How do I add grain to an image using the ImageJ API - api

I am new to ImageJ and I am seeking to add grain (as defined here: to an image using the programmatic API of ImageJ.
Is it possible? If so how?
Where is the relevant documentation/Javadocs regarding adding grain
to an image using ImageJ?

I'd start in Process > Noise, described in ImageJ User Guide: ยง29.6 Noise. You'll have to decide if the existing implementations can be made to meet your requirements.
Where I can find documentation on how to achieve this using the actual API instead of the UI.
As discussed in ImageJ Macro Language, one easy way is to start Plugin > Macros > Record and then operate the desired GUI command. This reveals the macro command name and any settings, for example:
run("Add Noise");
run("Add Specified Noise...", "standard=16");
You can apply such a macro to multiple files using the -batch command line option.
If you want to use a feature directly from Java, see ImageJ programming tutorials.

I saw that there was no language tag so I choose to write an example in Scala. The code below would read twice the lena.png image, and create two ImagePlus objects and add noise to one of them.
I am kind of guessing that the API comment is related to the software library ImageJ instead of the graphical user interface/program ImageJ.
An ImagePlus has a processor (of type ij.process.ImageProcessor) that you can get a reference to with the method getProcessor()
(getProcessor() is a method here that acts on the object lenaWithNoise and returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor (attached to lenaWithNose)).
The method noise acts on the image that the ImageProcessor handles, and has no return value (void method or in scala unit)
import ij._
object Noise {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val lenaNoiseFree:ImagePlus = IJ.openImage("src/test/scala/images/lena.png")
val lenaWithNoise:ImagePlus = IJ.openImage("src/test/scala/images/lena.png")


How to use Web Speech API in Kotlin Multiplatform for web application

Do you know how to use Web Speech API in KMM project for Web application:
I'm using Kotlin to build the web app, and the web app require speech to text feature.
I'm not familiar with this particular WEB API, but here's the general process of wrapping global JS APIs in Kotlin so hopefully you'll be able to correct the odd inconsistencies yourself via trial and error.
Firstly, since the target API is global, there's no need for any meta-information for the compiler about where to source JS code from - it's present in the global context. Therefore, we only need to declare the shape of that global context. Normally that would be a straightforward task as outlined in this article, however there's a caveat here which requires some trickery to make it work on all the browsers:
As mentioned earlier, Chrome currently supports speech recognition with prefixed properties, therefore at the start of our code we include these lines to feed the right objects to Chrome, and any future implementations that might support the features without a prefix:
var SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || webkitSpeechRecognition;
var SpeechGrammarList = window.SpeechGrammarList || webkitSpeechGrammarList;
var SpeechRecognitionEvent = window.SpeechRecognitionEvent || >webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
But let's ignore that for now since the API shape is consistent across the implementation, and name is the only difference that we'll address later. Two main API entities we need to wrap here are SpeechRecognition and SpeechGrammarList, both being classes. However, to make it easier to bridge the inconsistent names for them later on, in Kotlin it's best to describe their shapes as external interfaces. The process for both is the same, so I'll just outline it for SpeechRecognition.
First, the interface declaration. Here we can already make use from EventTarget declaration in Kotlin/JS stdlib. Note that the name of it does not matter here and will not clash with webkitSpeechRecognition when present since we declare it as an interface and as such we only care about the API shape.
external interface SpeechRecognition: EventTarget {
val grammars: SpeechGrammarList // or dynamic if you don't want to declare nested types
var lang: String
// etc...
Once we have the API shape declared, we need to bridge naming inconsistencies and provide a unified way to construct its instances from Kotlin. For that, we'll inject some hacky Kotlin code to act as our constructors.
// We match the function name to the type name here so that from Kotlin consumer's perspective it's indistinguishable from an actual constructor.
fun SpeechRecognition(): SpeechRecognition {
// Using some direct JS code to get an appropriate class reference
val cls = js("window.SpeechRecognition || webkitSpeechRecognition")
// Using the class reference to construct an instance of it and then tell the kotlin compiler to assume it's type
return js("new cls()").unsafeCast<SpeechRecognition>()
Hopefully this gives you the general idea of how things tie together. Let me know if something's still not quite clear.

Iterating through Kotlin map from C native export

We have a Kotlin package that we native build and export to C. We have the header file with all the nested struct and pinned-style pointers.
In the Kotlin code, there is a Map which we want to access. We can get a hold of the Kotlin package enum (the key of the Map), but what's the C code for actually indexing into the "kref kotlin Map object" to get to the value in the map?
Basically, we'd like to know how to manipulate Map, List and Array from C code. Actual steps and/or reference doc would be appreciated.
Kotlin/Native compiler does not export any of the collection's functions to the native library API. This decision was taken some time ago, with the idea to minimize the verbosity of the library header. However, this leads to the problem you faced. Right now, the recommended approach is to write wrapper functions in your Kotlin code.For an example of this approach, please see this ticket at the Kotlin issue tracker. I also recommend subscribing to it, to get the updates on the problem's state ASAP. Posting this in case the ticket won't be available for someone:
fun getListElement(list: List<Any?>, index: Int) = list.get(index)
/// function accessing the list element by index

HLSL 'technique' keyword documentation

Very simple question...
I have some example of code:
technique Draw
vertex_shader = VertexShaerName(vec_in);
pixel_shader = PixelShaderName(vec_in);
Where can I find documentation of technique keyword usage? Here is no link with description provided for such a statetament...
Techniques are used by the (now deprecated) effects system.
It wraps a lot of the low level api (originally DirectX9 worked with techniques, so this was created to facilitate transition between direct3d9 to direct3d10/11).
It provides helpers to manage constant buffers and a reflection/variable api to assign data to the shaders.
So while with low level pipeline you would compile your vertex and pixel shaders independently, create you constant buffers, and the structures that go with it it allows to build everything in a single block, breaks down constant buffers into a variable system and has a pass api that allows to perform binding all in one go.
Both have their pros and cons, fx is really nice for authoring and prototyping (its really easy to use their variable system to create automatic gui for example), but since it manages a lot of boilerplate for you, but it gets a bit awkard when it comes to efficient resource reuse or complex shader permutations.
One thing which I particularly miss from effects are variable semantics and annotations, you could set things like :
float2 tex : TARGETSIZE;
and by using variable system detect that tex has a TARGETSIZE semantic, hide from ui and auto attach render taget size for example.
Old common usage for annotations were to provide some metatada to values like :
float4 color <bool color=true;> = 1.0f;
Reflecting across annotations allows to see we consider this variable as a color (and display a color picker in editor instead of 4 channels)
While the fx_5_0 profile is deprecated in the d3dcompiler_47, it is still possible to use it, and the wrapper is open source:

Where is the PyQt5 documentation for classes, methods and modules?

I'm trying to learn PyQt5 and I am finding it very difficult since I can't just guess what methods are available. I've just spent an entire week trying to find a method to simulate a button push. I eventually found the solution ( QPushButton.animateClick() ) only after stumbling across an example someone left out there (how did this person know this?). It's very difficult to develop without some reference to what's available for tools!
Riverbank has a version of what I'm looking for but it is not complete making it virtually useless.
pyqt5 being a qt5 binding has almost all the functionalities (there are minimal known incompatibilities) so the qt5 documentation: is valid for pyqt5 except for small exceptions.
Although the target of the documentation is c++ the description of the classes and methods are generic, so they also validly apply for pyqt5, on the other hand many of the examples are written in c++ but the translation to python in many cases is trivial .
So to avoid doing a double task it seems that Riverbank Computing Limited only documents the exceptions indicated in the pyqt5 docs:
The next part of my answer will propose tips to handle the Qt documentation.
The Qt documentation also has an easy to understand structure, for example let's analyze the QPushButton class (
At the top there is a table:
This table indicates how to include the class in a C++ project, how to add it to qmake, from which class it inherits, and which classes inherit from it. From the above, relevant information for PyQt5 can be extracted, such as to which sub-module the class belongs to: In this case we use QT += widgets that inform us that it belongs to the QtWidgets sub-module, in general if Qt += submodulefoo belongs to QtSubModuleFoo (camelcase)
If you want to know all the methods of the QPushButton class, you must use the "List of all members, including inherited members" link below the table, in this case the link will be where is the complete list of all class methods, enumerations, etc.
Other tips to understand the conversion between Qt/C++ and PyQt5/Python are:
Some methods use pointers to receive information such as:
void QLayout::getContentsMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const
bool QProcess::startDetached(qint64 *pid = nullptr), etc
those transformed to PyQt5 as:
lay = QtWidgets.QXLayout()
left, top, right, bottom = lay.getContentsMargins()
process = QProcess()
# ...
ok, pid = process.startDetached()
Some methods collide with reserved words such as exec , raise, print, etc so to avoid incompatibilities, the underscore is added at the end: exec_, raise_, print_, etc
In Qt, the Q_SLOT and Q_SIGNAL that are translated into python are used through the #pyqtSlot and #pyqtSignal decorators.
In conclusion, my recommendation is that you use the Qt and PyQt5 documentation at the same time to know all the functionalities, in addition there are many Q&A in SO about translations from one language to another so you could learn from there.
The Qt documentation can also be consulted using the Qt Assistant tool.
The main PyQt5 documentation is on the official website:
But it's still incomplete, and most parts refer to the official Qt documentation:
While that's C++ oriented, consider that almost every module, class and function behave exactly in the same way as it does in python, so it's usually better to use that.
Consider that:
in the function lists you'll always see the returned type on the left of each function;
"void" means that the function returns None;
when overriding some existing method (expecially private and virtual), you always have to return the expected types listed for that function;
function arguments are usually written in the form [const] Type argName=default: you can usually ignore the "const" part (it's a C++ term), while the argName for keyword arguments might be different in PyQt;
some functions could have different names, since they're reserved on python (print, raise, etc); in those cases, an underscore is always appended;
some positional or keyword arguments might be different, or the return type signature might; that's because in C++ you can use a pointer to a variable as an argument, and the function will change that variable using the pointer (this is an oversimplification);
all "properties" are not python properties, and they are only accessible through their parenthesis functions, such as self.width() an self.setWidth();
some methods have different overrides, in some cases python has special cases with different arguments that are not available in C++, and viceversa; also, some methods don't exist at all in one case or the other;
My suggestion is to always use the official documentation, it's only a matter of habit to get used to the C++ references (and you'll see that it is educational too); whenever some doubt raises, check the PyQt documentation to see what's different and use the help command in the python shell.

Where can I find the descriptin of LibreOffice API for BASIC

I wanted to create a few macros for LibreOffice using BASIC. However I cannot find the API description. It is absent in help as well as in interet. When I try to google it I get masses of examples in C++, Java, Python, but not a single www with BASIC.
For example where from can I get the hierarchy of objects and their methods?
LibreOffice Basic uses essentially the same API as PyUNO and Java. That is, they all use the UNO API. To get started, the OpenOffice development guide helpfully describes the two main ways to step into the object hierarchy, the Global variables ThisComponent and, less commonly, StarDesktop. There also is a specialty variant in LO Base, ThisDatabaseDocument. To get the properties and methods of these objects, execute MsgBox oObject.DBG_properties or .DBG_methods. It often is easier to copy the longer lists that are returned by this method into a text editor for searching. You will find that all, or nearly all, of the methods and properties you reveal will be described in the LibreOffice UNO IDL API. The documentation for the API is not that descriptive, but you will be able to fill in some essential details using that resource Every Object has properties that can be reviewed by .DBG_properties.
The key properties for navigating the object hierarchy are .Parent, .Model, .CurrentController and occasionally .Source. The key methods are getByName() and getByIndex(). It also is helpful that events which trigger macros typically return an event object whose source or parent is the object that initiated the macro, for example, a command button. This object can be accessed by referring to it along with the Sub, i.e., Sub SubName (oEventObject As Variant)....