When to store local data in my Windows 8 Metro Application - windows-8

I am a developing a Windows 8 metro application that has a set of settings that the user can specify. I know of a few ways to store these settings in the local storage so they can be restored when the user resumes/re-starts the application.
What I want to know is when should I store this data? Periodically? On Application Close/Crash? When exactly? What are the conventions?

I'm not aware of any convention / best practice.
The most convenient way is to have all application data in one big class instance, deserialize it at startup and serialize it on close/suspend. This way you need only few lines of code and nearly no logic. A positive side effect is that during operation the app isn't slowed down by loading/saving.
However when the class gets too big, you might experience a noticable increase of startup/shutdown times of your app. This could ultimately lead to being rejected from marektplace. In this case I recommend to save each small bit of information (e.g. a single user setting) instantly, and to load each small bit of information not before it's required.

I would have thought that to some extent that depends on the data. However, you will need to store the current state of the app on the Suspending event (which may also be the close event).


Store Global Data Android App With Service

I have an android app that consists of several activities / fragments and one service. In one of the activities I create a new variable which I need to access from most of the other activities and the service. What is the best way to handle this so that even if the app is closed and reopened the value persists. Currently I pass the variable to my service and then each activity has to use a Messenger to query the service and get the value back. I am wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this that doesn't require that each activity bind to the service to get the one value.
Possible Solutions:
1. Singleton - Will this survive the app being closed?
2. Extending Application and storing the value there - Seems like this is discouraged especially for such a simple use case.
3. Database the field locally and then just query it when needed, might be ok but might also be overkill.
4. Combination of 1 and 3 where I have a singleton which returns the value if it has it and if it doesn't then it will query the db and get the value. This way the db only has to be queried once as long as the app is running and the value will be persisted through app closes.
Any thoughts?
Singleton - Will this survive the app being closed?
It will live as long as your process lives.
Extending Application and storing the value there - Seems like this is discouraged especially for such a simple use case.
It adds no value over the singleton option in this case.
Database the field locally and then just query it when needed, might be ok but might also be overkill
If you need the data to survive your process being terminated, you will want to persist it somehow (database, file, SharedPreferences). However, your option 4 (using a singleton cache) will be more efficient.

AX 2009 Code Propagation with Load Balancing

I'm curious how AX 2009 handles code propagation when operating in a load balanced environment.
We have recently converted our AX server infrastructure from a single AOS instance to 3 AOS instances, one of which is a dedicated load balancer (effectively 2 user-facing servers). All share the same application files and database. Since then, we have had one user who has been having trouble receiving code updates made to the system. The changes generally take a few days before they can see it, and the changes don't seem to update all at once.
For example, a value was added to an ENUM field, and they were not able to see it on a form where it was used (though others connected to the same instance were). Now, this user can see the field in the dropdown as expected, but when connected to one of the instances it will not flow onto a report as it should. When connected to the other instance it works fine, and for any other user connected to either instance it works properly.
I'm not certain if this is related to the infrastructure changes, but it does seem odd that only one user is experiencing it. My understanding was that with this setup, code changes would propagate across the servers either immediately (due to sharing the Application Files), or at least in a reasonable amount of time (<1 day). Is this correct or have I been misinformed?
As your cache problems seems to be per user, then go learn about AUC files.
The files are store on the client computer and can be tricky to keep in sync. There are other problems as well.
Start AX by a script, delete the AUC file before starting AX.
There is no cache coherency between AOS instances: import an XPO on one AOS server, and it is not visible on the other. You will either have to flush the cache manually or restart the other AOS. The simplest thing is to import on each server, this is especially true for labels, as this is the only way to bring labels in sync to my knowledge.
I am sort of curious to this as well, but what I do know, is that if a user has access to the AOT (member of admin or a group with developer access), the client will cache AOT-elements more aggressively than if not having developer access.
Elements (like an Enum) might be cached at client level, but also at AOS-level. Restarting the AOS (service) would flush out memory for that service, forcing it to reload elements upon restart.
I guess what I am suggesting is that you make sure the element is not cached client side. Either restart the client, or run the "Refresh AOD" from the developer tools menu. If that doesn't help, try restaring the AOS the client connects to, and see if that helps.
I think it is safe to say, if you want to be absolutely sure every user has the most recent "copy" of any element, you should not develop on the application files shared by all of these services, but rather develop in an environment with 1 AOS. And when you need to move things to production, you need to take down all AOSes in production and move the chances over while the system is down.
In such cases it is often difficult to find the exact cause for a specific case.
I try to follow some best practices to avoid such situations:
- Use separate environment for developing
- Deploy code changes using layer files, not XPOs
- When deploying, stop all AOSs, deploy files, delete index files in the application directory, start one AOSs, compile, sync DB, start other AOS (or even shut down all and start again)
- Try to have latest kernel versions for AOSs and client

Does Core Data undo management work across application restarts?

I have been getting my feet wet with Core Data. I'm writing a card game and I'm able to store and retrieve game statistics. I'm also storing the game's state after each move to allow the application to resume a game that was in progress when the application quit and to also facilitate my home-brew undo system.
Unfortunately, the longer I play my game the slower it feels. I think this is because after each move I'm storing 52 cards and their specific states in SqlLite. I suspect that this just gets slower the more data I cram into the DB.
Because of this, I plan to try using the built-in undo management in Core Data. (I didn't remember this was there until it was too late on my initial implementation.) My question is, if the app is closed mid game, can it be restarted with the undo management in the same state?
IE: Imagine a user makes ten moves in this game. They would be able to undo ten times. If they quit the app and close it entirely and then restart the app, can I return Core Data to a state where the user will still be able to do the ten undo steps?
A little bit of research suggests I might be able to simply use NSCoding to persist the NSManagedObjectContext to a serialized file when the app is closed and then restore it's state from this file when the app is restarted.
Am I on the right path? Any suggestions?
NO UndoManager is not persistent.
Yes you may use NSCoding or even a Plist for saving the state.
For more information on this topic you may refer

What kind of server for operational transform operations?

I am hoping to use the Diff-Match-Patch algorithms available from google as apart of the Google-Mobwrite real time collaborative text editor protocol in order to embed a real time collaborative text editor in my program.
Anyways I was wondering what exactly might be the most efficient way of storing "global" copies of each document that users are editing. I would like to have each document stored on a server that is not local to any user and each time a user performs an "operation" ( delete insert paste cut ) that the diff is computed between their copy and the server and its patched etc... if you know the Google mobwrite protocol you probably understand what I am saying.
Should the servers text files be stored as a file that is changed or inside an sql database as a long string or what? Should I be using websockets to communicate with the server? I am honestly kind of an amateur when it comes to this but am generally a fast learner. Does anyone have any tips or resources I could follow perhaps? Thanks lot
This would be a big project to tackle from scratch, so I suggest you use one of the many open source projects in this area. For example, etherPad:
Mobwrite is using Differential Synchronization technique and its totally different from Operational Transformation technique.
Differential Synchronization suppose to have a communication circle that always starts from the client(the browser), which means you cant use web-sockets to send diffs from the server directly. The browser needs to request the server frequently to get the updates (lets say every 2 seconds), otherwise your shadow-copies will be out of sync.
For storing your shadow-copies when the user is active, you can use whatever you want, but its better to to use in-memory DB (Redis) since you need fast access to do the diffs and patches. And when the user leaves the session you don't need his copy anymore. But, If you need persistence in you app, you should persist only the server-copy not the shadow-copy (shadow-copies are used to find-out the diffs), then you can use MySQL or whatever you like.
But for Operational Transformation technique there are some nice libs out there
ShareJS (sharejs.org): supports all operations for JSON.
RacerJS: synchronization model built on top of ShareJS
DerbyJS: Complete framework that uses RacerJS as its model.
OpenCoweb (opencoweb.org):
The server is either Java or Python, the client is built with Dojo

Sharing variables across multiple sessions

I know I cannot have a global variable in my backend code (java or php or something else) and have different users (and hence sessions) see the same value. If I need to share some values across these user sessions I need to write them to a DB and read it out every time. This seems awfully wasteful to me.
I understand that an apache process (or the app server) will fork and so having global values will not work but if I am looking at a specialized application is there a web server that lets me do this? This should be possible in a web server that uses threads instead of forking processes. But if I need to share global memory I will need to have some kind of locks to properly access them. I understand that it could (and mostly will) get really buggy but will it degrade performance compared to a DB?
I'm not sure that's entirely true. Apache will handle each user connection individually - correct. However, I know that in Java it is possible to have a Singleton object that exists for the life of the application, in which you could potentially store values to be used across all user sessions.
When handling each user connection on the server side, each access to this Singleton will access the same object - therefore the same values.
You might want to do some more research into application scope objects as well. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve due to lack of a use case, but you may find that Java web apps can do more than you expect in this area.