Rails syntax error - cant' find the reason for it - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to achieve the following, by pushing a button on a page the user to get a random item from the database which will be showed, but will have an attribute editable. The problem I hit into, is the following I don't know how to pass an random id(valid in the database), to be rendered in my partial, but still to be able to update the specific attribute.
Problem from the title:
SyntaxError in Tasks#main
Showing /home/bogdan/ex/bored/app/views/tasks/main.html.erb where line #1 raised:
/home/bogdan/ex/bored/app/views/tasks/main.html.erb:1: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
...uffer.append= form_for (:task, :url => {:action =>'rand_tas...
... ^
/home/bogdan/ex/bored/app/views/tasks/main.html.erb:1: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting keyword_end
...url => {:action =>'rand_task'}) do |f|#output_buffer.safe_co...
... ^
../app/views/tasks/main.html.erb:8: syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting $end
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: <%= form_for (:task, :url => {:action =>'rand_task'}) do |f|%>
2: <%= render(:partial => "rand_show", :locals => {:f => f}) %></p>
3: <%end%>
Trace of template inclusion: app/views/tasks/main.html.erb
I was trying to pass the rand_task output object to the _rand_show.html.erb and afterwartds call a new editable form only for the attr i'm intressted in by the id
<%= form_for(#task = Task.new) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :name, :disabled=>true %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :category %><br />
<%= f.text_field :category, :disabled=>true %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
random method:
def rand_task
if params[:id] == 'random'
#task = Task.order('RANDOM()').first
#task = Task.order('RANDOM()').first // if not i get a nill related error.
Please help why do i get the above mentioned error? IS the concept i'm thinking about wrong?

<%= form_for (:task, :url => {:action =>'rand_task'}) do |f| %>
The problem is the space between form_for and (. If you remove the space it should work.


undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class in edit form

I have a rails app where I can create and edit records. I've created a form to enter data which works fine when I use the new/create actions. It will create a record no problem. But when I hit the edit action it gives me an undefined method 'model_name' for NilClass:Class.
I'm not sure what this means. Can someone give me a hand?
<%= form_for(#patient) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :Patient_Last_Name %>
<%= f.text_field :patient_last %>
<%= f.label :Patient_First_Name %>
<%= f.text_field :patient_first %>
<%= f.label :Patient_DOB %>
<%= f.date_select :patient_dob %>
<%= f.label :Primary_Diagnosis %>
<%= f.collection_select(:diagnosis_id, Diagnosis.all, :id, :diagnosis_name)%></br>
<%= f.label :Primary_Physician %>
<%= f.collection_select(:physician_id, Physician.all, :id, :physician_name)%></br>
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
View Code:
<td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_patient_path(patient), :class => 'btn btn-close btn-mini'%></td>
Controller Code:
def edit
#patient = Patient.find(params[:id])
Edit view:
<%= render 'form' %>
When I remove the partial render from the form, the URL will go to the correct route/url. But I keep getting that error when the form partial is rendered.
There was an extra end statement in my controller which was cutting off half of the class which included the edit action. This was not allowing me to use the edit action. Once this typo was fixed things started working normally.
Sorry for the confusion.

Weird undefined method 'all' and collection_select error

I've got a form like this (simplified, but you get the idea):
<%= form_for(#brand, :html => { :class => "form-horizontal" }) do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :prices do |price| %>
<%= price.collection_select(:price, :template_id, Template.all, :id, :name) %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Save", :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end %>
Which when rendered gives me this error
undefined method `all' for ActionView::Template:Class
on the collection_select line.
Template.all works from the controller and the console. If I write a #templates = Template.all and use #templates in the collection_select line then I get this error:
undefined method `merge' for :name:Symbol
Any thoughts?
You can do it by prefixing with two colon. e.g,
<%= price.collection_select(:price, :template_id, ::Template.all, :id, :name) %>
but I believe, you should avoid using Template as model name as it is rails Action View Template
Solved it. It was annoyingly simple.
<%= price.collection_select(:template_id, #templates, :id, :name) %>
Duplication. Eugh.

Update form in rails - No route matches [PUT]

I have a form to create adverts.
def edit
#engines = Engine.all
#car = Car.find(params[:id])
def update
#car = Car.find(params[:id])
if #car.save
redirect_to root_path
My routes:
resources :adverts
<%= form_for #car, :url => adverts_path do |f| %>
<div><%= f.label :name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :name %></div>
<%= hidden_field_tag :model_id, params[:model_id] %>
<%= select_tag :engine_id, options_from_collection_for_select(#engines, "id", "name",:selected=>#car.engine_id) %>
<div><%= f.submit "Create car!" %></div>
<% end %>
I can create advert, but I can't to update it.
<%= form_for #car, :url => adverts_path do |f| %>
<div><%= f.label :name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :name %></div>
<%= hidden_field_tag :model_id, params[:model_id] %>
<%= select_tag :engine_id, options_from_collection_for_select(#engines, "id", "name",:selected=>#car.engine_id) %>
<div><%= f.submit "Update car!" %></div>
<% end %>
when I submited my form, I have an error - No route matches [PUT] "/adverts"
$ rake routes:
adverts GET /adverts(.:format) adverts#index
POST /adverts(.:format) adverts#create
new_advert GET /adverts/new(.:format) adverts#new
edit_advert GET /adverts/:id/edit(.:format) adverts#edit
advert GET /adverts/:id(.:format) adverts#show
PUT /adverts/:id(.:format) adverts#update
DELETE /adverts/:id(.:format) adverts#destroy
I need help.
When you are updating you have to let Rails know which object you want to update by passing an id.
In edit.html.erb change:
<%= form_for #car, :url => adverts_path do |f| %>
<%= form_for #car, :url => advert_path(#car) do |f| %>
By the way, I find your code very strange. Why don't your model names match your controllers and routes? I mean you are creating an advert but your model is called car. That doesn't make any sense. Either call it car or advert, but don't mix them.
If you used RESTful routing, you don't need to specify a url, just need:
<%= form_for #car do |f| %>
The form can know #car is new record, or saved record, so it will send appropriate http method.
And in your update action:
def update
#car = Car.find(params[:id])
if #car.update_attributes(params[:car])
redirect_to root_path
I got myself in a similar situation today with a mismatched resource and model name. I agree the model and controller names need to correlate, but you can override the routes name to be whatever you want.
resources :cars, path: "adverts"
Along with RESTful routing
<%= form_for #car do |f| %>
You may also want to make sure your url: path is singular on the #form_form.

Checkbox symbols wrong number of arguments

I am having a problem with the tutorial of codelearn
See here
I have a form
<%= form_for :complete, :url => "/todos/complete", :method => :post do |f| %>
<% #todo_items.each do |t| %>
<%= f.check_box :todo_ids[], t.id %>
<%= t.todo_item %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Complete todos", :class => "btn btn-success" %>
<% end %>`
I've got a problem with the symbol todo_ids[]. I get the error "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2)" at the line where it is written.
I tried another way with form_tag but that does not change a thing, I still get the error.
What I don't understand is that they don't have this problem in the tutorial.
Please do you have any idea ?
Many thanks

Passing Rails Parameters into Form

I'm trying to pass in two variables for a Nested Model form to use, but I'm getting an error. It's probably an easy syntax error that someone experienced could see right away, but I don't see it.
I have a template showing users, if you click one, it should take the user_id and community _id for use in the form. Both community and user are properly declared in the controller.
link to form:
<%= link_to "award badge", award_badge_badges_path, :user_id => user.id, :community_id => #community.id %>
The form uses two models - badge and badge winners. The user_id and community_id are needed for badge_winners which is nested in badges. The error I'm getting is "undefined local variable or method 'user_id' for #<#<Class:0x77544c0>:0x7714230>" so I think that something is wrong with the 2nd and 3rd lines in the form. Here's the form:
<%= form_for(#badge) do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field :user_id ,:value => user_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :community_id ,:value => community_id %>
<%= f.label :Description %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.fields_for :badge_winners do |builder| %>
<%= render "badge_winner", :f => builder, :locals => {:user_id => user_id, :community_id => community_id} %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Give Badge" %>
<% end %>
the show template in the controller:
def award_badge
#badge = Badge.new
badge_winners = #badge.badge_winners.build
the badge winner partial
<%= f.hidden_field :user_id ,:value => user_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :community_id ,:value => community_id %>