Shrink detail view controller animated when menu slides at UISplitViewController - objective-c

I'm working with UISplitViewController on iPad and want to override it's behavior. When user taps on bar button, there are slides menu from the left side of screen. But it overlaps detail view controller. Can I make it so the detail view controller shrinks animated when the menu appears and expands when the menu disappears?

I don't think it's natively possible, so I think of 2 ways of doing this
1 - try and error: study the split delegate calls to see when you should shrink the content in your detail and tune it up until it looks smooth
2 - create your own "split" controller and do all the resizing/presenting by yourself


Next and Previous button for looping scrollView

I have a UIScroll view that scrolls between 4 different XIBs. I would like to disable the ability of scrolling by touching the scroll view. There are two buttons at the bottom of my app that I would like to scroll forward and back in a loop. The ViewController is forced to be in landscape orientation, and the scroll view dimensions are 568w x 217h.
Here is an image of the layout: Click Here
What you are tying to do is called "paging", and in my opinion a scroll view in not the best way to do so... here is a great project that looks like what you need:
Hope this helps

Phantom Bar showing up at bottom of screen

I've got an iOS7 iPad app. I use storyboards. My root view controller is a tab bar controller. One of my tabs is a split view controller to view reports, which has a table view controller (embedded in a navigationController) in the left-hand split and view controller in the detail side.
I'm finding that I have a random bar across the bottom of both controllers. In the screen shot you can see it at the bottom of the left-hand pane. If I were to select a report which loads the detail side, you'd see the same thing there as well. No matter what I do I can't get it to go away... gotta be missing something simple. Any tips?
Here's the storyboard view. Note that there's some sort of a bar showing up in the Split view controller, but it's not there in the nav controller. I don't know if this bar is related to the problem or not. I suspect it's being inferred from the tabbarcontroller's bottom bar.

How do you create a slide out tableView on the right instead of the left of iPad Master-Detail Application?

If you create an iPad Master-Detail Application and use Portrait orientation, it gives you a slide out tableView on the left.
1. How do you make it to show on the right?
Also, in the landscape orientation, it is split in into two views.
How do you make it so that it will be the same as the Portrait View, like slide the TableView out?
Is it possible to adjust the size of the Detail View?
If you dont want two views in landscape, why do you need a splitView at all? You can just have a UIView with a popover button on the top bar. Then you can add the tableviewcontroller to the popover. To show it to the right you can define the rect or use the rightbarbuttonitem to add the popover.
You can have master on right by passing masterviewcontroller as second parameter to the array assigned to splitViewController.viewcontroller. However, you cannot resize the master and detail views. Hence you will end up having a bigger masterView than the detailview.
Looking at limited functionality of UISplitViewController, it may not be possible to have master on right(properly working as per your requirements). You can have your own controller to get this done or try using opensource options like MGSplitViewController.
you may also like to look into this discussion

Using a UISegmentedControl to switch UIViewControllers while using the same toolbar

I have seen some questions asking about switching view controllers using a segmented control, but none of the suggestions seem to fit my needs.
I have a tab bar application with 3 tabs. The first tab is a navigation controller with a tableview as its root. When one of the rows is selected, I push a view controller X onto the navigation stack.
In controller X, I wish to use the segmented control to be placed in the bottom toolbar (as opposed to the titleview in many samples). Controller A would be shown inside controller X if the first segment is selected, controller B would be shown if the second segment is selected, whilst keeping the toolbar to be the same for A and B. What's the best approach to this problem?

Question on Popover

In my app I have a navigation back button which occupies the top left of the navigation bar as such. Now I have a requirement to make the view in the navigation stack a split view. I'm doing my own custom split view controller. Now the question arises in the portrait mode of this split view. I want it to have the default popover behavior in portrait mode (like Apple's splitview in portrait). Can I manually set the location for the popover button on the navigation bar to some place other than top left without violating any UI guidelines? Since the back button is on top left corner by default already. I read over the UI guidelines but could not find anything concrete relating to this issue. Can the popover button be placed anywhere on the navigation bar for the portrait mode of my custom split view?
Yes, it can be done. As you said, there is no strict rule over placement of the pop-over in portrait mode.
This app uses custom split view and the placement of the button to display the navigator (inside a popover) in portrait mode varies on what view controller it is currently displaying. Whether it is the root of the navigation or if it is the view controller pushed over the navigation controller.