All glassfish login modules stopped working after container reboot - authentication

This is expanded version of another login module problem I had. I diagnosed some more important details which encouraged me to start new thread. It occurres that after Glassfish reboot all login modules stopped working. What is even funnier, Glassfish reports that modules where loaded correctly.
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.698+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Initializing configured realms from SecurityService in Domain.xml....|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.710+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=init;|FileRealm : file={glass_home}/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/admin-keyfile|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.710+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=init;|FileRealm : jaas-context=fileRealm|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.711+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=loadKeyFile;|Reading file realm: {glass_home}/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/admin-keyfile|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.713+0200|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|SEC1115: Realm [admin-realm] of classtype [] successfully created.|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.713+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Configured realm: admin-realm|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.714+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=init;|FileRealm : file={glass_home}/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/keyfile|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.714+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=init;|FileRealm : jaas-context=fileRealm|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.715+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=loadKeyFile;|Reading file realm: {glass_home}/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/keyfile|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.715+0200|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|SEC1115: Realm [file] of classtype [] successfully created.|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.715+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Configured realm: file|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.717+0200|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|SEC1115: Realm [certificate] of classtype [] successfully created.|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.718+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Configured realm: certificate|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.757+0200|FINEST|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=init;|JDBCRealm : jaas-context= jdbcRealm, datasource-jndi = jdbc/mysql-zus, db-user = null, digest-algorithm = MD5, encoding = Hex, charset = UTF-8|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.758+0200|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|SEC1115: Realm [ShibUserPassAuth] of classtype [] successfully created.|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.758+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Configured realm: ShibUserPassAuth|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.758+0200|FINE|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;;MethodName=createRealms;|Default realm is set to: ShibUserPassAuth|#]
[#|2012-09-05T16:40:59.762+0200|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|SEC1011: Security Service(s) Started Successfully|#]
But I am unable to use any of secure realms, during basic authentication.
I tried both custom jdbcRealm and preconfigured fileRealm with new user
It ends up with this: No LoginModules configured for jdbcRealm
and this No LoginModules configured for fileRealm
More over I can't even use more sophisticated asadmin commands, because I received "unauthorised wrong login or password" and in server.log
No LoginModule configured for fileRealm
I checked LoginContext implementation and it looks like that
AppConfigurationEntry[] entries = config.getAppConfigurationEntry (name);
is constantly going wrong way, and null is returned.
I don't manipulate config files by hand. Can I somehow corrupt on of them in a way that block LoginModules?
Which configuration file is being read by ConfigurationEntry above?
Before this unfortunate reboot problem with the MySQL database occurred. There were more available for the Glassfish connection pool, than database permits. After killing connections from database, changing connection numbers for appropriate I rebooted container and everything collapsed.
login.conf exist in domain dir and looks ok.
Hope for help

Paraphrasing Catherine Zeta Jones and Liza Minnelli before her i will say
"and All that JAAS...".
It occurs that one of third party aplications was loading it's own login.conf file for JAAS module, which destroyed all Glassfish login modules. This situation occurs after container reboot when secondary configuration file was being loaded. Funny thing, Glassfish was able to load it's own file properly, show off in logs... and then overwrite it malicious configuration. Watch your configuration files!


sonarqube 5.6 & LDAP 2.0 failing to authenticate

I am testing an upgrade to sonarqube 5.6 and have installed the ldap 2.0 plugin & copied the relevant configuration forward to my test 5.6 setup.
The relevant config is
I have the following set in conf/
On startup I see
2016.07.26 23:57:29 INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapContextFactory] Test LDAP connection on ldaps://xxxx:636: OK
2016.07.26 23:57:29 INFO web[org.sonar.INFO] Security realm started
If I attempt to login, I get "Authentication failed" on the login screen.
The log file says nothing other than
2016.07.26 23:57:47 DEBUG web[http] GET / | time=67ms
2016.07.26 23:57:47 DEBUG web[http] GET / | time=187ms
2016.07.26 23:57:47 DEBUG web[http] GET /sessions/new | time=89ms
2016.07.26 23:57:53 DEBUG web[http] POST /sessions/login | time=71ms
The same configuration works fine with sonarqube 4.5.7 and ldap 1.4
Ideas welcome on how to investigate further.
You're most likely hitting known issue SONAR-7770 - Authentication fails if LDAP configuration has been forgotten during the upgrade . Note that an Upgrade Note was issued for this problem:
Most specifically, don't forget to copy the related SonarQube plugin and its related configuration in "conf/" (including "" and "" if present) into the new SonarQube instance otherwise you will be locked out after migration.
So it's important that this LDAP configuration is there even during the upgrade. If you did miss that then the easiest way forward here is to replay the upgrade with the LDAP-related configuration correctly set.
Keep in mind that during an upgrade SonarQube updates the dataset and also stores new information in database (based on new features). The problem in your case would be that the upgrade was done with a partial config (which didn't set and , and SonarQube couldn't figure out whether users were local or not, hence treating them as local by default. Local users are not authenticated against external authentication providers but locally, which is indeed what we're seeing in your logs (and it's obviously failing because the password lives in LDAP server, not in SonarQube database).
I fixed it by manually updating the users database table of SonarQube, asumming that all other users are managed by LDAP and just the admin is a local user:
UPDATE sonarqube_production.users SET user_local = 0, external_identity_provider = 'ldap' WHERE id != 'admin';
Little fix to Schakko query above, it should be with login not with id:
UPDATE users SET user_local = 0, external_identity_provider = 'ldap' WHERE login != 'admin';

EJB Timer Service is not available, undeployment failed for context

I have the following code:
package ejbs;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Timeout;
import javax.ejb.Timer;
import javax.ejb.TimerConfig;
import javax.ejb.TimerService;
public class timerbackup {
private TimerService timerservice;
public void methodTimeout(Timer timer)
public void settimer(long in)
Timer timer=timerservice.createSingleActionTimer(in,new TimerConfig());
After deploying the application appeared the error message "EJB Timer Service is not available".
To solve the problem i followed these steps:
Access the glash fish admin console (http://localhost:4848)
Go to Configurations->server-config->EJB Container
Select the tab EJB Timer Service
Then fill out Timer Datasource: with your JDBC Resource (i used "jdbc/projecto_final")
Restart the server
As suggested in Set/configure the EJB Timer Service’s DataSource.
This resulted but after sometime the TimerService stopped working. After deploying the application appears the following error messages:
Severe: Exception while loading the app
Severe: Undeployment failed for context /ProjetoEE1
Info: /file:/E:/formacaoJAVA/2moduloJEE/pratica/projecto_final /projfinal2/ProjetoEE1/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/_DEFAULT_PU logout successful
Warning: EJB Timer Service is not available. Timers for application with id 96332697224871936 will not be deleted
The Set/configure the EJB Timer Service’s DataSource also mention this problem, and present a solution in Glassfish DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for.
The solutions presented in Glassfish DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for consists basically in delete some files. The answer more voted suggests basically the following:
Stoped the Glassfish server
Deleted all the content from glassfishhome/glassfish/domains/ yourdomainname/generated
Started Glassfish
I have installed the "GlassFish Server 4.1.1", and this doesn´t work.
The second answer more voted suggests the basically the following:
1.All that's needed to fix this problem is delete the entire OSGi cache under $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/domains//osgi-cache
This also doesn´t work.
What i can do? Any help will be very appreciate
Best regards,
Rafael Costa
I have solved the "same" problem in
deleting glassfish/domains/domain-name/generated folder completely
building application again
restarting glassfish application
In my case, I have installed a new version of my application after a Pull/Push operation with GIT and my application has stopped to work. So I know that before this new build my application worked well and that nothing has been changed on Glassfish.
I have found some explanation on another following site
The Glassfish application server uses its embedded JAVADB to persist the state of its available EJB timers. Not setting the data resource for the timer service correctly prevents the EJB timers from being restored and eventually from functioning properly. In this case, normally the “EJB timer service not available” error message is returned. This problem prevents any application that uses an EJB timer service from being started or deployed.
There are two procedures available to overcome such blocking situations:
The first solution is to go to JDBC connection pools and double check the health of the Timerpool connection pool by pinging it. If the ping fails then the connection pool needs to be checked or to be redefined.
If pinging the connection pool is successful, then the problem could be the presence of the EJB timer marker file. A marker file is created whenever a problem occurs during the EJB timer service start-up or restore.
Deleting the marker will solve the problem. The marker file "ejb-timer-service-app" located under as-install-parent/glassfish/domains/domain-name/generated/ejb/. Dont forget to restart Glassfish !
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
It worked for me. I'm using Derby database is it the case for you?
I solved the problem. If i remenber, i created a new JDBC resource and a new JDBC Connection Pool.
The following link explains how to create a JDBC resource and a JDBC Connection Pool.
General Steps for Creating a JDBC Resource
The JDBC resource and the JDBC Connection Pool can be created using the admin console or the asadmin utility.
The following link explains how to use the asadmin utility.Using the asadmin Utility
(I used this utility because in the admin console when i tried to create a JDBC resource and a JDBC Connection Pool appeared an error)
In the admin console, in the created JDBC Resource the field "Pool Name" should equals the name of the created JDBC Connection Pool.
After that i followed these steps:
Configurations->server-config->EJB Container
Select the tab EJB Timer Service
Fill the field Timer Datasource with the name of the JDBC resource.
Restart the server
Any question please feel free.
Best Regards Rafael Santos Costa
Hello I met the same problem if you have glassfish 4.1.1 there is probably an instability in the server with respect to timer.
Solution: update glassfish 4.1 to glassfish 5 and deploy the web application in this new server

Can't connect SonarQube to LDAP directory for user mapping

I'm trying to set up the user mapping on SonarQube (Latest) so it can fetch the organizational structure from LDAP.
I already installed the LDAP plugin on Sonar (1.5.1), and created a minimal configuration to connect the two:
# General Configuration
# User Mapping
All my users are under the domain:
But then, as I try to login to Sonar using the LDAP entries I get the following error on the logs:
Error from external users provider: exception Java::OrgSonarApiUtils::SonarException: Unable to retrieve details for user dev1 in <default>
Which is pretty frustrating, since all those properties are configured on the configuration file above.
Any ideas about the source of this issue?
I found this when I increased the log depth to DEBUG:
2016.01.25 05:54:27 DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapContextFactory] Initializing LDAP context {java.naming.provider.url=ldap://ldap:389, java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory, com.sun.jndi.ld
ap.connect.pool=true,, java.naming.referral=follow}
2016.01.25 05:54:27 DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapUsersProvider] integer expected inside {}: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={uid})) integer expected inside {}: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={uid}))
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.dir.SearchFilter.format( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_search( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
I don't see why is an integer supposed to be expected between the {}'s, and that doesn't make much sense compared to my LDAP structure.
Try to set ldap.user.request to (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={login}) (instead of using (uid={uid})).
The LDAP Plugin does not recognise {uid} and therefore doesn't know what to do with it. It then passes it to the LDAP javax.naming API, which chokes on this. This behaviour is made explicit at SonarQube startup (logs in my case):
INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapSettingsManager] User mapping: LdapUserMapping{baseDn=cn=employees,dc=example,dc=org, request=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={uid})), realNameAttribute=cn, emailAttribute=mail}
Using {login} instead (keyword shown in the documented default values) will let the LDAP Plugin build a well-formed request with a {0}:
INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapSettingsManager] User mapping: LdapUserMapping{baseDn=cn=employees,dc=example,dc=org, request=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0})), realNameAttribute=cn, emailAttribute=mail}
The javax.naming API will then replace this {0} by a parameter which SonarQube will set to the actual username value you fill in the login form.

WebLogic Portal VCR IllegalMonitorStateException connection to JSR-170 Repository

We have recently upgraded from WebLogic Portal 9.2.3 to 10.3.5. We have a JackRabbit repository connected through the Day Software JSR-170 VCR-JCR provider. This has all worked perfectly fine on 9.2.3, but on 10.3.5 we are getting a IllegalMonitorStateException when we try to retrieve content. We have out own facade on top of JackRabbit, that implements the JCR-170. Here is the debug out from the server:
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2b70161: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2bf2311: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2fa5952: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <anonymous>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():801] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2fa5952: no session found for repoName=indhold; need to connect
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():821] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2fa5952: connect write lock acquired for repoName=indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository():875] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2fa5952: connecting to repositoryName= indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass():1503] invoking Class.forName(repoClassName)
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository():1403] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate#2fa5952: Ticket authentication error for: indhold java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$Sync.tryReleaseShared(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.releaseShared(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock.unlock(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connect(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryHelper.checkCapability(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.CapabilityManagerImpl.checkRepositoryCapability(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.checkCapability(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.verifyCapability(
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.NodeManagerImpl.getNode(
at dk.skat.portal.front.helper.ContentHelper.getNode(
It seems that authenticationn fails, but if I try to set a break-point in the login methods in the repository (our Facade, which doesn't do any authentication challenge, but just wraps JackRabbit, and logs in the same user - "default" - for all access), we are never getting called. Setting the username and password on the Manage Repositories page, doesn't seem to have any effect.
If I on the other hand go to Portal Administration Console, and try to manage or browse the repository, everything works fine, and the login methods are actually called, and the server connects fine to the repository.
This seems very strange. In cetain cases (that happens to happen randomly, we can get the server to all of a sudden get to the repository, but on restart of the server, it is again back to failing).
I've tried to set username/password for the repository to the weblogic user, but that doesn't seem to have any effect, I still get the error.
Furthermore when I've been into the PAC, and logs out, closes the browser, reopen the browser or a completely different browser, the entering of PAC seems to activate the repository to become online (though this is not stable or desired).
Please advice, if there is a bug in WebLogic (it seems it tries to unlock() the ReadLock too many times, resulting in the mentioned exception - should it at all fail on that exception??, Should the lock-count be checked before unlocking?), or if w are doing anything wrong? I can read that there is a known bug in the eclipse tooling for 10.3.5 about exactly this error.
Furthermore, we didn't seem to have any trouble in 9.2.3, what changed in 10.3.5?
Had same issue, found solution here
In short, it is a product bug, request following patch from Oracle:
WLP Version: 10.3.5
Patch Name/Patch Number/Bug Number: 14377862
Smart Update Patch ID: HPV8

JAAS - isUserInRole returns false for all roles in Tomcat

Here is the issue,
The JAAS realm connects to the database fine, the user name and password match, the session is authenticated. HOWEVER, none of the roles seem to be getting into the Principal. Tomcat's isInUserRole returns false for every role, and tomcat security doesn't see them either.
Here is the realm configuration in the Server.xml
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm"
roleClassNames="" />
Here is the login.config
{ required
loginQuery="SELECT UserID,Password FROM Users WHERE LogonUserName=? AND RetirementDate is null"
rolesQuery="SELECT Role.RoleDescription FROM User_Role,Role WHERE User_Role.UserID=? AND User_Role.RoleID=Role.RoleID";
And in I refer to the configuration like this
When start the application I do get the following message in the Debug output, not sure why as all classes should be accessible by the server
SEVERE: Class not found! Class not added.
Any help would be appreciated. I have already read post after post and tutorial after tutorial, and those who do have this problem, don't have solution posted.
Btw, I am using Tomcat 5.5, not my choice, legacy code, you know how it is! I also using the OWASP login module (OWASPJaasLoginModule.jar). This jar file is located in the server/lib directory.
Okay... I solved it myself... again, VERY STUPID! If this was my code I would be mad at myself, but it is not, and after 4 days of screwing around with this app, I am close to fed up. The problem was that the CLASS is not