How to set a value into a openerp form view field from javascript - odoo

this is the code i use to call the form view:
get_view_form_dimension: function() {
var self = this;
var action_manager = new openerp.web.ActionManager(this);
var dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(this, {
width: 800,
buttons : [
{text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog('destroy'); }},
{text: _t("Save"), click: function() {
var form_view = action_manager.inner_viewmanager.views.form.controller;
form_view.do_save(function() {
res_model : '',
res_id: self.process_id,
views : [[false, 'form']],
type : 'ir.actions.act_window',
flags : {
search_view: false,
sidebar : false,
views_switcher : false,
action_buttons : false,
pager: false
how can i set values into the form that this method will rise ?? or in case that exist other solution please tell me ? sorry for my english!

Add a context field to your do_action call with default values, like this:
context: {'default_account_id': 5, 'default_name': 'hello'},


Using a custom Drop Down List field to set a value in a grid

I'm trying to use the Rally 2.1 SDK to set a custom data field (c_wsjf) in a grid. I have a custom drop down list that I want to check the value of (c_TimeCrticalitySizing).
I created c_TimeCrticalitySizing as a feature card field in my Rally workspace with different string values (such as "No decay"). Every drop down list value will set the custom field to a different integer. When I try to run the app in Rally I get this error:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isModel' of undefined(…)"
I'm thinking the drop down list value may not be a string.
How would I check what the type of the drop down list value is?
How could I rewrite this code to correctly check the value of the drop down list so I can set my custom field to different integers?
Here's my code block for the complete app. I'm still trying to hook up a search bar so for now I directly call _onDataLoaded() from the launch() function.
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
featureStore: undefined,
featureGrid: undefined,
items: [ // pre-define the general layout of the app; the skeleton (ie. header, content, footer)
xtype: 'container', // this container lets us control the layout of the pulldowns; they'll be added below
itemId: 'widget-container',
layout: {
type: 'hbox', // 'horizontal' layout
align: 'stretch'
// Entry point of the app
launch: function() {
var me = this;
_loadSearchBar: function() {
console.log('in loadsearchbar');
var me = this;
var searchComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.SearchComboBox', {
itemId: 'search-combobox',
storeConfig: {
model: 'PortfolioItem/Feature'
listeners: {
ready: me._onDataLoaded,
select: me._onDataLoaded,
scope: me
// using 'me' here would add the combo box to the app, not the widget container
this.down('#widget-container').add(searchComboBox); // add the search field to the widget container <this>
// If adding more filters to the grid later, add them here
_getFilters: function(searchValue){
var searchFilter = Ext.create('', {
property: 'Search',
operation: '=',
value: searchValue
return searchFilter;
// Sets values once data from store is retrieved
_onDataLoaded: function() {
console.log('in ondataloaded');
var me = this;
// look up what the user input was from the search box
console.log("combobox: ", this.down('#search-combobox'));
//var typedSearch = this.down('#search-combobox').getRecord().get('_ref');
// search filter to apply
//var myFilters = this._getFilters(typedSearch);
// if the store exists, load new data
if (me.featureStore) {
// if not, create it
else {
me.featureStore = Ext.create('', {
model: 'PortfolioItem/Feature',
autoLoad: true,
listeners: {
load: me._createGrid,
scope: me
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'TimeCriticality',
'RROEValue', 'UserBusinessValue', 'JobSize', 'c_TimeCriticalitySizing']
// create a grid with a custom store
_createGrid: function(store, data){
var me = this;
var records =, function(record) {
//Calculations, etc.
var timecritsize = record.get('c_TimeCriticalitySizing');
//console.log(typeof timecritsize);
var mystr = "No decay";
var jobsize = record.get('JobSize');
var rroe = record.get('RROEValue');
var userval = record.get('UserBusinessValue');
var timecrit = record.get('TimeCriticality');
// Check that demoniator is not 0
if ( record.get('JobSize') > 0){
if (timecritsize === mystr){
var priorityScore = (timecrit + userval + rroe) / jobsize;
return Ext.apply({
c_wsjf: Math.round(priorityScore * 10) / 10
}, record.getData());
return Ext.apply({
c_wsjf: 0
}, record.getData());
// Add the grid
xtype: 'rallygrid',
showPagingToolbar: true,
showRowActionsColumn: true,
enableEditing: true,
store: Ext.create('', {
data: records
// Configure each column
columnCfgs: [
xtype: 'templatecolumn',
text: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'FormattedID',
width: 100,
tpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.FormattedIDTemplate')
text: 'WSJF Score',
dataIndex: 'c_wsjf',
width: 150
text: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'Name',
flex: 1,
width: 100
The app works great until I add the if (timecritsize === mystr) conditional.
I also use console.log() to check that I've set all values for timecritsize to "No decay"

ExtJs3.4.0 to ExtJs4.1.1 upgrade issues

ExtJS4: I am having problems while upgrading my application ExtJs version from 3.4.0 to 4.1.1a.
My 3.4.0 version code:
this.jsonStore = new{
proxy : new{
url: 'rs/environments',
disableCaching: true
restful : true,
storeId : 'Environments',
idProperty: 'env',
fields : [
'ConnectionName', 'Type'
this.colmodel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
align: 'center'
columns: [{
header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionsHeading,
width : 140,
dataIndex: 'ConnectionName'
header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionTypeHeader,
width : 120,
dataIndex: 'Type'
config = Ext.apply({
enableHdMenu: false,
border : true,
stripeRows : true,
store : this.jsonStore,
view : new Ext.grid.GridView(),
header : false,
colModel : this.colmodel,
sm : new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}),
loadMask: {
msg: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.loadingmask
}, config);
I made below changes to make application work with ExtJs4.1.1:
var sm = new Ext.selection.CheckboxModel( {
selectionchange: function(selectionModel, selected, options){
// Must refresh the view after every selection
// other code for this listener
var getSelectedSumFn = function(column){
return function(){
var records = myGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection(),
result = 0;
Ext.each(records, function(record){
result += record.get(column) * 1;
return result;
var config = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
features: [{
ftype: 'summary'
store: this.jsonStore,
defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container
selModel: sm,
columns: [
{header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionsHeading, width: 140, dataIndex: 'ConnectionName'},
{header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionTypeHeader, width: 120, dataIndex: 'Type'}
loadMask: {
msg: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.loadingmask
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: true
}, config);
With these changes, I am getting the error at my local file 'ext-override.js' saying 'this.el is not defined'.
I debug the code and found that, in the current object this, there is no el object.
ext-override.js code:
(function() {
var originalInitValue = Ext.form.TextField.prototype.initValue;
Ext.override(Ext.form.TextField, {
initValue: function() {
originalInitValue.apply( this, arguments );
if (!isNaN(this.maxLength) && (this.maxLength *1) > 0 && (this.maxLength != Number.MAX_VALUE)) {
this.el.dom.maxLength = this.maxLength *1;
Kindly suggest where am I going wrong?
Thanks in advance...
Seriously, use more lazy initialization! Your code is a hell of objects, all unstructured.
First of all, you can override and use the overridden method more easily with something like that (since 4.1)
Ext.override('My.Override.for.TextField', {
override : 'Ext.form.TextField',
initValue: function() {
if (!isNaN(this.maxLength) && (this.maxLength *1) > 0 && (this.maxLength != Number.MAX_VALUE)) {
this.el.dom.maxLength = this.maxLength *1;
But: The method initValue is called in initField (and this in initComponent) so that you cannot have a reference to because the component is actually not (fully) rendered.
So, this should help (not tested):
Ext.override('My.Override.for.TextField', {
override : 'Ext.form.TextField',
afterRender: function() {
if (!isNaN(this.maxLength) && (this.maxLength *1) > 0 && (this.maxLength != Number.MAX_VALUE)) {
this.el.dom.maxLength = this.maxLength *1;
But I'm strongly recommend not to use such things within overrides. Make dedicated components which will improve code readibility.

Sencha Touch 2 Get Current Location on Button Click

I have a toolbar button which when clicked should update my map to my current location. I am unable to find a working example of this functionality and hoping someone can advise me. Please see below for sample code - thanks for your help
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Myap', {
extend: 'Ext.Map',
alias: 'widget.mymap',
config: {
useCurrentLocation: false,
zoom: 9,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(42.2, -72.5),
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
listeners: {
maprender : function(comp, map){
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, "idle", function () {
var host = window.location.origin ? window.location.origin : window.location.protocol + "/" +;
var kmlOptions = {preserveViewport: false}
var now = +new Date();
var layer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(host + '/path/to.kml?timestamp=' + now, kmlOptions);
return layer;
Toolbar Button:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.btnLocateMe', {
extend: 'Ext.Button',
alias: 'widget.btnlocateme',
config: {
ui: 'normal',
iconCls: 'locate',
iconMask: true,
text: 'Locate Me',
listeners: [
fn: 'onButtonTap',
event: 'tap'
onButtonTap: function(button, e, options) {
//Produces error: cannot call method of undefined
currentLocation: new google.maps.LatLng(this._geo.getLatitude(), this._geo.getLongitude());;
my two cents contribution, try this
1) in MyApp.view.Myap substitute
useCurrentLocation: false,
useCurrentLocation : {
autoUpdate : false
Also you should declare currentLocation as a variable (I presume)
var currentLocation = ...
This should works. I've use a similar logic as yours in onButtonTap but inside a controller with no problems
Best regards
I have one suggestion.
Try changing current location to
new google.maps.LatLng( this.geo.getLatitude(),this.geo.getLongitude() ) ;
I think you can gather more info from this question in here.
The simplest way - switch to the another map view with option useCurrentLocation: true set in the config

how to set variable value from the server response extjs 4

forum member I am having one problem in setting the value of my view from the server response I am receiving
I am using the MVC architechture of the extjs 4. My store is loaded perfectly and my taskstore is defined as below
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'gantt.model.ResourceTask',
storeId: 'taskStore',
autoLoad : true,
autoSync : true,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
api: {
read: 'task/GetTask.action',
create: 'task/CreateTask.action',
destroy: 'task/DeleteTask.action',
update: 'task/UpdateTask.action'
writer : new{
//type : 'json',
root : 'taskdata',
encode : true,
writeAllFields : true
reader : new{
totalPropery: 'total',
successProperty : 'success',
idProperty : 'id',
type : 'json',
root: function (o) {
if (o.taskdata) {
return o.taskdata;
} else {
return o.children;
but what I want to do is that as soon as the store loaded I want to assign the server response data to one of the variable in my javascript.
I tried to add the value from the beforeload function of view, but not able to do so.
my view code is given as below
var result = Ext.JSON.decode('{"calendardata": [{"startdate": 1330281000000,"enddate": 1330284600000,"id": 3,"title": "mon"}],"total": 1,"success": true}');
//var start = new Date(2012, 2, 26),
//end = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, 30);
var start_d = new Date(result.calendardata[0].startdate);
var end_d = new Date(result.calendardata[0].enddate);
var start = new Date(start_d.getFullYear(), start_d.getMonth(), start_d.getDate());
end = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, 30);
console.log("YEAR ::"+start.getFullYear()+"MONTH ::"+start.getMonth()+"DAY ::"+start.getDate());
console.log("YEAR ::"+end.getFullYear()+"MONTH ::"+end.getMonth()+"DAY ::"+end.getDate());
//create the downloadframe at the init of your app
this.downloadFrame = Ext.getBody().createChild({
tag: 'iframe'
, cls: 'x-hidden'
, id: 'iframe'
, name: 'iframe'
//create the downloadform at the init of your app
this.downloadForm = Ext.getBody().createChild({
tag: 'form'
, cls: 'x-hidden'
, id: 'form'
, target: 'iframe'
var printableMilestoneTpl = new Gnt.template.Milestone({
prefix : 'foo',
printable : true,
imgSrc : 'resources/images/milestone.png'
var params = new Object();
Ext.define('gantt.view.projectmgt.projectGanttpanel', {
extend: "Gnt.panel.Gantt",
id: 'projectganttpanel',
alias: 'widget.projectganttpanel',
requires: [
leftLabelField: 'Name',
loadMask: true,
//width: '100%',
// height: '98%',
startDate: start,
endDate: end,
multiSelect: true,
cascadeChanges: true,
viewPreset: 'weekAndDayLetter',
recalculateParents: false,
showTodayLine : true,
showBaseline : true,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
scope: me,
beforeload: function(store,records,options) {
console.log('BEFORE LOAD YAAR panel'+records.params);
if(records.params['id'] != null)
return true;
return false;
TaskPriority = {
Low : 0,
Normal : 1,
High : 2
var taskStore = Ext.create('');
var dependencyStore = Ext.create('');
Ext.apply(me, {
taskStore: taskStore,
dependencyStore: dependencyStore,
// Add some extra functionality
plugins : [
Ext.create('Sch.plugin.TreeCellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
Ext.create('Gnt.plugin.Printable', {
printRenderer : function(task, tplData) {
if (task.isMilestone()) {
} else if (task.isLeaf()) {
var availableWidth = tplData.width - 4,
progressWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth*task.get('PercentDone')/100);
return {
// Style borders to act as background/progressbar
progressBarStyle : Ext.String.format('width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #7971E2;border-right:{1}px solid #E5ECF5;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth)
} else {
var availableWidth = tplData.width - 2,
progressWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth*task.get('PercentDone')/100);
return {
// Style borders to act as background/progressbar
progressBarStyle : Ext.String.format('width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #FFF3A5;border-right:{1}px solid #FFBC00;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth)
beforePrint : function(sched) {
var v = sched.getSchedulingView();
this.oldRenderer = v.eventRenderer;
this.oldMilestoneTemplate = v.milestoneTemplate;
v.milestoneTemplate = printableMilestoneTpl;
v.eventRenderer = this.printRenderer;
afterPrint : function(sched) {
var v = sched.getSchedulingView();
v.eventRenderer = this.oldRenderer;
v.milestoneTemplate = this.oldMilestoneTemplate;
eventRenderer: function (task) {
var prioCls;
switch (task.get('Priority')) {
case TaskPriority.Low:
prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-low';
case TaskPriority.Normal:
prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-normal';
case TaskPriority.High:
prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-high';
return {
cls: prioCls
// Setup your static columns
columns: [
xtype : 'treecolumn',
header: 'Tasks',
dataIndex: 'Name',
width: 150,
field: new Ext.form.TextField()
new Gnt.column.StartDate(),
new Gnt.column.Duration(),
new Gnt.column.PercentDone(),
header: 'Priority',
width: 50,
dataIndex: 'Priority',
renderer: function (v, m, r) {
switch (v) {
case TaskPriority.Low:
return 'Low';
case TaskPriority.Normal:
return 'Normal';
case TaskPriority.High:
return 'High';
xtype : 'booleancolumn',
width : 50,
header : 'Manual',
dataIndex : 'ManuallyScheduled',
field : {
xtype : 'combo',
store : [ 'true', 'false' ]
tooltipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<h4 class="tipHeader">{Name}</h4>',
'<table class="taskTip">',
'<tr><td>Start:</td> <td align="right">{[Ext.Date.format(values.StartDate, "y-m-d")]}</td></tr>',
'<tr><td>End:</td> <td align="right">{[Ext.Date.format(Ext.Date.add(values.EndDate, Ext.Date.MILLI, -1), "y-m-d")]}</td></tr>',
'<tr><td>Progress:</td><td align="right">{PercentDone}%</td></tr>',
the reason I am not able to set the value of variable I used to set it using static data. To set the static data I am using the below code
var result = Ext.JSON.decode('{"calendardata": [{"startdate": 1330281000000,"enddate": 1330284600000,"id": 3,"title": "mon"}],"total": 1,"success": true}');
var start_d = new Date(result.calendardata[0].startdate);
var end_d = new Date(result.calendardata[0].enddate);
var start = new Date(start_d.getFullYear(), start_d.getMonth(), start_d.getDate());
end = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, 30);
but instead of this static data I want to set the start and end value as soon as the store loads and server response is received.
please suggest me some solution I can apply here.
I am receiving the jsondata as
"taskdata": [{
"startdate": 1330281000000,
"enddate": 1330284600000,
"id": 3,
"title": "mon"
"total": 1,
"success": true
I am using extjs 4 with MVC architecture and JAVA as my server side technology.
First of all your question is kind of badly formulated. You have too much code and not really clear what are you trying to ask. In a future try to isolate a particular problem you're dealing with if you want to get quick and proper answer.
Second, load operation is asynchronous. You just specified store as 'autoLoad', but I don't see anywhere where you subscribe to its load event. Most likely your problem is trying to get something of the store while it's not yet loaded. Try to set autoLoad: false, load store manually and subscribe to its 'load' event to populate your view.

Sencha touch: cannot get reference to items in panel

I'm am trying to get MVC to work in my first application and am trying to change cards based button clicked in toolbar.
I'm getting a runtime error when I click the hello or world button in the toolbar: TypeError: Cannot read property 'items' of undefined on the line:
var exerciseListPanel = this.items.items[0], // CODE ERRORS HERE!
I'm having a problem in getting a reference to the items in the panel, WHY?
Here is the complete code for the panel:
MyApp.views.HomeScreenPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
layout : 'card',
cardSwitchAnimation: 'slide',
initComponent : function() {
this.dockedItems = this.buildDockedItems();
this.items = this.buildItemList();;
buildItemList : function(){
return [
new Ext.Panel({html:"hello"}),
new Ext.Panel({html:"world"}),
buildDockedItems : function(){
return [
buildTopDockToolbar : function(){
return {
xtype : 'toolbar',
dock : 'top',
title : 'My first MVC app',
buildBottomDockToolbar : function(){
return this.NavigationToolbar();
NavigationToolbar : function(){
xtype : 'toolbar',
dock : 'bottom',
defaults : {
handler : this.NavigationToolbarHandler,
controller: 'NavigationBarController'
items : [
text : 'hello',
action: 'hello'
text : 'world',
action : 'world'
NavigationToolbarHandler : function(btn) {
var exerciseListPanel = this.items.items[0], // CODE ERRORS HERE!
workoutListPanel = this.items.items[1];
controller : btn.controller,
action : btn.action,
views : {
exerciseListPanel: exerciseListPanel,
workoutListPanel: workoutListPanel,
Here is the code for the controller but I don't there is a problem here:
Ext.regController('NavigationBarController', {
world : function(dataObj) {
'world button pressed from toolbar',
MyApp.views.HomeScreenPanel.setActiveItem(dataObj.views.worldPanel); // CORRECT SYNTAX????
hello : function(dataObj) {
'hello button pressed',
MyApp.views.HomeScreenPanel.setActiveItem(dataObj.views.helloPanel); // CORRECT SYNTAX?????
It is probably just a scope issue. try:
exerciseListPanel = MyApp.views.HomeScreenPanel.items.items[0];
In this context this is probably the button.
Items is a MixedCollection so use the get function.!/api/Ext.util.MixedCollection
Bit late but for anyone else googling in the future ;)