WCF Azure long running action - wcf

I have a WCF service that needs to get called so that the call will trigger a 2-3 hour of processing. I'm using windows C# client application to call the service and have set the timeouts to all the max values. When I deployed this to Windows Azure, the WCF process that was triggered by the client seems to stop after a certain moment. The client doesn't get the timeout exceptions. I can use Azure Worker Role, but the process can only be completed using only the WCF code because it is a complicated operation. In other words I can't just schedule Worker Role that executes a simple edit/insert operation to a database. So I kind of have a chicken and egg problem. The background process needs the WCF code to do the background operation, but the WCF seems to stop after a certain while on Azure. What is a way to execute a long running call in WCF and plus how to execute a long running call on Azure that needs to use the hosted cloud service WCF code to do the long running operation?

This is because of the load balancer. The timeout used to be 60 seconds, but a few months ago this was increased to 'more than 60 seconds' (depending on the concurrent connections). Anyways, you need to keep the connection alive in order to avoid the timeout.
I suggest you try implementing this in your WCF client/service: WCF Azure Net.TCP Keep Alive
Why not rethink your architecture? Instead of depending on a connection (that can be disconnected for whatever reason), why not simply have your client drop a message in a queue? Your worker role picks up the message from the queue, does the 2-3 hour processing and once it's done it drops a message in another queue. Finally your client polls that other queue and once a message arrives there it knows the process is complete.

You can place the code required for the long running operation in a seperate project. You can then include this project in your WCF solution and your Worker Role Solution.
The background process will then have all the functionality that it requires to complete the operation.


Creating a connection to a WCF application

Good time of day. I would like to know how to properly connect in a WCF application. In other words, it should be created when the app is launched and be active throughout the entire operation? Or do you need to create a connection every time a service function is called? Now I have the first option, but somewhere everything is fine, and sometimes for unknown reasons I get an error: it is Impossible to use the object for communication, since it is in the failed state. There are no visible reasons for this - the code runs without errors. NetTcpBinding is used as the binding
The wcf service needs to be hosted in the process so that the client can connect to the server. As long as you are using the wcf service, you need to enable it. Faulted state means there has been an unexpected exception on the server side, so you need to use a try…catch block. Another possibility is that the channel has expired. The default timeout period of the WCF service is 10 minutes. If the client does not communicate with the server within 10 minutes, the channel will be closed. You need to recreate the channel to call the service.

IIS Request Limit Recycling for WCF calls

We have an application pool dedicated to a WCF service that is called infrequently (maybe 15-20 times per day). The calls can take several minutes, however, and the other day we got burned when IIS recycled the app pool while the call was still processing because the shutdown timeout ran out.
We're considering using request limit recycling, instead, but my question is this: When the application pool recycles "after x requests", is that after the xth request completes? Or does it kick off the request, start the overlapped process to handle new requests, then subject the xth request to the same shutdown timeout that currently burns us?
Question in a similar vein:
How to detect if the current application pool is winding up in IIS7.5 and Asp.Net 3.5+
Check your Shutdown Time Limit setting on the app pool.
Regardless of how you do the recycling, this setting is checked to determine how long a request is allowed to carry on for before being forcibly shut down.
When an app pool is recycled, IIS attempts to drain the running requests from the app pool first, and then a in the meantime a new app pool is already started which accepts new requests. By making the setting high enough to accommodate your long running requests, you will allow IIS to safely drain the old app pool.
I recommend you do the following.
1- Create a bool Ping() { return true;} method under your WCF service.
2- Create an IIS web application responsible of polling the Ping() method. This is the only way i found to keep my WCF services alive.
3- WCF long running operations must be called also from another background IIS process (web app) that must read from a message queue and call the WCF operation. So you need to log the WCF long running operation call requests in queues. This way, you will have the possibility of retrying the call if the app pool where your WCF services are hosted shuts down.

Background worker with silverlight 5 makes wcf service calls stuck while running

I am working with Backgorund worker. I have a Silverlight 5 application using WCF service.
When I call a background method it hits a service and this method takes some times to complete. During the time background worker is running, if i make some other service call it stops till the background method gets completed. I want to make parallel WCF service calls. I am not sure about the reason of the problem.
If your WCF is hosted in IIS, then the most probable cause of your second request not getting processed until the first WCF call is returned is the session lock put by IIS.
One way is to avoid using session for the processing or replacing with a custom session mechanism, as suggested in the above link.
If you provide more details about what your Background worker is trying to achieve, you might get a more targeted answer (i.e. maybe the processing can be done without locking the session).

WCF Web Service with a Singleton COBOL VM

I have a WCF Web Service that has no concurrency configuration in the web.config, so I believe it is running as the default as persession. In the service, it uses a COBOL Virtual Machine to execute code that pulls data from COBOL Vision files. Per the developer of the COBOL VM, it is a singleton.
When more than one person accesses the service at a time, I'll get periodic crashes of the web service. What I believe is happening is that as one process is executing another separate process comes in at about the same time. The first process ends and closes the VM down through normal closing procedures. The second process is still executing and attempting to read/write data, but the VM was shutdown and it crashes. In the constructor for the web service, an instance of the VM is created and when a series of methods complete, the service is cleaned up and the VM closed out.
I have been reading up on Singleton concurrency in WCF web services and thinking I might need to switch to this instead. This way I can open the COBOL VM and keep it alive forever and eliminate my code shutting down the VM in my methods. The only data I need to share between requests is the status of the COBOL VM.
My alternative I'm thinking of is creating a server process that manages opening the VM and keeping it alive and allowing the web service to make read/write requests through that process instead.
Does this sound like the right path? I'm basically looking for a way to keep the Virtual Machine alive in a WCF web service situation and just keep executing code against it. The COBOL VM system sends me back locking information on the read/writes which I can use to handle retries or waits against.
The web service is now marked as:
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]
From what I understand, this only allows a single thread to run through the web service at a time. Other requests are queued until the first completes. This was a quick fix that works in my situation because my web service doesn't require high concurrency. There are never more than a handful of requests coming in at a time.

Queued WCF Service which processes every X seconds

I need to create a service which can process queued requests on a configured time interval. For example go to the web and get financial data from a site the requires we limit requests to once per second. I am new to WCF and I am not sure if (1) WCF with MSMQ a proper choice for implementing this? and (2) if so what is the best mechanism for enforcing the interval? a thread wait? a timer (not sure how that would work).
There's nothing built into WCF that would allow you to handle this explicitly, so you'd still need to do all the work yourself.
While your service could certainly process requests from MSMQ, the MSMQ listeners in WCF will pick and process messages as soon as possible; you can't configure them to process messages every X seconds only (you could fake it given the right tools, but seems to me it wouldn't be all that great).
One option if your delay between processing requests isn't very short, would be to use an intermediate queue to hold pending requests. That is, whatever sends the real requests writes them to a queue nobody is directly listening to (queue A), while your WCF service listens on a differet queue (queue B). Then, have something else (could be as simple as a script run from task scheduler) that runs once every X seconds/minutes/whatever and moves just 1 message from queue A to queue B, thus triggering the actual WCF service to run.
WCF and MSMQ are a great team! Definitely worth checking out.
The part that WCF doesn't provide out of the box is the "check every x seconds". The best approach here would be to host your WCF service inside a Windows NT Service, and have a timer inside the NT Service that goes to check the MSMQ queue only once every x seconds. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, really. The beauty is: you can very easily self-host a WCF Service inside a NT Service - just a few lines of code, and you get complete control over what's happening, and when. See the MSDN docs on How to Host a WCF service in a managed application for details.
Tom Hollander's blog post series on MSMQ, WCF, IIS: Getting them to play nice
Motley Queue: MSMQ and WCF Getting Started
SOAizing MSMQ with WCF (and why it's worth it)
Or you could just use a window service to consume the messages instead. If you are not using the WCF functionality of consuming a message as soon as it is posted, then you probably have no reason to use wcf in the first place