expanding keypath with lazyloading - dynatree

I have a full tree with multiple items and multiple levels, the tree is build with an ajax call and uses lazy nodes
So now i want to add the function so my tree can load and select and item if i give the full path, but before i can select the item i need to make sure that the item is loaded with lazy loading so i can access it.
I found the function .loadKeypath(), so for testing i retrieved the full path to my node with
so the path is /12/16/17/18
So i figured out i should put this code after the ajax data was loaded in
onPostInit: function(isReloading, isError){
$("#tree").dynatree("getTree").loadKeyPath("/12/16/17/18", function(node, status){
if(status == "loaded") {
// 'node' is a parent that was just traversed.
// If we call expand() here, then all nodes will be expanded
// as we go
}else if(status == "ok") {
// 'node' is the end node of our path.
// If we call activate() or makeVisible() here, then the
// whole branch will be exoanded now
}else if(status == "notfound") {
var seg = arguments[2],
isEndNode = arguments[3];
But now i get this warning in the console:
Node not found: 12 jquery.dynatree.js:49
Adn this is the full log
9:12:27.862 - Dynatree._create(): version='$Version: 1.2.0$', debugLevel=2. jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.865 - DynaTree.persistence:
9:12:27.867 - Dynatree._load(): read tree structure... jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.868 - Dynatree._init(): send Ajax request... jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.869 - Class.create.removeChildren(false) jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.876 - Dynatree._load(): render nodes... jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.877 - Dynatree._load(): bind events... jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.885 - Dynatree._load(): postInit... jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.887 - Dynatree._init(): done. jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:27.889 - ui.dynatree._init() was called; no current default functionality. jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:29.483 - Removed leading root key. jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:29.484 - Class.create._loadKeyPath(12/16/17/18) jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:29.484 - Node not found: 12 jquery.dynatree.js:49
9:12:29.485 - trigger nodeLoaded.dynatree.tree._1 jquery.dynatree.js:52
9:12:29.485 - dtnode._expand(true) IGNORED -
So how can i load a node what tis nested in other nodes

This is an answer for future reference
After some debugging and help from the dynatree developers, we came up with a solution, if you want to load up a key path use an string as key and not an integer.
instead of
"icon": false,
"checkbox": false,
"title": "xxxxxxxx",
"key": 23,
"type": "child"
"icon": false,
"checkbox": false,
"title": "xxxxxxxx",
"key": "23",
"type": "child"
That way the loadkeypath function will pickup the correct path!


Karate Api : check if a phrase is available response object array

I've a response
{ errors: [
code: 123,
reason: "this is the cause for a random problem where the last part of this string is dynamically generated"
} ,
code: 234,
reason: "Some other error for another random reason"
Now when I validate this response
I use following
And match response.errors[*].reason contains "this is the cause"
This validation fails, because there is an equality check for complete String for every reason ,
I all I want is, to validate that inside the errors array, if there is any error object, which has a reason string type property, starting with this is the cause phrase.
I tried few wild cards but didn't work either, how to do it ?
For complex things like this, just switch to JS.
* def found = response.errors.find(x => x.reason.startsWith('this is the cause'))
* match found == { code: 123, reason: '#string' }
# you can also do
* if (found) karate.log('found')
Any questions :)

Vue.js Nuxt - cannot access Array (value evaluated upon first expanding error)

I have the following function which gives me an array called URLs
const storageRef = this.$fire.storage.ref().child(fileName)
try {
const snapshot = storageRef.put(element).then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
console.log('File uploaded.')
} catch (e) {
console.log("about to run enter time with imageurls length " + urls.length)
When I run console.log(URLs) initially I do see the array like the following
0: "testvalue"
length: 1
__proto__: Array(0)
However, there is a small information icon stating
This value was evaluated upon first expanding. The value may have changed since.
Because of this, when I try to get the length of URLs, I get zero, meaning the value is being updated.
Does anyone know what's happening? I am using Vue.JS/Nuxt.

Unable to find the duplicate elements from API response

We were testing an API and recently got an issue, some of the customers cannot log in to the website.
We found the issue and it is because of Duplicate keys in the API response, it is giving response even if the API contains the duplicate key.
So tests are not helping for the duplicate key conditions,So can anyone please help me or guide how I can find whether there is a duplicate element in the API response.
Tool: postman
Below is the sample API output,
In the below JSON output from API we can find there are duplicates for "operatingSystem",like this duplicate key is coming for different elements.
Since there is no way to debug the API for a while due to some reasons,so need to find out these duplicate cases.
Any idea or suggestions will be much appreciated.Thanks in advance.
eg: {
"code": 2,
"deviceId": "ID",
"deviceName": "Test",
"platform": "x64",
"operatingSystem": "test",
"operatingSystem": "test",
"gde": 000,
"productVersion": "0.0",
"build": "00000",
"receipt": null
How could we handle such a situation. Do we have any method to automate/test this case?
Here's something you can try although it's a bit convoluted. pm.response.json() will normalize the response and remove any duplicates i.e. you won't be able to detect any. So what you can do is take the response in text then manipulate it into a list and look for duplicates there. I used a map object so that if the map already contains a given key then set a flag and fail the test.
This is not thoroughly tested but it should give you an idea or at least a starting point to tackle the problem:
var jsonBody = pm.response.text();
var str = jsonBody.substring(1, jsonBody.length-1);
var keyArr = str.split(",");
var keyMap = {};
var foundDups = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keyArr.length; i++) {
var key = keyArr[i].split(":")[0];
if(!(key in keyMap)) {
keyMap[key] = key;
console.log("added key " + key);
else {
console.log("found duplicate: " + key);
foundDups = true;
pm.test("Look for dups", function() {

Karate - how to access an array element by UUID during a 'retry until' statement

I have an endpoint which returns this JSON response:
"jobs": [
"name": "job1",
"id": "d6bd9aa1-0708-436a-81fd-cf22d5042689",
"status": "pending"
"name": "job2",
"id": "4fdaf09f-51de-4246-88fd-08d4daef6c3e",
"status": "pending"
I would like to repeatedly GET call this endpoint until the job I care about ("job2") has a "status" of "completed", but I'd like to check this by using a UUID stored in a variable from a previous call.
i.e. by doing something like this:
#NB: code for previous API call is executed
* def uuidVar = response.jobRef
#NB: uuidVar equates to '4fdaf09f-51de-4246-88fd-08d4daef6c3e' for this scenario
* configure retry = { count: 5, interval: 10000 }
Given path /blah
And retry until response.jobs[?(#.id==uuidVar)].status == 'completed'
When method GET
Could anyone suggest the correct syntax for the retry until?
I've tried referencing the fantastic Karate docs & examples (in particular, js-arrays.feature) and some questions on SO (including this one: Karate framework retry until not working as expected) but sadly I haven't been able to get this working.
I also tried using karate.match here as suggested in the link above, but no cigar.
Apologies in advance if I am missing something obvious.
First I recommend you read this answer on Stack Overflow, it is linked from the readme actually, and is intended to be the definitive reference. Let me know if it needs to be improved: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55823180/143475
Short answer, you can't use JsonPath in the retry until expression, it has to be pure JavaScript.
While you can use karate.jsonPath() to bridge the worlds of JsonPath and JS, JsonPath can get very hard to write and comprehend. Which is why I recommend using karate.filter() to do the same thing, but break down the steps into simple, readable chunks. Here is what you can try in a fresh Scenario:. Hint, this is a good way to troubleshoot your code without making any "real" requests.
* def getStatus = function(id){ var temp = karate.filter(response.jobs, function(x){ return x.id == id }); return temp[0].status }
* def response =
"jobs": [
"name": "job1",
"id": "d6bd9aa1-0708-436a-81fd-cf22d5042689",
"status": "pending"
"name": "job2",
"id": "4fdaf09f-51de-4246-88fd-08d4daef6c3e",
"status": "pending"
* def selected = '4fdaf09f-51de-4246-88fd-08d4daef6c3e'
* print getStatus(selected)
So if you have getStatus defined up-front, you can do this:
* retry until getStatus(selected) == 'completed'
Note you can use multiple lines for a JS function if you don't like squeezing it all into one line, or even read it from a file.

How chrome.usb.bulkTransfer read from DigitalPersona fingerprint reader?

I tried to read fingerprint from the DigitalPersona fingerprint reader.
Followed the api app_usb#bulk_transfers, I wrote the code:
//ignore the findDevice() part
var transferInfo = {
"direction": "in",
"endpoint": 3, //don't know where to find device protocol, 3 is a random number.
"length": 318
chrome.usb.bulkTransfer(connectionHandle, transferInfo, function(event){
console.log("got " + event.data.byteLength + " bytes");
but my result is "got 0 bytes". Why?
To get the correct endpoint, you should call the chrome.usb.getConfiguration function.
The result will be an object with a property called interfaces.
If you enumerate the interfaces found, you'll find for each one a property called endpoints, which enumerates the available ones.
Choose the endpoint according to the communication channel you want:
in / out
bulk / interrupt / ...
Then, fetch its address property to populate the GenericTransferInfo endpoint attribute for the bulkTransfer function call.
var transferInfo = {
"direction": "in",
"endpoint": 132, //value of "address" for the bulkTransfer/in endpoint
"length": 318