Jquery trigger when PDF file downloaded - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using wicked_pdf plug-in for generating pdf. I am showing message and spinner when user click on pdf link and i want to hide that when pdf is generated and pushed to browser for download/show. I have added jquery code on body onload which will not execute. Is there any other way to trigger jquery function when pdf file pushed to browser?

This is a rather complicated issue, but can be solved nicely if you are willing to use jQuery plugins. http://jqueryfiledownload.apphb.com/ is a plugin that can do exactly what you need if I understood you correctly.
My frontend code looks like this
$.fileDownload('/Content/Print', {
successCallback: function (url) {
failCallback: function (responseHtml, url) {
if (responseHtml.indexOf('Error403') != -1) {
$("#PrintingFailedMessage").html("Error 403.");
} else if (responseHtml.indexOf('Error500') != -1) {
$("#PrintingFailedMessage").html("Error 500.");
$("#PrintingFailedMessage").dialog({ modal: true });
httpMethod: "POST",
data: $('#PublishForm').serialize()
And my backend does this at the end of the process. You'll have to translate that yourself :)
Response.SetCookie(new System.Web.HttpCookie("fileDownload", "true") { Path = "/" });
return File(file, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, filename);


Uploading image [Cypress]

I'm trying to upload a jpeg image from local files to a webpage developed here in my job. The thing is, we need to click on the page to open the file explorer and then select the image (or drag and drop into the same spot that may be clicked).
Here is a picture from the web page
I don't know how could i do that, i was trying some code that i've seen in "https://medium.com/#chrisbautistaaa/adding-image-fixtures-in-cypress-a88787daac9c". But don't worked. I actually don't know how it works exactly, could anyone help me?
Here is my code
After #brendan's help, I was able to solve the problem by finding an input that was "hidden" under an element. However, before that I tried drag-n-drop, and cypress returned me an error (despite the successful upload). The context was, immediately after the upload, the element re-renders and cypress told me that:
Beside the success with input element, i was wondering how it would be possible to resolve this error, is it possible to do something internally to cypress to ignore or wait until the element re-renders back to normal?
Solutions suggested by cypress:
We're doing this using cypress-file-upload
Here's an example from our code:
cy.fixture(fileName).then(fileContent => {
{ fileContent, fileName, mimeType: "application/pdf" },
{ subjectType: "drag-n-drop" }
For your purpose, I think this will work:
cy.fixture(imagePath).then(fileContent => {
{ fileContent, fileName, mimeType: "image/jpeg" },
{ subjectType: "drag-n-drop" }

Cypress - run test in iframe

I'm trying to find elements in iframe but it doesn't work.
Is there anyone who have some system to run tests with Cypress in iframe? Some way to get in iframe and work in there.
It's a known issue mentioned here. You can create your own custom cypress command which mocks the iframe feature. Add following function to your cypress/support/commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('iframe', { prevSubject: 'element' }, ($iframe, selector) => {
name: 'iframe',
consoleProps() {
return {
iframe: $iframe,
return new Cypress.Promise(resolve => {
Then you can use it like this:
.iframe('body #elementToFind')
Also, because of CORS/same-origin policy reasons, you might have to set chromeWebSecurity to false in cypress.json (Setting chromeWebSecurity to false allows you to access cross-origin iframes that are embedded in your application and also navigate to any superdomain without cross-origin errors).
This is a workaround though, it worked for me locally but not during CI runs.
This works for me locally and via CI. Credit: Gleb Bahmutov iframes blog post
export const getIframeBody = (locator) => {
// get the iframe > document > body
// and retry until the body element is not empty
return cy
// wraps "body" DOM element to allow
// chaining more Cypress commands, like ".find(...)"
// https://on.cypress.io/wrap
spec file:
let iframeStripe = 'iframe[name="stripe_checkout_app"]'
getIframeBody(iframeStripe).find('button[type="submit"] .Button-content > span').should('have.text', `Buy me`)
that is correct. Cypress doesn't support Iframes. It is simple not possible at the moment. You can follow (and upvote) this ticket: https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/136

Sencha Touch 2: get dynamic url corresponding to clicked element in a list

I am trying to dynamically retrieve the url after clicking on an item in a list.
The objective is to open the html page corresponding to clicked element.
Here is the code used:
requires: ['Ext.Ajax'],
config: {
listeners: {
activate: 'onActivate'
url: 'MyHtml.html' // Work fine if statically
url: '{link}', // But this doesn't work dynamically
tpl:'<h1>{link}</h1>' // However the desired data is displayed right here
onActivate: function(me, container) {
url: this.getUrl(),
method: "GET",
success: function(response, request) {
failure: function(response, request) {
me.setHtml("failed -- response: " + response.responseText);
Do you have an idea?
Thanks in advance for your help.
{link} works in tpl because the tpl property handles the string like an XTemplate. Your (custom) url property is just handled like a string.
Where exactly is {link} coming from? Since you are using a standard panel, I can only assume you are setting the data property on the panel with this link value. If so, just set the url at the same time via setUrl. Otherwise add a listener on updatedata, so that whenever your template data changes the listener is called and you can update the url.

IE 11 (or 10) kendo ui file upload will not upload unless I refresh the page (ctrl-F5)

Environment specifics:
MVC4 app
Kendo UI File Upload
IE 11 (or 10)
Windows Authentication
When I load the view for the application that has the file upload kendo tool in IE the file upload returns a 401 unauthorized error (traced from server). If I refresh the page (ctrl-F5) then the tool works fine. This tool works fine with Chrome.
any idea why or how to fix?
you will not believe the insanity I had to go through to get a solution to this:
I dropped a document ready jquery snippit at the end of the document to force it to authenticate an action on my controller.
<div id="checkauth" style="display: none;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
url: '\AcceptanceFileValidator\CheckAuth'
}).done(function (d) {
and on the controller:
public JsonResult CheckAuth()
return Json(new { uid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

ExtJS4 - How to make an initial entry to a site with param data?

I have an ExtJS4 site www.mysite.com where I serve index.html when a user enter the site. I want the user to be able to access the site with some param data redirected from another site. For example, www.mysite.com?q=10
How do I capture q=10 which I will use to retrieve some data from the database?
How do I send index.html so that browser retrieves javascript and css files. Once all the javascript and css files are loaded, I need to render a page displaying the result from the database?
To get the url parameters I've done this :
var getParams = document.URL.split("?");
var params = Ext.urlDecode(getParams[getParams.length - 1]);
console.log(params.q) // you should see 10 being printed
If index.html is gonna come with some param in the url you can use the launch method to do an ajax request and bassed on that response render something
name : 'MyAppWithDynamicFirstPage',
launch : function() {
var getParams = document.URL.split("?");
var params = Ext.urlDecode(getParams[getParams.length - 1]);
var q = params.q;
url: 'someServlet/getViewToRender',
params: {
'q': q
success: function(response, opts) {
//bassed on this you would do something else like render some specific panel on your viewport
failure: function(response, opts) {
console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);
I hope this was of some help.
Best regards.
Depends of your web server, programming language and architecture
Usually first ExtJs is loading with all js/css. After it loaded, data loads asynchronously from the server. But if you exactly know what are you doing, you can render your data into a global variable inside a script tag and then use it in the code.