Using WCF Extensibility at Client Side - wcf

I am using a web application as a client to invoke WCF methods using proxy.
For each request being made by client object, I need to populate few properties (declared inside request class)
Is it possible to hook a method, just before making the actual web service call.
I can't modify service code right now, Can WCF extensibility points could be leveraged in this case?
Thanks for your help.

If you want to change the properties of the method parameters, you can use an IParameterInspector to do that, since at that point you'll get an array with all parameters to be sent to the server.
If you need to change other parts of the request (such as transport or SOAP headers), an IClientMessageInspector may be the best way to go.
For more information on many extensibility points at the client side, you can check the blog series at


How to reference the WCF service by code-behind in UWP?

Now I need to reference a WCF service in a UWP program. However, the address of the WCF service may change frequently in the future.
I don't want to rebuild/republish the project every time when the address change.
So I want to use a LocalSettings to Save/Load the address of WCF service. Every the program begins, it will reload the address from the LocalSettings. And if the address changes, I just only let the customer change the LocalSettings from UI but not need to rebuild/republish the project.
How can I do it? Or there is any other better to do it?
If it's a RESTful service, you could use HttpClient relevant APIs to consume a REST service in UWP.
Please note that REST is a resource that implements a uniform interface using standard HTTP GET, POST, PUT methods that can be located by URI. So, you could use HttpClient to call it in code-behind. You will get response after you send http request, then you could analysis the response result.
The similar thread for your reference: Calling web service asynchronously in page constructor.
Using LocalSettings for such thing is a good solution.
LocalSettings are just a dictionary where you can assign values you want to store and later take out.
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings["ServiceAddress"] = "something";
Such setting will survive app restart and is stored in applicaton's private storage.
You will probably want to seed this setting with a default value at first startup.

How WCF client access nested object methods

My WCF Service has API to create 'Employee' object which needs to be send to client app. This object has set of methods and properties. Now, client need to access Methods in order to set it's fields (API has few validation logics to set it's fields). How WCF service will send an custom object where client must be able to access methods.
Here the design is, my wcf service will provide a 'template' (from api) to client where in client uses this object methods to set/update fields and will send back to service.
If the objects you send and receive have logic associated to them (not a very good idea), you will need the assembly where those objects are impemented on both sides, since the metadata exposed by wcf only shows fields, and not methods.
I'd split that in two, keep the datacontracts clean and if you need validation logic, you can either do it in the wcf service and return errors to the client, or in the client, but that will extra logic to the client that you'll need to provide.
I'd go with validation logic in the server, and clean datacotracts. It's the best way to ensure your services are interoperable.
Its not a good idea to return any objects from wcf service which contains any functions. Keep the data contract simple by having only fields (properties) , if any additional operation is needed make this available as part of operation contract.

Accessing .NET WCF services from Android

I have a .NET WCF service (not a web service) with many methods, some accepting and returning complex data types. I use these services from my Windows Phone 7 apps. It all works great and it's easy.
Now I'm evaluating the feasibility of porting some of my apps to Android, but I can't figure out how to invoke my WCF services from an Android client.
I have a working example I found in Invoke webservices from Android.
But this looks to be accessing a "Web Service", not a WCF Service.
My service is at, and it contains a simple method named "SimpleTest" that just returns the string "Alive".
Using the code in the linked article, I put in SOAP_ADDRESS and SimpleTest in OPERATION_NAME. But I have no idea what to put in SOAP_ACTION and WSDL_TARGET_NAMESPACE. I don't even know if this approach is valid.
In .NET, Visual Studio builds us a "Service Reference" and everything just works.
I also don't understand the following two lines of code..., envelope);
Object response = envelope.getResponse();
With WCF services, the call is async so we make the call to SimpleTestAsync and leave a callback for the async return. These two lines of code appear to be synchronous, no?
When communicating with WCF services from a non-Windows client, you are basically treating it as an XML Web Service. If you configure your WCF service to use a basicHttp binding, it will act just like any other web service, as far as Java is concerned.
Normally, to call a WCF service from Java, you use wsimport to create a custom set of proxy and data classes, similar to the way a service reference works. Android doesn't have all the libraries needed for those classes, but I did find this URL:
That is a proxy class generator specifically for Android. Instead of using the code on that web page, you may want to download this proxy generator; you simply have to pass it the URL to your service's WSDL page and it will create typed Java classes for everything. If you have complex types being passed back and forth, this is probably a much better option.
However, if you want to continue with the sample code, you'll need to fill in those variables you've identified. The variables are just the typical parameters for a SOAP envelope. These are defined in the WSDL for your service, and are primarily based on the namespace that you have defined for your service. (They are largely independent of the actual URL that your service lives at, with one exception). You specify the namespace in the WCF service contract:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
Note that the namespace URL doesn't need to point to a real resource, though frequently they do. It doesn't even need to be a URL (I often use urns); it just needs to be a unique string of characters. For now lets assume you assigned the above namespace to your service.
The WSDL_TARGET_NAMESPACE is just the namespace, exactly as above. The OPERATION_NAME is the name of the method you want to call, for example SimpleTest. The SOAP_ACTION is the combination of namespace an operation; in your case that would be In your WSDL you would see this described in an operation tag:
<wsdl:operation name="SimpleTest">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
The SOAP_ADDRESS is the only one that actually points to your service file, e.g.
Hopefully that will get you started calling in to your web service; if not feel free to stop back and get more assistance.
EDIT: Missed the part about async calls.
Yes, the method described on that web page is synchronous. WCF service methods are synchronous by default, with the option to include asynchronous calls when generating a service reference in Visual Studio. wsimport generates async-ready proxies, so using the Android client generate may also help you out in this area.

WCF - how to add additional data to each call

I want to add a complex poco that will pass itself within each wcf call. Whats the bast practice for this case?
Typically, the best way to do something like this is passing such "meta-information" in a WCF header. You can easily create a message inspector to extend WCF (it's really not that scary and hard to do!) which would inject the POCO class (or what of it is necessary) into every outgoing request from the client, and retrieve it from the header and validate it on the server side.
There are a number of pretty good blog post out there showing you how to create a message inspector:
Richard Hallgren's WCF postings
Writing a WCF message inspector
Automatic Culture Flowing with WCF by using Custom Behaviour
Check out the two relevant interfaces to implement:
IClientMessageInspector on the client side, which has a BeforeSendRequest and AfterReceiveReply message to implement
IDispatchMessageInspector on the server side, which has a AfterReceiveRequest and BeforeSendReply method to implement
Here you go, check this out...

WCF: parameters handled in custom channel not present in generated WSDL

I have some special parameters to all my wcf service methods that are handled inside a custom channel and are not exposed in the service method parameter list. This works fine for json/xml endpoints, but the I don't know how to use a SOAP endpoint with this setup because the generated WSDL doesn't include fields that are not in the service call parameter list.
Is there a way I can centralize the handling of the special parameters that apply to all service methods (authentication, locale and other contextual information) and provide a SOAP endpoint that Just Works (tm)?
Hand editing wsdl files is not an option.
Provide something that implements IWsdlExportExtension to modify the WSDL as it is generated to contain the extra information you want. (Your custom channel BindingElement might be a good place to do this).