How to decorate Objective C methods with documentation? - objective-c

When I'm typing up a Cocoa object and calling a selector on that object, I sometimes can see 'documentation' or 'help' information about that method. For instance, as I type [NSArray alloc], I see two help hints. One for NSArray, and one for alloc. Both of these appear in the popup autocomplete suggestions listbox as I type the code.
How do I produce similar method/class decorated help hints which will appear when I type? I want to see my comments as I type my custom class name and custom methods. How can I do this?
For instance, C# provides this feature through XML documentation which can be placed before any method, class, or interface/protocol declaration.

You have to create a “docset”. There are tools like appledoc for creating docsets from your comments. You could set up a build phase that runs appledoc on your code.
The problem is that there's no way to make Xcode 4 reload a docset except by restarting Xcode. So even if you run appledoc automatically as part of your build, you will have to restart Xcode to make it see the changes to your docset.


Intellisense - deduce right Class by its methods

I'm used to work with NetBeans and now I'm trying IntelliJ. So my question is: Does IntelliJ has a way to get right class by its methods?
For example, in NetBeans if I write:
glGenBu // Intellisense will kick in and will suggest me
to use GL15.glGenBuffers() method from GL15 class
This will automatically import the right library.
This is very handy because I'm working with LWJGL and it has a bad way to manage OpenGL methods ('GLXX' where XX is the version of OpenGL and all methods that appeared in that version are stored in that class) and I never remember the right class where my desired method is.
Thank you.
Pressing Ctrl+Space when you already see completion list will show more suggestions, with static methods from the entire project among them. See for more details.

Objective-C Passing Method Reference As Parameter

I've seen a lot of discussions NEAR this subject, but none that actually work in Xcode 5.x, especially using ARC. I have a simple problem:
I need to pass a method reference to a CreateButton method so that when the button is called it calls my custom function, and not some generic one.
I've tried using (SEL) type, but that doesn't work with ARC. I've tried using the &func method, but that claims I haven't declared the function yet.
So my need is:
Class A calls Class B and sends over the info to make a UIButton. Within that call, I want to send over the action:method in a reference. I'm sure this is done routinely, but I can't seem to find an iOS 7 / Xcode 5.x method of doing it. I've also reviewed the O'Reilly iOS 7 fundamentals and cookbook code and couldn't find this discussed anywhere.
Thanks for you help.
When I have to pass selectors around, I convert them to strings with NSStringFromSelector() and back to selectors with NSSelectorFromString().
Passing the strings around is a lot easier. You can store them in collections (arrays, dictionaries), serialize and unserialize them, and they will work naturally with ARC.
In your class A where you gather the information to create a button:
NSString *selectorString = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(yourActionMethodNameHere:));
// Gather more information needed by Class B here, then package
// it all up into a dictionary, for example
NSDictionary *buttonInfo = #{#"selectorString": selectorString, /* more stuff here */};
At this point, you can call your button-constructing method in Class B, passing along buttonInfo, which contains all the information that that helper method needs, including the selector. The method can convert the string back to a selector and use it like this:
SEL actionSelector = NSSelectorFromString(buttonInfo[#"selectorString"]);
// configure your button to use actionSelector here
You should be able to use SEL parameters? I know I have done before.
ARC might complain and give you a warning, but it won't fail to compile. It's simply a warning because it can't quite figure out what to do memory wise.
If you really can't get that to work though, another alternative would be to use a block, so you might call your method like
[objectA performMethodWithParam:paramA paramb:paramB completion:^{ ... do somethhing ... }];
Then in that method you can just call
Instead of actually calling a method.
Another alternative would be to use the delegate pattern. Create a #protocol defining a method such as classADidFinish then make class B implement that method. Then set the instance of classB as the delegate for your classA instance, and have it call that method when it's done.
Both of these approaches will stop ARC moaning at you.
But as I said, using SEL params should work fine. There is a way you can even get the compiler to stop showing you the warnings but it's a little ugly.

xCode: Accessing properties of an object via console

Is it possible to access the properties of objects in xCode console?
If I try the following I get an error that he property doesn't exist.
po someObject.someprop
If I don't breakpoint the code and run the app it works fine so I know someObject.someprop exists. I don't think I have the grasp on xCode console yet? What I loved about Flex/Flash development is that I could set a break point and in the console window or variables view I could traverse every structure down to the ends of the earth.
I could see SomeDicionary[key].someArray[1].someObject.prop and it would show me the value. Is this not possible in xCode console or is there a trick to get to it?
You'll actually have to use the bracket syntax notation:
po [someObject someprop]
The debugger is sometimes very finnicky about syntax. This is filled with all sorts of helpful tips for debugging in XCode.
Just a side note, variables/properties declared in the implementation file (*.m) instead of the header file (*.h) can sometimes be invisible to the debugger variable list display depending on if the breakpoint is in that class's code, because of scope. Not necessarily required here, but useful to know seeing as how it is kind of relevant.

Objective-C Block Property Defined as Copy Not Working

I am seeing some strange behavior with Objective-C blocks in a large project. Everywhere that there is a Block property that is defined as copy, there is a crash when the app attempts to reference the property later on. Overriding the setter implementation from the #synthesize'd implementation and explicitly calling Block_copy() does the trick, but interestingly when the same code is used in another project context the properties work as expected.
This must be some kind of project setting or dependency issue. Anyone run into this sort of thing before?
Thank you Bavarious. The underlying issue is libSystem library linked into the app.
The fix is to remove "-weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" from the target's Linker Flags and replace it with "-weak-lSystem".

Convert Interface Builder code to Xcode

Is it true that everything you do in Interface Builder can be done programmatically? If your project uses Interface Builder to make the GUI, can that code be converted to native Xcode and inserted into the project?
It is true that anything you can do in Interface Builder you can do programatically. However, IB does not generate code, so there is not really anything to 'convert' to source code for your project.
Interface Builder creates archived objects -- serialized instances of class instances -- and works directly from those. While you can reuse your .xib files (which some people still insist on calling "nibs") in any number of projects, you should note that:
Your nib is already code: it's just very verbose and hard-to-read XML. This XML contains the serialized (say "archived") instances.
You cannot "convert" your xib to Objective-C code, or at least Xcode does not provide a way to do this (and I don't know who would).
If you do not have the classes that the xib expects, you will run into errors using your xib.
I wrote a utility to convert .xib files to code. It's still experimental, but should do the majority of the grunt work converting to code:
You can try it out online: