Uploading data from website to Azure Storage and Azure SQL - sql

I am to implement a service such the user can upload files to azure storage, and also store the meta data in a azure sql database.
Lets say the user want to upload 1gb of data, is it then needed to be send to the webservice first and then from service to azure storage? Is there a way to initiate the upload and then the user sends the data directly to the server with azure storage?
I think i read something like that but cant find it now and not sure what to search for on google.

Yes this is possible but you'll need to use a client side technology which can talk to the REST API, like Silverlight for example. Steve Marx did a series of blog posts explaining how you can leverage Silverlight and the REST API to upload files to blob storage (even very large files): Uploading Windows Azure Blobs from Silverlight – Part 3: Handling Big Files by Using the Block APIs. And a Silverlight control is very easy to integrate in an existing website.


Adding images to Azure QnAMaker KB

Reading several posts on adding images to QnAMaker KBs, these URLs all have to be externally accessible, like on Google images. How can I add an image available on my company intranet?
I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but the easiest way to do this may be to copy and host the images on an Azure App Service. It creates more overhead, especially if these images get updated with any frequency.
I'm assuming you already have an App Service Plan running your QnA Maker Bot. You can create a new App Service on the same plan so that you don't incur any incremental cost. Just upload the images onto the app service and you'll be able to access them from QnA Maker or any other application. There are a lot of ways to get the images there. Personally I use Azure DevOps Repos to manage the code/images, but any source control app could work; I'd recommend using something Azure Deployment Center can integrate with directly. You can use the Kudu build service to deploy the web app, no Azure Release Pipeline or other deployment methods necessary.
I'm wondering though, if your users are internal to the company, couldn't you link to the images on your intranet anyway? If they are behind your firewall the images should still load even if Azure itself doesn't have access to it (because all you're providing in QnA Maker is the URL). I'm assuming you're asking because the bot is for users external to your company, but I figured I'd throw that out there.

Cloud and REST API based Recording and storing to Google bucket or AWS S3

I need to do cloud based recording. I need to take all video+audio streams of all clients. Then push to AWS S3 or Gcloud bucket or Agora storage itself. I need to do it through API since I have some criteria and also I need to organize the uploaded data in specific folder names.
I did not see any specific function in agora service to do so. Should I take copy of localstream and handle it on my own? If so, I hope it does not come in the way of agora functionality.. Please share if any sample project. Just to emphasize- I am not looking for on-premise SDK. I need to do it through REST. I use angular 8. I could write my own REST server (to deal cloud of my choice) if really needed.
Background study done-
In agora.IO documentation, I see lot of documentation about on-premise recording. I did not see any reference for cloud based recording. I checked the agora.IO documentation and also angular code which includes agora service component. Angular sample works fine. But I did not understand how to take the stream and upload to my cloud storage. I am concerned that it might impact the streaming and playback of agora. To handle this , I thought you might have specific guideline or library.
There is a new Cloud Recording API in beta that Agora is offering that can connect to the channel and record the streams (configured by RESTful API) directly to your S3 bucket, currently GCP is not supported.
This is an add-on feature so it's not enabled by default and not available to be enabled through the dashboard, it needs to be enabled by the Agora team. Please Join the Agora Community Slack and send me a direct message with the AppID for which you wish to enable with this feature and I can get you into the beta program.

Azure SQL Database Vs Azure Mobile Services

I am trying to port my Android application into a Cloud based one. Where I wanted the data stored in cloud. I am a .NET guy so looking into Azure. I see Azure Mobile services which allows me to create tables and ability to authenticate. I also Looked into Azure SQL database.
I would like to know what is the difference between these two services and what are the scenarios using mobile services gives values than using Azure SQL database
Actually, the tables you see listed in Azure Mobile Services are actually tables that are in an Azure SQL Database instance. The Mobile Services provides an abstraction layer on top of the tables in SQL Server. If you use the current JavaScript back-ended mobile services you'll see the table in the management portal and it uses the dynamic nature of JavaScript to provide what appears to be a NoSQL like experience with Azure SQL DB in that you can send in an object and properties it doesn't recognize will be added to the table schema (you turn this off when you ship to production :) ). The big thing to remember is that under the hood the database is an Azure SQL DB, so you should have access and do anything via the one created by Azure Mobile Services as you can with the raw Azure SQL DB.
By using Azure Mobile Services you get an API hosting layer that you can use to do direct access to the tables (based on the permissions you hinted at) but also to just about anything utilizing the custom API feature.
If you chose to bypass the Azure Mobile Services you'd likely want to have some API layer between your Android app and the data for a variety of reasons (security, abstraction of data location, etc.). In which case you'd have to write and host that API layer somewhere. Other options within Azure would be a Web API site in Azure Web Sites, an API hosted in an Azure Cloud Service or all the way up to an Azure VM; however, as you slide up that scale you're taking on more and more responsibility and work.
The scenario that is useful to use Azure Mobile Services over the Azure SQL DB is pretty much the scenario you have. You don't have to maintain your own hosting API layer, just the code the API layer executes. You can scale an necessary (to a very large scale indeed) and also get features like the push notifications and web jobs (though those are also things you can do via other services in Azure if you'd like). Thinks of Azure Mobile Services as a higher level grouping of Azure services that are helpful to mobile developers.
Mobile services provide you with built-in push notification features and other such mobile friendly features too. They are more mobile oriented in a way.

windows azure media service for storing, Retrieving, Version etc..

Can we perform below task on Windows Azure Media Service that is
storing, Retrieving,maintaining Version of Video, Permission handling, Searching for the video
for each tenant on the SaaS environment
Currently Azure Media services providing infrastructure to ingest, encode and deliver media assets. Complex metadata, versioning, access control and additional content management functionality can be extended by third party providers or in your application.
Short answer that for now Windows Azure Media Service is not positioned as CMS system with listed in your question functionality.
You can use Asset.AlternativeId to store any keys from external system which can be built on top of Windows Azure Media Service.

Windows Azure - sql database with api

I have SOAP services with data. I want to download all data from that service and upload it to my own server and then use these data from my server (don't worry I have permission for that). I want to do it because now I don't have function from that service which I need.
I want to use Windows Azure for this and I think SQL Database scenario would be best. Now I have classes for previous SOAP service so I think EF Code first would help me with creating database and I upload data somehow. But what about API? How can I access my data from windows phone or tablet? Is azure database enought or I must create more? Is there any good article for that?
I think what you are saying, is that you are aggregating data from several sources and storing the information in your own database. And, you would like your database to be Azure Database. Then, you want to build an API to expose the data you retrieved.
If this is indeed your goal, then yes, Azure will do everything you need. I'd recommend checking out Web API in conjunction with your Azure deployment. I've used this scheme with some success over the past year.
Warning: You should know that Azure Database does not have an SLA which means that Microsoft does not guarantee any level of performance including transactions/second. This means that if your API has a high load, you could end up getting throttled heavily in an unpredictable way. I've been bitten by this before and ended up moving my data to Azure Table Storage instead.
Windows Azure gives you a few options to expose an API to your mobile clients:
You could build an API yourself with the ASP.NET Web API (and use SQL Azure as backend): Mobile-friendly REST service using ASP.NET Web API and SQL Database
You can use Windows Azure Mobile Services, this does all the heavy lifting of building a backend for you