Disable store load mask in Sencha 2 - sencha-touch-2

The Sencha store is automatically adding a ajax loader mask when populating the store, but I want to hide it since I have made a more generic mask which is shown every time the app does a ajax request.
How can I hide the store load mask? Tried to look in the documentation, but didnt find any appropriate field/method there:
See attachement:

The property exists: loadingText, which you have set to null.
xtype: 'list',
store: 'Store',
loadingText: null, // for ST 2.3.0 set it to false
Cheers, Oleg

Olegtaranenko: Your solution does remove the loadmask, but setting the
loadingText to 'null' also seems to break the "PullToRefresh" plugin
functionality for a list.
By 'break', I mean that after pulling the arrow down to refresh, the
ui remains in this state, and does not hide the PullToRefresh section
at the top.
Is there a way to hide the additional loadmask, while retaining the
ability to pull to refresh?
For anyone that is reading this in future and is trying to achieve what I have described above, I worked around the issue with PullToRefresh by changing the original Sencha touch 1.1.1 code (line 45346 of sencha-touch-debug-with-comments.js). This is not ideal, but provides a quick workaround.
Original (PullToRefresh breaks)
onBeforeLoad: function() {
if (this.isLoading && this.list.store.getCount() > 0) {
return false;
onBeforeLoad: function() {
if (this.isLoading && this.list.store.getCount() > 0) {
try{ this.list.loadMask.disable(); }
catch(err) { }
return false;

Just add on your View
viewConfig: {
loadMask: false


how to reload value after clicking in vue

I'm trying to reload values when switching tab without reloading the page. I'm getting the value from a method.
mounted() {
methods: {
getOriginalSpace() {
retrieveQuotaSummary(this.value.organisation, this.value.dataCenter)
.then((result) => {
this.quotaSummary = result;
after that, I read the needed value out of quotaSummary like this (computed):
previouslyYarnCPU() {
return this.quotaSummary.currentAcceptedYarnRequest
? this.quotaSummary.currentAcceptedYarnRequest.cpu
: 0;
Then, when I switch tab, and call an other function in computed mode, I still have the same value which was loaded above. But when I refresh the page, then I get the correct (new value).
Can someone please help me, how I can get the latest values without refreshing the whole page?
It is difficult as I would need to see the rest of your code but in order to get values when they change you need to use a computed function. You can read more here

adding jquery validation to kendo ui elements

I've looked at many posts on this and have it working to the extent that it does validate my fields when I add the following.
ignore: []
The part I'm still missing is adding the input-validation-error class to notify the user. It is working fine for my other input elements (non-kendo). I've tried adding the class manually in $.validator.setDefaults as well but nothing seems to be working.
Is there an example out there somewhere or has anyone gotten it to work?
I'm not certain I'm doing this right but here's what I've tried to add it manually.
ignore: [],
errorClass: "input-validation-error",
errorElement: "input",
highlight: function (element, errorClass) {
unhighlight: function (element, errorClass) {
I found a solution to this based on this post. Basically what you need to do is look for the parent element that the input is wrapped in. Something like this:
ignore: [],
highlight: function (element, errorClass) {
element = $(element);
if (element.parent().hasClass("k-widget")) {
} else {
unhighlight: function (element, errorClass) {
element = $(element);
if (element.parent().hasClass("k-widget")) {
} else {
I would advise anyone though to visit the post I've linked to above before taking off down this particular rabbit hole as it introduces another issue, just to be aware of what you're getting into. The excepted answer is really more relevant to this question than the one being asked there.

Rally grid color rows based on model

I have a rallygrid that is configured to display two models: PortfolioItem/Feature and PortfolioItem/Rollup. I want to color them in the grid to differentiate them. I am not garunteed that they will alternate in the grid, or anything like that. I just want to apply a subtle color to the rollups to differentiate them visually.
Can anyone think of an easy way to achieve this?
I have tried:
viewConfig: {
getRowClass: function(record, index, rowParams, store) {
console.log('record',record); // nothing logged in console
return 'colorCodeGrid'; // class never added
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: false, // rows are no longer striped
getRowClass: function(record, index, rowParams, store) {
console.log('record',record); // still nothing logged in console
return 'colorCodeGrid'; // class never added
It is strange to me that the viewConfig does correctly un-stripe the rows, but the getRowClass never gets called. I thought maybe just the viewConfig as a whole was not being used in the case of a rallygrid.
Your approach above with the viewConfig should work- I am going to file a defect on this. The root cause is that the Rally.ui.grid.GridView is blowing away the getRowClass function in its constructor (for internal browser testing purposes- ugghh) rather than checking if there was one supplied and calling that as well.
You can see it the source for the constructor here: https://developer.help.rallydev.com/apps/2.0rc1/doc/source/GridView.html#Rally-ui-grid-GridView
You should be able to work around it by just re-overriding the function before the view is rendered.
[EDIT by asker]
Added the following to the grid, and it worked:
listeners: {
beforerender: function(cmp) {
cmp.view.getRowClass = function(record, index, rowParams, store) {
console.log('record',record); // still nothing logged in console
return 'colorCodeGrid'; // class never added
I just fixed this in the nightly build, so this should no longer be an issue in public sdk builds beginning with the next public release after 2.0rc2.

WinJS Listview shows undefined when navigating quickly

I have a WinJS application with listviews in which if quickly navigate between pages before the listview is fully loaded, the next page shows the listview with all elements in it bound as "undefined".
So say I have a hub page with a "to do" that is filtered to only show 6 items, and there is a header that navigates to the full "to do" page, when the hub page is displayed but before it is fully loaded I click on the header link to the "to do" page, the app then goes to the "to do" page, but the items show up with all the properties in the tile as "undefined".
I am using IndexedDB as my data store.
My home page code looks like this:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/home/home.html", {
ready: function (element, options) {
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", function (e) {
}, false);
viewModel = new HomeViewModel(element);
viewModel.load(); //loads from indexed db
To Do Page:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/ToDo/ToDo.html", {
ready: function (element, options) {
viewModel = new ToDoViewModel(element);
I know there isn't much to go off, but any ideas would be appreciated.
Also tips on how to debug something like this would be great.
I narrowed it down to this one line from the Hub Page:
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) {
that.trendsModel.today = result;
WinJS.Binding.processAll(that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel"), that.trendsModel); //<--Right Here
If I remove that, then when I load the second page the data doesn't show as undefined. What is interesting is the data initially shows correctly on the second page and then it changes to "undefined".
My fix:
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) {
var element = that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel");
that.trendsModel.today = result;
if(element) {
WinJS.Binding.processAll(element, that.trendsModel);
At the point when when the callback returns, I am already on the second page. So the selector was not found returning null. If you pass null to processAll it tries to bind the whole page which is why I was able to see the correct data for a second then it changes to undefined...Wow, what a doozy. I guess it makes sense but what a pain to find.
Hope it helps someone in the future :)
Your ToDoViewModel, and HomeViewModel need to be observable. This means they need to mix in from WinJS.Binding.mixin, and for the properties that you pull in asynchronously, they need to call this.notify("propertyName", newVal, oldVal) from the property setter.
Note that you need to have getter/setter properties. e.g.
var bindingBase = WinJS.Class.mix(function() {}, WinJS.Binding.mixin);
WinJS.Namespace.define("YourNamespace", {
ToDoViewModel: WinJS.Class.derive(bindingBase, function constructor() {
}, {
_titleStorage: "",
title: {
get: function() { return this._titleStorage; },
set: function(newValue) {
if(newValue === this._titleStorage) {
var old = this._titleStorage;
this._titleStorage = newValue;
this.notify("title", newValue, old);
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) {
var element = that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel");
that.trendsModel.today = result;
if(element) {
WinJS.Binding.processAll(element, that.trendsModel);
At the point when when the callback returns, I am already on the second page. So the selector was not found returning null. If you pass null to processAll it tries to bind the whole page which is why I was able to see the correct data for a second then it change to undefined...Wow, what doozy. I guess it makes sense but what a pain to find.

How to disable dojox.grid.DataGrid

How can I disable dojox.grid.DataGrid. By disable I mean the whole widget should be disabled and not just some aspect of it (sorting,cell selection etc)
You may try with a dojox.widget.Standby as explained here: Loading indicator with dojo XHR requests .
I have never used it on a dojox.grid.DataGrid but it should work...
I think you mean a READ-ONLY grid;
In creation of the grid:
var dataGrid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
id: 'xxx',
store: myStore, structure:myLayout,
canSort:false, //disable sorting //Then do the same thing for every attributes options and disable them all
}, dojo.byId("myDivName"));
You might have to override some default behavior such as:
onHeaderEvent: function (e) {
//make it do nothing
and check on other events from http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dojox/grid/DataGrid
just clear everything out.
And in your css, you might have to do such thing like:
Just find the class names from your domNodes
Use attribute "canSort : false" to hide or disable sort button in Dojo DataGrid code
var newGrid = new DataGrid({
id : 'newGrid',
store : this.resultStore,
structure : this.resultGridLayout,
Satish M Hiremath