Has anyone been successful in building an eclipse plugin for Juno against the CDH4 installation?
I've seen CDH3 all over the net. Looking for CDH4.
Thanks much.
I'm not sure if you're referring to the Hadoop Eclipse plugin or a plugin to develop code against CDH4. I'll answer both questions.
Developing against CDH4 in Juno:
By far, the easiest way to write applications against CDH4 components in Eclipse (any version), is by using m2eclipse[1] and adding the Cloudera Maven repository to your pom.xml. In fact, a significant portion of folks at Cloudera (including myself), do this regularly. Recently, one of our engineers (Natty) wrote a nice blog post about getting started with CDH4, Maven, and Eclipse[2] (and other IDEs). Otherwise, nothing special is required to write apps against CDH4 other than having the JARs around. You can also browse through the Cloudera Maven repository here[3].
The Hadoop Plugin:
Long ago, a plugin for Eclipse existed that allowed for MR job execution and some other bits. It has, however, been unmaintained for a very long time (at least two to three years now). I don't think anyone ever updated it to work with Juno--, let alone Juno, itself.
Hope this helps.
[1] http://bit.ly/UUGmlB
[2] http://bit.ly/O6rkp6
[3] http://bit.ly/UUGwcC
I followed the instructions found at: http://iredlof.com/part-4-compile-hadoop-v1-0-4-eclipse-plugin-on-ubuntu-12-10/
System: Local: Windows 7, Eclipse Juno (4.2.2), hadoop-1.2.1. Remote: Debian 7.1 with the same hadoop version.
I should mention that I built the plugin against vanilla hadoop-1.2.1 freshly downloaded from apache.
Not everything works with the plugin: I can add new MR location (remote in my case), I can browse/upload/download/delete files from DFS, but BUT I cannot run my code (using Run as ... Run to Hadoop). The console writes "ClassNotFoundException: WordCountReducer"
A good thing is that the jar generated by eclipse can be manually uploaded to MR master and started from command line.
You can get Hadoop Eclipse plugin at this GitHub Repository. https://github.com/winghc/hadoop2x-eclipse-plugin.
A post here introduces how to integrate CDH5 and Eclipse Luna. http://speedy-elephant.blogspot.com/2015/08/the-real-getting-started-guide-cloudera.html
Some time ago I used to run Quarkus projects in Linux as any other proyect, this means by clicking "Edit Configurations" and selecting "Quarkus (Maven)" as you can see in this picture:
But now I´m using Windows and those menus have disapeared:
As an alternative currently I´m running my Quarkus projects from Maven tab, which isn´t a fashion way:
So at the begining I thought this was due to a bug in Quarkus Tools plugin that I created a new issue, however that plugin does not offer such feature. Could anybody give a hand on how to run Quarkus projects as any other project? Thanks in advance.
Run configurations are offered by this plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14242-quarkus-integration
Looks like it is discontinued though, marked as "deprecated" and it's not showing in the Plugin marketplace (within IntelliJ) for me, so I had to install it via the website.
AFAIK there are plans for the official JetBrains bundled plugin to support it (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228507), but it's not done yet.
I'm trying to create a Play 2.3.1 framework, because the lack of info on how to get started with 2.4.3. So much has changed apparently that the tutorials on youtube is useless and I can't get it to work.
How do I do this?
I have tried to go to https://www.playframework.com/download#older-versions but all versions yield the same link to https://downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.6/typesafe-activator-1.3.6-minimal.zip
which installs the newest playframework 2.4.3.
Please say that someone knows how to do this?
Also, why should I bother using 2.4.3 > 2.3.1 if I'm only creating a simple mobile app w/database? Security reasons or just "easier"?
Same question for IntelliJ 14 > IntelliJ 13 ?
https://www.playframework.com/download#older-versions is the link you need.
When you're new to Play! it can be quite confusing so I think a bit of terminology is needed.
SBT - Scala build tool. This is a build tool that is baked into every Play! project but totally independent of Play! framework, ie. many Scala projects use this to manage their builds without ever using Play! It's just the Scala equivilient of a Maven, Gradle or Ant. Nothing special.
Activator - This is Play!'s commandline, like a build-tool++. It's commandline tool with a superset of the SBT commands clean compile etc etc, with Play! specific ones like 'new', 'run'. It actually just amounts to not much more than a script (.sh/.bat) which bootstraps SBT and some extra goodness for running play commands. In earlier versions like 1.x this command was named play. Version 2.x was a practically a re-write so you can ignore all related advice.
Play - the playframework itself is just a regular jar (and all its dependencies). It is declared in the project/plugins.sbt
So the reason all the download links point to activator-1.3.6 is because that is just the version of the commandline tool. This will default to latest: 2.4.x.
When you perform an activator new you get a choice of templates. If you REALLY REALLY want to use 2.3.x you could choose this template when prompted hello-play-2_3-scala.
But I don't suggest you do that because:
The documentation for 2.4.x is comprehensive and there are walkthrough guides, it won't take any longer than a youtube video.
There are bug fixes and new features in 2.4.x
2.4.x introduced dependency injection which means it will be harder to upgrade once you'ved developed everything in 2.3x.
Apart from dependency injection most stuff works the same in 2.4.x
Use 14. Play support is improving all the time. If you can use the Early Access Program and the latest version of the Scala plugin.
Don't run 'activator idea' - this is deprecated. File -> open project from Intellij should be enough.
Is it possible to setup go language pluing for Intellij IDEA 14.0.3 version?
I tried to download the binary plugin (jar) from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/5047?pr=idea but the version listed here is old and does not recognize GOROOT and GOPATH.
I tried to build the latest plugin using sources from https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin using Intellij but failed to setup the SDK.
Is there a latest binary version of the go lang plugin available?
Update to IDEA 14.1+ or use the IntelliJ Community.
Original answer:
You can use the free version of IntelliJ Community with the latest version of the plugin and everything should work fine. Also, Android Studio for example is compatible with the plugin as well.
Unfortunately the plugin has some internal dependencies which makes it hard to port back and maintain for multiple IDEA versions. Hope this helps
It might be not the exact answer your are looking for but their is a separate IDE for go developer . it has some unique features you must try GOLAND First month is free.
I also faced up this problem couple days ago. You can download nightly version of go plugin from this link.
You must install this plugin via browse your download folder not repository
I recently got the latest version of Eclipse Indigo for Java Developers - then installed Subclipse using the update site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
Now when I go to SVN Repository Exporing perspective - my repository location having been added - when I expand the repository it says "Pending..." and tasks show it is "Fetching children of xxxx..."
Note that I tried using both JavaHL and SVNKit SVN interface. Sometimes it actually does finally show me the directory (after a few minutes), but other times it just sits there forever (one time I let it sit overnight).
But it never seems to show anything even if it let it sit for a really long time. I know this has worked in the past though.
I even created a different installation which had subversive plugin installed instead of subclipse. In this case it seems to be much faster. However, I find that synchronizing with subversive is painful because it tries to refresh the synchronization any time I do anything. Subclipse seemed to work a lot better with synchronizing, so I would really like to get this to work.
Here is a copy of my installation:
Apache Ivy 2.2.0.final_20100923230623
Apache IvyDE
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools 3.3.0.v201103310009-7F7AFO-C25TohFunnht_0yz0s92kZCb4ufuz0TLG
Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.3.0.v201102200555-7O7IFhJEMiB5vNMYta56_GonLeahqrwnYjv2mBz-
JavaScript Development Tools 1.3.0.v201103031824-7F78FXPFBBoPbXRIcIgs0z0
JNA Library 3.2.7
PHP Development Tools (PDT) SDK Feature 3.0.0.v20110516-1100-77--84_23JBVgSVXO7XGJz0VLa9O
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.18
Subversion Client Adapter (Required) 1.6.12
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.17
Subversion Revision Graph 1.0.9
SVNKit Client Adapter (Not required) 1.6.15
SVNKit Library
I've been looking around for a while how can I hotdeploy my projects when using m2eclipse plugin on MyEclipse and working with Websphere 6.1.
What I've done so far is to deploy my full application using the was6 maven plugin (http://mojo.codehaus.org/was6-maven-plugin/) but that plugin will only deploy the EAR into the Websphere.So whenever I have to change just one line of code I have to redeploy the application again. The server doesn't take the changes just by saving the modified source code or JSP file.
I am working with MyEclipse 8.5 IDE and with the original m2eclipse plugin (Not Maven4MyEclipse).
Has anyone been able to do that? And if so how?
Thanks in advance
JRebel is a commercial solution that would make your life much easier. It's cheap (like $60). I actually bought a personal license intead of waiting for my company to purchase it. There is a free 30 day trial!
JRebel will hotswap your .class files and resources. No need to maven package, just save the resource in Eclipse, and JRebel will put on the server. There a few limitations, but in my opinion, its a life save.
We have used JRebel on Jetty, and I have read it is supported on WAS.