Where are the supported languages in restructuredText code directive documented? [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Probably I just can't find the magic words for google, but I just can find the documentation on how to use the code directive in restructuredText with the supported languages.
The supported languages can be found here: http://pygments.org/languages/ but I need to know what each [language] translates into in the following code snippet:
.. code:: [language]
{code here}
For instance
.. code:: bat
{code here}
seems to be windows batch files.
Where is this documented?

I don't know any place where this is documented, however looking at the docutils code shows that docutils uses pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name() to find the right lexer.
This function takes the short names of the lexers given in pygments lexers.


Incomplete Frege Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The javadocs at http://www.frege-lang.org/doc/index.html seem to be missing quite a bit (namely, no frege.prelude package), and does not seem very up to date. Might there be a good documentation for Frege hidden in plain sight somewhere?
What you have seen is the API doc of the runtime classes, which is really minimal since the typical Frege user will not work with those.
Thomas correctly pointed to the library documentation.
In addition, there is "Hoogle" support for Frege: http://hoogle.haskell.org:8081/ where you can search the API.
All is linked from the Frege home page.
Hope that helps.

Cheatsheet for Markdown and Restructure syntax comparision? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a cheatsheet that compares the usage of Markdown with Restructure? With this, I could learn rst faster if I already knew Markdown. I tried google for it but haven't found one..
A small comparsion from a lot lightweight markup language syntaxs can be found on Wikipedia.
There is also a Gist document about the common markup between the two languages.
You can use Pandoc to convert your existing Markdown to reST or the other way around.
There are a lot of different Markdown dialects, so it may be difficult to compare the syntax with reST.

How do documentation generators work? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how documentation generators like Doxygen, JavaDocs etc. work. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking how to use them, but how they do it. I tried to find information about the topic but only found 1 article which is really old, so I'm kinda frustrated.
Does someone know any articles or literature about this?
For doxygen there is a manual page about the internals of Doxygen.
Some small document generators just use regular expressions to extract the documentation. The more flexible and complicated way is to develop a parser for the language and a parser for the documentation syntax just like doxygen and Javadoc do.

Standards for commandline options documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I often hack out some Thor, Rake, Bash or even PHP commandline tools. And I want to document the command-line-arguments and variations in a consistent way.
Is there an official, or recommended standard on this documentation?
Like when an option is optional[--foo=bar], or when an option can be one n-values ("yes|no"), etceteras.
I'd rather not come up with my own standard, when there is an official (POSIX?) standard or guide that already lists the do's and don't for documenting tools and applications on CLI's.
I'm not sure what output format you have in mind, but why not use the man-page style? It seems a nice fit for commandline tools.

Source file documentation syntax [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for resources on various code/API documentation syntaxes, such as Javadocs. Are there any other widely used documentation syntaxes? I'm specifically looking for those used in association with C, C++/Objective C/Cocoa, Shell Scripts (if any) and Java, with PHP/Ruby/Python and the like being a second priority.
Thanks for any help.
P.S. - Do people use Javadoc syntax in C/C++/Objec-C projects, or not so much?
A lot people use Doxygen which understands C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C and more.
Doxygen has its own syntax but can also be used with JavaDoc, the MS-XML-Commenttags or the Markdown-Syntax. The OpenOffice uses f.ex. doxygen for it's API-documentation with the JavaDoc syntax, because it can be used for Java- and C-sources.