testing sencha application - testing

I want to develop a sencha application who use a picture and make some modification on it. I want the user to be able to select the photo via phone camera or from photos that he already has in his phone.
I've searched all over the sencha documentation and found a solution to do this first step but I can't figure up how to test it.
I mean how can I test my application on the mobile?
I will be very grateful if someone will help me how to test a simple hello world sencha application on the mobile, because I'm really stuck at this step.

In order to test it on an actual device, you'll have to use PhoneGap (now called Apache Cordova). I'm not sure which device you have, but there's a list of tutorials to get you started here:
Then all you have to do is move any of the files Sencha has generated into the assets folder.
If you're looking for a tutorial on how to get started with Sencha, here's a good one:


App tutorial or guide in Sencha Touch

I've been trying to find some info about this but the combination of words just doesn't help as it just so I figured I'd might as well ask it in here.
I'm developing a sencha touch app and I want to show the user how to use my app. But those messages should obviously only be displayed on the app's first run. Does any of you have any idea of how to achieve this in sencha touch?
Haven't tried anything as I have no idea where to start and as I mentioned earlier looking this up on google just returns tutorials about Sencha Touch.
you can set a flag and save it to the localstorage.
On every app launch you can check for that flag and only create the guide view if needed

iOS Game Center simple leaderboard

I have an iOS app using Sprite Kit that I would like to add a simple leaderboard. I have tried several tutorials, but all are for an older version of Xcode and iTunes connect. As of now I have successfully authenticated the user (ie. when I open the app it says welcome back, or asks to log in if I am not logged in).
Could someone please point me in the direction of a tutorial that encompasses a simple leaderboard (such as in Flappy Bird) that will explain the iTunesConnect side and coding within my app that is up to date with iOS 7 and Xcode 5? Thank you!
The apple documentation for leaderboards is quite good. It explains how to do the iTunes connection portion and another page has the Xcode implementation with code examples.
You can find the iTunes connect info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnectGameCenter_Guide/Leaderboards/Leaderboards.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013726-CH2-SW1
The code examples are here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/Achievements/Achievements.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008304-CH7-SW3
Outside of that the app coda link that Iraklii mentioned is a great one.

how to map a json store or xml store to pie chart in sencha architect

Am new to sencha and all its products. I started working with sencha architect. In that when i design some project and when i try to run its asking for url and i uploaded it on a free web hosting site. MY test app. When i preview it its showing an empty page. I thinks that its may be because of not providing any data for piechart. can anybody guide me how to add store in jsonstore or xmlstore and map it to a pie chart. videos highly appreciated.
If you right click on desktop safari/chrome and choose inspect element when running your app, then look in your console, what error do you see?

How do access native APIs with Sencha Touch?

If I wanted to create a mobile app that allows the user to take pictures with their phone, record audio notes and record video, how would I do that?
I was browsing through the Sencha Touch 2 API and while I see documentation on video and audio files, it seems like it is just providing a way for me to access files stored on the phone - not actual triggers to record, or take pictures.
Am I missing something?
How would I do what I want?
In order for Sencha Touch to have access to your phone capabilities, you need to use a product like Phone Gap
Unless there is a HTML5 api for doing those sorts of things I don't think you can do that. I know on PhoneGap there are native extensions added into that platform for access to things like microphone, camera, etc. I don't know if Sencha Touch has added any of those sorts of extensions in order for you do this.
Just thinking out of the box here, but you might be able to put Sencha javascript into a Web View from within an Android Java process. Then the Java code could expose an object in its process as an extension point to the Javascript engine for access to Camera, Microphone, what not.

Game Center for my iPhone Game

I am developing an iPhone game, and I will implement Game Center in it.
Apparently, I need to do some configuration with my application in iTunes Connect first. Therefore I have to "create" my application in the iTunes Connect page, right? But, how do I do that without getting Apple's staff review my app since I am still working on it?
I tried making a new app like normal, but it asks me for a bunch of stuff like screenshots etc, but I have none to offer in the first place...
Fixed. It seems they won't even review it if there is no binary uploaded yet.