id =
LEFT JOIN `bok_call` bk ON bk.user_id = t.user_id
WHERE NOT t.user_id = 'null'
AND addedDate BETWEEN '2008-05-04 17:51:48' AND '2009-05-04 17:51:48'
AND NOT = ''
AND bk.call_status IS null
For example this way:
$joinSelect = $model->select()
->from('transaction'), array('id', 'addedDate' => 'MAX(added_date)'))
$select = $model->select()
->from(array('t' => 'transaction'), array('id', 'user_id', 'added_date'))
->join(array('gt' => $joinSelect), ' = AND t.added_date = gt.addedDate', array());
->joinLeft(array('u' => 'user'), 't.user_id =', array('id', 'phone'))
->joinLeft(array('bk' => 'bok_call'), 'bk.user_id = t.user_id', array('call_status'))
->where('t.user_id != ?', 'null')
->where("addedDate BETWEEN '2008-05-04 17:51:48' AND '2009-05-04 17:51:48')
->where(' != ?', '')
->where('bk.call_status IS NULL');
Be aware that you won't be able to differentiate '' and '' in result.