Output part of a string in velocity - velocity

apologies if I waffle or talk a bit of jibberish but I'm new to velocity, and these forums!
I need to check the contents of a string for a certain character and output the second part of the text if it appears. For example:
set ($string = "This is a long string *** but I only want to output this on my email").
I want to output all text after the 3 Asterisks. I've scoured the forums but cant quite find anything that helps me completely.

Velocity is just a façade for real Java objects, so you have access to all the public methods of the String class, including indexOf and substring. So try something like:
#set ($string = "This is a long string *** but I only want to output this on my email")
#set ($index = $string.indexOf('***'))
#set ($index = $index + 3)
#set ($end = $string.substring($index))
If you have more control over what objects you put in the context, you could add an instance of StringUtils as a helper tool, and then use substringAfter directly.


How to copy one string's n number of characters to another string in Kotlin?

Let's take a string var str = "Hello Kotlin". I want to copy first 5 character of str to another variable strHello. I was wondering is there any function of doing this or I have to apply a loop and copy characters one by one.
As Tim commented, there's a substring() method which does exactly this, so you can simply do:
val strHello = str.substring(0, 5)
(The first parameter is the 0-based index of the first character to take; and the second is the index of the character to stop before.)
There are many, many methods available on most of the common types.  If you're using an IDE such as IDEA or Eclipse, you should see a list of them pop up after you type str..  (That's one of many good reasons for using an IDE.)  Or check the official documentation.
Please use the string.take(n) utility.
More details at
I was using substring in my project, but it gave an exception when the length of the string was smaller than the second index of substring.
val name1 = "This is a very very long name"
// To copy to another string
val name2 = name1.take(5)
println(name1.substring(0..50)) // Gives EXCEPTION
println(name1.take(50)) // No EXCEPTION

Jmeter use variable to create variable and retrieve value

I know the title may be confusing but this is what I need to do:
I have a list of variables I am pulling from Jquery extractor.
myVar_1 = 343
myVar_2 = 98763
myVar_3 = 5622
I generate a random number between 1 and myVar_matchNr.
Then I want to navigate to a URL that has an ID of one of the randomly selected variables. For instance, this would be the path I would like as an example:
Which would translate to ( in the case my random number was 2):
I have the random number, and I have the list of variables from the Jquery extractor, but I have been unsuccessful getting the value out of the combination.
I have tried the above URL directly.
I have tried a beanshell script that looked something like:
String myvarString = "myVar_" + get("myRandNumber");
String myVar = get(myvarString);
set("mySelectedVar", myVar);
That seemed to always come up an empty string.
Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
You can combine 2 variables using __V() function like
In regards to Beanshell, you need to use vars object which stands for JMeterVariables class instance to manipulate the JMeter Variables like
String myvarString = "myVar_" + vars.get("myRandNumber");
String myVar = vars.get(myvarString);
vars.put("mySelectedVar", myVar);
See Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables article for more information on the topic.
One more option is Random Controller, you can create 3 different request and place it under Random Controller.i hope this will serve the purpose.

VB.Net: "Nice", maintainable way of matching integer error code to error strings for UI

I'm building a user interface (HMI, human-machine interface) for a machine that does various motion-controlled tasks. The motion controller is a bit on the primitive side in terms of programming, and so I have it sending me error and status codes in the form of integers.
As an example: I have a box that indicates what stage the machine is at during its autocycle. The machine sends a '1', and I want the box to say 'Waiting to start autocycle.' Here are a few more:
1 - Waiting to start autocycle.
2 - Returning to home.
3 - Waiting at home.
4 - Tracking encoder A.
5 - Tracking encoder B.
And so on. Is there a clean way to maintain these messages in VB.net using, say, resources, that I don't know about, or should I just make an XML file that just contains something like
<statusmessage code="1" message="Waiting to start autocycle.">
and read that in when the program starts?
My current method is a hard-coded select statement with the strings in the actual VB source so you have to recompile the program if you want to change a message (gross).
If it's relevant, this program is never going to be multi-language.
Thanks for any advice!
It's easy to do this with an .xml file. That or some similar file format would be my preference. Some people would prefer using app.config or file format. When I evaluate something like this, simplicity of maintenance is probably the highest priority, and there are several methods that would work equally well in this regard. A database table could be used, but it seems like an overcomplication.
If you don't need to worry about multiple languages, it is possible to do this...
Public Enum Foo
<Description("Waiting to start autocycle")> WaitingToStartAutoCycle = 1
<Description("Returning to home")> ReturningToHome = 2
' [ etc...]
End Enum
You can then use reflection to get the description. This is ripped out of a larger piece of code, so forgive me if I miss part of it..
Public Function GetEnumDescription(ByVal value As Object) As String
Dim type As Type = value.GetType()
' Excersize for the reader, validate that type is actually an Enum
Dim f As FieldInfo = type.GetField(value.ToString)
If f IsNot Nothing Then
Dim ca() As Object = f.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(DescriptionAttribute), False)
If ca IsNot Nothing AndAlso ca.Length > 0 Then
Return CType(ca(0), DescriptionAttribute).Description
End If
End If
Return value.ToString ' Last resort if no Description attribute
End Function

Java - Index a String (Substring)

I have this string:
I want to be able to cut out the '201057' and make it a new variable. But I don't always know how long the digits will be, so can I somehow use the '&' as a reference?\
myDigits substring(0, position of &)?
Sure, you can split the string along the &.
String s = "201057&channelTitle=null_JS";
String[] parts = s.split("&");
String newVar = parts[0];
The expected result here is
parts[0] = "201057";
parts[1] = "channelTitle=null_JS";
In production code you chould check of course the length of the parts array, in case no "&" was present.
Several programming languages also support the useful inverse operation
String s2 = parts.join("&"); // should have same value like s
Alas this one is not part of the Java standard libs, but e.g. Apache Commons Lang features it.
Always read the API first. There is an indexOf method in String that will return you the first index of the character/String you gave it.
You can use myDigits.substring(0, myDigits.indexOf('&');
However, if you want to get all of the arguments in the query separately, then you should use mvw's answer.

lua variable in pattern match

Im just wondering if it is possible to put a variable in a pattern match in Lua. Like something similar to the following:
var = "hello"
pattern = string.match(datasource, "(var)%s(a%+)")
The reason I need to do this is because the variable "var" will change periodically. (it will be in a loop)
Cheers in advance
Lua doesn't handle string interpolation inside of the quotes. Instead, you'll need to concatenate the parts with the var as a var reference and the rest as quote strings.
"("..var..")%s(a%+)" starts with a "(" as a string literal, concatenates the variable, then finishes off the rest of the string with a string literal.
Use "("..var..")%s(a%+)" instead.
I needed the same thing I think, a variable in a pattern match, but the above solution didn't work for me. I'm posting my solution in case it helps someone, didn't find anything else on the net like it.
I read a ': ' delimited file (name: tel) and want to search by name in the file and have the name and telephone number as answer.
local FileToSearch = h:read'*a' -- Read all the file
var = io.read() -- ask the name
string.gmatch(FileToSearch, ''..var..': '..'%d+') -- search for name, concatenate with number