Dragging a NSWindow higher than the menubar - objective-c

I made an app called Uberlayer. Users can use this single-purpose Mac app to overlay images on top of other applications.
I am using setMovableByWindowBackground to enable dragging the whole window by it's background.
There is a little improvement I would love to make, as the application is now you can't drag the window higher than the menubar, which can be little bit anoying. With normal window I can imagine it's a good thing to have it lock to the Menubar, but for this use case it would be a good thing to be able to drag it higher.
Anyone knows how you can change this default window behavior?

Instead using -setMovableByWindowBackground: override -mouseDown: event like this:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
NSPoint originalMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
NSRect originalFrame = [window frame];
while (YES)
NSEvent *newEvent = [window nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)];
if ([newEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
NSPoint newMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[newEvent locationInWindow]];
NSPoint delta = NSMakePoint(
newMouseLocation.x - originalMouseLocation.x,
newMouseLocation.y - originalMouseLocation.y);
NSRect newFrame = originalFrame;
newFrame.origin.x += delta.x;
newFrame.origin.y += delta.y;
[window setFrame:newFrame display:YES animate:NO];
** Do not forget to hide window's title bar (select window -> go to Attributes Inspector -> uncheck Title Bar ) because with it window can't go higher than menubar. Or other solution would be to create borderless window.

I am just adding to Justin's Answer. You need to set its level while using Justin's -mouseDown: code.
[window setLevel:NSMainMenuWindowLevel];
If the window's level is below to the NSMainMenuWindowLevel it will not work.
You can set it to NSStatusWindowLevel if you want the window above the status bar.


How do I do a window effect when closing the window in Objective C?

I have this neat bloom effect I've created with the window frame so that the window blooms open when the application launches. I just messed with frame origin and size, is all. Now I want to do the inverse when someone clicks the red X button on the window. Someone mentioned to subclass a window and then catch an event, but I don't know how to do that yet in Objective C. Also, I need it to not hide the window yet until this anti-bloom (wither?) effect has completed.
QUESTION: How do I subclass the window and fire this witherWindow function before the window stops being visible when they click the red X button on the window's titlebar?
Here's the effect. Note that my window is a fixed size of 1000w x 680h (but had to make it 700h because of titlebar). That's why I used static numbers instead of getting the current window width/height and storing it in a property for later use, and why I didn't do division math on those numbers when playing with the origin values.
- (void)bloomWindow:(NSWindow*)window
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.origin.y -= 350.0f;
frame.origin.x -= 500.0f;
frame.size.height = 700.0f;
frame.size.width = 1000.0f;
[window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
- (void)witherWindow:(NSWindow*)window
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.origin.y += 350.0f;
frame.origin.x += 500.0f;
frame.size.height = 0.0f;
frame.size.width = 0.0f;
[window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
It's much easier than subclassing the window.
In a default Cocoa application with the AppDelegate.m class, you'll have this event:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// add stuff here
Now, slightly following this step, we replace // add stuff here with this:
NSButton *closeButton = [self.window standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton];
[closeButton setTarget:self.window.delegate];
[closeButton setAction:#selector(applicationWillClose)];
Then, underneath applicationDidFinishLaunching, add this:
- (void)applicationWillClose;
[self witherWindow:self.window];
[self.window close];
And ensure you have that witherWindow class method as posted in the question.

Make NSWindow with transparent titlebar partly unmovable

I have a NSWindow with a splitted screen like in Reminders. Therefore I use this code:
self.window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
self.window.styleMask |= NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask
This works perfectly. But inside the window I have a SplitView (like in the Reminders App) and a NSOutlineView at the right side. The OutlineView goes up to the top of the window corner.
The problem now is: Clicking and dragging at the top of the OutlineView makes the window movable. Any way, I can disable this but still keeping the moving ability at the left side of the app?
Ok, there are two things you need to do:
First you need to set your window to be not movable. To do so, subclass your Window and override isMovable and return no. Or you call setMovable: and set it to no.
After that, you have to manually reenable dragging by adding a view that has the exact size and position of the area you want to draggable. Alternatively you can set up a NSTrackingArea.
Either way, you need to override mouseDown: and insert some code to move the window.
My words in code:
[self.window setMovable:false];
// OR (in NSWindow subclass)
- (BOOL)isMovable {
return false;
//Mouse Down
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
_initialLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
NSPoint point;
while (1) {
theEvent = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask: (NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)];
point =[theEvent locationInWindow];
NSRect screenVisibleFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
NSRect windowFrame = [self.window frame];
NSPoint newOrigin = windowFrame.origin;
// Get the mouse location in window coordinates.
NSPoint currentLocation = point;
// Update the origin with the difference between the new mouse location and the old mouse location.
newOrigin.x += (currentLocation.x - _initialLocation.x);
newOrigin.y += (currentLocation.y - _initialLocation.y);
// Don't let window get dragged up under the menu bar
if ((newOrigin.y + windowFrame.size.height) > (screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + screenVisibleFrame.size.height)) {
newOrigin.y = screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + (screenVisibleFrame.size.height - windowFrame.size.height);
// Move the window to the new location
[self.window setFrameOrigin:newOrigin];
if ([theEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp) {
initialLocation is a NSPoint property
Note: I looked up some things here and here

When showing the real time resizing of a pane, it struggles while dragging and top of the pane is hidden after released

I went through several posts on dragging but couldn't find an answer to my problem.
I can use the mouseDown and mouseUp events to track the current positions and redraw the resized pane. What I want is to show the real time movement of the pane. Everytime mouseDragged event is fired, y coordinate of the new location is taken and setFrame is called to redraw. The window seems to flicker and gets stuck finally (title bar goes out of bounds and hidden) as it seems to miss the final events in the run loop.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
The view has been implemented in the following way
NSSplitView (divided into sections left dock, right dock, etc.)
NSView is used to implement a sub view inside the dock
NSTableView is used inside the NSView to hold multiple "panels"
There can be several panels inside this table view (one below another)
I need to resize these panels by dragging the border line. For this I'm using an NSButton in the bottom.(I want to show a thicker separation line there)
Here is the code for mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseDragged callbacks, used to resize the panel
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
draggingInProgress = YES;
firstDraggingPointFound = NO;
-(void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
if (!draggingInProgress) {
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
if (firstDraggingPointFound) {
[_delegate heightChanged:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:(point.y - previousDragPosition)]];
draggingInProgress = NO;
[_delegate heightChangingEnded]; //draggingInProgress is set to NO
-(void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
if (!draggingInProgress) {
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
if (firstDraggingPointFound) {
[_delegate heightChanged:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:(point.y - previousDragPosition)]];
} else {
firstDraggingPointFound = YES;
previousDragPosition = point.y;
//Delegate method
-(void)heightChanged:(NSNumber *)change {
NSRect f = [[self view] frame];
f.size.height += [change floatValue];
if (f.size.height < 100) {
f.size.height = 100;
[[self view] setFrame:f];
[self.panelViewModel setPanelHeight:f.size.height];
if (_heightChangeDelegate) {
[_heightChangeDelegate heightChangedForPanel:self];
[[self view] setFrame:f];
What would be the problem here?
Is there a better way to do this?
First off, I wouldn’t use the word “Panel” to describe what you want, since an “NSPanel” is a kind of “NSWindow”. Let’s call them “panes.”
Second, I wouldn’t use an NSTableView to contain your panes. NSTableView really isn’t designed for that, it’s for tabular data. You can use an NSStackView, which IS designed for it, or just use raw constraints and autolayout, manually setting the top of each pane to equal the bottom of the previous one.

Cocoa/OSX - NSWindow standardWindowButton behaving strangely once copied and added again

In my app I change the position of the standardWindowButtons close / miniturize / expand like so:
//Create the buttons
NSButton *minitButton = [NSWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton forStyleMask:window.styleMask];
NSButton *closeButton = [NSWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton forStyleMask:window.styleMask];
NSButton *fullScreenButton = [NSWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton forStyleMask:window.styleMask];
//set their location
[closeButton setFrame:CGRectMake(7+70, window.frame.size.height - 22 - 52, closeButton.frame.size.width, closeButton.frame.size.height)];
[fullScreenButton setFrame:CGRectMake(47+70, window.frame.size.height - 22 -52, fullScreenButton.frame.size.width, fullScreenButton.frame.size.height)];
[minitButton setFrame:CGRectMake(27+70, window.frame.size.height - 22 - 52, minitButton.frame.size.width, minitButton.frame.size.height)];
//add them to the window
[window.contentView addSubview:closeButton];
[window.contentView addSubview:fullScreenButton];
[window.contentView addSubview:minitButton];
Now when the window appears with the buttons there is two problems:
1. They are grey and not their correct color
2. when the mouse is over them they do not show the + - or x sign
can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
Here is the mechanics of this hover magic: Before drawing itself standard circled button (such as NSWindowMiniaturizeButton) calls their superview undocumented method _mouseInGroup:. If this method returns YES circled button draws itself with icon inside. That's all.
If you place these buttons inside your own view, you can simply implement this method and control this mouse-hover-appearance as you want. If you just move or relayout these buttons and they still be subviews of NSThemeFrame (or something similar), you have to swizzle method _mouseInGroup: for this class, and probably it doesn't worth it because we have perfectly simple previous method.
In my case I have custom NSView that contains my standard buttons as subviews and this code makes all described above magic:
- (void)updateTrackingAreas
NSTrackingArea *const trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:NSZeroRect options:(NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveAlways | NSTrackingInVisibleRect) owner:self userInfo:nil];
[self addTrackingArea:trackingArea];
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event
[super mouseEntered:event];
self.mouseInside = YES;
[self setNeedsDisplayForStandardWindowButtons];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event
[super mouseExited:event];
self.mouseInside = NO;
[self setNeedsDisplayForStandardWindowButtons];
- (BOOL)_mouseInGroup:(NSButton *)button
return self.mouseInside;
- (void)setNeedsDisplayForStandardWindowButtons
[self.closeButtonView setNeedsDisplay];
[self.miniaturizeButtonView setNeedsDisplay];
[self.zoomButtonView setNeedsDisplay];
I'm fully aware that this question is old and Valentin Shergin's answer is correct. It prevents the utilize of any Private API, unlike Google did in Chrome. Just wanted to share a method for those who don't feel like subclass NSView just to put those buttons in an existed view (such as self.window.contentView).
As I just wanted to reposition the NSWindowButtons via setFrame:, I found out that once the window was resized, the tracking areas seems to "fix" themselves automagically, without any Private API usage (at least in 10.11).
Thus, you can do things like the following to apply "fake resize" to the window that you repositioned your buttons:
NSRect frame = [self.window frame];
frame.size = NSMakeSize(frame.size.width, frame.size.height+1.f);
[self.window setFrame:frame display:NO animate:NO];
frame.size = NSMakeSize(frame.size.width, frame.size.height-1.f);
[self.window setFrame:frame display:NO animate:YES];
(I did it within my main window's NSWindowDelegate windowDidBecomeMain:. Should work as long as the window is loaded and visible.)
You're not adding them again. You're moving them to contentView. The buttons are originally in window.contentView.superview.
[window.contentView.superview addSubview:closeButton];
[window.contentView.superview addSubview:fullScreenButton];
[window.contentView.superview addSubview:minitButton];
Should get you the correct behaviour without requiring a trackingArea.
Call [button highlight:yes] for each button.

How to detect if NSDrawer will open off screen

I am working on an app whose main window has an NSDrawer. It is crucial that the drawer will always open on the right edge, and that is how I have coded it to work. What I would like to know is if there is a way to detect if the drawer will open "off the screen"... Is there a way that I can detect this? If so, how? And additionally how can I move the main window to adjust for the width of drawer that will open?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the solution thanks to Rob's suggestion.
NSRect screenFrame = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] visibleFrame];
NSRect windowFrame = [window frame];
NSRect drawerFrame = [[[drawer contentView] window] frame];
if ([drawer state] == NSDrawerOpenState)
[drawer close];
if (windowFrame.size.width +
windowFrame.origin.x +
drawerFrame.size.width > screenFrame.size.width)
NSLog(#"Will Open Off Screen");
float offset = (windowFrame.size.width +
windowFrame.origin.x +
drawerFrame.size.width) - screenFrame.size.width;
NSRect newRect = NSMakeRect(windowFrame.origin.x - offset,
[window setFrame:newRect display:YES animate:YES];
[drawer openOnEdge:NSMaxXEdge];
You could use the methods of NSScreen to calculate whether the frame of the expanded drawer would open off-screen, then use the -setFrame:display:animate: to move the window the requisite distance away from the screen edge before opening the drawer.