I'd like to add new group on the trac roadmap progress bar. To do this I've modified trac.ini file with:
# Definition of an 'rejected' group:
rejected = rejected
rejected.order = 2
rejected.css_class = my
rejected.label = rejected
where I've associated to css_class atribute value my.
Next I've created style.css file with one line only:
table.progress td.my { background: blue; }
The file style.css is read however the colour is not applied.
When I change back to the default one i.e.
rejected.css_class = new
the progress bar is updated and displaying yellow colour as expected.
However, it not displaying when I use
rejected.css_class = my
Any ides why?
First, for reference, the authoritative documentation on the subject is in trac.edgewall.org's wiki.
Now, did you try with other color expressions, like the common hex values, i.e. #BAE0BA (green Trac default for closed)? You could even try to set the full range of values for the background key like none repeat scroll 0 0 #BAE0BA.
Remember that CSS styles will override each other depending on the order in which they are encountered. The page may be loading your custom style correctly, but if another stylesheet is loaded after your style.css and that stylesheet includes any styles that conflict with yours, then the later stylesheet will override yours. Double-check that your custom stylesheet is being included and isn't being silently overridden by another stylesheet (I find the Firebug plugin for Firefox to be helpful in tracking down these sorts of issues).
When setting a control/form theme, I often use VBA, as I can change the color on the fly. Works great. I have been trying to move my Database away from using hard-coded numbers, and built up a theme module that is included which has themes mapped so I could just change them there instead of everywhere else.
Then I realized, hey, there's an easier way to do this (or...so I thought).
Enter Enums MsoThemeColorIndex and MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex. This way, I can even do fancy things like decide that when I use myInternalTheme1 constant, I could just switch it out with MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1.
A long while back I noticed that if I used what is shown on the help docs (above), the themes were "off" by 1. Namely 5 (msoThemeAccent1 "Theme1"), instead of mapping to msoThemeAccent1 actually maps to "Theme2", and "Theme 2" Color is displayed. So, I just manually adjusted. But I'm wondering if I'm missing something here, and I'm using the value incorrectly?
I've used SaveAsText to export these forms after saving the values, and when I do, the field that's had "Theme 1" manually applied in Properties shows that the value 4 is used, which "should" map to msoThemeColorLight2, but doesn't.
Field's Backtheme setting:
BackThemeColorIndex =4
How I'm using this:
' In my "modColor"
Public Const MythemeAccent1 As Integer = 4 ' (help docs specify this as MsoThemeColorIndex.msoThemeColorLight2)
' This one colors the header in Theme2 "wrong color, correct enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1 = 5 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1
' This one colors the header with Theme1 "correct color, wrong enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2 = 4 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2
' my internal module, this works correctly (code looks correct, and correct color used).
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MythemeAccent1
If I assign the color in Design View via Form Properties > FormHeader > Format > Back Color > "Accent 1" it works correctly, and the theme is properly applied.
FormHeader Properties Format
I've verified the theme is correct, numerous times. I exported the theme, and verified that the XML for "Accent 1" is correct, and that "Accent2" is different. "Theme 1" is "Bluish" and "Theme 2" is "Redish" for reference, so it's not like my monitor rendering is just making me think it's different.
Excerpted XML from .Thmx file:
<a:srgbClr val="5C83B4"/>
<a:srgbClr val="E74B4B"/>
When I use my h1 and h2 styles in a text content element in typo3 9.5, they get nicely displayed as I want.
However when I use the header field of the element, I get this grey box and not my h1 format.
How can I configure typo3 to show h1 style there?
If you use fluid styled content (FSC) or packages which are using FSC (like bootstrap package) you will find the templates of your content elements (CE) in these extensions, from where you can copy it to your site extension and after adding your path to the paths list your modified template is used to render that CE.
This is the typoscript configuration to modify the rendering of the extension bootstrap_package:
lib {
contentElement {
layoutRootPaths {
// 0 = EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Layouts/ContentElements/
10 = EXT:my_site_extension/Resources/Private/Layouts/ContentElements/
partialRootPaths {
// 0 = EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Partials/ContentElements/
10 = EXT:my_site_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/ContentElements/
templateRootPaths {
// 0 = EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentElements/
10 = EXT:my_site_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentElements/
The entries with 0 = are set by the ext:bootstrap_package (or similar by ext:fluid_styled_content) and show you the path to the templates which are used without your override.
The entries with 10 = (you could use any higher number to give preference to your templates) should show to the folders in your site extension (ext:my_site_extension), where you hold your modified copies.
You only need to copy templates you modify as the original paths are fallback to any template file which is referenced as template, layout or partial. Keep an eye on the paths as those files can be referenced with a (relative) path.
For FSC the rendering for a specific CE is done with a template of the same name in the template folder configured in typoscript (see above)
These files normally contain a call to the same layout file (Layouts/Default.html) which renders the header with the partial Header/All and different other html for spacing and anchors.
In the partial Header/All we have further partials which render the fields header, subheader and date if given with appropriate partials.
Note the additional arguments to these partials: layout, positionClass, link, default which will influence the appearance of the header.
Maybe your unusual appearance is given because there is a special header_layout in your records.
Or another extension already has overwritten the default templates (partials) to get those boxed headers instead of the h1-h6 HTML tags which are used in the FSC extension.
I am trying to figure out from couple of days how to display label for filters on category page. As mentioned in document I have added attribute inside config.products.defaultFilters[] and the filter have started showing there.
I have color and brand filters. For color filters I have mapped color id to color name in config.products.colorMappings so it is displaying correctly there. But for brand I can do the same but it is a static solution so every time admin adds new brand I will need to add its mapping and build the storefront again.
I have tried to check their forum but nothing useful. I checked Vue Storefront vuex catalog and category-next stores for hint but cannot find anything related there.
The label for option under brand_filter should be readable but it is showing that brand attribute option's id
Ok, after spending couple of days finding solution to this problem, I finally got a hint from this answer.
I am using theme vsf-capybara, and according to its guide, to setup I generated a local.json from generate-local-config.js and I merged configuration manually from that local.json to config/local.json file. Prior to this there was no filter named brand or color added already to the main config file.
The config property responsible for the filter labels to be incorrect was entities.attribute.loadByAttributeMetadata and it was set to true I changed it to false because core/module/catalog/CatalogModule has one action attribute/list needs to be dispatched for application use. So if entities.attribute.loadByAttributeMetadata in config/local.json is set to true, this action will not be dispatched. Here is the excerpt from CatalogModule:
if (!config.entities.attribute.loadByAttributeMetadata) {
await store.dispatch('attribute/list', { // loading attributes for application use
filterValues: uniq([...config.products.defaultFilters, ...config.entities.productListWithChildren.includeFields])
I wrote a reusable app in Vue and I compiled it as a library. I set the global variable $brand-color in SCSS file which is a main color of the app (buttons, borders, font colors). I use this variable in other SCSS component files.
I've put my app to my client's website and everything is working fine. Right now I have another client who is willing to use my app. BUT... new client wants to have my app in different $brand-color than my old one. What would be the best way to approach this problem?
One thing which comes to my mind is to set store variable with value of $brand-color which depends on location.host and bind styles of all "branded" elements.
switch (location.host) {
case 'client1.com':
context.commit('setMainColor', '#ff0000');
case 'client2.com':
context.commit('setMainColor', '#16c100');
But this will be very painful. I would need to apply a lot of changes in all my components. Is there any better solution that style-binding all components?
By the way, I can't use CSS variables because code needs to be IE friendly.
You can have 2 files, each file definne scss variable for different customer:
$brand-color: green
$brand-color: red
And you can import it in javascript file
switch (location.host) {
case 'client1.com':
import './customer1_variables.scss'
case 'client2.com':
import './customer2_variables.scss'
Another solution is using vue-style-component. You can check this article for more detail
So finally I set store value depending on my client and prepared set of SCSS classess specified for each client, i.e.:
.btn-client1 {
background: red;
.btn-client2 {
background: blue;
and I binded classes for specific elements:
the current theme is connected with
I created my theme, saved it in the same folder and tried to add to page:
But it's not connecting this way.
If you created your own module, the easiest thing to do is to place it in the folder, which is a peer of dojo:
my/... <- your file goes there
For example, it is called "mytheme". In this case it should go into my/mytheme.js file. In order to use it just require it and set on your chart:
Don't forget to put dojo.provide("my.mytheme"); at the top of your theme file, and define my.mytheme object (your theme).
Alternatively include it inline like I did in http://lazutkin.com/download/hicharts.html (look for myTheme). Or you can include the snippet using a regular <script> tag.
Do not forget to set your new theme explicitly on a chart: chart.setTheme(your_theme_object).