Does Radiant support Rails 3 now? - ruby-on-rails-3

I use gem install radiant to install radiant, and I found that it doesn't support Rails 3. But, I found there is a file named "GemfileRails3" in the source code of Radiant on Github, I wonder why is that. Does Radiant really not support Rails3?

Radiant still does not support Rails 3 at this moment. A lot of work towards that has been done, but the project is lacking momentum, making it hard to say when this can be released.


Where's a Gemfile.apk tutorial? Or the default Gemfile.apk gems?

Ruboto rules like no Android development environment has ruled before. It's like the best of Rails combined with the best of the standard Eclipse-Java-Android environment.
Oh, except it's too new & green to even have tutorials or workarounds or even newbie QA in the forums.
For example, I can install Ruboto, and run it, until I try to add a gem to my application. The instructions seem to say to write a Gemfile.apk text file, and put your gem calls in it.
The problems start when I add a gem to that file:
source ""
gem 'wrong'
Then the system starts requesting other gems, such as thor, sqlite3, and Rails. Sometimes, it starts complaining about the versions of sdoc and rdoc. That's a story for another post. The upshot is the system asks for gem files one at a time, and expects specific versions.
This leaves me curious where a "master Gemfile.apk" is. So I can get into it, maybe bundle-install it, and I can stop screwing around with versions & mismatches and s--t.
The versions are ruby 1.9 to 2.1.1, and Ruboto 1.0.3.
A long question with many parts :) I'll try to cover all, but feel free to file an issue in the Ruboto tracker or ask on the mailing list or on the IRC channel if you need more info ( ).
You can find tutorials here:
You can find the FAQ here:
Tutorials showing use of Gemfile.apk:
There is no "master Gemfile.apk". Only the gems in the Gemfile.apk and their dependencies should be installed into libs/bundle.jar and included in your app.
I hope this helps you get going. If you see opportunities for improving the documentation, we are open for contributions.

Is it possible to deploy rails3 and rails4 in the same server?

I just want to know if is possible to deploy to passenger a project that I have in rails3 (ruby-1.9.3) and another project in rails4 (ruby-2.0.0). I have installed ruby using RVM on my production server, I'm just wondering if is going to be possible to have 2 different projects on the same production server.
No problem in that, but there're couple things that you need to do first.
Install nginx instead of Apache and use it with unicorn. You can find a whole lot of setup guides depending on your production server OS, or use the capistrano-nginx-unicorn gem if you use Capistrano for deployment.
Use the rvm-capistrano gem to manage the ruby versions and gemsets used in each project. It's pretty well documented, but if you have further questions, feel free to ask.
If you'll need any further help, you may also consider asking on the freenode#rvm channel. I found some great hints there.

Is there a simple way to tell if a Gem will work in Rails3?

I wanted to use this gem:
Finally, after digging through the issues, seems it's not Rails3 ready (yet). Is there some simple way of finding is something is Rails 3 compatible without digging all over?
Aside from creating a fresh Rails app and giving it a try, I tend to look at the commit messages of forks created by other users (i.e. In this instance, it looks like there is a fork that runs on Rails 3 that is still being maintained.
Generally, if it isn't mentioned in the readme (on github) then no. Most gems I have used explicitly specify rails 2 and rails 3 install instructions. If this is not the case, then usually someone else will have asked this question and a quick search will reveal.
One other giveaway is the install instructions. The rails 2 way of installing a gem via a Gemfile is:
config.gem GEMNAME
The rails 3 way is:
gem 'apn_on_rails'
This answer is related to the gem you are looking for.

Ubuntu Server 64bit 11.04: setting up as "Ruby on Rails" server with SQLite3

I have looked so long for nice tutorials, but still couldn't find any for Ubuntu 11.04. I wan't to set it up to learn by this book:
The tutorials I found are not quite up to date and also doesn't aren't for 11.04 Ubuntu.
I am asking for quick tutorial, what's the best way to set up RoR server.
Also if you know any other great Ruby on Rails tutorials, as the link I wrote above, please don't hold back and definitely share the link to it.
Ty in advance!
PS! I already messed up one of my Virtual Machines, but luckily I had made snapshot of clean install.
Ubuntu has Rails packages already. It should be as simple as doing apt-get install rails-ruby1.8, which'll install Ruby as a dependency as well.
Ryan Bigg has a very nice tutorial called Ubuntu, Ruby, RVM, Rails and You. Since you're configuring a server you will probably have a look at some tips about deployment & best practices written by the creator of RVM himself.
I'm sure you have it done already though since it's an old question, but I the links will be of use to someone else.

Which version of Ruby?

I'm just starting out in Ruby (Rails actually) and the book I'm reading covers Ruby 1.8.6, RubyGems 1.0.1, Rails 2.0.2 and SQLite 3.5.4, but the current stable releases of these are 1.9.1, 2.3.8, 1.3.7 and 3.7.0 respectively, should I still proceed with the book or find another?
Also, I couldn't find a recent guide/tutorial to walk me through the installation of these latest versions, would be great if you could help with that too. I'm on Mac OSX Snow Leopard (10.6.4).
Many thanks!
There are a large number of projects with major release milestones just around the corner. These include Ruby 1.9.2 (the 2nd RC is already out), Rails 3.0 (the RC is already out), and a number of other libraries and plugins. Please note that Rails 3 does not support Ruby 1.9.1, although it does support 1.8.7 and 1.9.2.
I would start out with Ruby 1.9.2-rc2 and Rails 3.0.0.rc. These are what will be the current version over the next few years, starting within the next few weeks. Previous versions of Ruby and Rails will be legacy.
Look for new editions of books coming out, having been updated for Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.
I were like you. Although Ruby is popular, they are very bad and inconsistent in such kinds of various versions. Firstly, I thought that the latest version is always the best, which holds the true for most languages. Later, in these days, due to the removal, re-structure and redesign of logic and underlying codes, the latest version is not always good for programmers who are used to writing codes in older version. See python case (2.x vs 3.x).
So, for ruby, if you're holding a book that teaches you in ruby 1.8.x, then just relax and adhere to 1.8.x. Install 1.8.x version and Practice. Same for 1.9.x and other versions. Or else you'll end up with frustration like "why doesn't my code run?".
The most important thing is RubyGem. RubyGem is also stick to ruby version. Gems that run in 1.8.x are not usually compatible with 1.9.x. So, keep that in mind. Or else you're unhappy that you install this gem and you can't call it - its objects.
Now, my practice is that I install every version. I exclude ruby path and its lib in PATH variable. When I want to switch between each version, I use BAT/bash file that set variable for each version like PATH=$PATH:/opt/ruby18 .
I've also asked many questions about this in many forums. As you know, the life and true aspect of programming is to (re)use libraries and objects. If certain libraries don't work with a certain version of ruby, then you have to switch to others. This is also my bad feeling about ruby. They really should have backward compatibility.
Maybe others can solve this problem smarter than me. But it really messed up with my programming life.
Checkout RVM, use it to install different versions of Ruby/Rails on your machine without root access. It will make your Rails development easier :) walks you through the installation of everything you need on OS X. It's also more recent than the book you're using.
Take your pick, the Rails book or the version that you specifically need to learn.
Once you decide on a book, install the versions of the language / gems as mentioned in the book. e.g. Rails 1.2 and Rails 2.0 had pretty big differences and the tutorials wouldn't work.
If you're learning Rails, pick a well known book, install the specific gems. Once you're done with the book, you'd be in a better position to look at the differences and migrate to higher versions with less hassle.
gem list rails --remote
gem install [gemname] --version [version]