Accessing the different regions of a border layout - extjs4

In Sencha's API for border layout it says:
There is no BorderLayout.Region class in ExtJS 4.0+
What I found on various blogs, for accessing the center panel was this:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var centerR = viewPort.layout.centerRegion;
Again to the docs, I see that centerRegion is a private function (why?), and I don't care to rely on those, for future proofing. Also, there is no westRegion, northRegion, etc...
How does one get to these items?
I could of course get the items inside the regions: The various panels, and such, but I want complete control of the viewport that holds my border layout.
This is what I'm doing now:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var view = Ext.widget('my-new-tab-panel');
Is there a better way?

Usually, I setup an id for each container I have to work with. So, my center region will have an id and I'll get it with Ext.getCmp() function.
Otherwise, to access to the viewport items you can do as follows:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var view = Ext.widget('my-new-tab-panel');
If you've defined center region as the first item of viewport, then the above code it's ok but if you've defined it as the third or the fourth, then you have to change the index according to the position of your region (viewPort.items[3] or viewPort.items[4], etc).
Another way is to use query selector:
var cr = viewPort.down('panel[region=center]');
However, following this way, you have to query on a precisely xtype (as panel in this case).
Anyway, I think the best way is to use an id for each region.


How do I resize an array of squished PyQt5 widgets? [duplicate]

I have a QScrollArea Widget, which starts empty;
It has a vertical layout, with a QGridLayout, and a vertical spacer to keep it at the top, and prevent it from stretching over the whole scroll area;
Elsewhere in the program, there is a QTextEdit, which when changed, has its contents scanned for "species" elements, and then they are added to the QGridLayout. Any species elements which have been removed are removed too. This bit works;
I have turned the vertical scrollbar on all the time, so that when it appears it does not sit on top of the other stuff in there. Note that the scroll bar is larger than the scroll box already though, despite not needing to be.
This is the problem. The scroll area seems to be preset, and i cannot change it. If i add more rows to the QGridLayout, the scroll area doesn't increase in size.
Instead, it stays the same size, and squeezes the QGridLayout, making it look ugly (at first);
And then after adding even more it becomes unusable;
Note that again, the scroll bar is still the same size as in previous images. The first two images are from Qt Designer, the subsequent 3 are from the program running.
If I resize the window so that the QScrollArea grows, then I see this:
Indicating that there's some layout inside the scroll area that is not resizing properly.
My question is; what do I need to do to make the scrollable area of the widget resize dynamically as I add and remove from the QGridLayout?
If you're coming here from Google and not having luck with the accepted answer, that's because you're missing the other secret invocation: QScrollArea::setWidget. You must create and explicitly identify a single widget which is to be scrolled. It's not enough to just add the item as a child! Adding multiple items directly to the ScrollArea will also not work.
This script demonstrates a simple working example of QScrollArea:
from PySide.QtGui import *
app = QApplication([])
scroll = QScrollArea()
scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) # CRITICAL
inner = QFrame(scroll)
scroll.setWidget(inner) # CRITICAL
for i in range(40):
b = QPushButton(inner)
The documentation provide an answer :
widgetResizable : bool
This property holds whether the scroll area should resize the view widget.
If this property is set to false (the default), the scroll area honors the size of its widget.
Set it to true.
Why don't you use a QListView for your rows, it will manage all the issues for you? Just make sure that after you add it you click on the Class (top right window of designer) and assign a layout or it wont expand properly.
I use a QLIstWidget inside a QScrollArea to make a scrollable image list
Try this for adding other objects to the list, this is how I add an image to the list.
QImage& qim = myclass.getQTImage();
QImage iconImage = copyImageToSquareRegion(qim, ui->display_image->palette().color(QWidget::backgroundRole()));
QListWidgetItem* pItem = new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(iconImage)), NULL);
pItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, "thumb" + QString::number(ui->ImageThumbList->count())); // probably not necessary for you
QString strTooltip = "a tooltip"
Update on Artfunkel's answer:
Here's a PySide6 demo that uses a "Populate" button to run the for loop adding items to the scroll area. Each button will also delete itself when clicked.
from PySide6.QtWidgets import *
app = QApplication([])
scroll = QScrollArea()
scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) # CRITICAL
inner = QFrame(scroll)
scroll.setWidget(inner) # CRITICAL
def on_remove_widget(button):
def populate():
for i in range(40):
b = QPushButton(inner)
b = QPushButton(inner)

Titanium get current view on scrollableView and add an item

I have a scrollableView with several views inside and I'd like to add item to some of these view if they meet a certain criteria, like if they have data attached or not. Also I'm using Alloy, here's my markup
<ScrollableView id="scrollableView">
<View id="view" class='coolView'></View>
To know if there are data attached I check the currentPage attribute like so:
function updateCurrentView(e) {
currentView = e.currentPage;
But I have no idea how to add an item to the current View.
Edit: To add some clarification, I have a label which when clicked allow me to choose two currencies, when chosen these currency pairs are saved in the database and should be displayed instead of the label. So my guess was to check whether the current view has currency pair saved.
There are 2 things to take care of here:
1.Whenever a currency is selected,immediately label on that particular view will change.
2.Whenever the scrollableView is loaded,it must always refer to the database if a currency is selected.
First one can be done as:
1.Get the instance of scrollableView using the getView method of alloy controller.Pass the id of the scrollableView to it.Lets call it myScrollableView.Refer this for more info.!/api/Alloy.Controller
2.Use var currentView=myScrollableView.getCurrentPage() to the get the current page which will be a number.
3.Now use the scrollableView instance to get all the views.
var viewArray=myScrollableView.getViews();
4.viewArray[currentView] will give you the view of current page.After you have got the view you can change the desired label using:
The "positionOfTheView" can be obtained by printing the viewArray[i].children array using
Second thing can be accomplished as follows:
1.Get the instance of scrollableView using the getView method of alloy controller.Pass the id of the scrollableView to it.Lets call it myScrollableView.Refer this for more info.!/api/Alloy.Controller
2.Now use the scrollableView instance to get all the views.
var viewArray=myScrollableView.getViews();
3.This is a JavaScript array of all the views in the scrollableView. Now iterate through this array and according to the data in the database,change the concerned view using:
The "positionOfTheView" can be obtained by printing the viewArray[i].children array using

Dynamically add regions to Marionette layout

I have a layout, but cannot define all of its regions in advance because they are not known.
So later on an ItemView is created and I'd like to create a new region in the layout using the view's ID as the region's name so I can then say:;
But there is cyclic dependency here.
I haven't rendered the view yet, so I cannot make a reference to its DOM element to be used in the layout's call to .addRegion()
I cannot render it, precisely because I want it to get attached to the DOM tree through the dynamically added region by calling its .show()
#DerickBailey In the Marionette.Layout docs in github I believe there is an error in the example that has: MenuView());
but technically this is close to what we'd need here i.e. to be able to do:
layout.addRegion(VAR_WITH_NEW_REGION_NAME, aViewInstance);
and have this add a new Region into the layout rendering inside it directly the view instance.
Am I missing some other obvious way to achieve this? Is that a known missing functionality? Is there a reason not to have it?
I'm aware of this previous Q: "Dynamically add/remove regions to a layout"
but don't see any clear/definite answer to it.
Marionette v1.0 (v1.0.2 is latest, right now) supports dynamic regions in Layouts.
var MyLayout = Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: "#some-template"
var layout = new MyLayout();
layout.addRegion("someRegion", "#some-element"); MyView());
In one of my projects, I faced a similar issue. I needed to create a form dynamically, i.e the form would contain different field views that could not be determined prior runtime. I needed the fields to be Marionette views because they had pretty complicated behaviour.
The way I have done it in Marionette 1.4 in CoffeeScript:
class Module.AdditionalOptionsLayout extends Marionette.Layout
tagName: 'form'
initialize: (options = {}) ->
#_fieldViews = options.fieldViews || []
onRender: ->
#_showFields #_fieldViews
_showFields: (fieldViews) ->
fieldViews.forEach (fieldView) => #_addRegion().show fieldView
_addRegion: ->
regionClass = _.uniqueId('field-region__')
#$el.append $("<div class=\"#{regionClass}\"></div>")
#addRegion regionClass, '.' + regionClass
Please, let me know if it needs further explanation or I can clarify this in JS. I am also aware that it is a late answer, however, hope somebody could find it still useful. Also, note - the answer is relevant only for Marionette 1.x

ExtJS grid 'reset'

I'm on ExtJS 4 and using an MVC approach. I've created a simple grid view class, and have added a componentquery type 'ref' to that view in my controller. Within the initial grid view itself I set several columns to be hidden and some to be visible by default. The rendering of the grid with those settings is all working fine.
Then I have a button that, when clicked and based on some other conditions, will make some of the initially hidden grid columns visible. This works as well.
But what I need is a way to later 'reset' the grid to its initial view (with the correct columns hidden/visible, as they were initially).
I've tried various permutations of the following with no effect:
var theGrid = this.getTheGrid();
theGrid.reconfigure(store, theGrid.initialConfig.columns);
I suppose I could loop through every column and reset its 'hidden' state, but would think there's a way to just 'reset' back to what's set in the class? Advice?
Appreciate the pointer from tuespetre. For anyone coming along in the future looking for specifics, here is what was needed (at least for my implementation):
Within the view, moved the column defs into a variable
Within the view, columns ref within the class becomes:
columns: myColumns,
Within the view, the following function created within the class:
resetGrid: function(){
this.reconfigure(null, myColumns);
Within the controller:
var theGrid = this.getTheGrid();
You will just need to create a function on your view class to encapsulate that functionality.

Dojo dnd (drag and drop) 1.7.2 - How to maintain a separate (non-dojo-dnd) list?

I'm using Dojo dnd version 1.7.2 and it's generally working really well. I'm happy.
My app maintains many arrays of items, and as the user drags and drops items around, I need to ensure that my arrays are updated to reflect the contents the user is seeing.
In order to accomplish this, I think I need to run some code around the time of Source.onDndDrop
If I use dojo.connect to set up a handler on my Source for onDndDrop or onDrop, my code seems to get called too late. That is, the source that's passed to the handler doesn't actually have the item in it any more.
This is a problem because I want to call source.getItem(nodes[0].id) to get at the actual data that's being dragged around so I can find it in my arrays and update those arrays to reflect the change the user is making.
Perhaps I'm going about this wrong; and there's a better way?
Ok, I found a good way to do this. A hint was found in this answer to a different question:
My successful sequence of calls is basically:
var source = new dojo.dnd.Source( element, creationParams );
var dropHandler = function(source,nodes,copy){
var o = source.getItem(nodes[0].id); // 0 is cool here because singular:true.
// party on ...
source.oldDrop = source.onDrop;
source.onDrop = dropHandler;
This ensures that the new implementation of onDrop (dropHandler) is called right before the previously installed one.
Kind'a shooting a blank i guess, there are a few different implementations of the dndSource. But there are a some things one needs to know about the events / checkfunctions that are called during the mouseover / dnddrop.
One approach would be to setup checkAcceptance(source, nodes) for any target you may have. Then keep a reference of the nodes currently dragged. Gets tricky though, with multiple containers that has dynamic contents.
Setup your Source, whilst overriding the checkAcceptance and use a known, (perhaps global) variable to keep track.
var lastReference = null;
var target = dojo.dnd.Source(node, {
checkAcceptance(source, nodes) : function() {
// this is called when 'nodes' are attempted dropped - on mouseover
lastReference = source.getItem(nodes[0].id)
// returning boolean here will either green-light or deny your drop
// use fallback (default) behavior like so:
return this.inhertied(arguments);
Best approach might just be like this - you get both target and source plus nodes at hand, however you need to find out which is the right stack to look for the node in. I believe it is published at same time as the event (onDrop) youre allready using:
dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop", function(source, nodes, copy, target) {
// figure out your source container id and target dropzone id
// do stuff with nodes
var itemId = nodes[0].id
Available mechanics/topics through dojo.subscribe and events are listed here