Strange variables with gdb - variables

I am using gdb to debug a program in x86 assembly. Though I have a strange behavior of some variables and I can't understand why.
This is how I define and view them:
section .data
CountDied: dd 0000
OnesFound: db 00
section .text
global _start
... code
When I run gdb step by step I check if the variable have the correct value at the very first instruction and I get the following:
print CountDied
print OnesFound
Though in the next instructions OnesFound seems to behave in a correct way. I'm really puzzled. Thanks for your suggestions.

An assembly "variable" is just a label for a specific point in memory. GDB doesn't know how big it is supposed to be, it's just assuming that it's a 32-bit value.
The hex representation of the number you're getting is 0x0A000200. x86 is a little endian platform, so that will actually be stored in memory as 00 02 00 0A. Only the first byte is actually part of the value you set, and it is set correctly.
You can view just the specific byte you want with by using the command x/b &OnesFound instead of using print.


Is it possible to access the procedure linkage table in NASM?

In the report I received from Agner Fog's objconv, I see suggested errors to fix in the .plt (procedure linkage table) section, for example:
SECTION .plt align=16 execute ; section number 9, code
?_001: push qword [rel ?_086] ; 10F0 _ FF. 35, 00201F12(rel)
jmp near [rel ?_087] ; 10F6 _ FF. 25, 00201F14(rel)
; Filling space: 4H
; Filler type: Multi-byte NOP
; db 0FH, 1FH, 40H, 00H
?_002: jmp near [rel ?_088] ; 1100 _ FF. 25, 00201F12(rel)
; Note: Immediate operand could be made smaller by sign extension
push 0 ; 1106 _ 68, 00000000
; Note: Immediate operand could be made smaller by sign extension
jmp ?_001 ; 110B _ E9, FFFFFFE0
In two cases (and others in code not shown) it suggests "Immediate operand could be made smaller by sign extension." How can I access the procedure linkage table to make those changes? Is it possible?
PLT stubs intentionally use longer immediates and jump displacements than necessary so they're a constant size even when you have enough PLT entries that the jmp ?_001 in the fall-through path needs a rel32 to reach from later PLT entries.
They're automatically generated by the linker when linking code that used call printf wrt ..plt, or when linking a non-PIE that just used call printf.
You can avoid the PLT entirely by writing call [rel printf wrt], like GCC does when you compile with -fno-plt. This does early binding (instead of lazy), resolving all the GOT at startup before your _start.
See Can't call C standard library function on 64-bit Linux from assembly (yasm) code. Using default rel lets you leave out the explicit rel part of the addressing mode. The equivalent AT&T syntax is call *printf#GOTPCREL(%rip)
I don't know if this fixed-width array of PLT stubs is strictly necessary for anything at run time. e.g. lazy dynamic linking only modifies the GOT, not the PLT itself, because modern PLTs use an indirect jump. The push 0 is pushing an index of the PLT entry, but I don't think anything uses it to actually find the address of the machine code of that PLT stub, only indexing a GOT entry.
At this point it might just be a missed optimization in the linker. NASM isn't generating it so you can't really do anything about it.
I seem to recall historically seeing a jmp rel32 as the first instruction of PLT stubs in 32-bit code, not a jmp [mem], but maybe that was just a guess at how PLT stubs worked before I really knew much. If they ever worked that way, lazy dynamic linking would modify the actual PLT itself to fix up the relative jump target, so indexing the machine code of the PLT entry would be important. (And thus having every entry be fixed width would be important).
But even 32-bit code doesn't use jmp rel32 these days so the PLT stubs are read-only. And in 64-bit code, jmp rel32 can only reach +-2GiB so wouldn't be usable to reach libraries mapped to a random address.
Note that those longer-than-needed instructions only ever run once for each PLT stub. After the first call, the indirect jmp target will be the function in the library. (On the first call, the jmp target will be the next instruction after the jmp.)
The padding might possibly be a good thing: too many jmp instructions in a single 16-byte block of code is bad for branch predictors on some CPUs. But I think the limit is like 3 or 4 jumps in a 16-byte block of machine code for some AMD or Core 2, so that wouldn't be hit anyway with 6-byte jmp [RIP+rel32] + 2-byte push imm8 + 2-byte jmp rel8.

Filter the output of GNU nm by section

I'm trying to identify the largest symbols in an .elf file for each memory section (.text, .data, .bss). So far I'm using GNU nm to get the largest symbols:
nm foo.elf --size-sort --reverse-sort --radix=d --demangle --line-numbers
Is there a builtin way in nm to filter the ouput by section or do I need to resort to text filtering?
nm outputs a section type for every symbol as single letter code (B: .bss, D: .data, T: .text), but there seems no way to filter by symbol type.
Background: The code runs on a microcontroller which is able to execute instruction directly from flash memory. The instructions from the .text section stay in the flash memory during execution, .bss and .data are loaded into the RAM. That's way I would like to be able to identify the largest symbols in each section independently.
there seems no way to filter by symbol type.
Just use grep to perform any filtering you may need.
You may also want to look at Bloaty McBloatface: a size profiler for binaries.

what is the x86 opcode for assembly variables and constants?

i know that every instruction has opcodes.
i could find opcodes for mov , sub instructions.
but what is the opcode for variables and it's types.
we use assembler directives to define a variable and constant?
how they are represented in x86 opcodes?
nasm assembler x86: segment .bss
largest resb 2 ; reserves two bytes for largest
segment .data
number1 DW 12345 ; defines a constant number1
i tried online this assembly to opcode conveter. but when i used nasm code to define a variable it shows error!
There's no opcode for variables. There are even no variables in machine code.
There is CPU and memory. Memory contains some values (bytes).
The CPU has cs:ip instruction pointer, pointing to memory address, where is the next instruction to execute, so it will read byte(s) from that address, and interpret them as opcode, and execute it as an instruction.
Whether you have in memory stored data or machine code doesn't matter, both are byte values.
What makes part of memory "data" or "variable" is the logical interpretation created by the running code, it's the code which does use certain part of memory only as "data/variables" and other part of memory as "code" (or eventually as both at the same time, like in this DOS 51B long COM code drawing Greece flag on screen, where the XLAT instruction is using the code opcodes also as source data for blue/white strips configuration).
Whether you write in your source:
add al,al
db 0x00, 0xC0
Doesn't matter, the resulting machine code is identical (in both cases the CPU will execute add al,al when pointed to that memory to be executed as instruction, and mov ax,[x] will set ax to 0xC000 in both cases, when used as "variable".
You may want to check listing file from the assembler (-l <listing_file_name> command line option for nasm) to see yourself there's no way to tell which bytes are code and which are data.
Assembler directives like segment, resb, or dw are not instructions and do not correspond to opcodes. That's why they are directives instead of instructions. Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of directives:
one kind of directive configures the assembler. For example, the segment directive configures the assembler to continue assembly in the section you provided.
another kind of directive emits data. For example, the dw directive emits the given datum into the object file. This can be used to place arbitrary data into memory for use with your program.

Mips fsbl code keeps rebooting

I'm working on Mips R4380 chip and its an embedded system of Broadcom 7xxx platform. I have a code like this:
.globl print_forever;
.ent print_forever;
.set noreorder
b loop
.set reorder
.end print_forever
And the boot up code:
b __rom_init
.set noreorder
bal init_uart
bal print_forever
All codes are put on flash and __start is located at 0xBFC00000 which is the first instruction location after power on. If print_forever is put in the same .s file with the boot up code (around at 0xBFC01380) then everything is fine, I can see it prints forever. But if print_forever is put in a different .s file (around at 0xBFC07C00) then the system keeps rebooting after printing hundreds of zeros every time (I can see the 'S' after hundreds of 0's).
The code address where print_forever locates should be in a valid boot code area (< 32KB). The code doesn't use any RAM (except writing registers to print the character) and is uncached so cache and memory should not be a problem. I've also tried another board but ended up the same result so the flash should be ok.
I'm not experienced in boot code development. When I was trying to modify the fsbl code I saw this strange problem. So I tried making everything simple but just couldn't understand what the problem could be? Can anyone help me out of this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

In an ELF file, how does the address for _start get detemined?

I've been reading the ELF specification and cannot figure out where the program entry point and _start address come from.
It seems like they should have to be in a pretty consistent place, but I made a few trivial programs, and _start is always in a different place.
Can anyone clarify?
The _start symbol may be defined in any object file. Normally it is generated automatically (it corresponds to main in C). You can generate it yourself, for instance in an assembler source file:
.globl _start
// assembly here
When the linker has processed all object files it looks for the _start symbol and puts its value in the e_entry field of the elf header. The loader takes the address from this field and makes a call to it after it has finished loading all sections in memory and is ready to execute the file.
Take a look at the linker script ld is using:
ld -verbose
The format is documented at:
It determines basically everything about how the executable will be generated.
On Binutils 2.24 Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, it contains the line:
which sets the entry point to the _start symbol (goes to the ELF header as mentioned by ctn)
And then:
. = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", 0x400000) + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
which sets the address of the first headers to 0x400000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS.
I have modified that address to 0x800000, passed my custom script with ld -T and it worked: readelf -s says that _start is at that address.
Another way to change it is to use the -Ttext-segment=0x800000 option.
The reason for using 0x400000 = 4Mb = getconf PAGE_SIZE is to start at the beginning of the second page as asked at: Why is the ELF execution entry point virtual address of the form 0x80xxxxx and not zero 0x0?
A question describes how to set _start from the command line: Why is the ELF entry point 0x8048000 not changeable with the "ld -e" option?
SIZEOF_HEADERS is the size of the ELF + program headers, which are at the beginning of the ELF file. That data gets loaded into the very beginning of the virtual memory space by Linux (TODO why?) In a minimal Linux x86-64 hello world with 2 program headers it is worth 0xb0, so that the _start symbol comes at 0x4000b0.
I'm not sure but try this link
at page 8 it is shown where the entry point is if it is executable. Basically you need to calculate the offset and you got it.
Make sure to remember the little endianness of x86 ( i guess you use it) and reorder if you read bytewise edit: or maybe not i'm not quit sure about this to be honest.