When I submit my app Routing File in itunes connect I got this error message:
JSON file you uploaded was invalid. Errors : Each set of coordinates provided must be valid : [Ljava.lang.Object;#1f02c024
This is the content of the geoJson file:
[[45.56497960813695, -74.22161340332036],[45.823011917542566, -73.46767663574224],[45.47356846799377, -73.30562829589849],[45.34051720106048, -73.51299523925786],[45.56497960813695, -74.22161340332036]]}
I can't see where is the problem with this coordinates?
Multipolygon coordinates are arrays of arrays of arrays: [[[x, y], ...]. Plus, it looks like your coordinates are swapped. It needs to be easting, northing ( or longitude, latitude) just like with KML.
This is my data flow for my system:
Because i can not found a demo to config a raw16, and i did not found the enum type "enum CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t " which not contain a RAW16type,
so i did't known how to transfer my raw16 data to the host.
I try to use the yuv422 configuration to transfer my raw data to the host, and i really received data from the CX3 by e-cam, but the image is wrong for the e-cam use the yuv2 formating to resolve the raw data. And now I think i can use the matlab to grap a frame and deal with it. But when i use the matlab getting a snashot and i found the data is a
type like this: 1280*800*3(full frame size:1280x800). Is it the matlab regard as a yuv data? and how can i config the cx3 to support raw16 or how to deal with the data i grap from the cx3 with the yuv format transfer.
Is there any other developer meet the requirement like me?
I downloaded some init MP4 file(init.mp4) and a sequence of m4s files(like 744397965.m4s, 744397966.m4s, 744397967.m4s...) from a live stream http://vm2.dashif.org/livesim/testpic_2s/Manifest.mpd using Dash.js.
Then I tried to feed these files directly into SourceBuffer bind with a video element, no pictures been played and no error thrown, why?
Did you seek the video element to the earliest timestamp in the resultant buffer (if it is not zero) and then call play() ?
Online prediction is failing with "Unable to get elements from the feed as bytes". What does this mean and how can I fix it?
I'm generating predictions using the following code:
request_data = [{ 'examples' :
{'pickup_longitude': -73.885262,
'pickup_latitude': 40.773008,
'dropoff_longitude': -73.987232,
'dropoff_latitude': 40.732403,
'fare_amount': 0,
'passenger_count': 2}}]
parent = 'projects/%s/models/%s/versions/%s' % ('some project', 'taxifare', 'v1')
response = api.projects().predict(body={'instances': request_data}, name=parent).execute()
The problem was that I didn't include a metadata file as part of the model. The metadata file tells the Cloud ML service how to convert json records to serialized example protos. Without the metadata file, conversion won't take place and as a result tf.parse_example will fail with the error "Unable to get element from the feed as bytes".
I'm using the Google Drive API where I can gain access to 2 pieces of data that I need to display a jpg file oin my program. WebViewLink is the "large" size image while thumbnailLink is the "thumb" smaller size of the same image.
I'm having an issue with downloading the WebViewLink that I do not have with the thumbnailLink. Part of my code calls either exif_imagetype($filename) or getimagesize($filename) so I can retrieve the type, height & width etc for the $filename. This is successful for the thumbnailView but not the WebViewLink...
code snippet...
$WebViewLink = "https://drive.google.com/a/treering.com/file/d/blablabla";
$type = exif_imagetype($WebViewLink);
--- results in the error
"PHP Warning: exif_imagetype(): stream does not support seeking..."
where as...
$thumbnailLink = "https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/blablabla";
$type = exif_imagetype($thumbnailLink);
--- successful
where $type = 2 // a .jpg file
Not sure what I need to do to gain a usable WebViewLink... maybe use the "export" function to copy to a file on my server that is accessible, then use that exported file for the functions that fail above?
Thanks for any help.
I think you are using the wrong property to get the image of the file.
A link for opening the file in a relevant Google editor or viewer in a browser.
A short-lived link to the file's thumbnail, if available. Typically lasts on the order of hours.
You can try using the iconLink():
A static, unauthenticated link to the file's icon.
Sample image of thumbnailLink:
Sample image of a iconLink:
It will still show relevant image about the file.
Hope it helps!
I have set up on client Jcrop and on Server a imagemagick (express.js).
Image is uploaded to server first, and then shown to the client. Client makes crop, and the following information is sent to server:
function showCoords(c)
// variables can be accessed here as
// c.x, c.y, c.x2, c.y2, c.w, c.h
I have the image stored on server ready to be cropped. Question is, if using imagemagick... how do I use those variables? Image magick has resize and crop (it has other options as well) that seem to be relevant... but it seems that I have more variables then the IM accepts.
What is going on?
You can ignore point2 (c.x2,x.y2). Jcrop is just being helpful by giving you a rectangles size (c.w,c.h), starting point (c.x,c.y), and ending point (c.x2,c.y2).
ImageMagick has it's own Image Geometry format, so you just need the size & offset (starting point).
function showCoords(c)
var IMGeometry = String.concat(c.w,"x",c.y,"+",c.x,"+",c.y);
//=> "175x125+50+50"
// Assuming you are using node-imagemagick
im.convert(["source.jpg","-crop",IMGeometry,"out.jpg"],function(err, stdout){
// Callback