Exclude text from search results preview snippet? - seo

I've implemented a "Skip to Content" link on my site and hidden it off screen (except when :focused). However, I've noticed on some pages where I haven't explicitly defined a meta description, Google picks up "Skip to Content" for its preview snippet in search results.
Is there a way to format or mark text that shouldn't be used in a search snippet? My case is a skip to content link, but I can imagine other similar needs. However, in this case, it must remain accessible (so no display:none, etc.).
I supposed what I'm looking for is some version of rel="nofollow" but for the next and not just the link.
tl;dr: "Skip to content" link appears in search snippets. That's not desired.

I don't think there is such a way for the general Google search.
Google allows customers of their Google Search Appliance and Google Mini products to state which content should be ignored for the search by using googleoff and googleon in HTML comments; see Excluding Unwanted Text from the Index. But this doesn't work for the public Google search, of course.
I think the bestway to try to prevent that problem would be to use a meta description: http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=79812
<meta name="description" content="A description of the page" />

it must remain accessible (so no display:none, etc.)
Well, if you're OK with using JavaScript, you can still use style="display:none" in your div or span tag and add the following to your JS file:
$(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementById('skip').style.display = "block";
//Or shorter with jQuery
$('#skip').show(); //Alternatively: fadeIn()


noscript text is appearing in Google

I have added in the bottom of my html like this (just like how stackoverflow has it implemented):
<noscript>This site works best with Javascript is enabled</noscript>
but in one of my pages that has very little text, the text "Javascript is disabled" appears in Google search.
Is there a way to tell Google to avoid indexing this part? Or is there a better alternative instead of using <noscript> tag?
The issue is that Google often won't render Javascript. It can - but it often won't.
You either need to present a pre-rendered page or provide it with a meta description that accurately describes the content. Look up tags and how Google uses them to embellish it's search listings.
Other options like or can encourage Google from deviating from the provided description. However, a pre-rendered page for it to scrape is always more reliable.

Is There any way to change the snippet created by google indexed results?

Is There any way so that i change the snippet created by google indexing,so that it Drives more Traffic,Making it more Relavent which i can show to the users
Google will choose your search results snippets from the following places (not necessarily in this order):
The page's Meta Description tag
The page's Open Directory Project (ODP) Listing
Page content relevant to the search query
If you do not want Google to use the ODP listing's description then you can tell them not to do so with the following Meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="NOODP">
If you want to encourage Google to use your Meta Description tag then make sure it is unique to each page. Also make sure it contains an accurate description of the page's content.
In thew absence of an ODP description and Meta Description tag, Google will use a portion of the page's text as the description. This text will contain the closest matches to the search query. I have not seen any official limit to how long this can be but a couple of sentences seems about right.
On a related note, if you don't want a snippet to be shown with a particular page you can use the following Meta tag to prevent one from being shown:
<meta name="robots" content="nosnippet">
See this blog post for Google's tips on using the meta description tag.
According to this site, "The meta description should typically be at most 145 to 150 characters in length as these are the maximum number of characters typically displayed at Yahoo! and Google, respectively."

Does Google support Article Rich Snippets?

I have been looking at rich snippets in google. Google lists the following schema.org items as being supported:
List item
Businesses and organizations
Events Music
I have noticed that in search results, Google displays Rich Snippets for Article and BlogPosting. When clicking on the link and using Firebug to check the source code, I can see that the schema.org being used is indeed BlogPosting.
I've tried adding BlogPosting to my sample code and using Google's Rich Snippet tool to check the results but I cant get an image to display. I am using the following code:
<body> etc etc....
<div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting">
<img itemprop="image" href="/images/test.jpg" item>
Although it doesn't show the image in the Rich Snippet tool, it does recognize that an image has been set and displays the url text in the "Extracted rich snippet data from the page" box. I have tried using the SoftwareApplication schema and then I get an image to show.
My question is: Does the Rich Snippet tool restrict the images it shows based on the schemas listed above, and actually once in the live search results, Rich Snippets for Article and BlogPostings will be shown?
Google has introduced Rich Snippet for Articles, so you can now use articles snippet for your article/blog post.
See this official document from Google on implementing rich snippet for your articles: https://developers.google.com/structured-data/rich-snippets/articles
And as far as your image issue is concerned, try to apply the snippet code as per the document above and it should show the image. I tested it and all worked fine.
As of now, Google is not going to display product images in SERPS for schema.org/Article or schema.org/BlogPosting item types. It's going to show the Author profile image that it pulls from Google+ using one of two methods:
... think about it. Everyone would be trying to attach add some (spammy) image next to their blog post in SERPS. Google only wants to show verified authorship by their authentification methods (via G+) -- not just from any "author" tag in microdata.
Yes, the rich snippet tool will not show you what the actual SERP will always look like, because it depends on the query. In fact they say
Note that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for
this page on actual search results.

SEO - META Tags and Google

I just found out that Google recently decided to start using their own "title" when they display their search results. Also, after checking Yahoo and Bing I saw that the way they are displaying their results are the same but in completely different way than Google.
I guess my question would be, if there is an actual "correct" way of adding titles to my pages in order for Google to display what I want them to and this way get the same results with Yahoo/Bing that are currently using the page's title as a search result (sometimes they pick up the first tag and use it as title).
Any recommendations or links to follow for more studying would be appreciated.
There's nothing you can really do about it. Google will choose what title to display based on criteria they have not made public. This usually is the page's title as found in the <title> tag but if Google feels a different title better summarizes the page's content they may choose to display something else.
You can try to change your page titles to better reflect the page's content and see if that helps.
Using optimal keyword prominency in meta tags according to guidelines... and Google will pick up your meta tags. See our news portal's source and metas (keywords: hírek, választás 2014, etc.): http://valasztas2014.hir24.hu/

Sitefinity How to Exlude Template from Searching

Is there any way to exclude Sitefinity main template i used for all the pages, from searching?
Right now if i search,the search is returning the result with words present in the template menu,even though its not belong to the page.
Now i need to search pages exlceding that template contents.
Thanks in Advance.
The problem here is i have added a menu inside a content block widget in a template.
This template is used throughout the site and when i search for a keyword using the search feature, all the pages of the website are listed in the search result because the keyword is also found in the menu.So i need a solution so that the search result does not include the menu content in the search result.
This is a very high priority. Please help me find a solution at the earliest possible.
Ivan Pelovski recently published a blog post on how you can hide content from the search engine by using custom layout controls. Not specifically what you are asking, but maybe it can help.
Here: http://www.sitefinity.com/blogs/ivanpelovski/posts/12-02-06/hiding_page_content_from_the_search_engine_in_sitefinity_using_layout_widgets.aspx
Try adding a robots.txt metatag like this into the top of the template:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
In more recent versions of Sitefinity you can also uncheck a box at each page level that will prevent the page from being indexed. The column for this setting in the database is sf_page_data (table) .. crawlable (column) in case you want to write a sql script to update several pages at once.
The exclusion of templates from search is mentioned in more detail here:
Note that this will probably also prevent other search engines (such as google) from indexing that page.