Partitioning by date? - google-bigquery

We are experimenting with BigQuery to analyze user data generated by our software application.
Our working table consists hundreds of millions of rows, each representing a unique user "session". Each containing a timestamp, UUID, and other fields describing the user's interaction with our product during that session. We currently generate about 2GB of data (~10M rows) per day.
Every so often we may run queries against the entire dataset (about 2 months worth right now, and growing), However typical queries will span just a single day, week, or month. We're finding out that as our table grows, our single-day query becomes more and more expensive (as we would expect given BigQuery architecture)
What isthe best way to query subsets of of our data more efficiently? One approach I can think of is to "partition" the data into separate tables by day (or week, month, etc.) then query them together in a union:
SELECT foo from
Is there a better way than this???

BigQuery now supports table partitions by date:

Hi David: The best way to handle this is to shard your data across many tables and run queries as you suggest in your example.
To be more clear, BigQuery does not have a concept of indexes (by design), so sharding data into separate tables is a useful strategy for keeping queries as economically efficient as possible.
On the flip side, another useful feature for people worried about having too many tables is to set an expirationTime for tables, after which tables will be deleted and their storage reclaimed - otherwise they will persist indefinitely.


How to partition 10 billion row SQL tables quickly using AWS?

I have a SQL database of data delivered in a normalized format with several tables that have several billions of rows of data. I have decided to partition the large tables into separate tables by itemId since when I query the data I only care about 1 item at a time. I would end up having 5000+ tables at the end after partitioning the data. The problem is, partitioning the data takes about 25 minutes to build a single table for 1 item.
5000 items x 25 minutes = 86.8 days
It would take over 86 days to fully partition my entire SQL database. My entire database is about 2.5TB.
Is this something I can leverage AWS for to parallelize on an item level? Can I use AWS database migration services to host the database in its current form and then use AWS process to churn through all of the 5000 queries to partition the big tables into 5000 smaller tables with 2M rows each?
If not, is this something I just have to throw more hardware at to make it run faster (CPU or RAM)?
Thanks in advance.
This doesn't seem like a good strategy. For one thing, simple arithmetic is that 10,000,000,000 rows with 5,000 rows per item results in 2,000,000 partitions in the table.
The limit in Redshift (by default) is 1,000,000 partition per table:
Amazon Redshift Spectrum has the following quotas when using the
Athena or AWS Glue data catalog:
A maximum of 10,000 databases per account.
A maximum of 100,000 tables per database.
A maximum of 1,000,000 partitions per table.
A maximum of 10,000,000 partitions per account.
You should re-think your partitioning strategy. Or perhaps your problem is not suitable for Redshift. There may be other database strategies more suitable for your use-case. (This is not the forum for recommending specific software solutions, however.)
Use the itemid as sortkey and distkey. if the table is vacummed properly and you select one itemid this should have good results, where access time is almost as good as a single table. distkey is used to distribute the data between shards, which means each itemid's blocks would be stored together on the same shard making retrieving all of them faster. Having the itemid also be sortkey means that for itemid's with small row numbers that all exist on the same shard, finding the rows within the table's blocks on a shard would be as fast as possible.
Creating a separate table for each item, where every other attribute of the table remains the same, doesn't seem logical. If the data format is the same, then keep the data in the same table unless there is a particular problem to overcome.
If you set the itemId as the SORTKEY on a Redshift table, then Redshift will be able to skip-over the blocks that do not contain a desired value (when using WHERE itemId = 'xxx'). This will be highly efficient.
Admittedly, trying to keep such a large table sorted would probably be too hard to VACUUM. It would still work reasonably well without the SORTKEY since blocks can still be skipped, but not as efficiently because the data for that itemId would be spread over more blocks.

Are there downsides to nesting data in BigQuery?

We have data of different dimensions, for example:
Name by Company
Stock prices by Date, Company
Commodity prices by Date & Commodity
Production volumes by Date, Commodity & Company
We're thinking of the best way of storing these in BigQuery. One potential method is to put them all in the same table, and nest the extra dimensions.
That would mean:
Almost all the data would be nested - e.g. there would be a single 'row' for each Company, and then its prices would be nested by Date.
Data would have to share at least one dimension - I don't think there would be a way of representing Commodity prices in a table whose first column was the company's Name
Are there disadvantages? Are there performance implications? Is it sensible to nest 5000 dates + associated values within each company's row?
It's common to have nested/repeated columns in BigQuery schemas since it makes reasoning about the data easier. Firebase produces schemas with repetition at many levels, for instance. If you flatten everything, the downside is you need some kind of unique ID for each row in order to associate events with each other, and then you'll need aggregations (using the ID as a key) rather than simple filters if you want to do any kind of counting.
As for downsides of nested/repeated schemas, one is that you may find yourself performing complicated transformations of the structure with ARRAY subqueries or STRUCT operators, for instance. These are generally fast, but they do have some overhead relative to queries without any structure imposed on the result at all.
My best suggestion would be to load some data and run some experiments. Storage and querying both are relatively cheap, so you can try a few different schema shapes and see which works better for your purposes.
Updating in Bigquery is pretty new, but based on the public available info BigQuery DML it is currently limited to only 48 updates per table per day.
DML statements are significantly more expensive to process than SELECT
Maximum UPDATE/DELETE statements per day per table: 48 Maximum
UPDATE/DELETE statements per day per project: 500 Maximum INSERT
statements per day per table: 1,000 Maximum INSERT statements per day
per project: 10,000
Processing nested data is also very expensive since all of the data from that column is loaded on every query. It is also slow if you are doing a lot of operations on nested data.

Hard limit on number of tables in a BQ project

I've got some highly partitionable data that I'd like to store in BigQuery, where each partition would get its own table. My question is if BQ will support the number of tables I'll need.
With my data set, I'd be creating approximately 2,000 new tables daily. All tables would have a 390 day (13 month) expiration, so eventually there'd be a constant count of ~ 2,000 tables * 390 days = ~780,000 tables in this particular project.
I'd test this myself, but BQ only supports a max of 10,000 load jobs per project per day.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of table count? Is there any official table limit provided by Google?
There are projects with that number of distinct tables today. There is not currently a hard cap on the number of distinct tables.
Some related considerations that come to mind when you're contemplating representations that use that many tables:
A query (including referenced views) can currently only reference 1000 tables.
Datasets with large numbers of tables may exhibit problematic behavior when using table wildcard functions.
You may be oversharding. Rather than lots of individual tables, you may simply want to use a wider schema and fewer tables.
If you're heavily dependent on time intervals as a sharding consideration, you may also want to look at table decorators as a way of limiting the scope of data scans.
You may also want to collapse data over time into fewer, larger tables as they age and are less frequently accessed. For example, copy jobs can append multiple source tables into a single destination table.
Most limits can be raised in BigQuery, as long as you are using BigQuery right - the limits are there to prevent abuse and misuse.
A critical question here - how much data will each table handle? Having 780,000 tables with 10 rows isn't a good idea.
How many tables do you want to handle per query? There's a hard limit of 1,000 tables per query.
If you have an interesting use case that requires higher limits, getting a support contract and their advice is the best way of having default limits raised.

BigQuery table performance loss with TABLE_QUERY

Having a surprising performance hit when querying multiple tables, vs. one big one. Scenario:
We have a simple web analytics tool based on BigQuery. We track basic events for individual sites. For about a month, we pumped all data into one big table. Now, we are breaking the data into partitions by SITE and MONTH.
So the big table was simply [events.all]
Now we have, say, [events.events_2014_06_SITEID]
Querying individual tables for a certain group is much faster, and processing much less data. But querying our entire dataset is much, much slower on even simple queries. And our new dataset is only 1 day old, whereas the big table is 30 days old, so it's slower despite querying far less data.
For example:
select count(et) from [events.all] where et='re'
--> completed in 3.2s, processing 79mb of data. This table has 21,048,979 rows.
select count(et) from ( TABLE_QUERY(events, 'table_id CONTAINS "events_2014_"') ) where et='re'
--> completed in 44.2s, processing 1.8mb of data. Put together, these tables have 492,264 rows.
How come this occurs, and is there any way to resolve this big disparity?

What would be the most efficient method for storing/updating Interval based data in SQL?

I have a database table with about 700 millions rows plus (growing exponentially) of time based data.
I also have 3 other tables grouping this data into Days, Months, Years which contains the sum of the value for each ID in that time period. These tables are updated nightly by a SQL job, the situation has arisen where by the tables will need to updated on the fly when the data in the base table is updated, this can be however up to 2.5 million rows at a time (not very often, typically around 200-500k up to every 5 minutes), is this possible without causing massive performance hits or what would be the best method for achieving this?
The daily, monthly, year tables can be changed if needed, they are used to speed up queries such as 'Get the monthly totals for these 5 ids for the last 5 years', in raw data this is about 13 million rows of data, from the monthly table its 300 rows.
I do have SSIS available to me.
I cant afford to lock any tables during the process.
700M recors in 5 months mean 8.4B in 5 years (assuming data inflow doesn't grow).
Welcome to the world of big data. It's exciting here and we welcome more and more new residents every day :)
I'll describe three incremental steps that you can take. The first two are just temporary - at some point you'll have too much data and will have to move on. However, each one takes more work and/or more money so it makes sense to take it a step at a time.
Step 1: Better Hardware - Scale up
Faster disks, RAID, and much more RAM will take you some of the way. Scaling up, as this is called, breaks down eventually, but if you data is growing linearly and not exponentially, then it'll keep you floating for a while.
You can also use SQL Server replication to create a copy of your database on another server. Replication works by reading transaction logs and sending them to your replica. Then you can run the scripts that create your aggregate (daily, monthly, annual) tables on a secondary server that won't kill the performance of your primary one.
Step 2: OLAP
Since you have SSIS at your disposal, start discussing multidimensional data. With good design, OLAP Cubes will take you a long way. They may even be enough to manage billions of records and you'll be able to stop there for several years (been there done that, and it carried us for two years or so).
Step 3: Scale Out
Handle more data by distributing the data and its processing over multiple machines. When done right this allows you to scale almost linearly - have more data then add more machines to keep processing time constant.
If you have the $$$, use solutions from Vertica or Greenplum (there may be other options, these are the ones that I'm familiar with).
If you prefer open source / byo, use Hadoop, log event data to files, use MapReduce to process them, store results to HBase or Hypertable. There are many different configurations and solutions here - the whole field is still in its infancy.
Indexed views.
Indexed views will allow you to store and index aggregated data. One of the most useful aspects of them is that you don't even need to directly reference the view in any of your queries. If someone queries an aggregate that's in the view, the query engine will pull data from the view instead of checking the underlying table.
You will pay some overhead to update the view as data changes, but from your scenario it sounds like this would be acceptable.
Why don't you create monthly tables, just to save the info you need for that months. It'd be like simulating multidimensional tables. Or, if you have access to multidimensional systems (oracle, db2 or so), just work with multidimensionality. That works fine with time period problems like yours. At this moment I don't have enough info to give you, but you can learn a lot about it just googling.
Just as an idea.