trac roadmap progress bar - trac

I've recently migrated a trac project to a new machine and now the roadmap progress bars are not displayed. I've tried enabling and disabling RoadmapModule under the Admin -> General -> Plugins -> Trac 0.12.3 menu. I've also checked the project file trac.ini contains:
stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider

Turns out it was missing plug-in causing compatibility issues.
sudo easy_install -U -Z

Only progress bars? Than I guess it's an issue with CSS.
Double-check, that i.e. you have appropriate read permission and no interfering style.css in your <env>/htdocs directory.
Or you experience plugin issues, as later comments suggest. Disabling any plugin should bring you into a working state again. From there you can enable plugins step-by-step to find the interfering code, and maybe look for fixed/updated plugin code.


Intellij 2018.2 stops working and exits on MacOs. What might be a problem?

As an daily IntelliJ user you usually concentrate on the projects you are working on and IntelliJ is just a tool. You are not willing to dig into tool's problem itself. But this is what is forced on you by default after IntelliJ installation on MacOS and opening relatively big project(most of the projects nowadays are huge and have thousands of files and use numbers of IntelliJ 3rd party plugins).
Here is a minimal list of actions. IntelliJ must have set MORE RAM to be used by default.
Read: .
From IntelliJ open Help / Show log in Finder and open idea.log file with; In press "Reload" and "Now" buttons to track "live" what IntelliJ is doing.
If in logs of IntelliJ you find that some of the plugins exit with fatal error, you just uninstall those plugins. For me the one that failed to the moment of this answer was "BashSupport" as example.
Start ; Run command: open -a TextEdit /Applications/IntelliJ\ ; Change options in idea.vmoptions file to:
-Xmx2048m ; Read to see how you can tune IntelliJ for your project. This step is handy when your IntelliJ app doesn't start at all and you want to change properties in a global way.
From IntelliJ open Help / Edit Custom Properties.... Here you can set same properties that will override global and will work only for current OS user.
Also there is also a possibility of underlying OS to do it voodoo magic so the IntelliJ won't work as it should like here -
Make sure your project build output for *.class files is set. Read: . In my case when IntelliJ started project build it terminated without warnings shortly after.
Finally in my case none of 6 steps above solved the issue so I found this read: . Basically try reinstall IntelliJ from original distribution again.
I know that you must read every time you install a new version of IntelliJ, but why not to add some consistency into configuration process of the main java process that runs IntelliJ itself? You can ask how much ram to use during installation of IntelliJ and explain why it is so. Then Help digging won't be necessary in the first place for devs who fed up with changing those default settings that will be always more than 700MB. I think for most devs out there it is at least 10x of that. I bet what makes most devs mad about this is not the fact that you need to do some options changing, but where those options are depending on OS plus the fact that you simply forget why IntelliJ app just exits while you are doing a debugging of your own app. I bet this problem makes us mad since first java based IDEs appeared. User-friendly is the key here and explicit reminders within the app itself would help.

How to disable unused entry scan in Dockerfile

Whole content of my Dockerfile is in grey because of unused entry scan in IntelliJ (2017.1.4). Is there a way to disable this only for Dockerfiles?
Weird. Docker plugin for IDEA does not have any unused search functionality. The problem should come from some other plugin, and I can't reproduce it with the plugins bundled by default.
Please temporarily disable Docker plugin and check whether the problem remains after restart (it probably remains).
Then please temporarily disable all other plugins and check whether the problem remains after restart (it should be gone).
If you are unable to determine the problem plugin, please do the following:
open a new youtrack (check this link if you are not familiar with YouTrack)
set its subsystem to "Docker", with the link to this post
attach 2 screenshots of the problem (when docker plugin is enabled and when it is disabled)
attach IDEA log after restart

How to put IntelliJ/Pycharm settings under version control?

I'm a frequent user of PyCharm and a number of the other JetBrains IDEs. I try to keep my settings synchronized across the different IDEs, but I'm now considering moving to IntelliJ IDEA and am finding it extremely difficult to figure out what I've changed and what the differences are among my different settings files.
How can I put my PyCharm settings files under version control so that I can track my changes and also quickly revert back to old versions so I can try out new settings changes without fear?
(I don't mind exporting to a specific repo each time, but it seems that the settings always export as JAR files, which don't lend themselves to VCS.)
I am using the Settings Repository plugin to syncronize settings between PyCharm and PhpStorm and it is working very well. It is actually designed with version control and team sharing in mind, see project repo on github and have built in support for conflict resolution, merge and overwriting remote or local.
It does also support file system and, from what I can tell, what then is stored is the mirror version of the git repository.
PyCharm (at least the Linux 4.X and 5.0 Pro versions) places its config files in a .idea dir under the project dir:
$ find .idea/
I added the entire dir with the exception of .idea/workspace.xml into the project's git repo, following JetBrains' PyCharm-specific and/or generic .idea-based Tools recommendations.

Intellij IDEA 13 - Can't open Project Structure dialog anymore

as already described in title, i'm not able to open the project structure dialog window in intellij anymore.
neither the shortcut (Ctrl+alt+shift+s) nor the menu element under File -> Project Structure nor the little button in the upper right corner do work.
Clarification: Menu element :
This "bug" occured suddenly as I wrote a web (vaadin/maven) project and tried to set up glassfish, where i often had to switch to the project structure dialog.
Since the first occurence i wasn't able to fix it by restarting intellij or switching projects.
This also happened on my laptop running the same intellij and windows version (Ultimate 13.0.1 Build: 133.331 on Windows 7 x64)
i appreciate any help!
This also happened to me, but removing new plugins etc didn't help.
Nor did nuking my project and rebuilding it from scratch.
In the end I deleted all caches, restarted Intellij and at last I could access the project settings again! By the way, I'm using Intellij 11.1 - mainly because I can't get 13 to start up, but that's another story
Your log shows that it is a bug in IntelliJ IDEA - they are trying to create file passing null pathname. Try to delete project files and reopen project from scratch (maybe you've lost some file) - if it won't help then you should create an issue here: - You can even copy-paste text from your question and attach stacktrace
I had the same issue...upon further inspection in the log dump...I noticed the following:
ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
at com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(
Disabled the latest Python Plugin and restarted and everything is working normal again.
I remembered I had recently update my python plugin and am not using it presently so I was able to disable it without issue.
Hope this helps someone else.
This also happened to me. The comment above helped. I had just added some plugins. Disabled them and it started working again. Not sure exactly which one because I disabled all 4 -- Bean Validation Support, Bitbucket, Jelastic Cloud Platform Integration, and Quick Notes.
For me it has been resolved by switching off FindBugs plugin and restart IDEA. So Project Structure is available for me now.
One of the plugins might be causing it. To disable a plugin, go here:
You'll know for sure if a plugin is bad if you see this Exclamation picture:
Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up. To disable the plugin, click on this:
For me it got resolved just by restarting the intelliJ IDEA. I'm using intelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 edition.

Distributing Eclipse plugin with dependencies

I recently wrote an Eclipse plugin, and I'm trying to get some coworkers to install it for testing.
As far as I can tell, dropping the .jar into the dropins folder in Eclipse is supposed to install it, but it seems to not be working on any installation of Eclipse but the one I developed on. This seems to be a problem with the dependencies not being installed.
I thought that the dropins folder was supposed to automatically calculate and install dependencies, but perhaps I'm wrong. If so, how can I distribute it without having everybody install each dependency separately?
I'd recommend against using the dropins folder. It is unreliable as you have seen. Instead, I'd recommend that you export your plugin as an update site.
Create a feature for your plugin. This is a lot simpler than it sounds. See Lars Vogel's tutorial:
File -> Export... -> Deployable Features.
In the options, section, select "Package as individual jar files..." (see screenshot)
Tweak other things as required
Now, you have an update site that you can zip up, or put on a web server somewhere. Your colleagues can add that update site just like any other. To install, make sure that they also have all of the dependencies available from other update sites and that they have "Contact all update sites..." checked.
The nice thing about this is that if you place your plugins on a web server somewhere, and you replace it with a new versions, people will be able to update transparently.