Where are the image and sound files inside XCode? - objective-c

Are the images and sound files that are used inside the Unity IDE somehow compiled into libiPhone-lib.a inside XCode? I'm looking for a way to access the audio files and images inside XCode/Objective-C. As far as I can tell by looking at the exported XCode project, there are no sound files or other resources anywhere to be seen

They are compiled into the lib as a byte code which is then interpreted at runtime. Disclosure of this would destroy Unity's business model, as everyone would make corrections into unity-produced code. It is more easy for them to interpret bytecode rather than translating it into human-readable language like C or objective-c.
The answer is: yes, they are compiled into lib.
If you want to access them from objective-c layer, you have to add them to project again in a usual xCode way ,so their data will be doubled in the project.


iOS - Execute precompiled app from a server

I'm looking for executing a .xib (with its own controllers and libraries) precompiled on a server, downloading it on runtime.
Is it possible?
So could somebody give me an example of a program that uses NSBundle that executes other app?
And how do I create the bundled application?
I don't think you can import a xib into the application's bundle at run-time (which you would have to in order for this to happen). Others may know more and correct me!
I can think of a couple of ways you could try to do this, but are you aiming to get it in to the store?
This is expressly prohibited by Apple Developer Guidelines.
A .xib file is just a data file, so there shouldn't be any problem loading one that's outside your app's bundle. I can't say I've ever tried it, but as long as it's in a bundle, you should be able to:
Create an instance of NSBundle using the path to the bundle containing the .xib you want to load. See +[NSBundle bundleWithPath:] for that.
Load the .xib using the bundle you created in the previous step with any of the normal .xib-loading methods, such as -[UIViewController initWithNibNamed:bundle:] or +[UINib nibWithNibName:bundle:].
with it's own controllers and libraries
That part won't work. iOS doesn't allow dynamic linking to frameworks other than the ones provided by the system, so there's no way to load your code. If you can build all the code you need into your app, though, you should still be able to use downloaded .xib's as described above. That would let you do things like update the way your views are laid out or what targets and actions your controls are connected to.

Using external library

I am working on my first objective-c program, and would like to include an external library I found. I'm fairly new to programming and have never really worked with libraries that were not already included.
Do I just drag the folder into Xcode?
Drag it in to the project and use
#import "TheLibrary/somefile.h"
in whichever file you need to use it.

Compile one Objective C iOS class before share code with others

I have to share my source code with someone else but I don't want them to look in certain classes (or categories). Can I compile them into binary file with h file outside? Something like iOS framework that displays only header files.
You can put them in a custom framework and link to your project. Look here.

Box2D compile errors

I've added Box2D to a Cocos2D project I'm working on.
I've followed several guides as to how to do this (all of which seem to differ!).
However, none seem to work.
I'm getting these types of errors:
error: Box2D/Collision/b2BroadPhase.h: No such file or directory
I assumed I'd got the Header Search Paths wrong but have tried all sorts of variants with no luck.
Any suggestions?
The easiest way to use Box2d with your project is to follow these lines:
Copy the Box2d files into a subfolder of your project.
Import these files into your project via Xcode.
After in the "Project navigator", select your target and open the “Build Settings” tab.
Set the "Always Search User Paths" to YES.
Then search for the "User Header Search Path" and add this "${PROJECT_DIR}" (think to check the “recursive path“).
That's all!
You just have to be careful when you want to use Box2d. Think to change the extension of your files from .m to .mm to warn the compiler that the class must be compile as Objective-C++ instead of Objective-C.
I have found a good tutorial here (with Xcode 3.2, but the idea is here). I hope it'll help you.
Alternatively ... After a lot of trouble trying to include box2d in my project, I instead used box2d as a static library - takes a minute to setup, but it's much easier to maintain / add to multiple projects. Step by step guide here:

Using images from a static Library

I'm trying to convert a project, which has images, into a static library.
The code that gets the image is as follows:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]
When I include this library into another project, the image doesn't load. However, if I copy the images into the new project, then it does load.
Is there any way I can get this to work where the images are only contained in the library and I don't have to copy them over to my project?
By the way, my Header Search Paths contains the path to where these images are located in the library, if that makes any difference.
Just prepend the name of the bundle that contains your image to the image name:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"Myframework.bundle/MyImage"
This also works in Interface Builder, the preview may be broken but the image will be properly loaded.
If using CocoaPods (which I would recommend) make sure to use the resource_bundles option for your images and Nibs.
You can see a related answer here.
A static library cannot contain bundle resource. So simply linking the .a file will not be enough. But you should be able to cross-reference the static library xcodeproj. Example
Had a similar situation to this and wrote a script to copy the files in to the .app at compile time. A similar fix to the one we use is described in the "Non-code assets for static libraries" section on this web page. This works but can cause some code signing errors. Another option is to create a second .bundle target for the resources described on this web page although for some reason I could not get the bundle to actually build. I am currently looking at writing a script to copy the resources in to a bundle at compile time and compile any .xib files to .nibs, this is also a possible solution you could look at.