Calling 2 httpwebrequests in parallel using Reactive Extensions - httpwebrequest

i m trying to call 2 httpwebrequest in parallel and make them call the same callback when they are done using Rx extensions.
But i don0t know how i can achive's my code:
private static IObservable<Stream> GetImage(string path)
var uri = new Uri(path);
var thumburi = new Uri(path + "_thumb.jpg");
return Observable.Create<Stream>(o =>
var request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
var readComplete =
var subscription = readComplete
.Select(e => e.GetResponseStream())
return subscription;

With the latest bits and .Net 4.5, you could do something like this:
private static IObservable<byte[]> GetImages(string path)
var sources = new Uri[]
var uri = new Uri(path),
var thumburi = new Uri(path + "_thumb.jpg")
var obs = from uri in sources.ToObservable()
from data in Observable.Using(
() => new WebClient(),
client => client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri).ToObservable())
select data;
return obs;
I do wonder if you really want to just return steams of data and not care which stream corresponds to the base and which is the thumbnail. Once you make the request in parallel, you no longer control the order that they come back in. You could project a type that includes the uri and data stream to disambiguate them if you want.

I'm guessing you would pull out the asynchronous calls to two separate streams then concatenate them, no? Like this:

I'd suggest this kind of solution.
Make GetImage more general purpose:
private static IObservable<Stream> GetImage(Uri uri)
return Observable.Create<Stream>(o =>
var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
var readComplete =
var subscription =
.Select(e => e.GetResponseStream())
return subscription;
Then add a specific GetImages method that does the querying for the image and its thumb:
private static IObservable<Tuple<Uri, Stream>> GetImages(string path)
var uris = new []
new Uri(path + ".jpg"),
new Uri(path + "_thumb.jpg"),
from uri in uris
from stream in GetImage(uri)
select Tuple.Create(uri, stream);
I've assumed that your path variable cannot contain the ".jpg" extension otherwise you'd have had to done some string manipulation.
Now GetImages returns a IObservable<Tuple<Uri, Stream>> because the SelectMany doesn't guarantee the return order of the streams so we need to use the Uri to disambiguate the streams.
Let me know if this works for you.

Why not just use Zip?
GetStream("foo.jpg").Zip(GetStream("bar.jpg"), (foo, bar) => new { foo, bar })
.Subscribe(fooAndBar => ...);


HttpParameterBinding without code coverage

OpenCover On Cake script does not detect coverage on my Owin.Testing usage applying HttpPArameterBiding to some ApiController action parameter.
I have Created a new type of my ApiController that as an action with my ParameterBindingAttribute that I called FromHeaderAttribute. After that I created my Owin Test Server and respective HttpClient and did the requests and the proper asserts to validate that the Binding is working properly. The tests pass with sucess.
This is my unit tests Cake Task
.DoesForEach(GetFiles($"{testsPath}/**/*.csproj"), (file) =>
var openCoverSettings = new OpenCoverSettings
OldStyle = true,
MergeOutput = true,
Register = "user",
LogLevel = OpenCoverLogLevel.Verbose,
ArgumentCustomization = args => args.Append("-coverbytest:*.Tests.dll").Append("-mergebyhash")
var projectName = file.GetFilename().ToString().Replace(".csproj",string.Empty);
var dotNetTestSettings = new DotNetCoreTestSettings
Configuration = "Release",
DiagnosticOutput = true,
Verbosity = DotNetCoreVerbosity.Normal,
ArgumentCustomization = (args)=>
args.Append($"--logger \"trx;LogFileName={projectName}-TestsResults.trx\"");
args.Append("--filter \"TestCategory=Unit|Category=Unit\"");
return args;
OpenCover(context => context.DotNetCoreTest(file.FullPath, dotNetTestSettings), new FilePath($"CoverageResults.xml"), openCoverSettings);
Information($"Copying test reports to ${outputDir}/TestsResults .... ");
ReportGenerator($"*-CoverageResults.xml", $"{outputDir}/Reports");
this is my XUnit test:
[Trait("Category", "Unit")]
public async Task WhenHeadersArePresent_SettingsShouldBeSetted()
HttpConfiguration configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
var container = new SimpleInjector.Container();
Mock<IApiControllerValidation> mockValidationInterface = new Mock<IApiControllerValidation>();
ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Settings settingsReceived = null;
mockValidationInterface.Setup((validator) => validator.Assert(It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<IDictionary<string, string>>(), It.IsAny<IHttpActionResult>()))
.Callback<object, object, IDictionary<string, string>, IHttpActionResult>((header, body, parameters, result) =>
settingsReceived = header as Settings;
using (var server = TestServer.Create(app =>
configuration.DependencyResolver = new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
app.Use((owinContext, nextHandler)=> nextHandler());
var client = server.HttpClient;
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("header1", new List<string>() { "headervalue1" } );
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("header2", new List<string>() { "headervalue2" });
var result = await client.PostAsync<Payload>("optionalHeader", new Payload("value1"), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
Assert.Equal("headervalue1", settingsReceived.Header1);
Assert.Equal("headervalue2", settingsReceived.Header2);
And this is my Api Action were I want to test the FromHEader attribute that I have implement.
[Route("optionalHeader",Name = "PostValidation")]
public IHttpActionResult OptionalHeaders([FromHeader]Settings settings, [FromBody]Payload payload)
var result = Ok();
validation.Assert(settings,payload, null, result);
return result;
I expect that the code coverage of the test detects the usage of This type but its not because the report is showing 0 code coverage on my type.
I figured out what was the problem, and it was not related to anything related to framework HttpParameterBinding component.
instead of execute the code cover like this:
OpenCover(context => context.DotNetCoreTest(file.FullPath, dotNetTestSettings), new FilePath($"CoverageResults.xml"), openCoverSettings);
I changed that to be like this:
OpenCover(tool => {
}, new FilePath("./OpenCoverCoverageResults.xml"),openCoverSettings);
Also the Build must be done with configuration in debug mode so the OpenCover can use the pdbs.
The only thing that I still dont like is the path to the dlls to be explicit by the number of levels that are explicit and I also did not want to copy the dlls because that will take more time.

How to mock and expect a method with Action delegate as one of the parameter with Moq

I am using Automapper in my .net core application to map. I have a method like below
public MyEntity TransformtoToEntity(MyDTO dto)
var entity = _mapper.Map<MyEntity, MyDTO>(dto, opts => opts.Items["isUpdate"] = "N");
return entity;
My test method looks like
public void Returns_Data_After_Mapping()
// Arrange
var mockEntityData = new MyEntity
Id = 1,
Name = "John"
var mockDto = new MyDTO
Id = 1,
Name = "John"
var mappingOperationMock = new Mock<IMappingOperationOptions<MyDTO, MyEntity>>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mappingOperationMock.Setup(x => x.Items).Returns(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "isUpdate", "N" }});
_mapper.Setup(x => x.Map(It.IsAny<MyDTO>(),
It.IsAny<Action<IMappingOperationOptions<MyDTO, MyEntity>>>()))
// Act
var result = _myMapper.TransformDtoToEntity(mockDto);
// Assert
Here how can I verify that IMappingOperationOptions parameters are correctly passed. Or is there any better way to do a unit test here. Basically I am stuck with how to effectively unit test methods who are having Action delegate parameters. I referred the thread Testing a method accepting a delegate with Moq, but could not find anything I can assert or verify inside the callback.
If you would like to test what is happening in your action delegate you can use the callback from moq.
Something like
Action<IMappingOperationOptions<MyEntity, MyDto>> mappingOperationAction = default;
_mapper.setup(x.Map(myDto, It.IsAny<Action<IMappingOperationOptions<MyEntity,MyDto>>>())
.callBack<MyDto, Action<IMappingOperationOptions<MyEntity,MyDto>>>( (callbackMyDto, callbackMappingOperationAction) => mappingOperationAction = callbackMappingOperationAction);
var mappingOperation = new MappingOperationOptions<MyEntity, MyDto>(_ => default);
Assert.AreEqual("N", mappingOperation.Items["isUpdate"])

Programmatically create index

How do I create an index programmatically in RavenDB?
I tried to follow this example.
This is my index creator:
public class MyIndex : Raven.Client.Indexes.AbstractIndexCreationTask<MyEntity>
public MyIndex()
Map = col => col.Select(c => new
code = c.Code,
len = c.Code.Length,
sub = c.Code.Substring(0, 1)
And here is the caller:
var store = new Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore
Url = "http://localhost:8080"
using (var session = store.OpenSession("MyDB"))
typeof(MyIndex).Assembly, store);
The index was created but not in MyDB but in system database.
How to create the index in MyDB? Is the way I create index correct?
Try this:
specify the database name in your store object
var store = new Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore
Url = "http://localhost:8080",
DefaultDatabase = "MyDB"
As MED pointed out, you can provide a default database when attaching to the document store. When doing so, you no longer pass the database name to the OpenSession method. This is the easiest way, and if you're working with a single database then it is the best answer (and should be given the credit as the answer to this question).
But if you need to work with multiple databases, and thus can't use that technique, then you can use this helper method.
public static void CreateIndexes(Assembly assembly, IDocumentStore store,
string databaseName)
var catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(assembly);
var provider = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var commands = store.DatabaseCommands.ForDatabase(databaseName);
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(provider, commands, store.Conventions);
Call it the same way you would call the other method, but now you can pass the database name as a parameter.

MS Dynamics CRM. Get users who current record shared with

I have a entity record which is shared with or more users. I would like to unshare this record when Deactivate it. I want to do that in Plugin. But I can't understand how to get all users from sharing list who have access to this record. How to do that?
Here is my code snippet:
protected void ExecutePostPersonSetStateDynamicEntity(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
var context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
var targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["EntityMoniker"];
var state = (OptionSetValue)context.InputParameters["State"];
var columns = new ColumnSet(new[] { "statecode" });
var retrivedEntity = localContext.OrganizationService.Retrieve(targetEntity.LogicalName, targetEntity.Id, columns);
if (state.Value == 1)
RevokeAccessRequest revokeRequest = new RevokeAccessRequest()
Target = new EntityReference(personEntity.LogicalName, personEntity.Id),
Revokee = new EntityReference(neededEntity.LogicalName, needed.Id)
// Execute the request.
As you can see, I need an entity "neededEntity", I don't know how to get it from "targetEntity" or "retrievedEntity".
You need to use a RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest
You can start from the included example, basically inside the foreach you call your RevokeAcessRequest

ASP.NET Bundling and minification include dynamic files from database

I'm developing a multi-tenancy MVC 4 application on which the user has some theming possibilities.
He can override every single resource (css, js, jpg, png, ect...) by adding a relative path to a theming table e.g. /Scripts/booking.js
Which tenant to use is figured out by the URL e.g. http://myapp/tenant/Booking/New this is simply the name of the connection string which should be used.
Therefore if a request is made for a specific resource I first need to check if there is an overridden version of this resource in the database and use it if found.
Now I'd like to implement the new bundling and minification features which microsoft provides in the System.Web.Optimization namespace. But I couldn't figure out how to achieve this with the files in the database.
I've prototyped my own JsMinify implementation to achieve this
public class MyJsMinify : JsMinify
private static byte[] GetContentFile(FileInfo filePath)
string fullName = filePath.FullName;
int indexOf = fullName.IndexOf("content", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
string substring = fullName.Substring(indexOf + 8).Replace(#"\\", "/").Replace(#"\", "/");
ThemingService themingService = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ThemingService>();
Theming myTheming = themingService.Find(new ThemingFilter { FilePathLike = substring });
if (myTheming == null)
return themingService.GetContentFile(fullName);
return myTheming.FileData;
public override void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)
StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder();
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in response.Files)
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(GetContentFile(fileInfo)))
using (StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream, true))
response.Content = newContent.ToString();
base.Process(context, response);
This seems to work if I'm in Release mode but while developing I'd like to get each single script referenced independently. This is automatically done throughout the bundling and minification framework. The Resource URL's generated by the framework looks like the following
<script src="/myapp/Content/Scripts/jquery-1.9.0.js"></script>
but should look like this
<script src="/myapp/tenant/Content/Scripts/jquery-1.9.0.js"></script>
I've configured the following Routes:
routeCollection.MapRoute("Content1", "{mandator}/Content/{*filePath}", new { mandator = defaultMandator, controller = "Environment", action = "ContentFile" }, new { mandator = mandatorConstraints });
routeCollection.MapRoute("Content2", "Content/{*filePath}", new { mandator = defaultMandator, controller = "Environment", action = "ContentFile" }, new { mandator = mandatorConstraints });
The ContentFile Method looks like this
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = "ContentFile")]
public ActionResult ContentFile(string filePath)
if (string.Compare(filePath, "Stylesheets/Import.css", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return GetContentImport(CssFileArray, "Stylesheets/");
if (string.Compare(filePath, "Stylesheets/ImportOutlook.css", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return GetContentImport(OutlookCssFileArray, "Stylesheets/");
if (string.Compare(filePath, "Scripts/OutlookAddin/Import.js", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return GetContentImport(OutlookJsFileArray, "Scripts/");
return new FileContentResult(GetContentFile(filePath), MimeType(filePath));
Does anybody have an idea how I could achieve this?
Is there a multi-tenancy pattern to follow?
So I'm not sure I completely understand your scenario, but I believe this is what VirtualPathProviders could be used for.
We added support in the 1.1-alpha1 release, so bundles will automatically use the VirtualPathProvider registered with ASP.NET to fetch the contents of the file.
If you were to write a custom VPP that is able to always return the correct version of ~/Scripts/booking.js, everything should just work.