In 2012, is MSMQ still valid for queueing calls in WCF? - wcf

I have created a WCF web service that will upload data from SQL Server to our ISeries. When an end user is finished with their data entry (a batch), they will "send" the batch number to the web service. The web service will then upload that data to the ISeries. It cannot be assumed that this will be a quick process and there may be many end users hitting the web service at once. Likewise, because the way the database is setup on the ISeries, I can't upload this data simultaneously because we may run into locks, misfired triggers, etc. So, I want somehow to queue these calls so that they are done in order received.
I have been searching for methods to do this and there's a lot of information in 2011 and earlier discussing MSMQ. Is that the still preferred way to do this? Would Reentrant Concurrency mode be a more "modern" option?

There are a lot of alternative queuing systems. Since you have a SQL Server in place I would recommend using MSMQ. In this combination you can use TransactionScope out-of-the-box to handle transcations spanning your DB and the Queuing system.
From my own experience, MSMQ is a proven and stable technology stack.


Gathering distributed data into central database

I was assigned to update existing system of gathering data coming from points of sale and inserting it into central database. The one that is working now is based on FTP/SFTP transmission, where the information is sent once a day, usually at night. Unfortunately, because of unstable connection links (low quality 2G/3G modems), some of the files appear to be broken. With just a few shops connected that way everything was working smooth, but along with increasing number of shops, errors became more often. What is worse, the time needed to insert data into central database is taking up to 12 - 14h (including waiting for the data to be downloaded from all of the shops) and that cannot happen during the working day as it would block the process of creating sale reports and other activities with the database - so we are really tight with processing time here.
The idea my manager suggested is to send the data continuously, during the day. Data packages would be significantly smaller, so their transmission and insertion would be much faster, central server would contain actual (almost real time) data and night could be used for long running database activities like creating backups, rebuilding indexes etc.
After going through many websites, I found that:
using ASMX web service is now obsolete and WCF should be used instead
WCF with MSMQ or System Messaging could be used to safely transmit data, where I don't have to care that much about acknowledging delivery of data, consistency, nodes going offline etc.
according to WCF queuing is better
there are also other technologies for implementing message queue, like RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ etc.
And that is where I become confused. With so many options, do you have any pros and cons of these technologies?
We were using .NET with Windows Forms and SQL Server, but if it would be necessary, we could change to something more suitable. I am also a bit afraid of server efficiency. After some calculations, server would be receiving about 15 packages of data per second (peak). Is it much? I know there are many websites without serious server infrastructure, that handle hundreds of visitors online and still run smooth, but the website mainly uploads data to the client, and here we would download it from the client.
I also found somewhat similar SO question: Middleware to build data-gathering and monitoring for a distributed system
where DDS was mentioned. What do you think about introducing some middleware servers that would cope with low quality links to points of sale, so the main server would not be clogged with 1KB/s transmission?
I'd be grateful with all your help. Thank you in advance!
Rabbitmq can easily cope with thousands of 1kb messages per second.
As your use case is not about processing real time data, I'd say you should combine few messages and send them as a batch. That would be good enough in order to spread load over the day.
As the motivation here is not to process the data in real time, then any transport layer would do the job. Even ftp/sftp. As rabbitmq will work fine here, it's not the typical use case for it.
As you mentioned that one of your concerns is slow/unreliable network, I'd suggest to compress the files before sending them, and on the receiving end, immediately verify their integrity. Rsync or similar will probably do great job in doing that.
From what I understand, you have basically two problems:
Potential for loss/corruption of call data
Database write performance
The potential for loss/corruption of call data is being caused by a lack of reliability in the transmission of data from client to service.
And it's not clear what is causing the database contention/performance issues, beyond a vague reference to high volumes, so this answer will be more geared towards solving the first problem.
You have correctly identified the need for reliable asynchronous communication transport as a way to address the reliability issues in your current setup.
Looking at MSMQ to deliver this is a valid first step. MSMQ provides reliable communication via a store and forward messaging semantic which comes out of the box and requires very little in the way of configuration.
Unfortunately, while suitable for your needs, MSMQ relies on 2 things:
A reliable network protocol, and
A client service running on both sending and receiving machine.
From your description above, I don't believe 1 exists (the internet is not a reliable network), and you might well struggle with 2 - MSMQ only ships with Windows Server or business/enterprise versions of Windows on the desktop.(*see below...)
As a possible solution to the network reliability problem, you could use a WCF or a RESTful endpoint (using Nancy or WebApi) to expose a service operation(s) exposed over HTTP, which would accept the incoming calls from the client machines. These technologies are quite different, so you'll need to make sure you're making the correct choice early on.
WCF supports WS-ReliableMessaging from the SOAP 1.2 specification out of the box, which allows for reliable web service calls over http, however it's very config-heavy and not generally a nice framework to work with.
REST much simpler than WCF in .Net, is very lightweight and easy to use. However, for reliable delivery you would have to expose some kind of GET operation (in addition to a POST to allow the client to send data) to be called (within a reasonable time-frame) to verify the data was committed. The client would have to implement some kind of retry semantic if the result of the GET "acknowledgement" was negative.
Despite requiring two operations rather than one for the WCF route, I would favour the REST approach. I've done plenty of both and find REST services way nicer to work with.
(*) That's not to say that MSMQ wouldn't work in your ultimate solution, just that it would not be used to address the transmission reliability issue. However it could still be used to address another of your problems, that of database write contention. If you were to queue incoming requests once they came into the server, then these could be processed by an "offline" process, which could then perform the required database operations in a reliable manner. This could be done by using MSMQ transactional queues.
In response to comments:
99% messages are passed from shop to main server, but if some change
is needed (price correction, discounts etc.), that data has to be sent
to shop.
This kind of changes things. Had I understood from the beginning that you had a bidirectional requirement, and seeing as how you have managed to establish msmq communication, I would have nudged you towards NServiceBus, which is a really, really cool wrapper around MSMQ. The reason I would have done this is that you appear to have both a one way, and a publish-subscribe requirement, which is supported really nicely by NServiceBus.

BizTalk WCF Service Polling

I need to perform polling on a WCF service inside BizTalk. The workflow would be as follows:
Pool the service (a string is returned, that should be mapped to a schema)
If there's no message available (exception raised/404/empty string/whatever is easier), go to 5
Convert the string into the proper schema, process and forward the message
Go back to 1
Wait for 5 minutes and go back to 1
I've used 'Consume WCF Service' to generate the ports and schemas. But now i cannot find a way to orchestrate this workflow. Here are some questions to which I'm unable to find answers:
How can create a scheduled check to see if there's data available in the web service call?
How can I cast the XML string from the request into a known schema?
Imagine that I would like the message to be casted into a different schema depending on a property from the received XML, how should I do this?
Any help will be much appreciated!
BizTalk is not a job scheduler, but this sort of workflow does comes up a lot when organizations already use BizTalk. Your best bet is to find a reliable (and resilient, monitored, logged, etc.) means of triggering the process, telling BizTalk when it is time to call the WCF service.
I answered another question about BizTalk scheduling here. From that answer, you may be able to use one of these options for scheduling:
The Scheduled Task Adapter on CodePlex - I would only use this if you cannot use another method of triggering your scheduled workflow
A Windows Scheduled Task (more difficult to manage, especially prior to Windows Server 2008; you can user Powershell to write a file or to a message queue that BizTalk sucks in to kick off its process)
Third-party job scheduling software (particularly if already in use; even SQL Server can do this for you)

Real time application on Microsoft Azure

I'm working on a real-time application and building it on Azure.
The idea is that every user reports something about himself and all the other users should see it immediately (they poll the service every seconds or so for new info)
My approach for now was using a Web Role for a WCF REST Service where I'm doing all the writing to the DB (SQL Azure) without a Worker Role so that it will be written immediately.
I've come think that maybe using a Worker Role and a Queue to do the writing might be much more scalable, but might interfere with the real-time side of the service. (The worker role might not take the job immediately from the queue)
Is it true? How should I go about this issue?
While it's true that the queue will add a bit of latency, you'll be able to scale out the number of Worker Role instances to handle the sheer volume of messages.
You can also optimize queue-reading by getting more than one message at a time. Since a single queue has a scalability target of 500 TPS, this lets you go well beyond 500 messages per second on reads.
You might look into a Cache for buffering the latest user updates, so when polling occurs, your service reads from cache instead of SQL Azure. That might help as the volume of information increases.
You could have a look at SignalR, it does not support farm scenarios out-of-the-box, but should be able to work with the use of either internal endpoint calls to update every instance, using the Azure Service Bus, or using the AppFabric Cache. This way you get a Push scenario rather than a Pull scenario, thus you don't have to poll your endpoints for potential updates.

MSMQ v Database Table

An existing process changes the status field of a booking record in a table, in response to user input.
I have another process to write, that will run asynchronously for records with a particular status. It will read the table record, perform some operations (including calls to third party web services), and update the record's status field to indicate that processing is completed (or In Error, with an error count).
This operation sounds very similar to a queue. What are the benefits and tradeoffs of using MSMQ over a SQL Table in this situation, and why should I choose one over the other?
It is our software that is adding and updating records in the table.
It is a new piece of work (a Windows Service) that will be performing the asynchronous processing. This needs to be "always up".
There are several reasons, which were discussed on the Fog Creek forum here:
The main benefit is that MSMQ can still be used when there is intermittant connectivity between computers (using a store and forward mechanism on the local machine). As far as the application is concerned it delivered the message to MSMQ, even though MSMQ will possibly deliver the message later.
You can only insert a record to a table when you can connect to the database.
A table approach is better when a workflow approach is required, and the process will move through various stages, and these stages need persisting in the DB.
If the rate at which booking records is created is low I would have the second process periodically check the table for new bookings.
Unless you are already using MSMQ, introducing it just gives you an extra platform component to support.
If the database is heavily loaded, or you get a lot of lock contention with two process reading and writing to the same region of the bookings table, then consider introducing MSMQ.
I also like this answer from le dorfier in the previous discussion:
I've used tables first, then refactor
to a full-fledged msg queue when (and
if) there's reason - which is trivial
if your design is reasonable.
Thanks, folks, for all the answers. Most helpful.
With MSMQ you can also offload the work to another server very easy by changing the location of the queue to another machine rather then the db server.
By the way, as of SQL Server 2005 there is built in queue in the DB. Its called SQL server Service Broker.
See :
Also see previous discussion.
If you have MSMQ expertise, it's a good option. If you know databases but not MSMQ, ask yourself if you want to become expert in another technology; whether your application is a critical one; and which you'd rather debug when there's a problem.
I have recently been investigating this myself so wanted to mention my findings. The location of the Database in comparison to your application is a big factor on deciding which option is faster.
I tested inserting the time it took to insert 100 database entries versus logging the exact same data into a local MSMQ message. I then took the average of the results of performing this test several times.
What I found was that when the database is on the local network, inserting a row was up to 4 times faster than logging to an MSMQ.
When the database was being accessed over a decent internet connection, inserting a row into the database was up to 6 times slower than logging to an MSMQ.
Local database - DB is faster, otherwise MSMQ is.
Instead of making raw MSMQ calls, it might be easier if you implement your sevice as a queued COM+ component and make queued function calls from your client application. In the end, the asynchronous service still uses MSMQ in the background, but your code will be much clearer and easier to use.
I would probably go with MSMQ, or ActiveMQ myself. I would suggest (presuming that you are considering MSMQ you are using windows, with MS technology) looking into WCF, or if you are using MS-SQL 2005+ having a trigger that calls into .net code to run your processing.
Service Broker was introduced in SQL 2005 and it is designed to be very quick at handling messages as the process is relatively simple (I believe its roots were in triggers). If you are concerned about scalability, in SQL 2008 they have released an independant processing executable to separate the processing from SQL Server (in standard Service Broker, everything is controlled by the SQL Server instances).
I would definitely consider using Service Broker over MSMQ but this is dependant on your SQL Development/DBA resources and their knowledge.
Besides of Mitch's answer, some other scenarios:
1. each of your message have its own due date to trigger the action, this can be done through MQ as well, but in this case I prefer to store it into db as it is more controllable;
2. subscriber needs to filter message and then process a portion of it, this can be done by LINQ too, depends on how complex the filter is, the db approach is better because I can use linq to EF do complex query easily;
3. For deployment, i want fully automated deployment process so that DB is a better choice for me. I am not a big fan of manual configurations.

Should I use MSMQ or SQL Service Broker for transactions?

I've been asked by my team leader to investigate MSMQ as an option for the new version of our product. We use SQL Service Broker in our current version. I've done my fair share of experimentation and Googling to find which product is better for my needs, but I thought I'd ask the best site I know for programming answers.
Some details:
Our client is .NET 1.1 and 2.0 code; this is where the message will be sent from.
The target in a SQL Server 2005 instance. All messages end up being database updates or inserts.
We will send several updates that must be treated as a transaction.
We have to have perfect message recoverability; no messages can be lost.
We have to be asynchronous and able to accept messages even when the target SQL server is down.
Developing our own queuing solution isn't an option; we're a small team.
Things I've discovered so far:
Both MSMQ and SQL Service Broker can do the job.
It appears that service broker is faster for transactional messages.
Service Broker requires a SQL server running somewhere, whereas MSMQ needs any configured Windows machine running somewhere.
MSMQ appears to be better/faster/easier to set up/run in clusters.
Am I missing something? Is there a clear winner here? Any thoughts, experiences, or links would be valued. Thank you!
EDIT: We ended up sticking with service broker because we have a custom DB framework used in some of our client code (we handle transactions better). That code captured SQL for transactions, but not . The client code was also all version 1.1 of .NET, so we'd have to upgrade all the client code. Thanks for your help!
Having just migrated my application from Service Broker to MSMQ, I would have to vote for using MSMQ. There are several factors to take into account, but most of which have to do with how you are using your data and where the processing lives.
If processing is done in the database? Service Broker
If it is just data move? Service Broker
Is processing done in .NET/COM code? MSMQ
Do you need remote distributed transactions (for example, processing on a box different than SQL)? MSMQ
Do you need to be able to send messages while the destination is down? MSMQ
Do you want to use nServiceBus, MassTransit, Rhino-ESB, etc.? MSMQ
Things to consider no matter what you choose
How do you know the health of your queue? Both options handle failover differently. For example Service Broker will disable your queue in certain scenarios which can take down your application.
How will you perform reporting? If you already use SQL Tables in your reports, Service Broker can easily fit in as it's just another dynamic table. If you are already using Performance Monitor MSMQ may fit in nicer. Service Broker does have a lot of performance counters, so don't let this be your only factor.
How do you measure uptime? Is it merely making sure you don't lose transactions, or do you need to respond synchronously? I find that the distributed nature of MSMQ allows for higher uptime because the main queue can go offline and not lose anything. Whereas with Service Broker your database must be online or else you lose out.
Do you already have experience with one of these technologies? Both have a lot of implementation details that can come back and bite you.
No mater what choice you make, how easy is it to switch out the underlying Queueing technology? I recommend having a generic IQueue interface that you write a concrete implementation against. This way the choice you make can easily be changed later on if you find that you made the wrong one. After all, a queue is just a queue and should not lock you into a specific implementation.
I've used MSMQ before and the only item I'd add to your list is a prerequisite check for versioning. I ran into an issue where one site had Win 2000 Server and therefore MSMQ v.2, versus Win 2003 Server and MSMQ v3. All my .NET code targeted v.3 and they aren't compatible... or at least not easily so.
Just a consideration if you go the MSMQ route.
The message size limitation in MSMQ has halted my digging in that direction. I am learning Service Broker for the project.
Do you need to be able to send messages while the destination is down? MSMQ
I don't understand why? SSB can send messages to disconnected destination without any problem. All this messages going to transmission queue and would be delivered when destination stay reachable.